241 research outputs found

    A New Approach to Distribute MOEA Pareto Front Computation

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    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) offer compelling solutions to many real world problems, including software engineering ones. However, their efficiency decreases with the growing size of the problems at hand, hindering their applicability in practice. In this paper we propose a novel master-worker approach to distribute the computation of the Pareto Front (PF) for MOEAs (dubbed MOEA-DPF) and empirically evaluate it on a real-world software project management problem. With respect to previous work, our proposal can be used with any MOEA to tackle multiobjective problems regardless of their formulation/representation. Our results show that MOEA-DPF runs significantly faster (up to 3.1x speed-up using two workers) than its sequential counterpart while maintaining (and even improving) the quality of the PF. We conclude that MOEA-DPF provides an effective and simple solution to speed-up the execution of MOEAs by distributing the PF computation, making them effective for real-world problems

    Increasing the density of available pareto optimal solutions

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    The set of available multi-objective optimization algorithms continues to grow. This fact can be partially attributed to their widespread use and applicability. However this increase also suggests several issues remain to be addressed satisfactorily. One such issue is the diversity and the number of solutions available to the decision maker (DM). Even for algorithms very well suited for a particular problem, it is difficult - mainly due to the computational cost - to use a population large enough to ensure the likelihood of obtaining a solution close to the DMs preferences. In this paper we present a novel methodology that produces additional Pareto optimal solutions from a Pareto optimal set obtained at the end run of any multi-objective optimization algorithm. This method, which we refer to as Pareto estimation, is tested against a set of 2 and 3-objective test problems and a 3-objective portfolio optimization problem to illustrate itsā€™ utility for a real-world problem

    Computing the set of Epsilon-efficient solutions in multiobjective space mission design

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    In this work, we consider multiobjective space mission design problems. We will start from the need, from a practical point of view, to consider in addition to the (Pareto) optimal solutions also nearly optimal ones. In fact, extending the set of solutions for a given mission to those nearly optimal signiļ¬cantly increases the number of options for the decision maker and gives a measure of the size of the launch windows corresponding to each optimal solution, i.e., a measure of its robustness. Whereas the possible loss of such approximate solutions compared to optimalā€”and possibly even ā€˜betterā€™ā€”ones is dispensable. For this, we will examine several typical problems in space trajectory designā€”a biimpulsive transfer from the Earth to the asteroid Apophis and two low-thrust multigravity assist transfersā€”and demonstrate the possible beneļ¬t of the novel approach. Further, we will present a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm which is designed for this purpose

    Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Driven by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

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    Recently, increasing works have proposed to drive evolutionary algorithms using machine learning models. Usually, the performance of such model based evolutionary algorithms is highly dependent on the training qualities of the adopted models. Since it usually requires a certain amount of data (i.e. the candidate solutions generated by the algorithms) for model training, the performance deteriorates rapidly with the increase of the problem scales, due to the curse of dimensionality. To address this issue, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm driven by the generative adversarial networks (GANs). At each generation of the proposed algorithm, the parent solutions are first classified into real and fake samples to train the GANs; then the offspring solutions are sampled by the trained GANs. Thanks to the powerful generative ability of the GANs, our proposed algorithm is capable of generating promising offspring solutions in high-dimensional decision space with limited training data. The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 benchmark problems with up to 200 decision variables. Experimental results on these test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Learning Adaptive Evolutionary Computation for Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Problems

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are widely used to solve multi-objective optimization problems. The algorithms rely on setting appropriate parameters to find good solutions. However, this parameter tuning could be very computationally expensive in solving non-trial (combinatorial) optimization problems. This paper proposes a framework that integrates MOEAs with adaptive parameter control using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The DRL policy is trained to adaptively set the values that dictate the intensity and probability of mutation for solutions during optimization. We test the proposed approach with a simple benchmark problem and a real-world, complex warehouse design and control problem. The experimental results demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of solution quality and computation time to reach good solutions. In addition, we show the learned policy is transferable, i.e., the policy trained on a simple benchmark problem can be directly applied to solve the complex warehouse optimization problem, effectively, without the need for retraining

    Hybrid Representations for Composition Optimization and Parallelizing MOEAs

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    We present a hybrid EA representation suitable to optimize composition optimization problems ranging from optimizing recipes for catalytic materials to cardinality constrained portfolio selection. On several problem instances we can show that this new representation performs better than standard repair mechanisms with Lamarckism. Additionally, we investigate the a clustering based parallelization scheme for MOEAs. We prove that typical "divide and conquer\u27\u27 approaches are not suitable for the standard test functions like ZDT 1-6. Therefore, we suggest a new test function based on the portfolio selection problem and prove the feasibility of "divide and conquer\u27\u27 approaches on this test function

    Traffic engineering approaches using multicriteria optimization techniques

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    Nowadays, network planning and management tasks can be of high complexity, given the numerous inputs that should be consid- ered to effectively achieve an adequate configuration of the underlying network. This paper presents an optimization framework that helps net- work administrators in setting the optimal routing weights of link state protocols according to the required traffic demands, contributing in this way to improve the service levels quality provided by the network infras- tructure. Since the envisaged task is a NP-hard problem, the framework resorts to Evolutionary Computation as the optimization engine. The fo- cus is given to the use of multi-objective optimization approaches given the flexibility they provide to network administrators in selecting the ad- equate solutions in a given context. Resorting to the proposed optimiza- tion framework the administrator is able to automatically obtain highly optimized routing configurations adequate to support the requirements imposed by their customers. In this way, this novel approach effectively contributes to enhance and automate crucial network planning and man- agement tasks
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