13 research outputs found

    Sidekick compilation with xDSL

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    Traditionally, compiler researchers either conduct experiments within an existing production compiler or develop their own prototype compiler; both options come with trade-offs. On one hand, prototyping in a production compiler can be cumbersome, as they are often optimized for program compilation speed at the expense of software simplicity and development speed. On the other hand, the transition from a prototype compiler to production requires significant engineering work. To bridge this gap, we introduce the concept of sidekick compiler frameworks, an approach that uses multiple frameworks that interoperate with each other by leveraging textual interchange formats and declarative descriptions of abstractions. Each such compiler framework is specialized for specific use cases, such as performance or prototyping. Abstractions are by design shared across frameworks, simplifying the transition from prototyping to production. We demonstrate this idea with xDSL, a sidekick for MLIR focused on prototyping and teaching. xDSL interoperates with MLIR through a shared textual IR and the exchange of IRs through an IR Definition Language. The benefits of sidekick compiler frameworks are evaluated by showing on three use cases how xDSL impacts their development: teaching, DSL compilation, and rewrite system prototyping. We also investigate the trade-offs that xDSL offers, and demonstrate how we simplify the transition between frameworks using the IRDL dialect. With sidekick compilation, we envision a future in which engineers minimize the cost of development by choosing a framework built for their immediate needs, and later transitioning to production with minimal overhead

    A Case Study in Modular Programming: Using AspectJ and OCaml in an Undergraduate Compiler Project

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    We report our experience in using two different languages to build the same software project. Specifically, we have converted an entire undergraduate compiler course from using AspectJ, an aspect-oriented language, to using OCaml, a functional language. The course has evolved over a period of eight years with, on average, 60 students completing it every year. In this article, we analyze our usage of the two programming languages and we compare and contrast the two software projects on a number of parameters, including how they enable students to write and test individual compiler phases in a modular way.

    An extension-oriented compiler

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-110).The thesis of this dissertation is that compilers can and should allow programmers to extend programming languages with new syntax, features, and restrictions by writing extension modules that act as plugins for the compiler. We call compilers designed around this idea extension-oriented. The central challenge in designing and building an extension-oriented compiler is the creation of extension interfaces that are simultaneously powerful, to allow effective extensions; convenient, to make these extensions easy to write; and composable, to make it possible to use independently-written extensions together. This dissertation proposes and evaluates extension-oriented syntax trees (XSTs) as a way to meet these challenges. The key interfaces to XSTs are grammar statements, a convenient, composable interface to extend the input parser; syntax patterns, a way to manipulate XSTs in terms of the original program syntax; canonicalizers, which put XSTs into a canonical form to extend the reach of syntax patterns; and attributes, a lazy computation mechanism to structure analyses on XSTs and allow extensions to cooperate. We have implemented these interfaces in a small procedural language called zeta. Using zeta, we have built an extension-oriented compiler for C called xoc and then 13 extensions to C ranging in size from 16 lines to 245 lines.To evaluate XSTs and xoc, this dissertation examines two examples in detail: a reimplementation of the programming language Alef and a reimplementation of the Linux kernel checker Sparse. Both of these examples consist of a handful of small extensionsby Russell Stensby Cox.Ph.D

    Implementing an Embedded Compiler using Program Transformation Rules

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    (To appear)International audienceDomain-specific languages (DSLs) are well-recognized to ease programming and improve robustness for a specific domain, by providing high-level domain-specific notations and verifications of domain-specific properties. The compiler of a DSL, however, is often difficult to develop and maintain, due to the need to define a specific treatment for a large and potentially increasing number of language constructs. To address this issue, we propose an approach for specifying a DSL compiler and verifier using control-flow sensitive concrete-syntax based matching rules. These rules either collect information about the source code to carry out verifications or perform transformations to carry out compilation. Because rules only mention the relevant constructs, using their concrete syntax, and hide the complexity of control-flow graph traversal, it is easy to understand the purpose of each rule. Furthermore, new compilation steps can be added using only a small number of lines of code. We explore this approach in the context of the z2z DSL for network gateway development, and show that the core of its compiler and verifier can be implemented in this manner

    Programming Language Techniques for Natural Language Applications

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    It is easy to imagine machines that can communicate in natural language. Constructing such machines is more difficult. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how declarative grammar formalisms that distinguish between abstract and concrete syntax make it easier to develop natural language applications. We describe how the type-theorectical grammar formalism Grammatical Framework (GF) can be used as a high-level language for natural language applications. By taking advantage of techniques from the field of programming language implementation, we can use GF grammars to perform portable and efficient parsing and linearization, generate speech recognition language models, implement multimodal fusion and fission, generate support code for abstract syntax transformations, generate dialogue managers, and implement speech translators and web-based syntax-aware editors. By generating application components from a declarative grammar, we can reduce duplicated work, ensure consistency, make it easier to build multilingual systems, improve linguistic quality, enable re-use across system domains, and make systems more portable

    Generic Programming with Extensible Data Types; Or, Making Ad Hoc Extensible Data Types Less Ad Hoc

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    We present a novel approach to generic programming over extensible data types. Row types capture the structure of records and variants, and can be used to express record and variant subtyping, record extension, and modular composition of case branches. We extend row typing to capture generic programming over rows themselves, capturing patterns including lifting operations to records and variations from their component types, and the duality between cases blocks over variants and records of labeled functions, without placing specific requirements on the fields or constructors present in the records and variants. We formalize our approach in System R{\omega}, an extension of F{\omega} with row types, and give a denotational semantics for (stratified) R{\omega} in Agda.Comment: To appear at: International Conference on Functional Programming 2023 Corrected citations from previous versio

    Efficient Tree-Traversals: Reconciling Parallelism and Dense Data Representations

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    Recent work showed that compiling functional programs to use dense, serialized memory representations for recursive algebraic datatypes can yield significant constant-factor speedups for sequential programs. But serializing data in a maximally dense format consequently serializes the processing of that data, yielding a tension between density and parallelism. This paper shows that a disciplined, practical compromise is possible. We present Parallel Gibbon, a compiler that obtains the benefits of dense data formats and parallelism. We formalize the semantics of the parallel location calculus underpinning this novel implementation strategy, and show that it is type-safe. Parallel Gibbon exceeds the parallel performance of existing compilers for purely functional programs that use recursive algebraic datatypes, including, notably, abstract-syntax-tree traversals as in compilers

    Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages

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    Implémenter efficacement les langages de programmation dynamiques demande beaucoup d’effort de développement. Les compilateurs ne cessent de devenir de plus en plus complexes. Aujourd’hui, ils incluent souvent une phase d’interprétation, plusieurs phases de compilation, plusieurs représentations intermédiaires et des analyses de code. Toutes ces techniques permettent d’implémenter efficacement un langage de programmation dynamique, mais leur mise en oeuvre est difficile dans un contexte où les ressources de développement sont limitées. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche et de nouvelles techniques dynamiques permettant de développer des compilateurs performants pour les langages dynamiques avec de relativement bonnes performances et un faible effort de développement. Nous présentons une approche simple de compilation à la volée qui permet d’implémenter un langage en une seule phase de compilation, sans transformation vers des représentations intermédiaires. Nous expliquons comment le versionnement de blocs de base, une technique de compilation existante, peut être étendue, sans effort de développement significatif, pour fonctionner interprocéduralement avec les langages de programmation d’ordre supérieur, permettant d’appliquer des optimisations interprocédurales sur ces langages. Nous expliquons également comment le versionnement de blocs de base permet de supprimer certaines opérations utilisées pour implémenter les langages dynamiques et qui impactent les performances comme les vérifications de type. Nous expliquons aussi comment les compilateurs peuvent exploiter les représentations dynamiques des valeurs par Tagging et NaN-boxing pour optimiser le code généré avec peu d’effort de développement. Nous présentons également notre expérience de développement d’un compilateur à la volée pour le langage de programmation Scheme, pour montrer que ces techniques permettent effectivement de construire un compilateur avec un effort moins important que les compilateurs actuels et qu’elles permettent de générer du code efficace, qui rivalise avec les meilleures implémentations du langage Scheme.Efficiently implementing dynamic programming languages requires a significant development effort. Over the years, compilers have become more complex. Today, they typically include an interpretation phase, several compilation phases, several intermediate representations and code analyses. These techniques allow efficiently implementing these programming languages but are difficult to implement in contexts in which development resources are limited. We propose a new approach and new techniques to build optimizing just-in-time compilers for dynamic languages with relatively good performance and low development effort. We present a simple just-in-time compilation approach to implement a language with a single compilation phase, without the need to use code transformations to intermediate representations. We explain how basic block versioning, an existing compilation technique, can be extended without significant development effort, to work interprocedurally with higherorder programming languages allowing interprocedural optimizations on these languages. We also explain how basic block versioning allows removing operations used to implement dynamic languages that degrade performance, such as type checks, and how compilers can use Tagging and NaN-boxing to optimize the generated code with low development effort. We present our experience of building a JIT compiler using these techniques for the Scheme programming language to show that they indeed allow building compilers with less development effort than other implementations and that they allow generating efficient code that competes with current mature implementations of the Scheme language