262 research outputs found

    Frontal brain asymmetries as effective parameters to assess the quality of audiovisual stimuli perception in adult and young cochlear implant users

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    How is music perceived by cochlear implant (CI) users? This question arises as "the next step" given the impressive performance obtained by these patients in language perception. Furthermore, how can music perception be evaluated beyond self-report rating, in order to obtain measurable data? To address this question, estimation of the frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha activity imbalance, acquired through a 19-channel EEG cap, appears to be a suitable instrument to measure the approach/withdrawal (AW index) reaction to external stimuli. Specifically, a greater value of AW indicates an increased propensity to stimulus approach, and vice versa a lower one a tendency to withdraw from the stimulus. Additionally, due to prelingually and postlingually deafened pathology acquisition, children and adults, respectively, would probably differ in music perception. The aim of the present study was to investigate children and adult CI users, in unilateral (UCI) and bilateral (BCI) implantation conditions, during three experimental situations of music exposure (normal, distorted and mute). Additionally, a study of functional connectivity patterns within cerebral networks was performed to investigate functioning patterns in different experimental populations. As a general result, congruency among patterns between BCI patients and control (CTRL) subjects was seen, characterised by lowest values for the distorted condition (vs. normal and mute conditions) in the AW index and in the connectivity analysis. Additionally, the normal and distorted conditions were significantly different in CI and CTRL adults, and in CTRL children, but not in CI children. These results suggest a higher capacity of discrimination and approach motivation towards normal music in CTRL and BCI subjects, but not for UCI patients. Therefore, for perception of music CTRL and BCI participants appear more similar than UCI subjects, as estimated by measurable and not self-reported parameters

    Auf einem menschlichen Gehörmodell basierende Elektrodenstimulationsstrategie fĂŒr Cochleaimplantate

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    ï»żCochleaimplantate (CI), verbunden mit einer professionellen Rehabilitation, haben mehreren hunderttausenden HörgeschĂ€digten die verbale Kommunikation wieder ermöglicht. Betrachtet man jedoch die Rehabilitationserfolge, so haben CI-Systeme inzwischen ihre Grenzen erreicht. Die Tatsache, dass die meisten CI-TrĂ€ger nicht in der Lage sind, Musik zu genießen oder einer Konversation in gerĂ€uschvoller Umgebung zu folgen, zeigt, dass es noch Raum fĂŒr Verbesserungen gibt.Diese Dissertation stellt die neue CI-Signalverarbeitungsstrategie Stimulation based on Auditory Modeling (SAM) vor, die vollstĂ€ndig auf einem Computermodell des menschlichen peripheren Hörsystems beruht.Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SAM Strategie dreifach evaluiert: mit vereinfachten Wahrnehmungsmodellen von CI-Nutzern, mit fĂŒnf CI-Nutzern, und mit 27 Normalhörenden mittels eines akustischen Modells der CI-Wahrnehmung. Die Evaluationsergebnisse wurden stets mit Ergebnissen, die durch die Verwendung der Advanced Combination Encoder (ACE) Strategie ermittelt wurden, verglichen. ACE stellt die zurzeit verbreitetste Strategie dar. Erste Simulationen zeigten, dass die SprachverstĂ€ndlichkeit mit SAM genauso gut wie mit ACE ist. Weiterhin lieferte SAM genauere binaurale Merkmale, was potentiell zu einer Verbesserung der SchallquellenlokalisierungfĂ€higkeit fĂŒhren kann. Die Simulationen zeigten ebenfalls einen erhöhten Anteil an zeitlichen Pitchinformationen, welche von SAM bereitgestellt wurden. Die Ergebnisse der nachfolgenden Pilotstudie mit fĂŒnf CI-Nutzern zeigten mehrere Vorteile von SAM auf. Erstens war eine signifikante Verbesserung der Tonhöhenunterscheidung bei Sinustönen und gesungenen Vokalen zu erkennen. Zweitens bestĂ€tigten CI-Nutzer, die kontralateral mit einem HörgerĂ€t versorgt waren, eine natĂŒrlicheren Klangeindruck. Als ein sehr bedeutender Vorteil stellte sich drittens heraus, dass sich alle Testpersonen in sehr kurzer Zeit (ca. 10 bis 30 Minuten) an SAM gewöhnen konnten. Dies ist besonders wichtig, da typischerweise Wochen oder Monate nötig sind. Tests mit Normalhörenden lieferten weitere Nachweise fĂŒr die verbesserte Tonhöhenunterscheidung mit SAM.Obwohl SAM noch keine marktreife Alternative ist, versucht sie den Weg fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Strategien, die auf Gehörmodellen beruhen, zu ebnen und ist somit ein erfolgversprechender Kandidat fĂŒr weitere Forschungsarbeiten.Cochlear implants (CIs) combined with professional rehabilitation have enabled several hundreds of thousands of hearing-impaired individuals to re-enter the world of verbal communication. Though very successful, current CI systems seem to have reached their peak potential. The fact that most recipients claim not to enjoy listening to music and are not capable of carrying on a conversation in noisy or reverberative environments shows that there is still room for improvement.This dissertation presents a new cochlear implant signal processing strategy called Stimulation based on Auditory Modeling (SAM), which is completely based on a computational model of the human peripheral auditory system.SAM has been evaluated through simplified models of CI listeners, with five cochlear implant users, and with 27 normal-hearing subjects using an acoustic model of CI perception. Results have always been compared to those acquired using Advanced Combination Encoder (ACE), which is today’s most prevalent CI strategy. First simulations showed that speech intelligibility of CI users fitted with SAM should be just as good as that of CI listeners fitted with ACE. Furthermore, it has been shown that SAM provides more accurate binaural cues, which can potentially enhance the sound source localization ability of bilaterally fitted implantees. Simulations have also revealed an increased amount of temporal pitch information provided by SAM. The subsequent pilot study, which ran smoothly, revealed several benefits of using SAM. First, there was a significant improvement in pitch discrimination of pure tones and sung vowels. Second, CI users fitted with a contralateral hearing aid reported a more natural sound of both speech and music. Third, all subjects were accustomed to SAM in a very short period of time (in the order of 10 to 30 minutes), which is particularly important given that a successful CI strategy change typically takes weeks to months. An additional test with 27 normal-hearing listeners using an acoustic model of CI perception delivered further evidence for improved pitch discrimination ability with SAM as compared to ACE.Although SAM is not yet a market-ready alternative, it strives to pave the way for future strategies based on auditory models and it is a promising candidate for further research and investigation

    Computational processing and analysis of ear images

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Biomédica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Factors that Influence Device Selection by Parents of Pediatric Cochlear Implant Candidates

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate factors/variables and the importance of those factors during cochlear implant (CI) device selection by parents of recent pediatric CI recipients in the United States. The researcher created an electronic survey and asked audiologists and hearing-related professionals at various hospitals and CI centers across the United States to distribute the survey link to the parents of any of their pediatric CI patients who received CI surgery within the past two years under the age of five years. The survey included both Likert-type and open-ended questions regarding the importance of various factors/variables to the parents during their child’s CI device selection. Results of the study found that the participants ranked reported reliability and speech perception performance of the respective manufacturer’s CI device as the most important factor. Individually, the parents of Cochlear, Ltd. recipients found recommendations from others and the popular brand of the company to be most important; based on a limited sample, parents of Advanced Bionics recipients found the CI device’s waterproof capabilities to be most important; and, also based on a limited sample, parents of MED-EL recipients found the reported speech perception performance to be most important

    Improvement of Speech Perception for Hearing-Impaired Listeners

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    Hearing impairment is becoming a prevalent health problem affecting 5% of world adult populations. Hearing aids and cochlear implant already play an essential role in helping patients over decades, but there are still several open problems that prevent them from providing the maximum benefits. Financial and discomfort reasons lead to only one of four patients choose to use hearing aids; Cochlear implant users always have trouble in understanding speech in a noisy environment. In this dissertation, we addressed the hearing aids limitations by proposing a new hearing aid signal processing system named Open-source Self-fitting Hearing Aids System (OS SF hearing aids). The proposed hearing aids system adopted the state-of-art digital signal processing technologies, combined with accurate hearing assessment and machine learning based self-fitting algorithm to further improve the speech perception and comfort for hearing aids users. Informal testing with hearing-impaired listeners showed that the testing results from the proposed system had less than 10 dB (by average) difference when compared with those results obtained from clinical audiometer. In addition, Sixteen-channel filter banks with adaptive differential microphone array provides up to six-dB SNR improvement in the noisy environment. Machine-learning based self-fitting algorithm provides more suitable hearing aids settings. To maximize cochlear implant users’ speech understanding in noise, the sequential (S) and parallel (P) coding strategies were proposed by integrating high-rate desynchronized pulse trains (DPT) in the continuous interleaved sampling (CIS) strategy. Ten participants with severe hearing loss participated in the two rounds cochlear implants testing. The testing results showed CIS-DPT-S strategy significantly improved (11%) the speech perception in background noise, while the CIS-DPT-P strategy had a significant improvement in both quiet (7%) and noisy (9%) environment

    The neurobiology of cortical music representations

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    Music is undeniable one of humanity’s defining traits, as it has been documented since the earliest days of mankind, is present in all knowcultures and perceivable by all humans nearly alike. Intrigued by its omnipresence, researchers of all disciplines started the investigation of music’s mystical relationship and tremendous significance to humankind already several hundred years ago. Since comparably recently, the immense advancement of neuroscientific methods also enabled the examination of cognitive processes related to the processing of music. Within this neuroscience ofmusic, the vast majority of research work focused on how music, as an auditory stimulus, reaches the brain and howit is initially processed, aswell as on the tremendous effects it has on and can evoke through the human brain. However, intermediate steps, that is how the human brain achieves a transformation of incoming signals to a seemingly specialized and abstract representation of music have received less attention. Aiming to address this gap, the here presented thesis targeted these transformations, their possibly underlying processes and how both could potentially be explained through computational models. To this end, four projects were conducted. The first two comprised the creation and implementation of two open source toolboxes to first, tackle problems inherent to auditory neuroscience, thus also affecting neuroscientific music research and second, provide the basis for further advancements through standardization and automation. More precisely, this entailed deteriorated hearing thresholds and abilities in MRI settings and the aggravated localization and parcellation of the human auditory cortex as the core structure involved in auditory processing. The third project focused on the human’s brain apparent tuning to music by investigating functional and organizational principles of the auditory cortex and network with regard to the processing of different auditory categories of comparable social importance, more precisely if the perception of music evokes a is distinct and specialized pattern. In order to provide an in depth characterization of the respective patterns, both the segregation and integration of auditory cortex regions was examined. In the fourth and final project, a highly multimodal approach that included fMRI, EEG, behavior and models of varying complexity was utilized to evaluate how the aforementioned music representations are generated along the cortical hierarchy of auditory processing and how they are influenced by bottom-up and top-down processes. The results of project 1 and 2 demonstrated the necessity for the further advancement of MRI settings and definition of working models of the auditory cortex, as hearing thresholds and abilities seem to vary as a function of the used data acquisition protocol and the localization and parcellation of the human auditory cortex diverges drastically based on the approach it is based one. Project 3 revealed that the human brain apparently is indeed tuned for music by means of a specialized representation, as it evoked a bilateral network with a right hemispheric weight that was not observed for the other included categories. The result of this specialized and hierarchical recruitment of anterior and posterior auditory cortex regions was an abstract music component ix x SUMMARY that is situated in anterior regions of the superior temporal gyrus and preferably encodes music, regardless of sung or instrumental. The outcomes of project 4 indicated that even though the entire auditory cortex, again with a right hemispheric weight, is involved in the complex processing of music in particular, anterior regions yielded an abstract representation that varied excessively over time and could not sufficiently explained by any of the tested models. The specialized and abstract properties of this representation was furthermore underlined by the predictive ability of the tested models, as models that were either based on high level features such as behavioral representations and concepts or complex acoustic features always outperformed models based on single or simpler acoustic features. Additionally, factors know to influence auditory and thus music processing, like musical training apparently did not alter the observed representations. Together, the results of the projects suggest that the specialized and stable cortical representation of music is the outcome of sophisticated transformations of incoming sound signals along the cortical hierarchy of auditory processing that generate a music component in anterior regions of the superior temporal gyrus by means of top-down processes that interact with acoustic features, guiding their processing.Musik ist unbestreitbarer Weise eine der definierenden Eigenschaften des Menschen. Dokumentiert seit den frühesten Tagen der Menschheit und in allen bekannten Kulturen vorhanden, ist sie von allenMenschen nahezu gleichwahrnehmbar. Fasziniert von ihrerOmniprĂ€senz haben Wissenschaftler aller Disziplinen vor einigen hundert Jahren begonnen die mystische Beziehung zwischen Musik und Mensch, sowie ihre enorme Bedeutung für selbigen zu untersuchen. Seit einem vergleichsweise kurzem Zeitraum ist es durch den immensen Fortschritt neurowissenschafticher Methoden auch möglich die kognitiven Prozesse, welche an der Verarbeitung von Musik beteiligt, sind zu untersuchen. Innerhalb dieser Neurowissenschaft der Musik hat sich ein Großteil der Forschungsarbeit darauf konzentriert wie Musik, als auditorischer Stimulus, das menschliche Gehirn erreicht und wie sie initial verarbeitet wird, als auch welche kolossallen Effekte sie auf selbiges hat und auch dadurch bewirken kann. Jedoch haben die Zwischenschritte, also wie das menschliche Gehirn eintreffende Signale in eine scheinbar spezialisierte und abstrakte ReprĂ€sentation vonMusik umwandelt, vergleichsweise wenig Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Um die dadurch entstandene Lücke zu adressieren, hat die hier vorliegende Dissertation diese Prozesse und wie selbige durch Modelle erklĂ€rt werden können in vier Projekten untersucht. Die ersten beiden Projekte beinhalteten die Herstellung und Implementierung von zwei Toolboxen um erstens, inhĂ€rente Probleme der auditorischen Neurowissenschaft, daher auch neurowissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen von Musik, zu verbessern und zweitens, eine Basis für weitere Fortschritte durch Standardisierung und Automatisierung zu schaffen. Im genaueren umfasste dies die stark beeintrĂ€chtigten Hörschwellen und –fĂ€higkeiten in MRT-Untersuchungen und die erschwerte Lokalisation und Parzellierung des menschlichen auditorischen Kortex als Kernstruktur auditiver Verarbeitung. Das dritte Projekt befasste sich mit der augenscheinlichen Spezialisierung von Musik im menschlichen Gehirn durch die Untersuchung funktionaler und organisatorischer Prinzipien des auditorischen Kortex und Netzwerks bezüglich der Verarbeitung verschiedener auditorischer Kategorien vergleichbarer sozialer Bedeutung, im genaueren ob die Wahrnehmung von Musik ein distinktes und spezialisiertes neuronalenMuster hervorruft. Umeine ausführliche Charakterisierung der entsprechenden neuronalen Muster zu ermöglichen wurde die Segregation und Integration der Regionen des auditorischen Kortex untersucht. Im vierten und letzten Projekt wurde ein hochmultimodaler Ansatz,welcher fMRT, EEG, Verhalten undModelle verschiedener KomplexitĂ€t beinhaltete, genutzt, umzu evaluieren, wie die zuvor genannten ReprĂ€sentationen von Musik entlang der kortikalen Hierarchie der auditorischen Verarbeitung generiert und wie sie möglicherweise durch Bottom-up- und Top-down-AnsĂ€tze beeinflusst werden. Die Ergebnisse von Projekt 1 und 2 demonstrierten die Notwendigkeit für weitere Verbesserungen von MRTUntersuchungen und die Definition eines Funktionsmodells des auditorischen Kortex, daHörxi xii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG schwellen und –fĂ€higkeiten stark in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der verwendeten Datenerwerbsprotokolle variierten und die Lokalisation, sowie Parzellierung des menschlichen auditorischen Kortex basierend auf den zugrundeliegenden AnsĂ€tzen drastisch divergiert. Projekt 3 zeigte, dass das menschliche Gehirn tatsĂ€chlich eine spezialisierte ReprĂ€sentation vonMusik enthĂ€lt, da selbige als einzige auditorische Kategorie ein bilaterales Netzwerk mit rechtshemisphĂ€rischer Gewichtung evozierte. Aus diesemNetzwerk, welches die Rekrutierung anteriorer und posteriorer Teile des auditorischen Kortex beinhaltete, resultierte eine scheinbar abstrakte ReprĂ€sentation von Musik in anterioren Regionen des Gyrus temporalis superior, welche prĂ€feriert Musik enkodiert, ungeachtet ob gesungen oder instrumental. Die Resultate von Projekt 4 deuten darauf hin, dass der gesamte auditorische Kortex, erneut mit rechtshemisphĂ€rischer Gewichtung, an der komplexen Verarbeitung vonMusik beteiligt ist, besonders aber anteriore Regionen, die bereits genannten abstrakte ReprĂ€sentation hervorrufen, welche sich exzessiv über die Zeitdauer derWahrnehmung verĂ€ndert und nicht hinreichend durch eines der getestetenModelle erklĂ€rt werden kann. Die spezialisierten und abstrakten Eigenschaften dieser ReprĂ€sentationen wurden weiterhin durch die prĂ€diktiven FĂ€higkeiten der getestetenModelle unterstrichen, daModelle, welche entweder auf höheren Eigenschaften wie VerhaltensreprĂ€sentationen und mentalen Konzepten oder komplexen akustischen Eigenschaften basierten, stets Modelle, welche auf niederen Attributen wie simplen akustischen Eigenschaften basierten, übertrafen. ZusĂ€tzlich konnte kein Effekt von Faktoren, wie z.B. musikalisches Training, welche bekanntermaßen auditorische und daherMusikverarbeitung beeinflussen, nachgewiesen werden. Zusammengefasst deuten die Ergebnisse der Projekte darauf, hin dass die spezialisierte und stabile kortikale ReprĂ€sentation vonMusik ein Resultat komplexer Prozesse ist, welche eintreffende Signale entlang der kortikalen Hierarchie auditorischer Verarbeitung in eine abstrakte ReprĂ€sentation vonMusik innerhalb anteriorer Regionen des Gyrus temporalis superior durch Top-Down-Prozesse, welche mit akustischen Eigenschaften interagieren und deren Verarbeitung steuern, umwandeln

    Neurocomputing systems for auditory processing

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    This thesis studies neural computation models and neuromorphic implementations of the auditory pathway with applications to cochlear implants and artiïŹcial auditory sensory and processing systems. Very low power analogue computation is addressed through the design of micropower analogue building blocks and an auditory preprocessing module targeted at cochlear implants. The analogue building blocks have been fabricated and tested in a standard Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon (CMOS) process. The auditory pre-processing module design is based on the cochlea signal processing mechanisms and low power microelectronic design methodologies. Compared to existing preprocessing techniques used in cochlear implants, the proposed design has a wider dynamic range and lower power consumption. Furthermore, it provides the phase coding as well as the place coding information that are necessary for enhanced functionality in future cochlear implants. The thesis presents neural computation based approaches to a number of signal-processing problems encountered in cochlear implants. Techniques that can improve the performance of existing devices are also presented. Neural network based models for loudness mapping and pattern recognition based channel selection strategies are described. Compared with state—of—the—art commercial cochlear implants, the thesis results show that the proposed channel selection model produces superior speech sound qualities; and the proposed loudness mapping model consumes substantially smaller amounts of memory. Aside from the applications in cochlear implants, this thesis describes a biologically plausible computational model of the auditory pathways to the superior colliculus based on current neurophysiological ïŹndings. The model encapsulates interaural time difference, interaural spectral difference, monaural pathway and auditory space map tuning in the inferior colliculus. A biologically plausible Hebbian-like learning rule is proposed for auditory space neural map tuning, and a reinforcement learning method is used for map alignment with other sensory space maps through activity independent cues. The validity of the proposed auditory pathway model has been veriïŹed by simulation using synthetic data. Further, a complete biologically inspired auditory simulation system is implemented in software. The system incorporates models of the external ear, the cochlea, as well as the proposed auditory pathway model. The proposed implementation can mimic the biological auditory sensory system to generate an auditory space map from 3—D sounds. A large amount of real 3-D sound signals including broadband White noise, click noise and speech are used in the simulation experiments. The eïŹect of the auditory space map developmental plasticity is examined by simulating early auditory space map formation and auditory space map alignment with a distorted visual sensory map. Detailed simulation methods, procedures and results are presented
