426 research outputs found

    Interacting "Through the Display"

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    The increasing availability of displays at lower costs has led to a proliferation of such in our everyday lives. Additionally, mobile devices are ready to hand and have been proposed as interaction devices for external screens. However, only their input mechanism was taken into account without considering three additional factors in environments hosting several displays: first, a connection needs to be established to the desired target display (modality). Second, screens in the environment may be re-arranged (flexibility). And third, displays may be out of the user’s reach (distance). In our research we aim to overcome the problems resulting from these characteristics. The overall goal is a new interaction model that allows for (1) a non-modal connection mechanism for impromptu use on various displays in the environment, (2) interaction on and across displays in highly flexible environments, and (3) interacting at variable distances. In this work we propose a new interaction model called through the display interaction which enables users to interact with remote content on their personal device in an absolute and direct fashion. To gain a better understanding of the effects of the additional characteristics, we implemented two prototypes each of which investigates a different distance to the target display: LucidDisplay allows users to place their mobile device directly on top of a larger external screen. MobileVue on the other hand enables users to interact with an external screen at a distance. In each of these prototypes we analyzed their effects on the remaining two criteria – namely the modality of the connection mechanism as well as the flexibility of the environment. With the findings gained in this initial phase we designed Shoot & Copy, a system that allows the detection of screens purely based on their visual content. Users aim their personal device’s camera at the target display which then appears in live video shown in the viewfinder. To select an item, users take a picture which is analyzed to determine the targeted region. We further extended this approach to multiple displays by using a centralized component serving as gateway to the display environment. In Tap & Drop we refined this prototype to support real-time feedback. Instead of taking pictures, users can now aim their mobile device at the display resulting and start interacting immediately. In doing so, we broke the rigid sequential interaction of content selection and content manipulation. Both prototypes allow for (1) connections in a non-modal way (i.e., aim at the display and start interacting with it) from the user’s point of view and (2) fully flexible environments (i.e., the mobile device tracks itself with respect to displays in the environment). However, the wide-angle lenses and thus greater field of views of current mobile devices still do not allow for variable distances. In Touch Projector, we overcome this limitation by introducing zooming in combination with temporarily freezing the video image. Based on our extensions to taxonomy of mobile device interaction on external displays, we created a refined model of interacting through the display for mobile use. It enables users to interact impromptu without explicitly establishing a connection to the target display (non-modal). As the mobile device tracks itself with respect to displays in the environment, the model further allows for full flexibility of the environment (i.e., displays can be re-arranged without affecting on the interaction). And above all, users can interact with external displays regardless of their actual size at variable distances without any loss of accuracy.Die steigende Verfügbarkeit von Bildschirmen hat zu deren Verbreitung in unserem Alltag geführt. Ferner sind mobile Geräte immer griffbereit und wurden bereits als Interaktionsgeräte für zusätzliche Bildschirme vorgeschlagen. Es wurden jedoch nur Eingabemechanismen berücksichtigt ohne näher auf drei weitere Faktoren in Umgebungen mit mehreren Bildschirmen einzugehen: (1) Beide Geräte müssen verbunden werden (Modalität). (2) Bildschirme können in solchen Umgebungen umgeordnet werden (Flexibilität). (3) Monitore können außer Reichweite sein (Distanz). Wir streben an, die Probleme, die durch diese Eigenschaften auftreten, zu lösen. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist ein Interaktionsmodell, das einen nicht-modalen Verbindungsaufbau für spontane Verwendung von Bildschirmen in solchen Umgebungen, (2) Interaktion auf und zwischen Bildschirmen in flexiblen Umgebungen, und (3) Interaktionen in variablen Distanzen erlaubt. Wir stellen ein Modell (Interaktion durch den Bildschirm) vor, mit dem Benutzer mit entfernten Inhalten in direkter und absoluter Weise auf ihrem Mobilgerät interagieren können. Um die Effekte der hinzugefügten Charakteristiken besser zu verstehen, haben wir zwei Prototypen für unterschiedliche Distanzen implementiert: LucidDisplay erlaubt Benutzern ihr mobiles Gerät auf einen größeren, sekundären Bildschirm zu legen. Gegensätzlich dazu ermöglicht MobileVue die Interaktion mit einem zusätzlichen Monitor in einer gewissen Entfernung. In beiden Prototypen haben wir dann die Effekte der verbleibenden zwei Kriterien (d.h. Modalität des Verbindungsaufbaus und Flexibilität der Umgebung) analysiert. Mit den in dieser ersten Phase erhaltenen Ergebnissen haben wir Shoot & Copy entworfen. Dieser Prototyp erlaubt die Erkennung von Bildschirmen einzig über deren visuellen Inhalt. Benutzer zeigen mit der Kamera ihres Mobilgeräts auf einen Bildschirm dessen Inhalt dann in Form von Video im Sucher dargestellt wird. Durch die Aufnahme eines Bildes (und der darauf folgenden Analyse) wird Inhalt ausgewählt. Wir haben dieses Konzept zudem auf mehrere Bildschirme erweitert, indem wir eine zentrale Instanz verwendet haben, die als Schnittstelle zur Umgebung agiert. Mit Tap & Drop haben wir den Prototyp verfeinert, um Echtzeit-Feedback zu ermöglichen. Anstelle der Bildaufnahme können Benutzer nun ihr mobiles Gerät auf den Bildschirm richten und sofort interagieren. Dadurch haben wir die strikt sequentielle Interaktion (Inhalt auswählen und Inhalt manipulieren) aufgebrochen. Beide Prototypen erlauben bereits nicht-modale Verbindungsmechanismen in flexiblen Umgebungen. Die in heutigen Mobilgeräten verwendeten Weitwinkel-Objektive erlauben jedoch nach wie vor keine variablen Distanzen. Mit Touch Projector beseitigen wir diese Einschränkung, indem wir Zoomen in Kombination mit einer vorübergehenden Pausierung des Videos im Sucher einfügen. Basierend auf den Erweiterungen der Klassifizierung von Interaktionen mit zusätzlichen Bildschirmen durch mobile Geräte haben wir ein verbessertes Modell (Interaktion durch den Bildschirm) erstellt. Es erlaubt Benutzern spontan zu interagieren, ohne explizit eine Verbindung zum zweiten Bildschirm herstellen zu müssen (nicht-modal). Da das mobile Gerät seinen räumlichen Bezug zu allen Bildschirmen selbst bestimmt, erlaubt unser Modell zusätzlich volle Flexibilität in solchen Umgebungen. Darüber hinaus können Benutzer mit zusätzlichen Bildschirmen (unabhängig von deren Größe) in variablen Entfernungen interagieren

    Gestures and cooperation: considering non verbal communication in the design of interactive spaces

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    This dissertation explores the role of gestures in computer supported collaboration. People make extensive use of non-verbal forms of communication when they interact with each other in everyday life: of these, gestures are relatively easy to observe and quantify. However, the role of gestures in human computer interaction so far has been focused mainly on using conventional signs like visible commands, rather than on exploiting all nuances of such natural human skill. We propose a perspective on natural interaction that builds on recent advances in tangible interaction, embodiment and computer supported collaborative work. We consider the social and cognitive aspects of gestures and manipulations to support our claim of a primacy of tangible and multi-touch interfaces, and describe our experiences focused on assessing the suitability of such interface paradigms to traditional application scenarios. We describe our design and prototype of an interactive space for group-work, in which natural interfaces, such as tangible user interfaces and multi-touch screens, are deployed so as to foster and encourage collaboration. We show that these interfaces can lead to an improvement in performances and that such improvements appear related to an increase of the gestures performed by the users. We also describe the progress on the state of the art that have been necessary to implement such tools on commodity hardware and deploy them in a relatively uncontrolled environment. Finally, we discuss our findings and frame them in the broader context of embodied interaction, drawing useful implications for interactions design, with emphasis on how to enhance the activity of people in their workplace, home, school, etc. supported in their individual and collaborative tasks by natural interfaces

    Physical sketching tools and techniques for customized sensate surfaces

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    Sensate surfaces are a promising avenue for enhancing human interaction with digital systems due to their inherent intuitiveness and natural user interface. Recent technological advancements have enabled sensate surfaces to surpass the constraints of conventional touchscreens by integrating them into everyday objects, creating interactive interfaces that can detect various inputs such as touch, pressure, and gestures. This allows for more natural and intuitive control of digital systems. However, prototyping interactive surfaces that are customized to users' requirements using conventional techniques remains technically challenging due to limitations in accommodating complex geometric shapes and varying sizes. Furthermore, it is crucial to consider the context in which customized surfaces are utilized, as relocating them to fabrication labs may lead to the loss of their original design context. Additionally, prototyping high-resolution sensate surfaces presents challenges due to the complex signal processing requirements involved. This thesis investigates the design and fabrication of customized sensate surfaces that meet the diverse requirements of different users and contexts. The research aims to develop novel tools and techniques that overcome the technical limitations of current methods and enable the creation of sensate surfaces that enhance human interaction with digital systems.Sensorische Oberflächen sind aufgrund ihrer inhärenten Intuitivität und natürlichen Benutzeroberfläche ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um die menschliche Interaktionmit digitalen Systemen zu verbessern. Die jüngsten technologischen Fortschritte haben es ermöglicht, dass sensorische Oberflächen die Beschränkungen herkömmlicher Touchscreens überwinden, indem sie in Alltagsgegenstände integriert werden und interaktive Schnittstellen schaffen, die diverse Eingaben wie Berührung, Druck, oder Gesten erkennen können. Dies ermöglicht eine natürlichere und intuitivere Steuerung von digitalen Systemen. Das Prototyping interaktiver Oberflächen, die mit herkömmlichen Techniken an die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer angepasst werden, bleibt jedoch eine technische Herausforderung, da komplexe geometrische Formen und variierende Größen nur begrenzt berücksichtigt werden können. Darüber hinaus ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, den Kontext, in dem diese individuell angepassten Oberflächen verwendet werden, zu berücksichtigen, da eine Verlagerung in Fabrikations-Laboratorien zum Verlust ihres ursprünglichen Designkontextes führen kann. Zudem stellt das Prototyping hochauflösender sensorischer Oberflächen aufgrund der komplexen Anforderungen an die Signalverarbeitung eine Herausforderung dar. Diese Arbeit erforscht dasDesign und die Fabrikation individuell angepasster sensorischer Oberflächen, die den diversen Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Nutzer und Kontexte gerecht werden. Die Forschung zielt darauf ab, neuartigeWerkzeuge und Techniken zu entwickeln, die die technischen Beschränkungen derzeitigerMethoden überwinden und die Erstellung von sensorischen Oberflächen ermöglichen, die die menschliche Interaktion mit digitalen Systemen verbessern

    Cruiser and PhoTable: Exploring Tabletop User Interface Software for Digital Photograph Sharing and Story Capture

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    Digital photography has not only changed the nature of photography and the photographic process, but also the manner in which we share photographs and tell stories about them. Some traditional methods, such as the family photo album or passing around piles of recently developed snapshots, are lost to us without requiring the digital photos to be printed. The current, purely digital, methods of sharing do not provide the same experience as printed photographs, and they do not provide effective face-to-face social interaction around photographs, as experienced during storytelling. Research has found that people are often dissatisfied with sharing photographs in digital form. The recent emergence of the tabletop interface as a viable multi-user direct-touch interactive large horizontal display has provided the hardware that has the potential to improve our collocated activities such as digital photograph sharing. However, while some software to communicate with various tabletop hardware technologies exists, software aspects of tabletop user interfaces are still at an early stage and require careful consideration in order to provide an effective, multi-user immersive interface that arbitrates the social interaction between users, without the necessary computer-human interaction interfering with the social dialogue. This thesis presents PhoTable, a social interface allowing people to effectively share, and tell stories about, recently taken, unsorted digital photographs around an interactive tabletop. In addition, the computer-arbitrated digital interaction allows PhoTable to capture the stories told, and associate them as audio metadata to the appropriate photographs. By leveraging the tabletop interface and providing a highly usable and natural interaction we can enable users to become immersed in their social interaction, telling stories about their photographs, and allow the computer interaction to occur as a side-effect of the social interaction. Correlating the computer interaction with the corresponding audio allows PhoTable to annotate an automatically created digital photo album with audible stories, which may then be archived. These stories remain useful for future sharing -- both collocated sharing and remote (e.g. via the Internet) -- and also provide a personal memento both of the event depicted in the photograph (e.g. as a reminder) and of the enjoyable photo sharing experience at the tabletop. To provide the necessary software to realise an interface such as PhoTable, this thesis explored the development of Cruiser: an efficient, extensible and reusable software framework for developing tabletop applications. Cruiser contributes a set of programming libraries and the necessary application framework to facilitate the rapid and highly flexible development of new tabletop applications. It uses a plugin architecture that encourages code reuse, stability and easy experimentation, and leverages the dedicated computer graphics hardware and multi-core processors of modern consumer-level systems to provide a responsive and immersive interactive tabletop user interface that is agnostic to the tabletop hardware and operating platform, using efficient, native cross-platform code. Cruiser's flexibility has allowed a variety of novel interactive tabletop applications to be explored by other researchers using the framework, in addition to PhoTable. To evaluate Cruiser and PhoTable, this thesis follows recommended practices for systems evaluation. The design rationale is framed within the above scenario and vision which we explore further, and the resulting design is critically analysed based on user studies, heuristic evaluation and a reflection on how it evolved over time. The effectiveness of Cruiser was evaluated in terms of its ability to realise PhoTable, use of it by others to explore many new tabletop applications, and an analysis of performance and resource usage. Usability, learnability and effectiveness of PhoTable was assessed on three levels: careful usability evaluations of elements of the interface; informal observations of usability when Cruiser was available to the public in several exhibitions and demonstrations; and a final evaluation of PhoTable in use for storytelling, where this had the side effect of creating a digital photo album, consisting of the photographs users interacted with on the table and associated audio annotations which PhoTable automatically extracted from the interaction. We conclude that our approach to design has resulted in an effective framework for creating new tabletop interfaces. The parallel goal of exploring the potential for tabletop interaction as a new way to share digital photographs was realised in PhoTable. It is able to support the envisaged goal of an effective interface for telling stories about one's photos. As a serendipitous side-effect, PhoTable was effective in the automatic capture of the stories about individual photographs for future reminiscence and sharing. This work provides foundations for future work in creating new ways to interact at a tabletop and to the ways to capture personal stories around digital photographs for sharing and long-term preservation

    Compact and kinetic projected augmented reality interface

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-150).For quite some time, researchers and designers in the field of human computer interaction have strived to better integrate information interfaces into our physical environment. They envisioned a future where computing and interface components would be integrated into the physical environment, creating a seamless experience that uses all our senses. One possible approach to this problem employs projected augmented reality. Such systems project digital information and interfaces onto the physical world and are typically implemented using interactive projector-camera systems. This thesis work is centered on design and implementation of a new form factor for computing, a system we call LuminAR. LuminAR is a compact and kinetic projected augmented reality interface embodied in familiar everyday objects, namely a light bulb and a task light. It allows users to dynamically augment physical surfaces and objects with superimposed digital information using gestural and multi-touch interfaces. This thesis documents LuminAR's design process, hardware and software implementation and interaction techniques. The work is motivated through a set of applications that explore scenarios for interactive and kinetic projected augmented reality interfaces. It also opens the door for further explorations of kinetic interaction and promotes the adoption of projected augmented reality as a commonplace user interface modality. This thesis work was partially supported by a research grant from Intel Corporation.Supported by a research grant from Intel Corporationby Natan Linder.S.M

    Hand interaction designs in mixed and augmented reality head mounted display: a scoping review and classification

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    Mixed reality has made its first step towards democratization in 2017 with the launch of a first generation of commercial devices. As a new medium, one of the challenges is to develop interactions using its endowed spatial awareness and body tracking. More specifically, at the crossroad between artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction, the goal is to go beyond the Window, Icon, Menu, Pointer (WIMP) paradigm humans are mainly using on desktop computer. Hand interactions either as a standalone modality or as a component of a multimodal modality are one of the most popular and supported techniques across mixed reality prototypes and commercial devices. In this context, this paper presents scoping literature review of hand interactions in mixed reality. The goal of this review is to identify the recent findings on hand interactions about their design and the place of artificial intelligence in their development and behavior. This review resulted in the highlight of the main interaction techniques and their technical requirements between 2017 and 2022 as well as the design of the Metaphor-behavior taxonomy to classify those interactions
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