26 research outputs found

    Backdoor Smoothing: Demystifying Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

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    Backdoor attacks mislead machine-learning models to output an attacker-specified class when presented a specific trigger at test time. These attacks require poisoning the training data to compromise the learning algorithm, e.g., by injecting poisoning samples containing the trigger into the training set, along with the desired class label. Despite the increasing number of studies on backdoor attacks and defenses, the underlying factors affecting the success of backdoor attacks, along with their impact on the learning algorithm, are not yet well understood. In this work, we aim to shed light on this issue by unveiling that backdoor attacks induce a smoother decision function around the triggered samples -- a phenomenon which we refer to as \textit{backdoor smoothing}. To quantify backdoor smoothing, we define a measure that evaluates the uncertainty associated to the predictions of a classifier around the input samples. Our experiments show that smoothness increases when the trigger is added to the input samples, and that this phenomenon is more pronounced for more successful attacks. We also provide preliminary evidence that backdoor triggers are not the only smoothing-inducing patterns, but that also other artificial patterns can be detected by our approach, paving the way towards understanding the limitations of current defenses and designing novel ones.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, under submissio

    Towards Scalable, Private and Practical Deep Learning

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    Deep Learning (DL) models have drastically improved the performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks such as image recognition, word prediction, translation, among many others, on which traditional Machine Learning (ML) models fall short. However, DL models are costly to design, train, and deploy due to their computing and memory demands. Designing DL models usually requires extensive expertise and significant manual tuning efforts. Even with the latest accelerators such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), training DL models can take prohibitively long time, therefore training large DL models in a distributed manner is a norm. Massive amount of data is made available thanks to the prevalence of mobile and internet-of-things (IoT) devices. However, regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR limit the access and transmission of personal data to protect security and privacy. Therefore, enabling DL model training in a decentralized but private fashion is urgent and critical. Deploying trained DL models in a real world environment usually requires meeting Quality of Service (QoS) standards, which makes adaptability of DL models an important yet challenging matter.  In this dissertation, we aim to address the above challenges to make a step towards scalable, private, and practical deep learning. To simplify DL model design, we propose Efficient Progressive Neural-Architecture Search (EPNAS) and FedCust to automatically design model architectures and tune hyperparameters, respectively. To provide efficient and robust distributed training while preserving privacy, we design LEASGD, TiFL, and HDFL. We further conduct a study on the security aspect of distributed learning by focusing on how data heterogeneity affects backdoor attacks and how to mitigate such threats. Finally, we use super resolution (SR) as an example application to explore model adaptability for cross platform deployment and dynamic runtime environment. Specifically, we propose DySR and AdaSR frameworks which enable SR models to meet QoS by dynamically adapting to available resources instantly and seamlessly without excessive memory overheads

    FedComm: Federated Learning as a Medium for Covert Communication

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    Proposed as a solution to mitigate the privacy implications related to the adoption of deep learning, Federated Learning (FL) enables large numbers of participants to successfully train deep neural networks without having to reveal the actual private training data. To date, a substantial amount of research has investigated the security and privacy properties of FL, resulting in a plethora of innovative attack and defense strategies. This paper thoroughly investigates the communication capabilities of an FL scheme. In particular, we show that a party involved in the FL learning process can use FL as a covert communication medium to send an arbitrary message. We introduce FedComm, a novel multi-system covert-communication technique that enables robust sharing and transfer of targeted payloads within the FL framework. Our extensive theoretical and empirical evaluations show that FedComm provides a stealthy communication channel, with minimal disruptions to the training process. Our experiments show that FedComm successfully delivers 100% of a payload in the order of kilobits before the FL procedure converges. Our evaluation also shows that FedComm is independent of the application domain and the neural network architecture used by the underlying FL scheme.Comment: 18 page

    Why is Machine Learning Security so hard?

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    The increase of available data and computing power has fueled a wide application of machine learning (ML). At the same time, security concerns are raised: ML models were shown to be easily fooled by slight perturbations on their inputs. Furthermore, by querying a model and analyzing output and input pairs, an attacker can infer the training data or replicate the model, thereby harming the owner’s intellectual property. Also, altering the training data can lure the model into producing specific or generally wrong outputs at test time. So far, none of the attacks studied in the field has been satisfactorily defended. In this work, we shed light on these difficulties. We first consider classifier evasion or adversarial examples. The computation of such examples is an inherent problem, as opposed to a bug that can be fixed. We also show that adversarial examples often transfer from one model to another, different model. Afterwards, we point out that the detection of backdoors (a training-time attack) is hindered as natural backdoor-like patterns occur even in benign neural networks. The question whether a pattern is benign or malicious then turns into a question of intention, which is hard to tackle. A different kind of complexity is added with the large libraries nowadays in use to implement machine learning. We introduce an attack that alters the library, thereby decreasing the accuracy a user can achieve. In case the user is aware of the attack, however, it is straightforward to defeat. This is not the case for most classical attacks described above. Additional difficulty is added if several attacks are studied at once: we show that even if the model is configured for one attack to be less effective, another attack might perform even better. We conclude by pointing out the necessity of understanding the ML model under attack. On the one hand, as we have seen throughout the examples given here, understanding precedes defenses and attacks. On the other hand, an attack, even a failed one, often yields new insights and knowledge about the algorithm studied.This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through funding for the Center for IT-Security,Privacy and Accountability (CISPA) (FKZ: 16KIS0753

    Industrial practitioners' mental models of adversarial machine learning

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    Although machine learning is widely used in practice, little is known about practitioners' understanding of potential security challenges. In this work, we close this substantial gap and contribute a qualitative study focusing on developers' mental models of the machine learning pipeline and potentially vulnerable components. Similar studies have helped in other security fields to discover root causes or improve risk communication. Our study reveals two facets of practitioners' mental models of machine learning security. Firstly, practitioners often confuse machine learning security with threats and defences that are not directly related to machine learning. Secondly, in contrast to most academic research, our participants perceive security of machine learning as not solely related to individual models, but rather in the context of entire workflows that consist of multiple components. Jointly with our additional findings, these two facets provide a foundation to substantiate mental models for machine learning security and have implications for the integration of adversarial machine learning into corporate workflows, decreasing practitioners' reported uncertainty, and appropriate regulatory frameworks for machine learning security

    Integrity, Confidentiality, and Equity: Using Inquiry-Based Labs to help students understand AI and Cybersecurity

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    Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have brought society closer to the long-held dream of creating machines to help with both common and complex tasks and functions. From recommending movies to detecting disease in its earliest stages, AI has become an aspect of daily life many people accept without scrutiny. Despite its functionality and promise, AI has inherent security risks that users should understand and programmers must be trained to address. The ICE (integrity, confidentiality, and equity) cybersecurity labs developed by a team of cybersecurity researchers addresses these vulnerabilities to AI models through a series of hands-on, inquiry-based labs. Through experimenting with and manipulating data models, students can experience firsthand how adversarial samples and bias can degrade the integrity, confidentiality, and equity of deep learning neural networks, as well as implement security measures to mitigate these vulnerabilities. This article addresses the pedagogical approach underpinning the ICE labs, and discusses both sample activities and technological considerations for teachers who want to implement these labs with their students

    Adversarial inference and manipulation of machine learning models

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    Machine learning (ML) has established itself as a core component for various critical applications. However, with this increasing adoption rate of ML models, multiple attacks have emerged targeting different stages of the ML pipeline. Abstractly, the ML pipeline is divided into three phases, including training, updating, and inference. In this thesis, we evaluate the privacy, security, and accountability risks of the three stages of the ML pipeline. Firstly, we explore the inference phase, where the adversary can only access the target model after deployment. In this setting, we explore one of the most severe attacks against ML models, namely the membership inference attack (MIA). We relax all the MIA's key assumptions, thereby showing that such attacks are broadly applicable at low cost and thereby pose a more severe risk than previously thought. Secondly, we study the updating phase. To that end, we propose a new attack surface against ML models, i.e., the change in the output of an ML model before and after being updated. We then introduce four attacks, including data reconstruction ones, against this setting. Thirdly, we explore the training phase, where the adversary interferes with the target model's training. In this setting, we propose the model hijacking attack, in which the adversary can hijack the target model to provide their own illegal task. Finally, we propose different defense mechanisms to mitigate such identified risks.Maschinelles Lernen (ML) hat sich als Kernkomponente fĂŒr verschiedene kritische Anwendungen etabliert. Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von ML-Modellen sind jedoch auch zahlreiche Angriffe auf verschiedene Phasen der ML-Pipeline aufgetreten. Abstrakt betrachtet ist die ML-Pipeline in drei Phasen unterteilt, darunter Training, Update und Inferenz. In dieser Arbeit werden die Datenschutz-, Sicherheits- und Verantwortlichkeitsrisiken der drei Phasen der ML-Pipeline bewertet. ZunĂ€chst untersuchen wir die Inferenzphase. Insbesondere untersuchen wir einen der schwerwiegendsten Angriffe auf ML-Modelle, nĂ€mlich den Membership Inference Attack (MIA). Wir lockern alle Hauptannahmen des MIA und zeigen, dass solche Angriffe mit geringen Kosten breit anwendbar sind und somit ein grĂ¶ĂŸeres Risiko darstellen als bisher angenommen. Zweitens untersuchen wir die Updatephase. Zu diesem Zweck fĂŒhren wir eine neue Angriffsmethode gegen ML-Modelle ein, nĂ€mlich die Änderung der Ausgabe eines ML-Modells vor und nach dem Update. Anschließend stellen wir vier Angriffe vor, einschließlich auch Angriffe zur Datenrekonstruktion, die sich gegen dieses Szenario richten. Drittens untersuchen wir die Trainingsphase. In diesem Zusammenhang schlagen wir den Angriff “Model Hijacking” vor, bei dem der Angreifer das Zielmodell fĂŒr seine eigenen illegalen Zwecke ĂŒbernehmen kann. Schließlich schlagen wir verschiedene Verteidigungsmechanismen vor, um solche Risiken zu entschĂ€rfen

    Terminal Brain Damage: Exposing the Graceless Degradation in Deep Neural Networks Under Hardware Fault Attacks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to tolerate "brain damage": cumulative changes to the network's parameters (e.g., pruning, numerical perturbations) typically result in a graceful degradation of classification accuracy. However, the limits of this natural resilience are not well understood in the presence of small adversarial changes to the DNN parameters' underlying memory representation, such as bit-flips that may be induced by hardware fault attacks. We study the effects of bitwise corruptions on 19 DNN models---six architectures on three image classification tasks---and we show that most models have at least one parameter that, after a specific bit-flip in their bitwise representation, causes an accuracy loss of over 90%. We employ simple heuristics to efficiently identify the parameters likely to be vulnerable. We estimate that 40-50% of the parameters in a model might lead to an accuracy drop greater than 10% when individually subjected to such single-bit perturbations. To demonstrate how an adversary could take advantage of this vulnerability, we study the impact of an exemplary hardware fault attack, Rowhammer, on DNNs. Specifically, we show that a Rowhammer enabled attacker co-located in the same physical machine can inflict significant accuracy drops (up to 99%) even with single bit-flip corruptions and no knowledge of the model. Our results expose the limits of DNNs' resilience against parameter perturbations induced by real-world fault attacks. We conclude by discussing possible mitigations and future research directions towards fault attack-resilient DNNs.Comment: Accepted to USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX) 201

    "Why do so?" -- A Practical Perspective on Machine Learning Security

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    Despite the large body of academic work on machine learning security, little is known about the occurrence of attacks on machine learning systems in the wild. In this paper, we report on a quantitative study with 139 industrial practitioners. We analyze attack occurrence and concern and evaluate statistical hypotheses on factors influencing threat perception and exposure. Our results shed light on real-world attacks on deployed machine learning. On the organizational level, while we find no predictors for threat exposure in our sample, the amount of implement defenses depends on exposure to threats or expected likelihood to become a target. We also provide a detailed analysis of practitioners' replies on the relevance of individual machine learning attacks, unveiling complex concerns like unreliable decision making, business information leakage, and bias introduction into models. Finally, we find that on the individual level, prior knowledge about machine learning security influences threat perception. Our work paves the way for more research about adversarial machine learning in practice, but yields also insights for regulation and auditing.Comment: under submission - 18 pages, 3 tables and 4 figures. Long version of the paper accepted at: New Frontiers of Adversarial Machine Learning@ICM