439 research outputs found

    Direct Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator Failures: State of the Art and Continuing Challenges

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    In this paper, the problem of controlling systems with failures and faults is introduced, and an overview of recent work on direct adaptive control for compensation of uncertain actuator failures is presented. Actuator failures may be characterized by some unknown system inputs being stuck at some unknown (fixed or varying) values at unknown time instants, that cannot be influenced by the control signals. The key task of adaptive compensation is to design the control signals in such a manner that the remaining actuators can automatically and seamlessly take over for the failed ones, and achieve desired stability and asymptotic tracking. A certain degree of redundancy is necessary to accomplish failure compensation. The objective of adaptive control design is to effectively use the available actuation redundancy to handle failures without the knowledge of the failure patterns, parameters, and time of occurrence. This is a challenging problem because failures introduce large uncertainties in the dynamic structure of the system, in addition to parametric uncertainties and unknown disturbances. The paper addresses some theoretical issues in adaptive actuator failure compensation: actuator failure modeling, redundant actuation requirements, plant-model matching, error system dynamics, adaptation laws, and stability, tracking, and performance analysis. Adaptive control designs can be shown to effectively handle uncertain actuator failures without explicit failure detection. Some open technical challenges and research problems in this important research area are discussed

    Adaptive Control Allocation in the Presence of Actuator Failures

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    In this paper, a novel adaptive control allocation framework is proposed. In the adaptive control allocation structure, cooperative actuators are grouped and treated as an equivalent control effector. A state feedback adaptive control signal is designed for the equivalent effector and allocated to the member actuators adaptively. Two adaptive control allocation algorithms are proposed, which guarantee closed-loop stability and asymptotic state tracking in the presence of uncertain loss of effectiveness and constant-magnitude actuator failures. The proposed algorithms can be shown to reduce the controller complexity with proper grouping of the actuators. The proposed adaptive control allocation schemes are applied to two linearized aircraft models, and the simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms

    Optimal fault-tolerant flight control for aircraft with actuation impairments

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    Current trends towards greater complexity and automation are leaving modern technological systems increasingly vulnerable to faults. Without proper action, a minor error may lead to devastating consequences. In flight control, where the controllability and dynamic stability of the aircraft primarily rely on the control surfaces and engine thrust, faults in these effectors result in a higher extent of risk for these aspects. Moreover, the operation of automatic flight control would be suddenly disturbed. To address this problem, different methodologies of designing optimal flight controllers are presented in this thesis. For multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, the feedback optimal control is a prominent technique that solves a multi-objective cost function, which includes, for instance, tracking requirements and control energy minimisation. The first proposed method is based on a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control law augmented with a fault-compensation scheme. This fault-tolerant system handles the situation in an adaptive way by solving the optimisation cost function and considering fault information, while assuming an effective fault detection system is available. The developed scheme was tested in a six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear environment to validate the linear-based controller. Results showed that this fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy managed to handle high magnitudes of the actuator’s loss of effciency faults. Although the rise time of aircraft response became slower, overshoot and settling errors were minimised, and the stability of the aircraft was maintained. Another FTC approach has been developed utilising the features of controller robustness against the system parametric uncertainties, without the need for reconfiguration or adaptation. Two types of control laws were established under this scheme, the H∞ and µ-synthesis controllers. Both were tested in a nonlinear environment for three points in the flight envelope: ascending, cruising, and descending. The H∞ controller maintained the requirements in the intact case; while in fault, it yielded non-robust high-frequency control surface deflections. The µ-synthesis, on the other hand, managed to handle the constraints of the system and accommodate faults reaching 30% loss of effciency in actuation. The final approach is based on the control allocation technique. It considers the tracking requirements and the constraints of the actuators in the design process. To accommodate lock-in-place faults, a new control effort redistribution scheme was proposed using the fuzzy logic technique, assuming faults are provided by a fault detection system. The results of simulation testing on a Boeing 747 multi-effector model showed that the system managed to handle these faults and maintain good tracking and stability performance, with some acceptable degradation in particular fault scenarios. The limitations of the controller to handle a high degree of faults were also presented

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics

    Multiple model L1 adaptive fault-tolerant control of small unmanned aerial vehicles

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    This paper presents a method for fault-tolerant control of small fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The proposed design is based on multiple-model L1 adaptive control. The controller is composed of a nominal reference model and a set of suboptimal reference models. The nominal model is the one with desired dynamics that are optimal regarding some specific criteria. In a suboptimal model the performance criteria are reduced, it is designed to ensure system robustness in the presence of critical failures. The controller was tested in simulations and it was shown that the multiple model L1 adaptive controller stabilizes the system in case of inversion of the control input, while the L1 adaptive controller with a single nominal model fails

    Robust Control Methods for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Dynamics and Unknown Control Direction

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    Robust nonlinear control design strategies using sliding mode control (SMC) and integral SMC (ISMC) are developed, which are capable of achieving reliable and accurate tracking control for systems containing dynamic uncertainty, unmodeled disturbances, and actuator anomalies that result in an unknown and time-varying control direction. In order to ease readability of this dissertation, detailed explanations of the relevant mathematical tools is provided, including stability denitions, Lyapunov-based stability analysis methods, SMC and ISMC fundamentals, and other basic nonlinear control tools. The contributions of the dissertation are three novel control algorithms for three different classes of nonlinear systems: single-input multipleoutput (SIMO) systems, systems with model uncertainty and bounded disturbances, and systems with unknown control direction. Control design for SIMO systems is challenging due to the fact that such systems have fewer actuators than degrees of freedom to control (i.e., they are underactuated systems). While traditional nonlinear control methods can be utilized to design controllers for certain classes of cascaded underactuated systems, more advanced methods are required to develop controllers for parallel systems, which are not in a cascade structure. A novel control technique is proposed in this dissertation, which is shown to achieve asymptotic tracking for dual parallel systems, where a single scalar control input directly affects two subsystems. The result is achieved through an innovative sequential control design algorithm, whereby one of the subsystems is indirectly stabilized via the desired state trajectory that is commanded to the other subsystem. The SIMO system under consideration does not contain uncertainty or disturbances. In dealing with systems containing uncertainty in the dynamic model, a particularly challenging situation occurs when uncertainty exists in the input-multiplicative gain matrix. Moreover, special consideration is required in control design for systems that also include unknown bounded disturbances. To cope with these challenges, a robust continuous controller is developed using an ISMC technique, which achieves asymptotic trajectory tracking for systems with unknown bounded disturbances, while simultaneously compensating for parametric uncertainty in the input gain matrix. The ISMC design is rigorously proven to achieve asymptotic trajectory tracking for a quadrotor system and a synthetic jet actuator (SJA)-based aircraft system. In the ISMC designs, it is assumed that the signs in the uncertain input-multiplicative gain matrix (i.e., the actuator control directions) are known. A much more challenging scenario is encountered in designing controllers for classes of systems, where the uncertainty in the input gain matrix is extreme enough to result in an a priori-unknown control direction. Such a scenario can result when dealing with highly inaccurate dynamic models, unmodeled parameter variations, actuator anomalies, unknown external or internal disturbances, and/or other adversarial operating conditions. To address this challenge, a SMCbased self-recongurable control algorithm is presented, which automatically adjusts for unknown control direction via periodic switching between sliding manifolds that ultimately forces the state to a converging manifold. Rigorous mathematical analyses are presented to prove the theoretical results, and simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the three proposed control algorithms

    Energy efficient control of electrostatically actuated MEMS

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    Plenty of Micro-electro-mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices are actuated using electrostatic forces, and specially, parallel-plate actuators are extensively used, due to the simplicity of their design. Nevertheless, parallel-plate actuators have some limitations due to the nonlinearity of the generated force. The dissertation analyzes the dynamics of the lumped electrostatically actuated nonlinear system, in order to obtain insight on its characteristics, define desired performance goals and implement a controller for energy efficient robustly stable actuation of MEMS resonators. In the first part of the dissertation, the modeling of the electromechanical lumped system is developed. From a complete distributed parameters model for MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation, a concentrated parameters simplification is derived to be used for analysis and control design. Based on the model, energy analysis of the pull-in instability is performed. The classic approach is revisited to extend the results to models with a nonlinear springs. Analysis of the effect of dynamics is studied as an important factor for the stability of the system. From this study, the Resonant Pull-in Condition for parallel-plate electrostatically actuated MEMS resonators is defined and experimentally validated. Given the importance of the nonlinear dynamics and its richness in behaviors, Harmonic Balance is chosen as a tool to characterize the steady-state oscillation of the resonators. This characterization leads to the understanding of the key factors for large and stable oscillation of resonators. An important conclusion is reached, Harmonic Balance predicts that any oscillation amplitude is possible for any desired frequency if the appropriate voltage is applied to the resonator. And the energy consumption is dependent on this chosen oscillation frequency. Based on Harmonic Balance results, four main goals are defined for the control strategy: Stable oscillation with large amplitudes of motion; Robust oscillation independently of MEMS imperfections; Pure sinus-like oscillation for high-grade sensing; and Low energy consumption. The second part of the dissertation deals with the controller selection, design and verification. A survey of prior work on MEMS control confirms that existing control approaches cannot provide the desired performance. Consequently, a new three-stage controller is proposed to obtain the desired oscillation with the expected stability and energy efficiency. The controller has three different control loops. The first control loop includes a Robust controller designed using on µ-synthesis, to deal with MEMS resonators uncertainties. The second control loop includes an Internal-Model-Principle Resonant controller, to generate the desired control action to obtain the desired oscillation. And the third control loop handles the energy consumption minimization through an Extremum Seeking Controller, which selects the most efficient working frequency for the desired oscillation. The proposed controller is able to automatically generate the needed control voltage, as predicted by the Harmonic Balance analysis, to operate the parallel-plate electrostatically actuated MEMS resonator at the desired oscillation. Performance verification of stability, robustness, sinus-like oscillation and energy efficiency is carried out through simulation. Finally, the needed steps for a real implementation are analyzed. Independent two-sided actuation for full-range amplitude oscillation is introduced to overcome the limitations of one-sided actuation. And a modification of standard Electromechanical Amplitude Modulation is analyzed and validated for position feedback implementation. With these improvements, a MEMS resonator with the desired specifications for testing the proposed control is designed for fabrication. Based on this design, testing procedure is discussed as future work.Molts microsistemes (MEMS) són actuats amb forces electrostàtiques, i especialment, els actuadors electrostàtics de plaques paral.leles són molt usats, degut a la simplicitat del seu disseny. Tot i això, aquests actuadors tenen limitacions degut a la no-linealitat de les forces generades. La tesi analitza el sistema mecànic no-lineal actuat electrostàticament que forma el MEMS, per tal d'entendre'n les característiques, definir objectius de control de l'oscil.lació, i implementar un controlador robust, estable i eficient energèticament. A la primera part de la tesi es desenvolupa el modelat del sistema electromecànic complert. A partir de la formulació de paràmetres distribuïts aplicada a dispositius MEMS amb actuació electrostàtica, es deriva una formulació de paràmetres concentrats per a l'anàlisi i el disseny del control. Basat en aquest model, s'analitza energèticament la inestabilitat anomenada Pull-in, ampliant els resultats de l'enfocament clàssic al model amb motlles no-lineals. Dins de l'anàlisi, l'evolució dinàmica s'estudia per ser un factor important per a l'estabilitat. D'aquest estudi, la Resonant Pull-in Condition per a actuadors electrostàtics de plaques paral.leles es defineix i es valida experimentalment. Donada la importància de la dinàmica no-lineal del sistema i la seva riquesa de comportaments, s'utilitza Balanç d'Harmònics per tal de caracteritzar les oscil.lacions en estacionari. Aquesta caracterització permet entendre els factors claus per a obtenir oscil.lacions estables i d'amplitud elevada. El Balanç d'Harmònics dóna una conclusió important: qualsevol amplitud d'oscil.lació és possible per a qualsevol freqüència desitjada si s'aplica el voltatge adequat al ressonador. I el consum energètic associat a aquesta oscil.lació depèn de la freqüència triada. Llavors, basat en aquests resultats, quatre objectius es plantegen per a l'estratègia de control: oscil.lació estable amb amplituds elevades; robustesa de l'oscil.lació independentment de les imperfeccions dels MEMS; oscil.lació sinusoïdal sense harmònics per a aplicacions d'alta precisió; i baix consum energètic. La segona part de la tesi tracta la selecció, disseny i verificació dun controlador adequat per a aquests objectius. La revisió dels treballs existents en control de MEMS confirma que cap dels enfocaments actuals permet obtenir els objectius desitjats. En conseqüència, es proposa el disseny d'un nou controlador amb tres etapes per tal d'obtenir l'oscil.lació desitjada amb estabilitat i eficiència energètica. El controlador té tres llaços de control. Al primer llaç, un controlador robust dissenyat amb µ-síntesis gestiona les incertes es dels MEMS. El segon llaç inclou un controlador Ressonant, basat en el Principi del Model Intern, per a generar l'acció de control necessària per a obtenir l'oscil.lació desitjada. I el tercer llaç de control gestiona la minimització de l'energia consumida mitjançant un controlador basat en Extremum Seeking, el qual selecciona la freqüència de treball més eficient energèticament per a l'oscil.lació triada. El controlador proposat és capaç de generar automàticament el voltatge necessari, igual al previst pel Balanç d'Harmònics, per tal d'operar electrostàticament amb plaques paral.leles els ressonadors MEMS. Mitjançant simulació se'n verifica l'estabilitat, robustesa, inexistència d'harmònics i eficiència energètica de l'oscil.lació. Finalment, la implementació real és analitzada. En primer lloc, un nou esquema d'actuació per dos costats amb voltatges independents es proposa per aconseguir l'oscil.lació del ressonador en tot el rang d'amplituds. I en segon lloc, una modificació del sensat amb Modulació d'Amplitud Electromecànica s'utilitza per tancar el llaç de control de posició. Amb aquestes millores, un ressonador MEMS es dissenya per a ser fabricat i validar el control. Basat en aquest disseny, es proposa un procediment de test plantejat com a treball futur.Postprint (published version