224 research outputs found

    Yet another bidirectional algorithm for shortest paths

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    For finding a shortest path in a network the bidirectional~A* algorithm is a widely known algorithm. An A* instance requires a heuristic estimate, a real-valued function on the set of nodes. %This algorithm distinguishes between the main phase and the postprocessing phase. %As long as the search processes of the two sides do not meet, we are in the main phase. %As soon as a meeting point is obtained, the post-phase is in progress. \\\\ The version of bidirectional~A* that is considered the most appropriate in literature hitherto, uses so-called balanced heuristic estimates. This means that the two estimates of the two directions are in balance, i.e., their sum is a constant value. In this paper, we do not restrict ourselves any longer to balanced heuristics. A generalized version of bidirectional A* is proposed, where the heuristic estimate does not need to be balanced. This new version turns out to be faster than the one with the balanced heuristic.shortest path;bidirectional search;road network search

    Yet another bidirectional algorithm for shortest paths

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    For finding a shortest path in a network the bidirectional~A* algorithm is a widely known algorithm. An A* instance requires a heuristic estimate, a real-valued function on the set of nodes. %This algorithm distinguishes between the main phase and the postprocessing phase. %As long as the search processes of the two sides do not meet, we are in the main phase. %As soon as a meeting point is obtained, the post-phase is in progress. \\\\ The version of bidirectional~A* that is considered the most appropriate in literature hitherto, uses so-called balanced heuristic estimates. This means that the two estimates of the two directions are in balance, i.e., their sum is a constant value. In this paper, we do not restrict ourselves any longer to balanced heuristics. A generalized version of bidirectional A* is proposed, where the heuristic estimate does not need to be balanced. This new version turns out to be faster than the one with the balanced heuristic

    A new bidirectional algorithm for shortest paths

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    For finding a shortest path in a network the bidirectional A* algorithm is a widely known algorithm.An A* instance requires a heuristic estimate, a real-valued function on the set of nodes.The version of bidirectional~A* that is considered the most appropriate in literature hitherto,uses so-called balanced heuristic estimates.This means that the two estimates of the two directions are in balance, i.e., their sum is a constant value.In this paper, we do not restrict ourselves any longer to balanced heuristics.A generalized version of bidirectional A* is proposed, where the heuristic estimate does not need to be balanced.This new version turns out to be faster than the one with the balanced heuristic.shortest path;bidirectional search;road network search

    A new bidirectional algorithm for shortest paths

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    For finding a shortest path in a network the bidirectional A* algorithm is a widely known algorithm. An A* instance requires a heuristic estimate, a real-valued function on the set of nodes. The version of bidirectional~A* that is considered the most appropriate in literature hitherto, uses so-called balanced heuristic estimates. This means that the two estimates of the two directions are in balance, i.e., their sum is a constant value. In this paper, we do not restrict ourselves any longer to balanced heuristics. A generalized version of bidirectional A* is proposed, where the heuristic estimate does not need to be balanced. This new version turns out to be faster than the one with the balanced heuristic

    AirCode: Unobtrusive Physical Tags for Digital Fabrication

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    We present AirCode, a technique that allows the user to tag physically fabricated objects with given information. An AirCode tag consists of a group of carefully designed air pockets placed beneath the object surface. These air pockets are easily produced during the fabrication process of the object, without any additional material or postprocessing. Meanwhile, the air pockets affect only the scattering light transport under the surface, and thus are hard to notice to our naked eyes. But, by using a computational imaging method, the tags become detectable. We present a tool that automates the design of air pockets for the user to encode information. AirCode system also allows the user to retrieve the information from captured images via a robust decoding algorithm. We demonstrate our tagging technique with applications for metadata embedding, robotic grasping, as well as conveying object affordances.Comment: ACM UIST 2017 Technical Paper

    Advanced Robot Path Planning (RRT)

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    Tato diplomová práce práce se zabývá plánováním cesty všesměrového mobilního robotu pomocí algoritmu RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree – Rychle rostoucí náhodný strom). Teoretická část popisuje základní algoritmy plánování cesty a prezentuje bližší pohled na RRT a jeho potenciál. Praktická část práce řeší návrh a tvorbu v zásadě multiplatformní C++ aplikace v prostředí Windows 7 za použití aplikačního frameworku Qt 4.8.0, která implementuje pokročilé RRT algoritmy s parametrizovatelným řešičem a speciálním dávkovým režimem. Tento mód slouží k testování efektivnosti nastavení řešiče pro dané úlohy a je založen na post-processingu a vizualizaci výstupu měřených úloh pomocí jazyka Python. Vypočtené cesty mohou být vylepšeny pomocí zkracovacích algoritmů a výsledná trajektorie odeslána do pohonů Maxon Compact Drive všesměrové mobilní platformy pomocí CANopen. Aplikace klade důraz na moderní grafické uživatelské rozhraní se spolehlivým a výkonným 2D grafickým engine.This master's thesis deals with path planning of omnidirectional mobile robot using the RRT algorithm (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree). Theoretical part describes basic algorithms of path planning and presents closer view on RRT and its potential. Practical part deals with designing and creation of essentially multiplatform C++ application in Windows 7 environment with Qt 4.8.0 application framework, which implements advanced RRT algorithms with user-programmable solver and special batch mode. This mode is used for testing the effectiveness of solver on given tasks and it is based on postprocessing and visualization of measurement tasks output by Python language. Computed paths can be enhanced by shortening algorithms and result trajectory sent to Maxon Compact Drives of omnidirectional platform via the CANopen. Application puts emphasis on modern GUI with reliable and powerful 2D graphics engine.

    Deployment of PON in Europe and Deep Data Analysis of GPON

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    This chapter discusses the extensibility of fiber to the x (FTTx) households, specifically in the territory of the European Union. The Czech Republic has made a commitment to other member states to provide connectivity of at least 100 Mbit/s for half of the households by 2020. Although Internet access in the Czech Republic is mostly dominated by wireless fidelity (WiFi), this technology is not capable of meeting the demanding current demands at a reasonable price. As a result, passive optical networks are on the rise in access networks and in mobile cell networks by fiber to the antenna (FTTA). Passive optical networks use much more complex networks. In cooperation with Orange Slovakia, the analysis of the transmitted data was conducted. The optical network unit management and control interface (OMCI) channel data, as well as the activation data associated with specific end units, were analyzed. We propose a complete analysis of the end-unit-related activation process, download, and initialization of the data image for setting the end units and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) parameters. Finally, we performed an analysis of the transmission of dying gasp messages