69 research outputs found

    Video post processing architectures

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    Serial-data computation in VLSI

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    Linear and nonlinear adaptive filtering and their applications to speech intelligibility enhancement

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    Mathematische morfologie in de beeldverwerking Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing

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    Het verwerken van een afbeelding met de computer laat ons toe de kwaliteit van dit beeld te verbeteren, specifieke objecten uit het beeld te segmenteren, of extra informatie tevoorschijn te halen. Mathematische morfologie is een set van wiskundige technieken uit de beeldverwerking die ons toelaat (de vormen in) beelden te analyseren. Dit proefschrift levert oplossingen voor een aantal problemen uit de beeldverwerking, met behulp van mathematische morfologie. Morfologie toepassen op zwart-wit- of grijswaardenbeelden is relatief eenvoudig, maar de theorie uitbreiden voor kleurbeelden stelt een aantal problemen. Aangezien een kleurbeeld veel meer nuttige informatie kan bevatten dan een grijswaardenbeeld, is zo'n uitbreiding wenselijk. We stellen het meerderheidsordeningsschema (MSS) voor, wat ons toelaat kleuren onderling te ordenen op een logische manier. Morfologische beeldverwerking met kleuren wordt dan mogelijk. Een ander onderzoek betreft polymeren en composieten. Deze materialen worden als glijlagers gebruikt in allerhande voorwerpen, zoals huishoudtoestellen, sluizen, poorten, etc. Vandaar dat de studie van de slijtage hiervan belangrijk is. We gaan na of het morfologische patroonspectrum, alsook vergelijkbare technieken, een bijdrage kan leveren aan het wrijvingsonderzoek van dergelijke materialen. Dit zou de snelheid en efficiëntie van de analyses kunnen verbeteren. We merken op dat de spectrale parameters interessante verbanden vertonen met de parameters van de proefopstelling. Het derde luik van de thesis betreft het ontwikkelen van een interpolatietechniek voor zwart-wit-beelden, gebaseerd op mathematische morfologie, genaamd mmINT. Interpolatie is nodig wanneer we wensen in te zoomen op een beeld of de resolutie van het beeld willen vergroten. Dit kan van pas komen wanneer we ingescande of gedownloade tekeningen van slechte kwaliteit (te lage resolutie) willen verbeteren. mmINT werkt aanzienlijk beter dan bestaande methodes. We ontwikkelden ook een snelle variant, mmINTone, en een uitbreiding voor grijswaardenbeelden, mmINTg

    Signal processing architectures for automotive high-resolution MIMO radar systems

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    To date, the digital signal processing for an automotive radar sensor has been handled in an efficient way by general purpose signal processors and microcontrollers. However, increasing resolution requirements for automated driving on the one hand, as well as rapidly growing numbers of manufactured sensors on the other hand, can provoke a paradigm change in the near future. The design and development of highly specialized hardware accelerators could become a viable option - at least for the most demanding processing steps with data rates of several gigabits per second. In this work, application-specific signal processing architectures for future high-resolution multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) radar sensors are designed, implemented, investigated and optimized. A focus is set on real-time performance such that even sophisticated algorithms can be computed sufficiently fast. The full processing chain from the received baseband signals to a list of detections is considered, comprising three major steps: Spectrum analysis, target detection and direction of arrival estimation. The developed architectures are further implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and important measurements like resource consumption, power dissipation or data throughput are evaluated and compared with other examples from literature. A substantial dataset, based on more than 3600 different parametrizations and variants, has been established with the help of a model-based design space exploration and is provided as part of this work. Finally, an experimental radar sensor has been built and is used under real-world conditions to verify the effectiveness of the proposed signal processing architectures.Bisher wurde die digitale Signalverarbeitung für automobile Radarsensoren auf eine effiziente Art und Weise von universell verwendbaren Mikroprozessoren bewältigt. Jedoch können steigende Anforderungen an das Auflösungsvermögen für hochautomatisiertes Fahren einerseits, sowie schnell wachsende Stückzahlen produzierter Sensoren andererseits, einen Paradigmenwechsel in naher Zukunft bewirken. Die Entwicklung von hochgradig spezialisierten Hardwarebeschleunigern könnte sich als eine praktikable Alternative etablieren - zumindest für die anspruchsvollsten Rechenschritte mit Datenraten von mehreren Gigabits pro Sekunde. In dieser Arbeit werden anwendungsspezifische Signalverarbeitungsarchitekturen für zukünftige, hochauflösende, MIMO Radarsensoren entworfen, realisiert, untersucht und optimiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei stets auf der Echtzeitfähigkeit, sodass selbst anspruchsvolle Algorithmen in einer ausreichend kurzen Zeit berechnet werden können. Die komplette Signalverarbeitungskette, beginnend von den empfangenen Signalen im Basisband bis hin zu einer Liste von Detektion, wird in dieser Arbeit behandelt. Die Kette gliedert sich im Wesentlichen in drei größere Teilschritte: Spektralanalyse, Zieldetektion und Winkelschätzung. Des Weiteren werden die entwickelten Architekturen auf einem FPGA implementiert und wichtige Kennzahlen wie Ressourcenverbrauch, Stromverbrauch oder Datendurchsatz ausgewertet und mit anderen Beispielen aus der Literatur verglichen. Ein umfangreicher Datensatz, welcher mehr als 3600 verschiedene Parametrisierungen und Varianten beinhaltet, wurde mit Hilfe einer modellbasierten Entwurfsraumexploration erstellt und ist in dieser Arbeit enthalten. Schließlich wurde ein experimenteller Radarsensor aufgebaut und dazu benutzt, die entworfenen Signalverarbeitungsarchitekturen unter realen Umgebungsbedingungen zu verifizieren

    The application of auditory signal processing principles to the detection, tracking and association of tonal components in sonar.

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    A steady signal exerts two complementary effects on a noisy acoustic environment: one is to add energy, the other is to create order. The ear has evolved mechanisms to detect both effects and encodes the fine temporal detail of a stimulus in sequences of auditory nerve discharges. Taking inspiration from these ideas, this thesis investigates the use of regular timing for sonar signal detection. Algorithms that operate on the temporal structure of a received signal are developed for the detection of merchant vessels. These ideas are explored by reappraising three areas traditionally associated with power-based detection. First of all, a time-frequency display based on timing instead of power is developed. Rather than inquiring of the display, "How much energy has been measured at this frequency? ", one would ask, "How structured is the signal at this frequency? Is this consistent with a target? " The auditory-motivated zero crossings with peak amplitudes (ZCPA) algorithm forms the starting-point for this study. Next, matters related to quantitative system performance analysis are addressed, such as how often a system will fail to detect a signal in particular conditions, or how much energy is required to guarantee a certain probability of detection. A suite of optimal temporal receivers is designed and is subsequently evaluated using the same kinds of synthetic signal used to assess power-based systems: Gaussian processes and sinusoids. The final area of work considers how discrete components on a sonar signal display, such as tonals and transients, can be identified and organised according to auditory scene analysis principles. Two algorithms are presented and evaluated using synthetic signals: one is designed to track a tonal through transient events, and the other attempts to identify groups of comodulated tonals against a noise background. A demonstration of each algorithm is provided for recorded sonar signals

    Comparative evaluation of video watermarking techniques in the uncompressed domain

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electronic watermarking is a method whereby information can be imperceptibly embedded into electronic media, while ideally being robust against common signal manipulations and intentional attacks to remove the embedded watermark. This study evaluates the characteristics of uncompressed video watermarking techniques in terms of visual characteristics, computational complexity and robustness against attacks and signal manipulations. The foundations of video watermarking are reviewed, followed by a survey of existing video watermarking techniques. Representative techniques from different watermarking categories are identified, implemented and evaluated. Existing image quality metrics are reviewed and extended to improve their performance when comparing these video watermarking techniques. A new metric for the evaluation of inter frame flicker in video sequences is then developed. A technique for possibly improving the robustness of the implemented discrete Fourier transform technique against rotation is then proposed. It is also shown that it is possible to reduce the computational complexity of watermarking techniques without affecting the quality of the original content, through a modified watermark embedding method. Possible future studies are then recommended with regards to further improving watermarking techniques against rotation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Elektroniese watermerk is ’n metode waardeur inligting onmerkbaar in elektroniese media vasgelê kan word, met die doel dat dit bestand is teen algemene manipulasies en doelbewuste pogings om die watermerk te verwyder. In hierdie navorsing word die eienskappe van onsaamgeperste video watermerktegnieke ondersoek in terme van visuele eienskappe, berekeningskompleksiteit en weerstandigheid teen aanslae en seinmanipulasies. Die onderbou van video watermerktegnieke word bestudeer, gevolg deur ’n oorsig van reedsbestaande watermerktegnieke. Verteenwoordigende tegnieke vanuit verskillende watermerkkategorieë word geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en geëvalueer. Bestaande metodes vir die evaluering van beeldkwaliteite word bestudeer en uitgebrei om die werkverrigting van die tegnieke te verbeter, spesifiek vir die vergelyking van watermerktegnieke. ’n Nuwe stelsel vir die evaluering van tussenraampie flikkering in video’s word ook ontwikkel. ’n Tegniek vir die moontlike verbetering van die geïmplementeerde diskrete Fourier transform tegniek word voorgestel om die tegniek se bestandheid teen rotasie te verbeter. Daar word ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik is om die berekeningskompleksiteit van watermerktegnieke te verminder, sonder om die kwaliteit van die oorspronklike inhoud te beïnvloed, deur die gebruik van ’n verbeterde watermerkvasleggingsmetode. Laastens word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing aangaande die verbetering van watermerktegnieke teen rotasie gemaak

    Abstract neural representations of language during sentence comprehension: Evidence from MEG and Behaviour

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    Ono: an open platform for social robotics

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    In recent times, the focal point of research in robotics has shifted from industrial ro- bots toward robots that interact with humans in an intuitive and safe manner. This evolution has resulted in the subfield of social robotics, which pertains to robots that function in a human environment and that can communicate with humans in an int- uitive way, e.g. with facial expressions. Social robots have the potential to impact many different aspects of our lives, but one particularly promising application is the use of robots in therapy, such as the treatment of children with autism. Unfortunately, many of the existing social robots are neither suited for practical use in therapy nor for large scale studies, mainly because they are expensive, one-of-a-kind robots that are hard to modify to suit a specific need. We created Ono, a social robotics platform, to tackle these issues. Ono is composed entirely from off-the-shelf components and cheap materials, and can be built at a local FabLab at the fraction of the cost of other robots. Ono is also entirely open source and the modular design further encourages modification and reuse of parts of the platform