17,074 research outputs found

    Neural Modeling and Imaging of the Cortical Interactions Underlying Syllable Production

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    This paper describes a neural model of speech acquisition and production that accounts for a wide range of acoustic, kinematic, and neuroimaging data concerning the control of speech movements. The model is a neural network whose components correspond to regions of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, including premotor, motor, auditory, and somatosensory cortical areas. Computer simulations of the model verify its ability to account for compensation to lip and jaw perturbations during speech. Specific anatomical locations of the model's components are estimated, and these estimates are used to simulate fMRI experiments of simple syllable production with and without jaw perturbations.National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (R01 DC02852, RO1 DC01925

    Rapid motor responses to external perturbations during reaching movements

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    Stochastic Resonance Can Drive Adaptive Physiological Processes

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a concept from the physics and engineering communities that has applicability to both systems physiology and other living systems. In this paper, it will be argued that stochastic resonance plays a role in driving behavior in neuromechanical systems. The theory of stochastic resonance will be discussed, followed by a series of expected outcomes, and two tests of stochastic resonance in an experimental setting. These tests are exploratory in nature, and provide a means to parameterize systems that couple biological and mechanical components. Finally, the potential role of stochastic resonance in adaptive physiological systems will be discussed

    Modeling of equilibrium point trajectory control in human arm movements

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    The underlying concept of the Equilibrium Point Hypothesis (EPH) is that the CNS provides a virtual trajectory of joint motion, representing spacing and timing, with actual movement dynamics being produced by interactions of limb inertia, muscle viscosity and speed/position feedback from muscle spindles. To counter criticisms of the EPH, investigators have proposed the use of complex virtual trajectories, non-linear damping, stiffness and time varying stiffness to the EPH model. While these features allow the EPH to adequately produce human joint velocities, they conflict with the EPH’s premise of simple pre-planned monotonic control of movement trajectory. As a result, this study proposed an EPH based method, which provides a simpler mechanism in motor control without conflict with the core advantages of the original approach. This work has proposed relative damping as an addition to the EPH model to predict the single and two joint arm movements. This addition results in simulated data that not only closely match experimental angle data, but also match the experimental joint torques. In addition, it is suggested that this modified model can be used to predict the multi-joint angular trajectories with fast and normal velocities, without the need for time varying or non-linear stiffness and damping, but with simple monotonic virtual trajectories. In the following study, this relative damping model has been further enhanced with an EMG-based determination of the virtual trajectory and with physiologically realistic neuromuscular delays. The results of unobstructed voluntary movement studies suggest that the EPH models use realistic impedance values and produce desired joint trajectories and joint torques in unperturbed voluntary arm movement. A subsequent study of obstructed voluntary arm movement extended the relative damping concept, and incorporated the influential factors of the mechanical behavior of the neural, muscular and skeletal system in the control and coordination of arm posture and movement. A significant problem of the study is how this information should be used to modify control signals to achieve desired performance. This study used an EPH model to examine changes of controlling signals for arm movements in the context of adding perturbation/load in the form of forces/torques. The mechanical properties and reflex actions of muscles of the elbow joint were examined. Brief unexpected torque/force pulses of identical magnitude and time duration were introduced at different stages of the movement in a random order by a pre-programmed 3 degree of freedom (DOF) robotic arm (MOOG FCS HapticMaster). The results show that the subjects may maintain the same control parameters (virtual trajectory, stiffness and damping) regardless of added perturbations that cause substantial changes in EMG activity and kinematics

    Integration Mechanisms for Heading Perception

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    Previous studies of heading perception suggest that human observers employ spatiotemporal pooling to accommodate noise in optic flow stimuli. Here, we investigated how spatial and temporal integration mechanisms are used for judgments of heading through a psychophysical experiment involving three different types of noise. Furthermore, we developed two ideal observer models to study the components of the spatial information used by observers when performing the heading task. In the psychophysical experiment, we applied three types of direction noise to optic flow stimuli to differentiate the involvement of spatial and temporal integration mechanisms. The results indicate that temporal integration mechanisms play a role in heading perception, though their contribution is weaker than that of the spatial integration mechanisms. To elucidate how observers process spatial information to extract heading from a noisy optic flow field, we compared psychophysical performance in response to random-walk direction noise with that of two ideal observer models (IOMs). One model relied on 2D screen-projected flow information (2D-IOM), while the other used environmental, i.e., 3D, flow information (3D-IOM). The results suggest that human observers compensate for the loss of information during the 2D retinal projection of the visual scene for modest amounts of noise. This suggests the likelihood of a 3D reconstruction during heading perception, which breaks down under extreme levels of noise

    A Neural Network Model for Cursive Script Production

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    This article describes a neural network model, called the VITEWRITE model, for generating handwriting movements. The model consists of a sequential controller, or motor program, that interacts with a trajectory generator to move a. hand with redundant degrees of freedom. The neural trajectory generator is the Vector Integration to Endpoint (VITE) model for synchronous variable-speed control of multijoint movements. VITE properties enable a simple control strategy to generate complex handwritten script if the hand model contains redundant degrees of freedom. The proposed controller launches transient directional commands to independent hand synergies at times when the hand begins to move, or when a velocity peak in a given synergy is achieved. The VITE model translates these temporally disjoint synergy commands into smooth curvilinear trajectories among temporally overlapping synergetic movements. The separate "score" of onset times used in most prior models is hereby replaced by a self-scaling activity-released "motor program" that uses few memory resources, enables each synergy to exhibit a unimodal velocity profile during any stroke, generates letters that are invariant under speed and size rescaling, and enables effortless. connection of letter shapes into words. Speed and size rescaling are achieved by scalar GO and GRO signals that express computationally simple volitional commands. Psychophysical data concerning band movements, such as the isochrony principle, asymmetric velocity profiles, and the two-thirds power law relating movement curvature and velocity arise as emergent properties of model interactions.National Science Foundation (IRI 90-24877, IRI 87-16960); Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (90-0083

    The Role of Cues and Kinematics on Social Event Perception

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    The belief that intentions are hidden away in the minds of individuals has been circulating for many years. Theories of indirect perception, such as the Theory of Mind, have since been developed to help explain this phenomenon. Conversely, research in the field of human kinematics and event perception have also given rise to theories of direct perception. The purpose of the study was to determine if intentionality can be directly perceived rather than requiring inferential processes. Prior research regarding kinematics of cooperative and competitive movements have pointed toward direct perception, demonstrating participants can accurately judge a movement as cooperative or competitive by simply observing point-light displays of the isolated arm movements. Considering competitive movements are often performed faster than cooperative movements, speed was perturbed for the purpose of this study to determine if participants are relying on cues or if they can indeed perceive a unique kinematic pattern that corresponds to intentionality. Judging the clips correctly despite perturbation would suggest perception is direct. Additionally, we hypothesized judgments accuracy would be higher in the presence of two actors pointing to the use of interpersonal affordances. Twenty-eight participants from the University of Central Florida were asked to judge 40 clips presented in random order including: normal or perturbed competitive actions with one or two actors; normal or perturbed cooperative actions with one or two actors. Percent correct and reaction time data were analyzed on SPSS using a repeated measures ANOVA. Results rejected the hypothesis that social perception is direct and supported indirect perception, indicating participants relied on cues to make judgments, and provided potential support for the interpersonal affordance hypothesis

    On-line motor control in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Recent models based, in part on a study of Huntington's disease, suggest that the basal ganglia are involved in on-line movement guidance. Two experiments were conducted to investigate this idea. First, we studied advanced Parkinson's disease patients performing a reaching task known to depend on on-line guidance. The task was to ‘look and point' in the dark at visual targets displayed in the peripheral visual field. In some trials, the target location was slightly modified during saccadic gaze displacement (when vision is suppressed). In both patient and control groups, the target jump induced a gradual modification of the movement which diverged smoothly from its original path to reach the new target location. No deficit was found in the patients, except for an increased latency to respond to the target jump (Parkinson's disease: 243 ms; controls: 166 ms). A computational simulation indicated that this response slowing was likely to be a by-product of bradykinesia. The unexpected inconsistency between this result and previous reports was investigated in a second experiment. We hypothesized that the relevant factor was the characteristics of the corrections to be performed. To test this prediction, we investigated a task requiring corrections of the same type as investigated in Huntington's disease, namely large, consciously detected errors induced by large target jumps at hand movement onset. In contrast with the smooth adjustments observed in the first experiment, the subjects responded to the target jump by generating a discrete corrective sub-movement. While this iterative response was relatively rapid in the control subjects (220 ms), Parkinson's disease patients exhibited either dramatically late (>730 ms) or totally absent on-line corrections. When on-line corrections were absent, the initial motor response was completed before a second corrective response was initiated (the latency of the corrective response was the same as the latency of the initial response). Considered together, these results suggest that basal ganglia dependent circuits are not critical for feedback loops involving a smooth modulation of the ongoing command. These circuits may rather contribute to the generation of discrete corrective sub-movements. This deficit is in line with the general impairment of sequential and simultaneous actions in patients with basal ganglia disorder
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