15 research outputs found

    Computer science I like proceedings of miniconference on 4.11.2011

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    Unified control system for three-phase electric drives operating in magnetic saturation region

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    The research project aims to study and develop control techniques for a generalized three-phase and multi-phase electric drive able to efficiently manage most of the drive types available for traction application. The generalized approach is expanded to both linear and non- linear machines in magnetic saturation region starting from experimental flux characterization and applying the general inductance definition. The algorithm is able to manage fragmented drives powered from different batteries or energy sources and will be able to ensure operability even in case of faults in parts of the system. The algorithm was tested using model-in-the-loop in software environment and then applied on experimental test benches with collaboration of an external company

    Innovative solutions for converters and motor drives oriented to smart cities and communities

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    Alcune aree definite dall'Unione Europea nel contesto delle smart cities and communities si fondono pienamente con i motori elettrici come, per esempio, l'efficienza energetica, le tecnologie a basse emissioni di carbonio e la mobilità. I motori elettrici sono utilizzati in molteplici applicazioni industriali e non, consumando tra il 43% e il 46% dell'energia elettrica prodotta su scala mondiale.Nonostante alcune applicazioni siano contraddistinte da dinamiche elevate, come manipolatori o macchine utensili, la maggior parte di esse sono caratterizzate da basse dinamiche in quanto facenti parte di processi industriali, per esempio pompe, compressori, ventilatori o nastri trasportatori. Si è stimato che il costo dell'intero ciclo di vita di un motore elettrico è ascrivibile per il 92% - 95% all'energia consumata, il che indurrebbe un tempo di ritorno dall'investimento per installazione di un azionamento elettrico minore di due anni. Nonostante il notevole risparmio economico e ambientale ottenibile, è piuttosto sorprendente apprendere che solo il 10% - 15% di tutti i motori industriali siano controllati da azionamenti elettrici. Per quanto riguarda le diverse tecnologie di motori elettrici, i motori sincroni a riluttanza stanno ricevendo una notevole attenzione sia da ricercatori industriali che accademici. Il crescente interesse è principalmente motivato dalle loro intrinseche caratteristiche quali l'alta efficienza, il basso costo e il basso impatto ambientale dovuto alla mancanza di magneti permanenti. Per di più, le loro caratteristiche soddisfano appieno i requisiti imposti dalle smart cities and communities e sono adatti per tutte le applicazione, caratterizzate da una bassa dinamica, viste sopra. Per questi motivi, questa tecnologia di motori può essere posta al centro dei processi di rinnovamento di quelle applicazioni. Vi è ampio consenso sul potenziale incremento delle vendite sia di azionamenti elettrici che di motori sincroni a riluttanza. I motori sincroni a riluttanza sono soggetti a una marcata saturazione magnetica, rendendo i classici modelli a parametri concentrati poco adatti. La prima parte di questa tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un innovativo modello magnetico per motori anisotropi. Si basa su una rete neurale non tradizionale, chiamata Radial Basis Function. La sua proprietà locale rende questo tipo di rete neurale particolarmente adatta ad un addestramento durante il normale funzionamento del motore. Si propone una completa procedura di design e addestramento della stessa. In particolare vengono fatte alcune considerazione le quali permettono di definire a priori alcuni parametri della rete neurale rendendo il problema di addestramento lineare. Si descrivono due algoritmi di addestramento, il primo veloce ma computazionalmente dispendioso perciò adatto per un'implementazione offline mentre il secondo idoneo ad un addestramento online. Infine, per concludere l'identificazione parametrica del motore, si propone uno schema basato sull'iniezione di una corrente continua il quale permette di stimare la resistenza di statore indipendentemente da tutti gli altri parametri della macchina. L'indipendenza parametrica permette un notevolmente miglioramento nell'accuratezza di stima del modello magnetico ottenuto con la rete neurale. La seconda parte di questa tesi, invece, tratta il controllo del motore e come sia possibile migliorarne le performance utilizzando il modello identificato. Innanzitutto, per incrementarne l'efficienza si presenta un innovativo metodo per trovare la curva a massima coppia per corrente. La tecnica proposta lavora in stretta simbiosi con l'identificazione del modello magnetico in quanto è in grado di capire dove si trova la curva cercata rispetto all'attuale punto di lavoro sfruttando la stima locale dei flussi magnetici. Identificata la direzione di movimento, l'azionamento continuamente muove il punto di lavoro coerentemente. Infine, si propongono tre diversi controlli di corrente pensati per gestire un motore fortemente non lineare, tutti basati sul modello stimato. Il primo è un controllore proporzionale-integrale nel quale i parametri vengono modificati al variare del punto di lavoro con lo scopo di mantenere la dinamica della corrente di motore costante. Il secondo è anch'esso basato su un controllore proporzionale-integrale ma a guadagni costanti accoppiato ad un'azione di feed--forward la quale compensa tutte le non linearità presenti nella mappa magnetica. Infine, il terzo è un controllo predittivo il quale determina direttamente la posizione degli switch tali per cui la funzione di costo è minimizzata. All'interno del controllo, è inserito un vincolo sulla corrente massima e si utilizza un particolare algoritmo per ottenere un lungo orizzonte di predizione. Tutti i metodi presentati nella tesi sono stata verificati attraverso dettagliate simulazioni e prove sperimentali, eccezione fatta per il controllo predittivo il quale è stato testato attraverso simulazioni

    Software-implemented attack tolerance for critical information retrieval

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    The fast-growing reliance of our daily life upon online information services often demands an appropriate level of privacy protection as well as highly available service provision. However, most existing solutions have attempted to address these problems separately. This thesis investigates and presents a solution that provides both privacy protection and fault tolerance for online information retrieval. A new approach to Attack-Tolerant Information Retrieval (ATIR) is developed based on an extension of existing theoretical results for Private Information Retrieval (PIR). ATIR uses replicated services to protect a user's privacy and to ensure service availability. In particular, ATIR can tolerate any collusion of up to t servers for privacy violation and up to ƒ faulty (either crashed or malicious) servers in a system with k replicated servers, provided that k ≥ t + ƒ + 1 where t ≥ 1 and ƒ ≤ t. In contrast to other related approaches, ATIR relies on neither enforced trust assumptions, such as the use of tanker-resistant hardware and trusted third parties, nor an increased number of replicated servers. While the best solution known so far requires k (≥ 3t + 1) replicated servers to cope with t malicious servers and any collusion of up to t servers with an O(n^*^) communication complexity, ATIR uses fewer servers with a much improved communication cost, O(n1/2)(where n is the size of a database managed by a server).The majority of current PIR research resides on a theoretical level. This thesis provides both theoretical schemes and their practical implementations with good performance results. In a LAN environment, it takes well under half a second to use an ATIR service for calculations over data sets with a size of up to 1MB. The performance of the ATIR systems remains at the same level even in the presence of server crashes and malicious attacks. Both analytical results and experimental evaluation show that ATIR offers an attractive and practical solution for ever-increasing online information applications

    Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium

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    As in all fields of work, an unmanageable number of abbreviations are used today in aviation for terms, definitions, commands, standards and technical descriptions. This applies in general to the areas of aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance, cockpit and air traffic control working positions, passenger and cargo transport, and all other areas of flight planning, organization and guidance. In addition, many abbreviations are used more than once or have different meanings in different languages. In order to obtain an overview of the most common abbreviations used in air traffic management, organizations like EUROCONTROL, FAA, DWD and DLR have published lists of abbreviations in the past, which have also been enclosed in this document. In addition, abbreviations from some larger international projects related to aviation have been included to provide users with a directory as complete as possible. This means that the second edition of the Air Traffic Management Abbreviation Compendium includes now around 16,500 abbreviations and acronyms from the field of aviation

    Australian industry report 2014

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    The Australian Industry Report is a new initiative of the Department of Industry’s Office of the Chief Economist. The report provides an overview and analysis of the major economic factors affecting Australia’s industries. The Australian economy is home to some 2 million actively trading businesses. Together with the public sector, they employ over 11.5 million persons and produce goods and services valued at around $1.6 trillion per annum. Our workforce is highly skilled; our firms highly productive and as a result, Australian income levels are higher today than they have ever been. Achieving this has not come without its challenges. Our economy has had to adapt and respond to a range of economic and demographic pressures. Workers and industries have had to retrain and regroup in the face of significant structural change. In addition, the future poses some considerable challenges that will need to be addressed. How can firms remain competitive when facing a persistently high Australian dollar? How can businesses compete against those in low wage countries? What will drive productivity growth over the next decade? How will the economy manage an ageing population? What happens after the Mining boom? These are some of the questions that provide the economic backdrop for Australia’s industries. And while they are challenges to be overcome, they are also opportunities to be pursued. This highlights report provides a brief snapshot of the market settings facing the Australian economy. It summarises the findings of a new initiative from the Department of Industry’s Office of the Chief Economist, the Australian Industry Report . The inaugural report comes at a time of major structural adjustments. Reflecting this, the focus of this year’s report is structural change


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    ABSTRACT Kampung houses are houses in kampung area of the city. Kampung House oftenly transformed into others use as urban dynamics. One of the transfomation is related to the commercial activities addition by the house owner. It make house with full private space become into mixused house with more public spaces or completely changed into full public commercial building. This study investigate the spatial transformation pattern of the kampung houses due to their commercial activities addition. Site observations, interviews and questionnaires were performed to study the spatial transformation. This study found that in kampung houses, the spatial transformation pattern was depend on type of commercial activities and owner perceptions, and there are several steps of the spatial transformation related the commercial activity addition. Keywords: spatial transformation pattern; commercial activity; owner perception, kampung house; adaptabilit

    A moving threads processor architecture MTPA

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    Comparative analysis of coal fatalities in Australia, South Africa, India, China and USA, 2006-2010

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    Coal mining (especially underground) is considered one of the most hazardous industries, and as a result considerable focus is applied to eliminating or mitigating hazards through careful mine planning, equipment selection and certification, and development of management systems and procedures. Regulatory agencies have developed in-house methods for reporting, classification and tracking of fatalities and other incidents according to the type of event, often including consideration of different hazard types. Unfortunately, direct comparison of mining safety statistics between countries is confounded by considerable differences in the way that individual countries classify specific fatalities or incidents. This paper presents a comparative analysis of coal mining fatality data in Australia, South Africa, India, China and the United States from 2006 to 2010. Individual classification definitions are compared between the five countries, and methods presented to normalise each country’s hazard definitions and reporting regimes around the RISKGATE framework of seventeen different priority unwanted events (or topics). Fatality data from individual countries is then re-classified according to the different RISKGATE topics, thereby enabling a comparative analysis between all five countries. This paper demonstrates the utility and value of a standard classification approach, and submits the RISKGATE framework as a model for classification that could be applied globally in coal mining. RISKGATE is the largest health and safety project ever funded by the Australian coal industry (http://www.riskgate.org) to build an industry body of knowledge to assist in managing common industry hazards. A comprehensive knowledge base has been captured for risk management of tyres, collisions, fires, isolation, strata underground, ground control open cut, explosions, explosives, manual tasks and slips/trips/falls. This has been extended to outburst, coal burst and bumps, interface displays and controls, tailings dams and inrush