145 research outputs found

    Solid state transformers topologies, controllers, and applications: State-of-the-art literature review

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    With the global trend to produce clean electrical energy, the penetration of renewable energy sources in existing electricity infrastructure is expected to increase significantly within the next few years. The solid state transformer (SST) is expected to play an essential role in future smart grid topologies. Unlike traditional magnetic transformer, SST is flexible enough to be of modular construction, enabling bi-directional power flow and can be employed for AC and DC grids. Moreover, SSTs can control the voltage level and modulate both active and reactive power at the point of common coupling without the need to external flexible AC transmission system device as per the current practice in conventional electricity grids. The rapid advancement in power semiconductors switching speed and power handling capacity will soon allow for the commercialisation of grid-rated SSTs. This paper is aimed at introducing a state-of-the-art review for SST proposed topologies, controllers, and applications. Additionally, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis along with a brief review of market drivers for prospective commercialisation are elaborated


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      Web phishing adalah situs web yang dirancang untuk melakukan bentuk penipuan dengan cara percobaan untuk mendapatkan informasi sensitif. Dimana proses phishing ini bermaksud untuk menangkap informasi yang sangat sensitif seperti username, password dan detil kartu kredit dalam bentuk menyamar sebagai sebuah entitas yang dapat dipercaya/ legitimate organization dan biasanya berkomunikasi secara elektronik. Oleh karena itu penulis melakukan analisis menggunakan metode network forensic. Penelitian forensik jaringan dilakukan menggunakan metode model proses forensik (The Forensic Process Model), sebuah model proses investigasi forensik digital, yang terdiri dari tahap pengkoleksian, pemeriksaan, analisis dan pelaporan. Penelitian dilakukan selama lima bulan dengan mengambil data berupa file capture dari Network Protocol Analyzer (Wireshark). Wireshark mengizinkan pengguna mengamati data dari jaringan yang tengah beroperasi atau dari data yang ada di disk, dan segera melihat/mensortir data yang tertangkap, mulai dari informasi singkat dan rincian untuk segala hal tentang paket termasuk juga full header & jumlah data, bisa didapat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat IP address yang melakukan tindakan phishing. Untuk mencegahnya pencurian data maka digunakan router mikrotik guna memblokir web phishing dan berperan sebagai network (jaringan), pengendali, atau pengatur lalu lintas antar jaringan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis berhasil mendapatkan identitas pembuat web phishing dan berhasil melakukan blocking terhadap web tersebut.   Kata Kunci: Mikrotik, Network Forensic, Phishing, Wireshar

    Analisis Performa Load Balancing Algoritma Weighted Round Robin di Infrastruktur BPBD Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Abstrak— Bencana alam terus terjadi dengan waktu kejadian yang tidak dapat diprediksi. Pada saat bencana terjadi seluruh masyarakat ingin mendapatkan informasi yang benar dan akurat. Sumber informasi tersebut dapat diperoleh pada website lembaga pemerintahan non-departemen yang bergerak di bidang social yaitu Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Provinsi Jawa Timur.Meningkatnya jumlah pengunjung setiap tahun pada website BPBD Jatim membuat kondisi web server akan overload sehingga tidak semua orang dapat mengakses website untuk mencari informasi. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, dengan memasang aplikasi load balancer pada web server dapat menambah performa web server menjadi lebih cepat dan semua request yang masuk akan terkelola dengan baik.Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat dinyatakan bahwa Algoritma weighted round robin dengan rasio (2:3) yang terpasang pada load balancer dapat membantu meningkatkan performa parameter Troughput sebanyak 113 KB/s, dan Request error sebanyak 986 client pada web server yang belum menggunakan load balancer.Kata Kunci— Bencana alam, BPBD, Overload, Load Balancer, Web Server, Weighted Round Robin

    Transpacific Testbed for Real-Time Experimentation

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    The transpacific testbed is a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel built between CUNY City College (CCNY), USA and Kyushu Institute of Technology (KYUTECH), Japan. The tunnel, built through internet2, originated from CCNY through the JGN network in Seattle and terminated at Kyutech in Japan. The testbed defines the future of the Internet by focusing on addressing research challenges associated with enabling trustworthy networks, supporting the Internet of Things (IoT), which encompasses everything connected to the Internet and cyber-physical systems (CPS) - a controlled mechanism monitored by computer-based algorithms. In this paper, we describe the setting up and testing of the testbed. Furthermore, we describe the real-time experiments conducted on the testbed and present the results. The experiments are classified into two: blockchain-based cooperative intrusion detection system (CoIDS) and Secure Virtual Machine introspection. In each of the experiments, we describe the method and present the results. Finally, we look into the ongoing works of extending the testbed to the COSMIC global testbed.2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF 2021), 13-15, October, 2021, Virtual Conferenc


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    Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib yang harus ditempuh oleh seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang mencakup latihan mengajar maupun tugas-tugas kependidikan di luar mengajar secara terbimbing dan terpadu untuk memenuhi persyaratan pembentukan profesi kependidikan. Praktik lapangan terbimbing berorientasi pada kompetensi, terarah pada pembentukan kemampuan - kemampuan profesional siswa, calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan dan dilaksanakan, dikelola serta ditata secara terbimbing dan terpadu. Kegiatan PLT dilaksanakan agar mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman sehingga dapat dipakai sebagai bekal untuk membentuk calon tenaga guru kependidikan yang profesional. PLT memiliki visi wahana pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan profesional. PLT sangat berguna untuk mahasiswa agar mahasiswa tahu tentang realita dalam dunia pendidikan. Kegiatan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing dilaksanakan dari tanggal 15 September 2017 s.d. 15 november 2017 bertempat di SMK Ma’arif I Wates yang beralamat di Jln. Puntodewo, Gadingan, Wates, Kulon Progo. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan, praktikan mengampu dua mata pelajaran yaitu Administrasi Server untuk kelas XI TKJ 1 dan kelas XI TKJ 2, dan Troubleshooting Jaringan untuk kelas XII TKJ 1. Kegiatan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dan juga analisis hasil sebagai tindak lanjut dari persiapan dan pelaksanaan yang telah dilakukan. Pada tahap persiapan, praktikan melakukan berbagai kegiatan untuk menunjang pelaksanaan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing antara lain Pengajaran Mikro, bimbingan dengan guru dan dosen pembimbing, dan observasi sasaran praktik. Pada tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing, praktikan mengimplementasikan segala persiapan yang telah dilakukan meliputi kegiatan mengajar dan kegiatan non mengajar yang menungjang kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan telah dilakukan analisis hasil dan didapat beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang didapat saat pelaksanaan praktik. Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing merupakan media yang tepat untuk berlatih menjadi guru yang sebenarnya. Melalui Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing praktikan mendapatkan gambaran nyata proses pembelajaran di sekolah sehingga praktikan dapat mengembangkan potensi dan kreatifitasnya untuk mencapai empat kompetensi guru

    Operating System Response to Router Advertisement Packet in IPv6.

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    With growth of internet IPv4 address will run out soon. So the need of new IP protocol is indispensable. IPv6 with 128-bit address space is developed and maintain the support of IPv4 protocols with some upgrades such as BGP, OSPF and ICMP. ICMP protocol used for error reporting, neighbor discovering and other functions for diagnosis, ICMP version 6 has new types of packets to perform function similar to address resolution protocol ARP called Neighbor Discovery Protocol NDP. NDP is responsible for address auto configuration of nodes and neighbor discovery. It define new packets for the purposes of router solicitation, router advertisement and others discovery functions

    Computer Network Design for Universities in Developing Countries

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    The purpose of this project is to design a suitable network system for universities in developing countries. The aim was to design a network with high-quality security and low cost, in such a way that network devices of universities in developing countries, will meet standards associated with the universities in developed countries. This project will help to enhance education in developing countries. There are many devices that were used in designing the network, such as routers, switches, backup, firewall, and servers. All devices were connected to each other to make integration network system and configured by putting IP addresses to all devices. Although the budget for this design network was low, it needed to have a high level of security. Accordingly, it incorporated several mechanisms including a firewall device that prevents any unfavorable data from entering into the network. Additionally, all devices in the network were secured by passwords, and these passwords were encrypted to be more secure. Moreover, each computer in the network was secured by antivirus programs and a backup system. This research discussed in details the budget challenges that the network faced in developing countries. Developing countries have a limited budget that affects choosing devices in the network such as servers. The servers used for this network design are DHCP server and DNS servers. This presentation and design included additional components such as a web server, mail server, etc

    Computer Network Design for Universities in Developing Countries

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    The purpose of this project is to design a suitable network system for universities in developing countries. The aim was to design a network with high-quality security and low cost, in such a way that network devices of universities in developing countries, will meet standards associated with the universities in developed countries. This project will help to enhance education in developing countries. There are many devices that were used in designing the network, such as routers, switches, backup, firewall, and servers. All devices were connected to each other to make integration network system and configured by putting IP addresses to all devices. Although the budget for this design network was low, it needed to have a high level of security. Accordingly, it incorporated several mechanisms including a firewall device that prevents any unfavorable data from entering into the network. Additionally, all devices in the network were secured by passwords, and these passwords were encrypted to be more secure. Moreover, each computer in the network was secured by antivirus programs and a backup system. This research discussed in details the budget challenges that the network faced in developing countries. Developing countries have a limited budget that affects choosing devices in the network such as servers. The servers used for this network design are DHCP server and DNS servers. This presentation and design included additional components such as a web server, mail server, etc