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    Chinese Text Entry with Mobile Devices

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    Tietokoneiden ja nykyaikaisten matkapuhelimien käytön kannalta on olennaista, että niihin voidaan syöttää tekstiä tehokkaasti. Kiinan kielen eri murteita puhuu äidinkielenään noin viidesosa maailman väestöstä eli yli miljardi ihmistä. Kiinan kielen merkki- ja tavuperustaisuus tekee siitä tekstinsyötön kannalta ainutlaatuisen haastavan. Monet kiinalaisista merkeistä ovat rakenteeltaan monimutkaisia ja homofonisia (ääntyvät samalla tavoin) joidenkin muiden merkkien kanssa. Syötettäessä tekstiä näppäimistöltä tavallinen tapa on käyttää ns. pinyin-koodeja, joiden avulla kukin kiinan merkki voidaan esittää useasta latinalaisen aakkoston merkistä koostuvana koodina. Homofoniasta johtuen tarkoitettu kiinan kielen merkki joudutaan tämän jälkeen vielä valitsemaan usean vaihtoehdon joukosta, mikä tekee tekstinsyöttöprosessista vaikeampaa kuin romaanisten kielten tapauksessa. Lisäksi on otettava huomioon Kiinan eri osissa puhutut useat murteet. Kaikki nämä tekijät yhdessä tekevät kiinankielisen tekstin syötöstä tietokoneille haastavaa. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on parantaa kiinankielisen tekstin syöttötapojen käyttäjäkokemusta käytettäessä matkapuhelimia ja muita mobiililaitteita. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan empiiristen kokeiden ja mallinnuksen avulla uusia tekstinsyöttötapoja ja niiden käyttöä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on neljä erilaista tekstinsyöttötapaa: kiinankielen käsinkirjoituksen tunnistus, pyörivän kiekon avulla tapahtuva tekstinsyöttö, mandariinikiinaan perustuva sanelu, ja numeronäppäinten avulla tapahtuva pinyin-koodien syöttö. Työssä ehdotetaan uusia tekniikoita sekä käsinkirjoituksen tunnistukseen että kiekkoa käyttävään pinyin-koodien syöttöön. Empiirisissä kokeissa osoittautui että käyttäjät pitivät uusista tekniikoista. Mandariinikiinalle on suunniteltu lyhytviestien sanelusovellus, josta on tehty kaksi käyttäjäkoetta. Myös numeronäppäinten avulla tapahtuvaa pinyin-koodien syöttöä on tutkittu kahdessa kokeessa. Ensimmäisessä kokeessa vertailtiin viittä eri menetelmää. Se tuotti suunnitteluohjeita etenkin koskien fraasien (useamman merkin kokonaisuuksien) syöttöä, tekniikkaa joka voi nopeuttaa tekstinsyöttöä. Toisen osatutkimuksen tuloksena on tekstinsyöttöä kuvaava malli, jonka avulla voidaan ennustaa menetelmän nopeutta kun syötettäessä ei tehdä virheitä. Tutkimus johti myös useisiin jatkotutkimuskysymyksiin. On tarpeen kehittää tehokkaampia menetelmiä tilanteeseen, jossa merkki joudutaan valitsemaan useista vaihtoehdoista. Kehityspotentiaalia on myös merkkien perustana olevien viivojen tunnistustavoissa sekä kosketusnäytöllä esitettyjen näppäimistöjen paremmassa hyödyntämisessä.For using computers and modern mobile phones it is essential that there are efficient methods for providing textual input. About one fifth of the world´s population, or over one billion people, speaks some variety of Chinese as their native language. Chinese has unique characteristics as a logosyllabic language. For example, many Chinese characters are complex in structure and normally homophonic with some others. With keyboards and other key-based input devices the normal approach is to use so-called pinyin input, where the Chinese characters are entered using their pinyin mark that consists of several characters in the Roman alphabet. Because of homophony this technique requires choosing the correct Chinese character from a list of posssible choices, making the input process more complicated than in Roman languages. Moreover, the many varieties of the language in different parts of China have to be taken into account as well. All above factors bring new challenges to the design and evaluation of Chinese text entry methods in computing systems. The overall objective of this dissertation is to improve user experience of Chinese text entry on mobile devices. To achieve the goal, the author explores new interaction solutions and patterns of user behavior in the Chinese text entry process with various approaches including empirical studies and performance modeling. The work covers four means of Chinese text entry on mobile devices: Chinese handwriting recognition, Chinese indirect text entry with a rotator, Mandarin dictation, and Chinese pinyin input methods with a 12-key keypad. New design solutions for Chinese handwriting recognition and pinyin methods utilizing a rotator are proposed and proved being well accepted by users with empirical studies. A Mandarin short message dictation application for mobile phones is also presented , with two associated studies on human factors. Two studies were also carried out on Chinese pinyin input methods that are based on the 12-key keypad. The comparative study of five phrasal pinyin input methods led to design guidelines for the advanced feature of phrasal input. The second study of pinyin input methods produced a predictive model addressing users´ error-free speeds. Based on the conclusions from studies in this thesis, several additional research questions were identified for the future. For example, improvements are necessary to promote user performance on target selection process in Chinese text entry on mobile devices. Moreover, design and studies on stroke methods and Chinese specific soft keyboards are also required

    Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Interacting with computers following peer review. The version of record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019[EN] This work is focused on enhancing highly interactive text-editing applications with gestures. Concretely, we study Computer Assisted Transcription of Text Images (CATTI), a handwriting transcription system that follows a corrective feedback paradigm, where both the user and the system collaborate efficiently to produce a high-quality text transcription. CATTI-like applications demand fast and accurate gesture recognition, for which we observed that current gesture recognizers are not adequate enough. In response to this need we developed MinGestures, a parametric context-aware gesture recognizer. Our contributions include a number of stroke features for disambiguating copy-mark gestures from handwritten text, plus the integration of these gestures in a CATTI application. It becomes finally possible to create highly interactive stroke-based text-editing interfaces, without worrying to verify the user intent on-screen. We performed a formal evaluation with 22 e-pen users and 32 mouse users using a gesture vocabulary of 10 symbols. MinGestures achieved an outstanding accuracy (<1% error rate) with very high performance (<1 ms of recognition time). We then integrated MinGestures in a CATTI prototype and tested the performance of the interactive handwriting system when it is driven by gestures. Our results show that using gestures in interactive handwriting applications is both advantageous and convenient when gestures are simple but context-aware. Taken together, this work suggests that text-editing interfaces not only can be easily augmented with simple gestures, but also may substantially improve user productivity.This work has been supported by the European Commission through the 7th Framework Program (tranScriptorium: FP7- ICT-2011-9, project 600707 and CasMaCat: FP7-ICT-2011-7, project 287576). It has also been supported by the Spanish MINECO under grant TIN2012-37475-C02-01 (STraDa), and the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ISIC/2012/004 (AMIIS).Leiva, LA.; Alabau, V.; Romero Gómez, V.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2015). Contex-aware gestures for mixed-initiative text editings UIs. Interacting with Computers. 27(6):675-696. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu019S675696276Alabau V. Leiva L. A. Transcribing Handwritten Text Images with a Word Soup Game. Proc. Extended Abstr. Hum. Factors Comput. Syst. (CHI EA) 2012.Alabau V. Rodríguez-Ruiz L. Sanchis A. Martínez-Gómez P. Casacuberta F. 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    Onsetsu hyoki no kyotsusei ni motozuita Ajia moji nyuryoku intafesu ni kansuru kenkyu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3450号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2011/10/26 ; 早大学位記番号:新577

    Continuous User Authentication Using Multi-Modal Biometrics

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    It is commonly acknowledged that mobile devices now form an integral part of an individual’s everyday life. The modern mobile handheld devices are capable to provide a wide range of services and applications over multiple networks. With the increasing capability and accessibility, they introduce additional demands in term of security. This thesis explores the need for authentication on mobile devices and proposes a novel mechanism to improve the current techniques. The research begins with an intensive review of mobile technologies and the current security challenges that mobile devices experience to illustrate the imperative of authentication on mobile devices. The research then highlights the existing authentication mechanism and a wide range of weakness. To this end, biometric approaches are identified as an appropriate solution an opportunity for security to be maintained beyond point-of-entry. Indeed, by utilising behaviour biometric techniques, the authentication mechanism can be performed in a continuous and transparent fashion. This research investigated three behavioural biometric techniques based on SMS texting activities and messages, looking to apply these techniques as a multi-modal biometric authentication method for mobile devices. The results showed that linguistic profiling; keystroke dynamics and behaviour profiling can be used to discriminate users with overall Equal Error Rates (EER) 12.8%, 20.8% and 9.2% respectively. By using a combination of biometrics, the results showed clearly that the classification performance is better than using single biometric technique achieving EER 3.3%. Based on these findings, a novel architecture of multi-modal biometric authentication on mobile devices is proposed. The framework is able to provide a robust, continuous and transparent authentication in standalone and server-client modes regardless of mobile hardware configuration. The framework is able to continuously maintain the security status of the devices. With a high level of security status, users are permitted to access sensitive services and data. On the other hand, with the low level of security, users are required to re-authenticate before accessing sensitive service or data

    Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing

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    報告番号: 甲15222 ; 学位授与年月日: 2000-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4717号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科情報工学専

    Practical, appropriate, empirically-validated guidelines for designing educational games

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    There has recently been a great deal of interest in the potential of computer games to function as innovative educational tools. However, there is very little evidence of games fulfilling that potential. Indeed, the process of merging the disparate goals of education and games design appears problematic, and there are currently no practical guidelines for how to do so in a coherent manner. In this paper, we describe the successful, empirically validated teaching methods developed by behavioural psychologists and point out how they are uniquely suited to take advantage of the benefits that games offer to education. We conclude by proposing some practical steps for designing educational games, based on the techniques of Applied Behaviour Analysis. It is intended that this paper can both focus educational games designers on the features of games that are genuinely useful for education, and also introduce a successful form of teaching that this audience may not yet be familiar with

    Robotic Platforms for Assistance to People with Disabilities

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    People with congenital and/or acquired disabilities constitute a great number of dependents today. Robotic platforms to help people with disabilities are being developed with the aim of providing both rehabilitation treatment and assistance to improve their quality of life. A high demand for robotic platforms that provide assistance during rehabilitation is expected because of the health status of the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has resulted in countries facing major challenges to ensure the health and autonomy of their disabled population. Robotic platforms are necessary to ensure assistance and rehabilitation for disabled people in the current global situation. The capacity of robotic platforms in this area must be continuously improved to benefit the healthcare sector in terms of chronic disease prevention, assistance, and autonomy. For this reason, research about human–robot interaction in these robotic assistance environments must grow and advance because this topic demands sensitive and intelligent robotic platforms that are equipped with complex sensory systems, high handling functionalities, safe control strategies, and intelligent computer vision algorithms. This Special Issue has published eight papers covering recent advances in the field of robotic platforms to assist disabled people in daily or clinical environments. The papers address innovative solutions in this field, including affordable assistive robotics devices, new techniques in computer vision for intelligent and safe human–robot interaction, and advances in mobile manipulators for assistive tasks