119 research outputs found

    A new mirror-based extrinsic camera calibration using an orthogonality constraint

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    This paper is aimed at calibrating the relative posture and position, i.e. extrinsic parameters, of a stationary cam-era against a 3D reference object which is not directly visi-ble from the camera. We capture the reference object via a mirror under three different unknown poses, and then cali-brate the extrinsic parameters from 2D appearances of re-flections of the reference object in the mirrors. The key contribution of this paper is to present a new al-gorithm which returns a unique solution of three P3P prob-lems from three mirrored images. While each P3P problem has up to four solutions and therefore a set of three P3P problems has up to 64 solutions, our method can select a solution based on an orthogonality constraint which should be satisfied by all families of reflections of a single reference object. In addition we propose a new scheme to compute the extrinsic parameters by solving a large system of linear equations. These two points enable us to provide a unique and robust solution. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method against a state-of-the-art by qualitative and quantitative evaluations using synthesized and real data. 1

    A New Method and Toolbox for Easily Calibrating Omnidirectional Cameras

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    In this paper, we focus on calibration of central omnidirectional cameras, both dioptric and catadioptric. We describe our novel camera model and algorithm and provide a practical Matlab Toolbox, which implements the proposed method. Our method relies on the use of a planar grid that is shown by the user at different unknown positions and orientations. The user is only asked to click on the corner points of the images of this grid. Then, calibration is quickly and automatically performed. In contrast with previous approaches, we do not use any specific model of the omnidirectional sensor. Conversely, we assume that the imaging function can be described by a polynomial approximation whose coefficients are estimated by solving a linear least squares minimization problem followed by a non-linear refinement. The performance of the approach is shown through several calibration experiments on both simulated and real data. The proposed algorithm is implemented as a Matlab Toolbox, which allows any inexpert user to easily calibrate his own camera. The toolbox is completely Open Source and is freely downloadable from the author's Web page

    Mirror-Aware Neural Humans

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    Human motion capture either requires multi-camera systems or is unreliable using single-view input due to depth ambiguities. Meanwhile, mirrors are readily available in urban environments and form an affordable alternative by recording two views with only a single camera. However, the mirror setting poses the additional challenge of handling occlusions of real and mirror image. Going beyond existing mirror approaches for 3D human pose estimation, we utilize mirrors for learning a complete body model, including shape and dense appearance. Our main contributions are extending articulated neural radiance fields to include a notion of a mirror, making it sample-efficient over potential occlusion regions. Together, our contributions realize a consumer-level 3D motion capture system that starts from off-the-shelf 2D poses by automatically calibrating the camera, estimating mirror orientation, and subsequently lifting 2D keypoint detections to 3D skeleton pose that is used to condition the mirror-aware NeRF. We empirically demonstrate the benefit of learning a body model and accounting for occlusion in challenging mirror scenes.Comment: Project website: https://danielajisafe.github.io/mirror-aware-neural-humans

    A full photometric and geometric model for attached webcam/matte screen devices

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    International audienceWe present a thorough photometric and geometric study of the multimedia devices composed of both a matte screen and an attached camera, where it is shown that the light emitted by an image displayed on the monitor can be expressed in closed-form at any point facing the screen, and that the geometric calibration of the camera attached to the screen can be simplified by introducing simple geometric constraints. These theoretical contributions are experimentally validated in a photometric stereo application with extended sources, where a colored scene is reconstructed while watching a collection of graylevel images displayed on the screen, providing a cheap and entertaining way to acquire realistic 3D-representations for, e.g., augmented reality

    A Fast and Robust Extrinsic Calibration for RGB-D Camera Networks

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    From object tracking to 3D reconstruction, RGB-Depth (RGB-D) camera networks play an increasingly important role in many vision and graphics applications. Practical applications often use sparsely-placed cameras to maximize visibility, while using as few cameras as possible to minimize cost. In general, it is challenging to calibrate sparse camera networks due to the lack of shared scene features across different camera views. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can accurately and rapidly calibrate the geometric relationships across an arbitrary number of RGB-D cameras on a network. Our work has a number of novel features. First, to cope with the wide separation between different cameras, we establish view correspondences by using a spherical calibration object. We show that this approach outperforms other techniques based on planar calibration objects. Second, instead of modeling camera extrinsic calibration using rigid transformation, which is optimal only for pinhole cameras, we systematically test different view transformation functions including rigid transformation, polynomial transformation and manifold regression to determine the most robust mapping that generalizes well to unseen data. Third, we reformulate the celebrated bundle adjustment procedure to minimize the global 3D reprojection error so as to fine-tune the initial estimates. Finally, our scalable client-server architecture is computationally efficient: the calibration of a five-camera system, including data capture, can be done in minutes using only commodity PCs. Our proposed framework is compared with other state-of-the-arts systems using both quantitative measurements and visual alignment results of the merged point clouds

    Computational Multimedia for Video Self Modeling

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    Video self modeling (VSM) is a behavioral intervention technique in which a learner models a target behavior by watching a video of oneself. This is the idea behind the psychological theory of self-efficacy - you can learn or model to perform certain tasks because you see yourself doing it, which provides the most ideal form of behavior modeling. The effectiveness of VSM has been demonstrated for many different types of disabilities and behavioral problems ranging from stuttering, inappropriate social behaviors, autism, selective mutism to sports training. However, there is an inherent difficulty associated with the production of VSM material. Prolonged and persistent video recording is required to capture the rare, if not existed at all, snippets that can be used to string together in forming novel video sequences of the target skill. To solve this problem, in this dissertation, we use computational multimedia techniques to facilitate the creation of synthetic visual content for self-modeling that can be used by a learner and his/her therapist with a minimum amount of training data. There are three major technical contributions in my research. First, I developed an Adaptive Video Re-sampling algorithm to synthesize realistic lip-synchronized video with minimal motion jitter. Second, to denoise and complete the depth map captured by structure-light sensing systems, I introduced a layer based probabilistic model to account for various types of uncertainties in the depth measurement. Third, I developed a simple and robust bundle-adjustment based framework for calibrating a network of multiple wide baseline RGB and depth cameras
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