140 research outputs found

    Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures for Space Applications

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    Smart materials are one of the key emerging technologies for a variety of space systems ranging in their applications from instrumentation to structural design. The underlying principle of smart materials is that they are materials that can change their properties based on an input, typically a voltage or current. When these materials are incorporated into structures, they create smart structures. This work is concerned with the dynamics and control of three smart structures: a membrane structure with shape memory alloys for control of the membrane surface flatness, a flexible manipulator with a collocated piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair for active vibration control, and a piezoelectric nanopositioner for control of instrumentation. Shape memory alloys are used to control the surface flatness of a prototype membrane structure. As these actuators exhibit a hysteretic nonlinearity, they need their own controller to operate as required. The membrane structures surface flatness is then controlled by the shape memory alloys, and two techniques are developed: genetic algorithm and proportional-integral controllers. This would represent the removal of one of the main obstacles preventing the use of membrane structures in space for high precision applications, such as a C-band synthetic aperture radar antenna. Next, an adaptive positive position feedback law is developed for control of a structure with a collocated piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair, with unknown natural frequencies. This control law is then combined with the input shaping technique for slew maneuvers of a single-link flexible manipulator. As an alternative to the adaptive positive position feedback law, genetic algorithms are investigated as both system identification techniques and as a tool for optimal controller design in vibration suppression. These controllers are all verified through both simulation and experiments. The third area of investigation is on the nonlinear dynamics and control of piezoelectric actuators for nanopositioning applications. A state feedback integral plus double integral synchronization controller is designed to allow the piezoelectrics to form the basis of an ultra-precise 2-D Fabry-Perot interferometer as the gap spacing of the device could be controlled at the nanometer level. Next, an output feedback linear integral control law is examined explicitly for the piezoelectric actuators with its nonlinear behaviour modeled as an input nonlinearity to a linear system. Conditions for asymptotic stability are established and then the analysis is extended to the derivation of an output feedback integral synchronization controller that guarantees global asymptotic stability under input nonlinearities. Experiments are then performed to validate the analysis. In this work, the dynamics and control of these smart structures are addressed in the context of their three applications. The main objective of this work is to develop effective and reliable control strategies for smart structures that broaden their applicability to space systems

    Design of a shape memory alloy actuator for soft wearable robots

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    Soft robotics represents a paradigm shift in the design of conventional robots; while the latter are designed as monolithic structures, made of rigid materials and normally composed of several stiff joints, the design of soft robots is based on the use of deformable materials such as polymers, fluids or gels, resulting in a biomimetic design that replicates the behavior of organic tissues. The introduction of this design philosophy into the field of wearable robots has transformed them from rigid and cumbersome devices into something we could call exo-suits or exo-musculatures: motorized, lightweight and comfortable clothing-like devices. If one thinks of the ideal soft wearable robot (exoskeleton) as a piece of clothing in which the actuation system is fully integrated into its fabrics, we consider that that existing technologies currently used in the design of these devices do not fully satisfy this premise. Ultimately, these actuation systems are based on conventional technologies such as DC motors or pneumatic actuators, which due to their volume and weight, prevent a seamless integration into the structure of the soft exoskeleton. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to design of an actuator that represents an alternative to the technologies currently used in the field of soft wearable robotics, after having determined the need for an actuator for soft exoskeletons that is compact, flexible and lightweight, while also being able to produce the force required to move the limbs of a human user. Since conventional actuation technologies do not allow the design of an actuator with the required characteristics, the proposed actuator design has been based on so-called emerging actuation technologies, more specifically, on shape memory alloys (SMA). The mechanical design of the actuator is based on the Bowden transmission system. The SMA wire used as the transducer of the actuator has been routed into a flexible sheath, which, in addition to being easily adaptable to the user's body, increases the actuation bandwidth by reducing the cooling time of the SMA element by 30 %. At its nominal operating regime, the actuator provides an output displacement of 24 mm and generates a force of 64 N. Along with the actuator, a thermomechanical model of its SMA transducer has been developed to simulate its complex behavior. The developed model is a useful tool in the design process of future SMA-based applications, accelerating development ix time and reducing costs. The model shows very few discrepancies with respect to the behavior of a real wire. In addition, the model simulates characteristic phenomena of these alloys such as thermal hysteresis, including internal hysteresis loops and returnpoint memory, the dependence between transformation temperatures and applied force, or the effects of latent heat of transformation on the wire heating and cooling processes. To control the actuator, the use of a non-linear control technique called four-term bilinear proportional-integral-derivative controller (BPID) is proposed. The BPID controller compensates the non-linear behavior of the actuator caused by the thermal hysteresis of the SMA. Compared to the operation of two other implemented controllers, the BPID controller offers a very stable and robust performance, minimizing steady-state errors and without the appearance of limit cycles or other effects associated with the control of these alloys. To demonstrate that the proposed actuator together with the BPID controller are a valid solution for implementing the actuation system of a soft exoskeleton, both developments have been integrated into a real soft hand exoskeleton, designed to provide force assistance to astronauts. In this case, in addition to using the BPID controller to control the position of the actuators, it has been applied to the control of the assistive force provided by the exoskeleton. Through a simple mechanical multiplication mechanism, the actuator generates a linear displacement of 54 mm and a force of 31 N, thus fulfilling the design requirements imposed by the application of the exoskeleton. Regarding the control of the device, the BPID controller is a valid control technique to control both the position and the force of a soft exoskeleton using an actuation system based on the actuator proposed in this thesis.La robótica flexible (soft robotics) ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma en el diseño de robots convencionales; mientras que estos consisten en estructuras monolíticas, hechas de materiales duros y normalmente compuestas de varias articulaciones rígidas, el diseño de los robots flexibles se basa en el uso de materiales deformables como polímeros, fluidos o geles, resultando en un diseño biomimético que replica el comportamiento de los tejidos orgánicos. La introducción de esta filosofía de diseño en el campo de los robots vestibles (wearable robots) ha hecho que estos pasen de ser dispositivos rígidos y pesados a ser algo que podríamos llamar exo-trajes o exo-musculaturas: prendas de vestir motorizadas, ligeras y cómodas. Si se piensa en el robot vestible (exoesqueleto) flexible ideal como una prenda de vestir en la que el sistema de actuación está totalmente integrado en sus tejidos, consideramos que las tecnologías existentes que se utilizan actualmente en el diseño de estos dispositivos no satisfacen plenamente esta premisa. En última instancia, estos sistemas de actuaci on se basan en tecnologías convencionales como los motores de corriente continua o los actuadores neumáticos, que debido a su volumen y peso, hacen imposible una integraci on completa en la estructura del exoesqueleto flexible. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por tanto, el diseño de un actuador que suponga una alternativa a las tecnologias actualmente utilizadas en el campo de los exoesqueletos flexibles, tras haber determinado la necesidad de un actuador para estos dispositivos que sea compacto, flexible y ligero, y que al mismo tiempo sea capaz de producir la fuerza necesaria para mover las extremidades de un usuario humano. Dado que las tecnologías de actuación convencionales no permiten diseñar un actuador de las características necesarias, se ha optado por basar el diseño del actuador propuesto en las llamadas tecnologías de actuación emergentes, en concreto, en las aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMA). El diseño mecánico del actuador está basado en el sistema de transmisión Bowden. El hilo de SMA usado como transductor del actuador se ha introducido en una funda flexible que, además de adaptarse facilmente al cuerpo del usuario, aumenta el ancho de banda de actuación al reducir un 30 % el tiempo de enfriamiento del elemento SMA. En su régimen nominal de operaci on, el actuador proporciona un desplazamiento de salida de 24 mm y genera una fuerza de 64 N. Además del actuador, se ha desarrollado un modelo termomecánico de su transductor SMA que permite simular su complejo comportamiento. El modelo desarrollado es una herramienta útil en el proceso de diseño de futuras aplicaciones basadas en SMA, acelerando el tiempo de desarrollo y reduciendo costes. El modelo muestra muy pocas discrepancias con respecto al comportamiento de un hilo real. Además, es capaz de simular fenómenos característicos de estas aleaciones como la histéresis térmica, incluyendo los bucles internos de histéresis y la memoria de puntos de retorno (return-point memory), la dependencia entre las temperaturas de transformacion y la fuerza aplicada, o los efectos del calor latente de transformación en el calentamiento y el enfriamiento del hilo. Para controlar el actuador, se propone el uso de una t ecnica de control no lineal llamada controlador proporcional-integral-derivativo bilineal de cuatro términos (BPID). El controlador BPID compensa el comportamiento no lineal del actuador causado por la histéresis térmica del SMA. Comparado con el funcionamiento de otros dos controladores implementados, el controlador BPID ofrece un rendimiento muy estable y robusto, minimizando el error de estado estacionario y sin la aparición de ciclos límite u otros efectos asociados al control de estas aleaciones. Para demostrar que el actuador propuesto junto con el controlador BPID son una soluci on válida para implementar el sistema de actuación de un exoesqueleto flexible, se han integrado ambos desarrollos en un exoesqueleto flexible de mano real, diseñado para proporcionar asistencia de fuerza a astronautas. En este caso, además de utilizar el controlador BPID para controlar la posición de los actuadores, se ha aplicado al control de la fuerza proporcionada por el exoesqueleto. Mediante un simple mecanismo de multiplicación mecánica, el actuador genera un desplazamiento lineal de 54 mm y una fuerza de 31 N, cumpliendo así con los requisitos de diseño impuestos por la aplicación del exoesqueleto. Respecto al control del dispositivo, el controlador BPID es una técnica de control válida para controlar tanto la posición como la fuerza de un exoesqueleto flexible que use un sistema de actuación basado en el actuador propuesto en esta tesis.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Fabio Bonsignorio.- Secretario: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Elena García Armad

    Shape memory alloy actuators for upper limb prostheses

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    A shape memory alloy-based biomimetic robotic hand : design, modelling and experimental evaluation

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    Every year more the 400,000 people are subject to an upper limb amputation. Projections foresee that this number may double by the 2050. Infections, trauma, cancer, or complications that arise in blood vessels represent the main causes for amputations. The access to prosthetic care is worldwide extremely limited. This is mainly due to the high cost both of commercially available prostheses and of the rehabilitation procedure which every prostheses user has to endure. Aside from high costs, commercially available hand prostheses have faced high rejection rates, mainly due to the their heavy weight, noisy operation and also to the unnatural feel of the fingers. To overcome these limitations, new materials, such as Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs), have been considered as potential candidate actuators for these kind of devices. In order to provide a contribution in the development of performant and easily affordable hand prostheses, the development of a novel and cost-effective five-fingered hand prototype actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires is presented in this work. The dissertation starts with the description of a first generation of a SMA actuated finger. Structure assemblage and performances in term of force, motion and reactiveness are investigated to highlight advantages and disadvantages of the prototype. In order to improve the achievable performances, a second generation of SMA actuated finger having soft features is introduced. Its structure, a five-fingered hand prosthesis having intrinsically elastic fingers, capable to grasp several types of objects with a considerable force, and an entirely 3D printed structure is then presented. Comparing this prototype with the most important prostheses developed so far, relevant advantages especially in term of noiseless actuation, cost, weight, responsiveness and force can be highlighted. A finite element based framework is then developed, to enable additional structure optimization and further improve the SMA finger performances. On the same time, a concentrated parameters physics-based model is formulated to allow, in the future, an easier control of the device, characterized by strong nonlinearities mainly due to the Shape Memory alloy hysteretic behavior.Jedes Jahr werden weltweit bei mehr als 400.000 Menschen Amputationen der oberen Gliedmaßen durchgeführt. Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass sich diese Zahl bis zum Jahr 2050 verdoppeln wird. Hauptursachen der Amputationen sind Infektionen, Unfälle, Krebs oder Durchblutungsstörungen. Der Zugang zu prothetischer Versorgung ist besonders in den Entwicklungsländern stark eingeschränkt. Dies liegt vor allem an den hohen Kosten sowohl der im Handel erhältlichen Prothesen als auch des Rehabilitationsprozesses, den jeder Prothesenträger durchlaufen muss. Neben den hohen Kosten haben kommerziell erhältliche Handprothesen aufgrund ihres hohen Gewichts, des lauten Betriebes und auch des unnatürlichen Gefühls hohe Ablehnungsraten. Um diese Einschränkungen zu überwinden, wurden neue Materialien, wie z.B. Formgedächtnislegierungen (SMAs), als potenzielle Materialien für den Antrieb von Prothesen untersucht . Um einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von leistungsfähigen und erschwinglichen Handprothesen zu leisten, wird in dieser Arbeit die Entwicklung eines neuartigen und kostengünstigen Fünf-Finger-Handprototyps vorgestellt, der durch Drähte aus Formgedächtnislegierungen aktiviert wird. Die Doktorarbeit beginnt mit der Beschreibung der ersten Generation eines SMA-aktivierten Fingers. Zuerst wird der Aufbau und das Wirkungsprinzip des SMA Fingers erläutert und die Leistungs- und Bewegungsfähigkeit des Systems untersucht sowie Vor- und Nachteile des Prototyps dargestellt. Anschließend, um die erreichbare Leistungsfähigkeit zu verbessern, wird eine zweite Generation von SMA-gesteuerten Fingern vorgestellt, die eine vollständig in 3D gedruckte Struktur aufweisen. Diese Fünffinger-Handprothese mit inhärent elastischen Fingern ermöglicht nicht nur das Greifen unterschiedlich geformter Objekte sondern auch das Heben und Halten schwerer Gegenstände. Dieser neuartige Prototyp wird mit den wichtigsten bisher entwickelten Prothesen verglichen und die relevanten Vorteile insbesondere in Bezug auf geräuschlose Ansteuerung, Kosten, Gewicht, Reaktionszeit und Kraft hervorgehoben. Abschließend wird ein Finite-Elemente-Modell entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen die Fingerstruktur weiter optimiert und die Leistungsfähigkeit des SMA-Fingers noch verbessert werden kann. Zusätzlich wird ein Konzentriertes-Parameter-Modell formuliert, um, in der Zukunft, eine leichtere Regelung des Systems zu ermöglichen. Dieses ist notwendig, da der SMA-Finger starke Nichtlinearitäten aufweist, die auf das hysteretische Verhalten der Formgedächtnislegierung zurückzuführen sind

    Smart actuation and sensing for meso-scale surgical robotic systems

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    This dissertation presents the development of meso-scale surgical robotics based on smart actuation and sensing for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). By replacing conventional straight tools by steerable surgical robots, surgical outcomes can potentially be improved due to more precise, stable, and flexible manipulation. Since bending and torsion are the two fundamental motion forms required by surgical tools to complete general surgical procedures, compact torsion and bending modules, both integrated with intrinsic sensors for motion feedback, have been developed based on shape memory alloy (SMA). The developed actuation and sensing techniques have been applied on a robot for neurosurgical intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation (NICHE) and a steerable catheter for atrial fibrillation (AFib) treatment. The NICHE robot consists of a straight stem, an SMA torsion module, and an SMA bending module as a distal bending tip. By synchronizing the motion of the stem, the bending module, and the torsion module, the robot is capable of tip articulation within the brain to remove hemorrhage effectively through suction and electrocauterization. In addition, a skull-mounted robotic headframe has been developed based on a Stewart platform to manipulate the NICHE robot. The robotic catheter is developed by integrating multiple SMA bending modules with flexible braid reinforced tubing. Polymer 3D-printing is used to fabricate all the structural components due to its relatively low cost, short fabrication period, and capability of fabricating complicated structures with high accuracy. The developed surgical robotic systems have been thoroughly evaluated using phantom or cadaver models under computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance. The imaging-guided experimental studies showed that the developed robotic systems consisting of smart actuation and sensing were compatible with CT and MR imaging.Ph.D

    Applied Measurement Systems

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    Measurement is a multidisciplinary experimental science. Measurement systems synergistically blend science, engineering and statistical methods to provide fundamental data for research, design and development, control of processes and operations, and facilitate safe and economic performance of systems. In recent years, measuring techniques have expanded rapidly and gained maturity, through extensive research activities and hardware advancements. With individual chapters authored by eminent professionals in their respective topics, Applied Measurement Systems attempts to provide a comprehensive presentation and in-depth guidance on some of the key applied and advanced topics in measurements for scientists, engineers and educators

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip