11 research outputs found

    Healthy Annapolis

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    Final project for Urban Studies and Planning Studio (Summer 2017). University of Maryland, College Park.Annapolis, Maryland, located in Anne Arundel County, is home to the United States Naval Academy and Saint John’s College. The small waterfront capital city is also a popular tourist destination for sailors and history buffs drawn to the nationally recognized historic district. While continuing to focus on preserving the City’s historic and natural resources and strong local economy, Annapolis is taking steps to become a healthier city by participating in the Let’s Move! Cities Towns, and Counties (LMCTC) initiative, a national campaign to end childhood obesity by providing guidance to elected officials, parents, schools, community leaders, and other stakeholders in order to make healthy living accessible for everyone. Annapolis has successfully met the five initial program goals for LMCTC, and has achieved All-Star status. This report will help the City pursue three of the four All-Star strategies it is now eligible to pursue after achieving All-Star status. This report highlights disadvantaged communities, as they are more likely to suffer from poor health. In addition to an increased likelihood of health issues, these communities are also less likely to have resources such as education and community support to improve certain aspects of their health. This University of Maryland PALS summer studio project is meant to help guide the City of Annapolis in creating a healthier city for all residents, and in reaching their LMCTC All-Star strategies. Four chapters were written by groups that focused on health-related aspects of the city that relate directly to areas of focus for achieving All-Star status: 1) updates to incorporate health into the Comprehensive Plan, 2) parks and open space, 3) bicycle infrastructure, and 4) urban agriculture and community gardens. We hope that by providing recommendations for integrating health into the planning process and city design, and by suggesting strategies to make the most effective use of existing tools, Annapolis will be better situated to achieve its LMCTC All-Star strategies.The City of Annapoli

    A Data-Driven Optimization Computational Tool Design for Bike-Sharing Station Distribution in Small to Medium-Sized Cities: A Case Study for Cuenca, Ecuador

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    Faced with heavy vehicular traffic at present, the strategic implementation of Bike Sharing Systems (BSSs) in cities as an alternative means of transport for users is increasingly being adopted. These solutions reduce the environmental burden posed by other means of transportation, decrease costs for citizens, improves people\u27s health due to physical activity, among other advantages. However, aspects such as the definition of bike stations\u27 locations represent a challenge when these solutions are being implemented. Therefore, this paper presents a software tool design that supports a method that defines the location and number of stations within a BSS. Also, the tool uses a data-driven optimization model to establish the location of stations. Finally, a case study carried out in Cuenca - Ecuador, demonstrates the proposal\u27s feasibility, showing a significant concordance with the consulting firmsconsortia results (70-90% of coincidence) at a lower cost

    Vitality from Walking and Cycling

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    Vitality from walking and cycling presents results from PYKALA II –project which was carried out in 2009-2013 in Transport Research Centre Verne of Tampere University of Technology. The aim of the project was to produce new knowledge in order to tap into the potential for walking and cycling even better. The four components of the project were increasing the share of cycling in urban traffic, pedestrian areas as part of city life, developing the monitoring of walking and cycling and best practices in cycling winter maintenance processes as well as in cost-benefit analyses of cycling schemes. Material was collected from several European countries and cities. Case cities in the project were Linkoping, Lund and Umea (Sweden); Copenhagen (Denmark); Nijmegen, Delft, Utrecht and ‘s-Hertogenbosch (the Netherlands); Sheffield and Peterborough (Great Britain) and Oulu (Finland). In addition, expert interviews were held with Gehl Architects (Copenhagen) and Decisio companies (Amsterdam) as well as in TU Delft. The purpose of this book is to serve as stimulus for developing highquality walking and cycling conditions in Finnish cities. The book gathers diverse knowledge for instance on how improving pedestrian conditions affects businesses and how geographical data may be utilized in the designing of a cycling network. In addition, it provides concrete guidance for designing spaces for pedestrians and to improve cycling conditions year-round. One picture is worth a thousand words, and thus the results are presented with the help of multitude of figures. This book is continuation to Best European practices in promoting cycling and walking, which was published in 2011 by Transport Research Centre Verne

    Development of a Bicycle Traffic Model in Cities

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    Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia pyöräilynopeuksiin ja reitinvalintoihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja laatia näiden tietojen perusteella pyöräilyn liikennemalli. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa paremmin pyöräilyä tukeva liikennemallikuvaus strategisella mallinnustasolla, jonka avulla voidaan tutkia eri parametrien vaikutuksia pyöräilymatkojen määrään sekä matkojen pituuteen ja tarkempien matka-aikojen selvittämiseen. Liikennemalli toimii työkaluna pyöräilyn pääreittien priorisoinnissa ja sen avulla voidaan tuottaa liikenne-ennusteita erilaisiin liikenteen ja maankäytön suunnittelun tarpeisiin. Liikennemallilla voidaan simuloida liikenteen kuormituksia reittikohtaisesti, jolloin saadaan informaatiota investointitarpeiden kohdentamiseen oikeisiin kehittämiskohteisiin. Työssä tutkittiin kirjallisuuden ja kenttä- ja kyselytutkimusten avulla eri tekijöiden vaikutuksia pyöräilynopeuksiin ja reitinvalintaan vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Tutkimus rajattiin koskemaan aamun työ- ja koulumatkoja, koska ainoastaan näillä matkoilla pyöräilijöiden nopeus ja reitinvalinta pysyy suhteellisen vakiona. Kenttätutkimuksissa suoritettiin nopeusmittauksia ja videoitiin erilaisia risteyksiä Oulun keskustan alueella. Videoista mitattiin eri viiveitä aiheuttavien tekijöiden suuruudet, joiden perusteella niistä muodostettiin viivefunktiot. Liikenteen sijoittelu suoritettiin Oulun ja Rovaniemen liikennemalleihin. Etäisyys, matka-aika ja liikenneturvallisuus ovat tärkeimmät tekijät valittaessa vaihtoehtoisia pyöräilyreittejä. Mäkisyys on merkittävä tekijä sellaisissa paikoissa, joissa on joko jyrkkiä mäkiä tai useita mäkiä perätysten. Topografisten tietojen hyödyntäminen on kuitenkin pyöräteiden suunnittelussa vielä vähäistä. Pelkästään matka-aikaan perustuvassa liikennemallissa pyöräilijä pyrkii välttämään mahdollisimman paljon liikennevaloja. Painokertoimien ja liikennevalojen odotusaikojen vaihtelulla saadaan reitinvalintaa muutettua vastaamaan lähemmäksi pyöräilijän todellista käyttäytymistä

    Evaluating the economical and environmental impact of a cargo cycle urban distribution: a case study

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia IndustrialThe urban distribution of goods is a function of the economic needs of cities, whether imposed by industries, or by commercial establishments and by their inhabitants. This type of transport has become more critical, with the growth of urbanization, which has negative impacts on the environmental, social and economic elements. One of the possible solutions allows the reduction of air pollutants, noise and congestion, making the quality of life of society improve without compromising the economic development of the city: the replacement of fossil fuel-diesel vans by using the electric cargo tricycles. The literature review of these electric vehicles and their benefits for freight transport in urban areas is far behind in Brazil and Latin America when compared to cities in Europe, Asia and the USA. It is this gap that this work intends to study, as a way to mitigate the environmental impact, making the urban distribution of goods more sustainable and viable. For that, a case study was selected in a company in the segment of courier, express and parcel delivery (CEP) located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Required data for the study has been obtained from company sources or collected through direct observation and empirical surveys by the author of the dissertation. From the experience observed in the field, it was perceived that there is, in fact, little knowledge of the economic benefits that the implementation of new technology transport means (and alternative distribution strategies) can provide. This perception can be altered by the resuts of this work. The results show that replacing diesel vans by electric cargo tricycles along with adequately new distribution strategies can represent savings of up to around 31% in operating costs and approximately 20 tonnes of CO2eq emissions per year, reducing by at least 97%, they can be used with this solution. The figures are significant, for clear potential in reducing impacts to citizens. Achieving virtually eliminate emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants, reduce noise in the operation of the distribution of goods in urban areas.A distribuição urbana de mercadorias é função das necessidades economicas das cidades, sejam estas impostas pelas indústrias, como também pelos estabelecimentos comerciais e por seus habitantes. Esse tipo de transporte tornou-se mais crítico com o crescimento da urbanização, por trazer impactos negativos aos elementos ambientais, sociais e económicos. Uma das possíveis soluções permite a redução da poluentes atmosféricos, poluição sonora e do congestionamento, fazendo com que a qualidade de vida da sociedade melhore sem comprometer o desenvovimento económico da cidade: a substituição de vans alimentadas com combustível fóssil (diesel) pelo uso dos triciclos de carga elétricos. A revisão da literatura destes veículos e os seus benefícios para o transporte de mercadorias em áreas urbanas encontra-se muito defasada no Brasil e América Latina, quando comparado com cidades da Europa, Asia e USA. É esse gap que o trabalho pretende mostrar como forma de mitigar o impacto ambiental, tornando a distribuição urbana de bens mais sustentável e viável. Para tal, foi selecionado um estudo de caso em uma empresa no segmento de Courier, Express and Parcel Delivery (CEP) localizada na cidade de São Paulo,Brazil. Os resultados mostram que a substituição dos furgões diesel por triciclos de carga elétricos, juntamente com uma estrutura de distribuição adequadamente nova, pode representar economias de até 31% nos custos operacionais e aproximadamente 20 toneladas de emissões de CO2eq por ano, reduzindo em pelo menos 97%, com esta solução. Os números são significativos, para um claro potencial na redução de impactos para os cidadãos. Os resultados mostram que se consegue praticamente eliminar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa, poluentes do ar, reduzir o ruído no funcionamento da distribuição de bens em áreas urbanas

    GIS - based modelling of cyclists’ speed and travel times in Helsinki region

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    Transportation in cities is facing the challenges of congestion and environmental impact caused by the increase in traffic flows. These issues can be reduced by promoting more sustainable transport modes, such as cycling. To increase its modal share, cycling has to be an attractive and competitive choice compared to other travel modes. Digital Geography Lab in University of Helsinki has developed comparable measures for modelling accessibility with different travel modes in Helsinki region. However, cycling is missing from the data because it has been previously modelled with simplistic assumptions of constant travel speed. Little research has been carried out to assess the applicability of this assumption. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a more realistic GIS model for calculating optimal routes and travel times of cycling in Helsinki region taking into account the feasibility of the model. Other objectives are to find out what factors affect cyclists' travel speed and can the environmental factors be used as impedances in the travel time model, what kind of spatial differences the cycling speeds have, and how realistic it is to model cyclists' travel times with constant speed on a regional scale. According to previous research, among the various things affecting cycling some of the main environmental factors are slope, junctions and traffic lights. The effects of these factors to cycling speeds in Helsinki region were analysed based on individual cycling routes and on a route and segment level from the whole data with linear regression models. GPS data of cycling was collected from volunteers who had been tracking their cycling in Helsinki region with mobile sports applications. Basic background information of the cyclists was also collected to analyse the variations in speed between different background variables. Road network for cycling and walking by Helsinki Region Transport was used as the modelling network. A GIS-based map-matching method for the cycling GPS data was developed by applying a method developed for map-matching GPS data of cars. Slope was calculated for route segments using NLS 2 meter digital elevation model and the traffic light information was derived from Digiroad. Python scripts used in modelling are available on GitHub. The cycling speeds vary by cycling frequency: cyclists who stated to cycle almost every day of the week, 3-5 times a week, or a few times a week have median speeds of 24 km/h, 22 km/h and 18 km/h, respectively. Uphill slope and signalized junctions decelerate and downhill slopes accelerate cycling speeds on individual routes. Looking at the whole data, speed has a weak negative correlation between slope and different junction types. On a regional scale the effect of signalized junctions is the greatest, whereas uphill slope has the greatest effect on route-based mean speeds. The regression models do not explain the variation in cycling speeds very well (R2 ≈ 0.1) so a travel time model based on constant speeds corresponding to the different median speeds of frequent and less frequent cyclists was implemented on the network. Spatial examination shows that mean cycling speeds in parts of central Helsinki are 0.8 times slower than in rest of the area, so the cycling speeds of the model were slowed down on those segments. Slope, traffic lights and other junctions affect cycling speeds on an individual level but not on the regional scale. Based on model validation the travel times of the constant speed model correlate strongly with the real travel times of the GPS data. The model taking into account the slower parts of central Helsinki is marginally better but the difference is only slight and affecting only the routes going via the city centre. The difference in travel times caused by different constant speeds is much greater. Constant speed can hence be seen as an adequate assumption to model cyclists' travel times in Helsinki region but the personal and spatial differences in cycling speeds should be taken into account.Kaupunkiliikenteen keskeisiä haasteita ovat kasvavien liikennemäärien synnyttämä ruuhkautuminen ja ympäristöhaitat. Näitä haittoja voidaan pyrkiä vähentämään edistämällä kestäviä liikkumistapoja, kuten pyöräilyä. Pyöräilyn kulkutapaosuuden lisäämiseksi sen tulee olla houkutteleva ja saavutettavuuden näkökulmasta kilpailukykyinen vaihtoehto muihin kulkutapoihin verrattuna. Helsingin yliopiston Digital Geography Lab on kehittänyt keskenään vertailukelpoisia menetelmiä eri kulkutapojen saavutettavuuden mallinnukseen ja vertailuun pääkaupunkiseudulla, mutta pyöräily on puuttunut tarkastelusta, sillä sitä on aiemmin mallinnettu yksinkertaisin oletuksin vakionopeudella ikään kuin nopeutettuna kävelynä. Tämän oletuksen realistisuutta ei ole kuitenkaan aiemmin juuri tutkittu. Tämän työn tavoitteena onkin kehittää aiempaa realistisempi paikkatietomalli pyöräilyn optimaalisten reittien ja matka-aikojen laskentaan pääkaupunkiseudulla huomioiden mallin yleistettävyys ja toteuttamiskelpoisuus. Tämän lisäksi tarkastellaan mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat pyöräilynopeuksiin ja voiko nopeuksiin vaikuttavia ympäristötekijöitä käyttää matka-aikamallin vastuksina, millaisia alueellisia eroja pyöräilynopeuksissa on, ja kuinka realistista pyöräilyn matka-aikojen mallinnus vakionopeudella on seudullisessa mittakaavassa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella pyöräilyyn vaikuttavat useat tekijät, joista tämän työn analyysiin valittiin keskeisiksi ympäristötekijöiksi tunnistetut korkeusvaihtelut, risteykset ja liikennevalot. Niiden vaikutusta pyöräilynopeuksiin pääkaupunkiseudulla tarkasteltiin sekä yksittäisten reittien osalta että koko aineistosta reitti- ja segmenttikohtaisesti lineaarisen regression avulla. Pyöräilyaineistona käytettiin vapaaehtoisten pyöräilijöiden lahjoittamaa urheilusovelluksilla tallennettua GPS-dataa. Pyöräilijöistä kerättiin myös taustatietoja, joita käytettiin henkilökohtaisten tekijöiden vaikutusten tarkastelussa. Mallin tieverkostona käytettiin HSL:n kävelyn ja pyöräilyn reittioppaan verkostoa, johon GPS-aineisto yhdistettiin kehittämällä paikkatietopohjainen menetelmä aiempaa autoilun GPS-aineistolle tarkoitettua menetelmää soveltaen. Reittisegmenteille laskettiin suuntaisuuden huomioiva korkeusgradientti Maanmittauslaitoksen 2 metrin korkeusmallista ja liikennevalotiedot johdettiin Digiroadista. Mallinnuksessa käytetyt python-skriptit ovat saatavilla GitHubissa. Pyöräilynopeuksissa on havaittavissa pyöräilijäkohtaisia eroja muun muassa pyöräilyaktiivisuuden suhteen: lähes joka viikonpäivä pyöräilevien mediaaninopeus on 24 km/h, 3-5 päivänä viikossa pyöräilevien 22 km/h ja muutaman kerran viikossa pyöräilevien 18 km/h. Ylämäet ja liikennevaloristeykset hidastavat ja alamäet kasvattavat pyöräilynopeuksia yksittäisillä reiteillä. Koko aineiston tasolla nopeuden ja korkeusgradientin sekä nopeuden ja eri risteystyyppien välillä on heikko negatiivinen riippuvuussuhde. Seudullisella tasolla liikennevaloristeysten hidastava vaikutus on muita ympäristötekijöitä suurempi, mutta jyrkillä ylämäillä on voimakkain hidastava vaikutus reittikohtaisiin keskinopeuksiin. Regressiomallien selitysasteet ovat kuitenkin heikkoja (R2 ≈ 0,1), joten tieverkolle implementoitiin vakionopeuksiin perustuva matka-aikamalli. Nopeuksina käytettiin edellä mainittuja pyöräilyaktiivisuuteen perustuvia mediaaninopeuksia. Alueellisen tarkastelun perusteella pyöräilynopeudet ovat osissa Helsingin keskustaa 0,8 kertaa alueen muita nopeuksia hitaampia, joten kyseisille osuuksille asetettiin muuta verkostoa hitaammat pyöräilynopeudet. Korkeusvaihteluilla, liikennevaloilla ja muilla risteyksillä on vaikutusta pyöräilynopeuksiin yksilötasolla, muttei seudullisessa mittakaavassa. Validoinnin perusteella vakionopeuden mallin matka-ajat vastaavat hyvin GPS-aineiston todellisia matka-aikoja. Keskustan hidasteen huomioiva malli on marginaalisesti pelkkää vakionopeuden mallia parempi, mutta ero on hyvin pieni ja vaikuttaa vain keskustan kautta kulkevilla reiteillä. Eri vakionopeuksien aiheuttama ero matka-aikoihin on huomattavasti merkittävämpi. Vakionopeutta voidaan siis pitää pätevänä oletuksena pyöräilyn matka-aikojen vertailukelpoiseen mallintamiseen pääkaupunkiseudulla, mutta pyöräilynopeuksien henkilökohtaiset ja alueelliset erot tulee ottaa huomioon

    Diseño de una red de bicicletas públicas en la ciudad de Montevideo – Uruguay

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    Considerando la situación a la cual ha llegado la contaminación atmosférica y la congestión vehicular en las grandes ciudades, se han impulsado medidas para promover modos de transporte sostenible, como las bicicletas públicas, buscando una alternativa a la utilización de vehículos motorizados. Los sistemas públicos de bicicletas han incrementado su popularidad como sistemas de transporte sostenibles en los últimos años en muchos países del mundo. Dentro de los elementos más importantes para su implementación, se encuentra la localización óptima de las estaciones de recogida y devolución de bicicletas. En este estudio se desarrollan dos modelos de localización-asignación para resolver el problema de diseño de una red de bicicletas públicas. Se logra determinar el número de estaciones que son necesarias, la ubicación de las estaciones y la flota total de bicicletas del sistema, considerando restricciones de presupuesto. En un caso maximizando la demanda y en el otro priorizando la selección de la capacidad de las estaciones según la demanda. Los modelos se plantean para la cuidad de Montevideo, Uruguay y se resuelven computacionalmente utilizado lenguaje de programación Python y software de optimización Gurobi®.Considering the global situation related to air pollution and vehicular congestion, many countries are promoting sustainable modes of transport, as an alternative to motorized vehicles, such as bike-sharing . Bike-sharing systems are increasing their popularity as sustainable transportation systems in recent years. One of the most important elements for its implementation is the optimal location of the stations. This work presents two different location-allocation models to solve the design problem of the bike-sharing system. The models determines the require number of stations, the location of the stations and the total fleet of bicycles in the system, considering budget constraints. In one case the objective function is to maximize the demand and in the other, the suitable selection of different types of stations according to demand. The models are applied to Montevideo, Uruguay and are computationally solved using Python programming language and Gurobi® optimization software.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresa

    Data-Driven Optimization for Bicycle Station Location in a Small to Medium-Sized City: The Case Study of Cuenca, Ecuador

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    Bike sharing systems (BSSs) are an important transportation alternative, and station distribution is a key component of these that is driven by user demand and resource constraints. Designing an effective BSS with appropriate station distribution requires a method that consists of steps structured in a flexible, parameterizable, repeatable, and organized way, based on and aligned with proven or accepted standards---particularly in resource-limited environments. This includes data-driven analysis of information relevant to BSS station design from various sources and in different formats. Models and algorithms are used to organize and examine the data, reduce redundant data, standardize factors, and find patterns that can inform the efficient design and implementation of a BSS. The algorithms and models used in the present study provide a data-driven approach to determining effective BSS station distribution in a city. Factor analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were used as the various sources of data involved in the design of a BSS (i.e., data on traffic, demographic, and land use) can often overlap and/or have redundant data and these techniques allow minimizing superfluous data without losing relevant information. Econometric models were also used to identify the costs of pollutants, with the aim of locating stations in areas where pollution is a problem, and an emission-free BSS might be of greatest benefit. Patterns of potential users and mobility are derived from unsupervised learning algorithms. Finally, the set covering model (SCP), an optimization model for the distribution of stations, is used to define the number of stations in the city and their locations. This model\u27s objective is to minimize costs while still satisfying user demand. Using this data-driven approach can help guide the strategic design and planning of a BSS. A case study using this method was carried out using data from the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, the third most populous city in this developing country. Cuenca is considered a mid-sized city and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. When compared to the costly Spanish--Ecuadorian consortium that implemented the currently BSS running in Cuenca, applying the proposed data-driven approach to this real-life practical case study resulted in a 70--90\% match in the locations of stations. The consortium had to study the place of implementation in a great amount of depth and obtained a similar design to that obtained in this case study. This demonstrates the potential of the proposed method as a simple, effective, and low-cost method for the strategic planning of BSSs in small and mid-sized cities. The present study provides an affordable solution to the design of BSS station distribution for cities without many resources. Using this method, cities can take advantage of a standardized platform to define a network of stations through an established step-by-step process. The method of BSS design proposed here demonstrates three significant advantages: 1) in-depth knowledge of the area in which a BSS is to be implemented location is not required, as the design can be driven by existing data and can even be adapted to new data sources; 2) implementation is economical as this reduces the need to hire expensive expert personnel with knowledge and experience in implementing BSSs; 3) the method is versatile since it can accept input data of various kinds, which enables the adaptation of the solution to any small or mid-sized city. This method, therefore, provides small and mid-sized resource-limited cities with a simple and cost-effective method to design a BSS that can be tailored to particular contexts and can be adapted to the specific goals of BSS implementation in a given city

    Madness, Resistance, and Representation in Contemporary British and Irish Theatre

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    This thesis questions how theatre can act as a site of resistance against the political structures of madness. It analyzes a variety of plays from the past 25 years of British and Irish theatre in order to discern what modes of resistance are possible, and the conceptual lines upon which they follow. It questions how these modes of resistance are imbibed in the representation of madness. It discerns what way these modes relate specifically to the theatrical, and what it is the theatrical specifically has to offer these conceptualizations. It achieves this through a close textual and performative analysis of the selected plays, interrogating these plays from various theoretical perspectives. It follows and explores different conceptualizations across both political and ethical lay lines, looking at what composes the theatrical practical critique, how theatre can alter and play with space, how theatre capacitate the act of witnessing, and the possibility of re-invigorating the ethical encounter through theatrical means. It achieves this through a critical engagement with thinkers such as Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre, Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas. Engaging with the heterogeneity of madness, it covers a variety of madness’s different attributes and logics, including: the constitution and institutional structures of the contemporary asylum; the cultural idioms behind hallucination; the means by which suicide is apprehended and approached; how testimony of the mad person is interpreted and encountered.AHR