171 research outputs found

    Reliability and Quality of Service in Opportunistic Spectrum Access

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux radio-cognitif constituent une des meilleures options technologiques pour les réseaux sans-fil futurs. Afin d’étudier comment la fiabilité devrait être redéfinie dans ces réseaux, nous étudions d'abord les sources les plus fréquentes de panne dans les réseaux sans-fil et fournissons une procédure systématique de classement des pannes. Il est ensuite expliqué comment les radios cognitives peuvent profiter de leur propre capacité à mettre en œuvre des mécanismes efficaces de prévention et de récupération contre les pannes et ainsi assurer des communications sans-fil fiables et de qualité de service constante. En considérant des normes arrivantes sur la base de l'OSA, ce qui distingue un réseau radio-cognitif de ses prédécesseurs est des changements fréquents de canal ainsi que de nouvelles exigences telles la détection de disponibilité et la décision d'utilisation du spectre. Nous nous concentrons sur cet aspect et modélisons la remise du spectre comme une panne. Par conséquent, améliorer la fiabilité est équivalent à augmenter le temps moyen entre pannes, à rendre plus efficace le processus de récupération et à réduire le temps moyen de réparation. Nous étudions donc d'abord l'impact du temps de récupération sur la performance du réseau radio-cognitif. En classifiant les pannes en dures et souples, il est examiné comment la disponibilité, le temps moyen entre pannes et le temps moyen jusqu'à la réparation sont touchés par le procès de récupération. Nous observons que le temps dépensé pour la récupération empêche le réseau d'atteindre le maximum de disponibilité. Par conséquent, pour obtenir un temps plus élevé entre pannes et un temps de réparation plus court, une option disponible est d'augmenter le nombre de canaux pouvant être utilisés par le réseau radio-cognitif, de sorte que, avec une haute probabilité, un utilisateur qui a raté le canal puisse trouver bientôt un nouveau canal. De l'autre côté, un mécanisme de récupération efficace est nécessaire pour mieux profiter de ce grand nombre de canaux; l'amélioration de la récupération est donc indispensable. Pour étudier l'impact de la récupération sur les couches plus hautes (e.g., la couche liaison et réseau), l’approche de l’analyse de file d'attente est choisie. Compte tenu des périodes de récupération comme une interruption de service, un modèle général de file d'attente de M/G/1 avec des interruptions est proposé. Différents paramètres de fiabilité et de qualité de service peuvent être trouvés à partir de ce modèle de file d'attente pour étudier comment la spécification des canaux, tels la distribution des périodes de disponibilité et d'indisponibilité, et la spécification de l'algorithme de récupération, tels la durée de récupération, affectent les paramètres de performance comme la perte de paquets, de retard et de gigue, et aussi le temps entre pannes. Pour soutenir la différenciation des classes de trafic, nous proposons une approche de file d'attente avec priorité. Nous proposons une extension des résultats du modèle de file d'attente générale et présentons quatre différentes disciplines de file d'attente de priorité, allant d'un régime préemptif absolu à un régime complètement non préemptif. Les nouvelles disciplines augmentent la flexibilité et la résolution de décision et permettent au noeud CR de contrôler l'interaction des différentes classes de trafic avec plus de précision.---------- ABSTRACT Cognitive-radio based wireless networks are a technology of choice for incoming wireless networks. To investigate how reliability should be redefined for these networks, we study the most common sources of failure in wireless networks and provide a systematic failure classification procedure. It is then explained how cognitive radios can use their inherent capabilities to implement efficient prevention and recovery mechanisms to combat failures and thereby provide more reliable communications and consistent quality of service in wireless networks. Considering incoming OSA-based standards, what distinguishes a cognitive radio network from its predecessors is the frequent spectrum handovers along with new requirements such as spectrum sensing and spectrum usage decision. We thus focus on this aspect and model the spectrum handover as a failure, so improving the reliability is equivalent to increasing the mean time to failure, improving the recovery process and shortening the mean time to repair. We first study the impact of the recovery time on the performance of the cognitive radio network. By classifying the failures into hard and soft, it is investigated how the availability, mean time to failure and mean time to repair are affected by the recovery time. It is observed that the time spent for recovery prevents the network from reaching the maximum availability. Therefore, to achieve a high mean time to hard failure and low mean time to repair, an available option is to increase the number of channels, so that with a high probability, a user who missed the channel can soon find a new channel. On the other side, an efficient recovery scheme is required to better take advantage of a large number of channels. Recovery improvement is thus indispensable. To study the impact of recovery on higher communication layers, a queueing approach is chosen. Considering the recovery periods as a service interruption, a general M/G/1 queueing model with interruption is proposed. Different reliability and quality of service parameters can be found from this queueing model to investigate how channel parameters, such as availability and unavailability periods, and the recovery algorithm specifications, such as the recovery duration, affect packet loss, delay and jitter, and also the MTTF and MTTR for hard and soft failures. To support traffic differentiation, we suggest a priority queueing approach. We extend the results of the general queueing model and discuss four different priority queueing disciplines ranging from a pure preemptive scheme to a pure non-preemptive scheme. New disciplines increase the flexibility and decision resolution and enable the CR node to more accurately control the interaction of different classes of traffic. The models are solved, so it can be analyzed how the reliability and quality of service parameters, such as delay and jitter, for a specific class of traffic are affected not only by the channel parameters, but also by the characteristics of other traffic classes. The M/G/1 queueing model with interruptions is a foundation for performance analysis and an answer to the need of having closed-form analytical relations. We then extend the queueing model to more realistic scenarios, first with heterogeneous channels (heterogeneous service rate for different channels) and second with multiple users and a random medium access model

    Improving resilience to cyber-attacks by analysing system output impacts and costs

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    Cyber-attacks cost businesses millions of dollars every year, a key component of which is the cost of business disruption from system downtime. As cyber-attacks cannot all be prevented, there is a need to consider the cyber resilience of systems, i.e. the ability to withstand cyber-attacks and recover from them. Previous works discussing system cyber resilience typically either offer generic high-level guidance on best practices, provide limited attack modelling, or apply to systems with special characteristics. There is a lack of an approach to system cyber resilience evaluation that is generally applicable yet provides a detailed consideration for the system-level impacts of cyber-attacks and defences. We propose a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of actions intended to improve resilience to cyber-attacks, considering their impacts on system output performance, and monetary costs. It is intended for analysing attacks that can disrupt the system function, and involves modelling attack progression, system output production, response to attacks, and costs from cyber-attacks and defensive actions. Studies of three use cases demonstrate the implementation and usefulness of our methodology. First, in our redundancy planning study, we considered the effect of redundancy additions on mitigating the impacts of cyber-attacks on system output performance. We found that redundancy with diversity can be effective in increasing resilience, although the reduction in attack-related costs must be balanced against added maintenance costs. Second, our work on attack countermeasure selection shows that by considering system output impacts across the duration of an attack, one can find more cost-effective attack responses than without such considerations. Third, we propose an approach to mission viability analysis for multi-UAV deployments facing cyber-attacks, which can aid resource planning and determining if the mission can conclude successfully despite an attack. We provide different implementations of our model components, based on use case requirements.Open Acces

    Proceedings of the Third Edition of the Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2006)

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    Ce fichier regroupe en un seul documents l'ensemble des articles accéptés pour la conférences WONS2006/http://citi.insa-lyon.fr/wons2006/index.htmlThis year, 56 papers were submitted. From the Open Call submissions we accepted 16 papers as full papers (up to 12 pages) and 8 papers as short papers (up to 6 pages). All the accepted papers will be presented orally in the Workshop sessions. More precisely, the selected papers have been organized in 7 session: Channel access and scheduling, Energy-aware Protocols, QoS in Mobile Ad-Hoc networks, Multihop Performance Issues, Wireless Internet, Applications and finally Security Issues. The papers (and authors) come from all parts of the world, confirming the international stature of this Workshop. The majority of the contributions are from Europe (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, UK). However, a significant number is from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iran, Korea and USA. The proceedings also include two invited papers. We take this opportunity to thank all the authors who submitted their papers to WONS 2006. You helped make this event again a success

    Advanced data management system analysis techniques study

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    The state of the art of system analysis is reviewed, emphasizing data management. Analytic, hardware, and software techniques are described

    A highly configurable software bug tracking system

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    Thesis (S.B. and M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 61-62).by Calista Tait.S.B.and M.Eng

    Extremely high data-rate, reliable network systems research

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    Significant progress was made over the year in the four focus areas of this research group: gigabit protocols, extensions of metropolitan protocols, parallel protocols, and distributed simulations. Two activities, a network management tool and the Carrier Sensed Multiple Access Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol, have developed to the point that a patent is being applied for in the next year; a tool set for distributed simulation using the language SIMSCRIPT also has commercial potential and is to be further refined. The year's results for each of these areas are summarized and next year's activities are described


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    Enriched by numerous technological advances, radio access networks (RANs) in the fifth mobile networks generation (5G)-and-beyond strive to meet the goals of both mobile network operators (MNOs) and end-users. While MNOs seek efficiency, resiliency, reliability and flexibility of their networks, end-users are more concerned with the variety and quality of the provided, state-of-the-art, reasonably priced services. This has resulted in a complex, multi-tier, and heterogeneous RAN architecture that is severely challenged to achieve and maintain a strict reliability requirement of seven-nines (i.e., 99.99999% network up-time) and to meet ultra-reliable, low latency communications (URLLC) requirements with a latency upper bound of 1 ms end-to-end roundtrip time. Based on the flexible function split concept and data-plane programmability, this dissertation makes several key contributions to the body of knowledge on advanced, service-oriented RANs in two key core components. The first core component pertains to improving fronthaul efficiency, resiliency, flexibility, and latency performance with a cross-layer integration of Analog-Option-9 function split in the flexible fronthaul paradigm. Within the folds of that, the novel cross-layer digital-analog integration is experimentally investigated to pave the way for promising analog technologies to find their niche in 5G-and-beyond. The second core component is related to the design of lightweight, fronthaul-positioned multi-access edge computing (MEC) units to host Cooperative-URLLC applications at the edge of the fronthaul. Hence, from the vertical perspective, the dissertation provides solutions to support general URLLC applications and the Cooperative-URLLC variation by shrinking and eliminating latency sources at the Top-of-RAN and Low-RAN segments of advanced RANs.Ph.D

    Quality of Service Controlled Multimedia Transport Protocol

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    PhDThis research looks at the design of an open transport protocol that supports a range of services including multimedia over low data-rate networks. Low data-rate multimedia applications require a system that provides quality of service (QoS) assurance and flexibility. One promising field is the area of content-based coding. Content-based systems use an array of protocols to select the optimum set of coding algorithms. A content-based transport protocol integrates a content-based application to a transmission network. General transport protocols form a bottleneck in low data-rate multimedia communicationbsy limiting throughpuot r by not maintainingt iming requirementsT. his work presents an original model of a transport protocol that eliminates the bottleneck by introducing a flexible yet efficient algorithm that uses an open approach to flexibility and holistic architectureto promoteQ oS.T he flexibility andt ransparenccyo mesi n the form of a fixed syntaxt hat providesa seto f transportp rotocols emanticsT. he mediaQ oSi s maintained by defining a generic descriptor. Overall, the structure of the protocol is based on a single adaptablea lgorithm that supportsa pplication independencen, etwork independencea nd quality of service. The transportp rotocol was evaluatedth rougha set of assessmentos:f f-line; off-line for a specific application; and on-line for a specific application. Application contexts used MPEG-4 test material where the on-line assessmenuts eda modified MPEG-4 pl; yer. The performanceo f the QoSc ontrolledt ransportp rotocoli s often bettert hano thers chemews hen appropriateQ oS controlledm anagemenatl gorithmsa re selectedT. his is shownf irst for an off-line assessmenwt here the performancei s compared between the QoS controlled multiplexer,a n emulatedM PEG-4F lexMux multiplexers chemea, ndt he targetr equirements. The performanceis also shownt o be better in a real environmentw hen the QoS controlled multiplexeri s comparedw ith the real MPEG-4F lexMux scheme

    Improved planning and resource management in next generation green mobile communication networks

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    In upcoming years, mobile communication networks will experience a disruptive reinventing process through the deployment of post 5th Generation (5G) mobile networks. Profound impacts are expected on network planning processes, maintenance and operations, on mobile services, subscribers with major changes in their data consumption and generation behaviours, as well as on devices itself, with a myriad of different equipment communicating over such networks. Post 5G will be characterized by a profound transformation of several aspects: processes, technology, economic, social, but also environmental aspects, with energy efficiency and carbon neutrality playing an important role. It will represent a network of networks: where different types of access networks will coexist, an increasing diversity of devices of different nature, massive cloud computing utilization and subscribers with unprecedented data-consuming behaviours. All at greater throughput and quality of service, as unseen in previous generations. The present research work uses 5G new radio (NR) latest release as baseline for developing the research activities, with future networks post 5G NR in focus. Two approaches were followed: i) method re-engineering, to propose new mechanisms and overcome existing or predictably existing limitations and ii) concept design and innovation, to propose and present innovative methods or mechanisms to enhance and improve the design, planning, operation, maintenance and optimization of 5G networks. Four main research areas were addressed, focusing on optimization and enhancement of 5G NR future networks, the usage of edge virtualized functions, subscriber’s behavior towards the generation of data and a carbon sequestering model aiming to achieve carbon neutrality. Several contributions have been made and demonstrated, either through models of methodologies that will, on each of the research areas, provide significant improvements and enhancements from the planning phase to the operational phase, always focusing on optimizing resource management. All the contributions are retro compatible with 5G NR and can also be applied to what starts being foreseen as future mobile networks. From the subscriber’s perspective and the ultimate goal of providing the best quality of experience possible, still considering the mobile network operator’s (MNO) perspective, the different proposed or developed approaches resulted in optimization methods for the numerous problems identified throughout the work. Overall, all of such contributed individually but aggregately as a whole to improve and enhance globally future mobile networks. Therefore, an answer to the main question was provided: how to further optimize a next-generation network - developed with optimization in mind - making it even more efficient while, simultaneously, becoming neutral concerning carbon emissions. The developed model for MNOs which aimed to achieve carbon neutrality through CO2 sequestration together with the subscriber’s behaviour model - topics still not deeply focused nowadays – are two of the main contributions of this thesis and of utmost importance for post-5G networks.Nos próximos anos espera-se que as redes de comunicações móveis se reinventem para lá da 5ª Geração (5G), com impactos profundos ao nível da forma como são planeadas, mantidas e operacionalizadas, ao nível do comportamento dos subscritores de serviços móveis, e através de uma miríade de dispositivos a comunicar através das mesmas. Estas redes serão profundamente transformadoras em termos tecnológicos, económicos, sociais, mas também ambientais, sendo a eficiência energética e a neutralidade carbónica aspetos que sofrem uma profunda melhoria. Paradoxalmente, numa rede em que coexistirão diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, mais dispositivos, utilização massiva de sistema de computação em nuvem, e subscritores com comportamentos de consumo de serviços inéditos nas gerações anteriores. O trabalho desenvolvido utiliza como base a release mais recente das redes 5G NR (New Radio), sendo o principal focus as redes pós-5G. Foi adotada uma abordagem de "reengenharia de métodos” (com o objetivo de propor mecanismos para resolver limitações existentes ou previsíveis) e de “inovação e design de conceitos”, em que são apresentadas técnicas e metodologias inovadoras, com o principal objetivo de contribuir para um desenho e operação otimizadas desta geração de redes celulares. Quatro grandes áreas de investigação foram endereçadas, contribuindo individualmente para um todo: melhorias e otimização generalizada de redes pós-5G, a utilização de virtualização de funções de rede, a análise comportamental dos subscritores no respeitante à geração e consumo de tráfego e finalmente, um modelo de sequestro de carbono com o objetivo de compensar as emissões produzidas por esse tipo de redes que se prevê ser massiva, almejando atingir a neutralidade carbónica. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram feitas e demonstradas várias contribuições, através de modelos ou metodologias, representando em cada área de investigação melhorias e otimizações, que, todas contribuindo para o mesmo objetivo, tiveram em consideração a retro compatibilidade e aplicabilidade ao que se prevê que sejam as futuras redes pós 5G. Focando sempre na perspetiva do subscritor da melhor experiência possível, mas também no lado do operador de serviço móvel – que pretende otimizar as suas redes, reduzir custos e maximizar o nível de qualidade de serviço prestado - as diferentes abordagens que foram desenvolvidas ou propostas, tiveram como resultado a resolução ou otimização dos diferentes problemas identificados, contribuindo de forma agregada para a melhoria do sistema no seu todo, respondendo à questão principal de como otimizar ainda mais uma rede desenvolvida para ser extremamente eficiente, tornando-a, simultaneamente, neutra em termos de emissões de carbono. Das principais contribuições deste trabalho relevam-se precisamente o modelo de compensação das emissões de CO2, com vista à neutralidade carbónica e um modelo de análise comportamental dos subscritores, dois temas ainda pouco explorados e extremamente importantes em contexto de redes futuras pós-5G

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks