53 research outputs found

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Advances in Vibration Analysis Research

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    Vibrations are extremely important in all areas of human activities, for all sciences, technologies and industrial applications. Sometimes these Vibrations are useful but other times they are undesirable. In any case, understanding and analysis of vibrations are crucial. This book reports on the state of the art research and development findings on this very broad matter through 22 original and innovative research studies exhibiting various investigation directions. The present book is a result of contributions of experts from international scientific community working in different aspects of vibration analysis. The text is addressed not only to researchers, but also to professional engineers, students and other experts in a variety of disciplines, both academic and industrial seeking to gain a better understanding of what has been done in the field recently, and what kind of open problems are in this area

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine

    Consciousness level assessment in completely locked-in syndrome patients using soft-clustering

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are very convenient tools to assess locked-in (LIS) and completely locked-in state (CLIS) patients' hidden states of consciousness. For the time being, there is no ground-truth data in respect to these states for above-mentioned patients. This lack of gold standard makes this problem particularly challenging. In addition to consciousness assessment, BCIs also provide them with a communication device that does not require the presence of motor responses, which they are lacking. Communication plays an important role in the patients' quality of life and prognosis. Significant progress have been made to provide them with EEG-based BCIs in particular. Nonetheless, the majority of existing studies directly dive into the communication part without assessing if the patient is even conscious. Additionally, the few studies that do essentially use evoked brain potentials, mostly the P300, that necessitates the patient's voluntary and active participation to be elicited. Patients are easily fatigued, and would consequently be less successful during the main communication task. Furthermore, when the consciousness states are determined using resting state data, only one or two features were used. In this thesis, different sets of EEG features are used to assess the consciousness level of CLIS patients using resting-state data. This is done as a preliminary step that needed to be succeeded in order to engage to the next step, communication with the patient. In other words, the 'conversation' is initiated only if the patient is sufficiently conscious. This variety of EEG features is utilised to increase the probability of correctly estimating the patients' consciousness states. Indeed, each of them captures a particular signal attribute, and combining them would allow the collection of different hidden characteristics that could have not been obtained from a single feature. Furthermore, the proposed method should allow to determine if communication shall be initiated at a specific time with the patient. The EEG features used are frequency-based, complexity related and connectivity metrics. Besides, instead of analysing results from individual channels or specific brain regions, the global activity of the brain is assessed. The estimated consciousness levels are then obtained by applying two different soft-clustering analysis methods, namely Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), to the individual features and ensembling their results using their average or their product. The proposed approach is first applied to EEG data recorded from patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) and minimally conscious state (MCS) (patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC)) to evaluate its performance. It is subsequently applied to data from one CLIS patient that is unique in its kind because it contains a time frame during which the experimenters affirmed that he was conscious. Finally, it is used to estimate the levels of consciousness of nine other CLIS patients. The obtained results revealed that the presented approach was able to take into account the variations of the different features and deduce a unique output taking into consideration the individual features contributions. Some of them performed better than others, which is not surprising since each person is different. It was also able to draw very accurate estimations of the level of consciousness under specific conditions. The approach presented in this thesis provides an additional tool for diagnosis to the medical staff. Furthermore, when implemented online, it would enable to determine the optimal time to engage in communication with CLIS patients. Moreover, it could possibly be used to predict patients' cognitive decline and/or death

    Neurological and Mental Disorders

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    Mental disorders can result from disruption of neuronal circuitry, damage to the neuronal and non-neuronal cells, altered circuitry in the different regions of the brain and any changes in the permeability of the blood brain barrier. Early identification of these impairments through investigative means could help to improve the outcome for many brain and behaviour disease states.The chapters in this book describe how these abnormalities can lead to neurological and mental diseases such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), anxiety disorders, Alzheimer’s disease and personality and eating disorders. Psycho-social traumas, especially during childhood, increase the incidence of amnesia and transient global amnesia, leading to the temporary inability to create new memories.Early detection of these disorders could benefit many complex diseases such as schizophrenia and depression

    Proceedings XXIII Congresso SIAMOC 2023

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    Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), giunto quest’anno alla sua ventitreesima edizione, approda nuovamente a Roma. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti che operano nell’ambito dell’analisi del movimento di incontrarsi, presentare i risultati delle proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni riguardanti le procedure e le tecnologie per l’analisi del movimento nella pratica clinica. Il congresso SIAMOC 2023 di Roma si propone l’obiettivo di fornire ulteriore impulso ad una già eccellente attività di ricerca italiana nel settore dell’analisi del movimento e di conferirle ulteriore respiro ed impatto internazionale. Oltre ai qualificanti temi tradizionali che riguardano la ricerca di base e applicata in ambito clinico e sportivo, il congresso SIAMOC 2023 intende approfondire ulteriori tematiche di particolare interesse scientifico e di impatto sulla società. Tra questi temi anche quello dell’inserimento lavorativo di persone affette da disabilità anche grazie alla diffusione esponenziale in ambito clinico-occupazionale delle tecnologie robotiche collaborative e quello della protesica innovativa a supporto delle persone con amputazione. Verrà infine affrontato il tema dei nuovi algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale per l’ottimizzazione della classificazione in tempo reale dei pattern motori nei vari campi di applicazione