441 research outputs found

    The Application of Improved Bacteria Foraging Algorithm to the Optimization of Aviation Equipment Maintenance Scheduling

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    Taking the aviation equipment scheduled maintenance as a prototype, this paper improves a bionic global random search algorithm - bacteria foraging optimization algorithm to solve the task-scheduling problem. Inspired by gene mutation, the activity of bacteria is dynamically adjusted to make good bacteria more capable of action. In addition, a bacterial quorum sensing mechanism is established, which allows bacteria to guide their swimming routes by using their peer experience and enhance their global search capability. Its application to the engineering practice can optimize the scheduling of the maintenance process. It is of great application value in increasing the aviation equipment maintenance efficiency and the level of command automation. In addition, it can improve the resource utilization ratio to reduce the maintenance support cost

    Новые подходы к управлению ценами на транспортные услуги

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    Development of new approaches to formation of analytics mechanisms for the purpose of pricing management of services is an important aspect of increasing the efficiency of transport management processes.Research aimed at improving the tools for determining the optimal parameters of the ratio of quality and price of service for formation of a competitive and efficient tariff policy continues to remain relevant and in demand in modern market conditions. The objective of the study, presented in the article, is to analyse and evaluate the prospects for implementation of the areas to improve the apparatus for assessing the price elasticity of demand for railway passenger transport services as the transition to the use of non-linear parameters in terms of customer behaviour modelling functions, as well as introduction of the most effective algorithms from the set of modern global mathematical optimisation tools.The research conclusions are based on the use of system analysis mechanisms, methods of economic and mathematical modelling and optimisation, as well as of non-parametric statistics tools.The results based on the use of an array of data on the demand of passengers of branded trains include: a comparative assessment of quality of modelling the price elasticity of demand using 15 functions that are nonlinear in terms of parameters; the most promising tools of the search for unknown parameters for non-smooth nonlinear functions for modelling the behaviour of railway customers are identified based on a three-stage procedure for comparative analysis of the performance of more than 60 optimisation algorithms (including the calculation of minima and medians for the sums of squares of modelling errors, bootstrap analysis, Kruskal– Wallace and Mann–Whitney tests, as well as the calculation of a metric specially developed by the authors for assessing the degree of superiority of one algorithm over another within the framework of non-parametric analysis).The findings seem able to be successfully used in relation to other modes of transport in solving similar problems of developing an effective toolkit for managing the prices of transport services.Важным аспектом повышения эффективности процессов управления на транспорте является развитие новых подходов к формированию механизмов аналитики для целей управления ценами услуг.В современных рыночных условиях продолжают оставаться актуальными и востребованными исследования, направленные на совершенствование инструментария определения оптимальных параметров соотношения качества и стоимости обслуживания для формирования конкурентоспособной и эффективной тарифной политики.Цель исследования, представленного в статье, – анализ и оценка перспектив реализации таких направлений по совершенствованию аппарата оценки ценовой эластичности спроса на услуги железнодорожного пассажирского транспорта, как переход к использованию нелинейных по параметрам функций моделирования поведения клиентов, а также внедрение наиболее эффективных алгоритмов из арсенала современного инструментария глобальной математической оптимизации.Формирование выводов исследования основывается на применении механизмов системного анализа, методов экономико-математического моделирования и оптимизации, а также инструментария непараметрической статистики.В итоге, на основе использования массива данных о спросе пассажиров фирменных поездов проведена сравнительная оценка качества моделирования ценовой эластичности спроса при использовании 15 нелинейных по параметрам функций, а также, в результате осуществления трёхэтапной процедуры сравнительного анализа эффективности работы более чем 60 алгоритмов оптимизации (включающей, в том числе, расчёт минимумов и медиан для сумм квадратов ошибок моделирования, бутстреп-анализ, тесты Краскела–Уоллеса и Манна–Уитни, а также расчёт специально разработанной авторами метрики оценки степени превосходства одного алгоритма над другим в рамках непараметрического анализа) определены наиболее перспективные механизмы поиска неизвестных параметров для негладких нелинейных функций моделирования поведения клиентов железнодорожного транспорта.Представляется, что полученные выводы могут быть успешно использованы и применительно к другим видам транспорта при решении ими аналогичных задач формирования эффективного инструментария управления ценами транспортных услуг

    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users2019; awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    Metaheuristic design of feedforward neural networks: a review of two decades of research

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    Over the past two decades, the feedforward neural network (FNN) optimization has been a key interest among the researchers and practitioners of multiple disciplines. The FNN optimization is often viewed from the various perspectives: the optimization of weights, network architecture, activation nodes, learning parameters, learning environment, etc. Researchers adopted such different viewpoints mainly to improve the FNN's generalization ability. The gradient-descent algorithm such as backpropagation has been widely applied to optimize the FNNs. Its success is evident from the FNN's application to numerous real-world problems. However, due to the limitations of the gradient-based optimization methods, the metaheuristic algorithms including the evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, etc., are still being widely explored by the researchers aiming to obtain generalized FNN for a given problem. This article attempts to summarize a broad spectrum of FNN optimization methodologies including conventional and metaheuristic approaches. This article also tries to connect various research directions emerged out of the FNN optimization practices, such as evolving neural network (NN), cooperative coevolution NN, complex-valued NN, deep learning, extreme learning machine, quantum NN, etc. Additionally, it provides interesting research challenges for future research to cope-up with the present information processing era