288 research outputs found

    Positioning Techniques with Smartphone Technology: Performances and Methodologies in Outdoor and Indoor Scenarios

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    Smartphone technology is widespread both in the academy and in the commercial world. Almost every people have today a smartphone in their pocket, that are not only used to call other people but also to share their location on social networks or to plan activities. Today with a smartphone we can compute our position using the sensors settled inside the device that may also include accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers, teslameter, proximity sensors, barometer, and GPS/GNSS chipset. In this chapter we want to analyze the state-of-the-art of the positioning with smartphone technology, considering both outdoor and indoor scenarios. Particular attention will be paid to this last situation, where the accuracy can be improved fusing information coming from more than one sensor. In particular, we will investigate an innovative method of image recognition based (IRB) technology, particularly useful in GNSS denied environment, taking into account the two main problems that arise when the IRB positioning methods are considered: the first one is the optimization of the battery, that implies the minimization of the frame rate, and secondly the latencies due to image processing for visual search solutions, required by the size of the database with the 3D environment images

    From data acquisition to data fusion : a comprehensive review and a roadmap for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices

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    This paper focuses on the research on the state of the art for sensor fusion techniques, applied to the sensors embedded in mobile devices, as a means to help identify the mobile device user’s daily activities. Sensor data fusion techniques are used to consolidate the data collected from several sensors, increasing the reliability of the algorithms for the identification of the different activities. However, mobile devices have several constraints, e.g., low memory, low battery life and low processing power, and some data fusion techniques are not suited to this scenario. The main purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state of the art to identify examples of sensor data fusion techniques that can be applied to the sensors available in mobile devices aiming to identify activities of daily living (ADLs)

    Smartphone-based vehicle telematics: a ten-year anniversary

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordJust as it has irrevocably reshaped social life, the fast growth of smartphone ownership is now beginning to revolutionize the driving experience and change how we think about automotive insurance, vehicle safety systems, and traffic research. This paper summarizes the first ten years of research in smartphone-based vehicle telematics, with a focus on user-friendly implementations and the challenges that arise due to the mobility of the smartphone. Notable academic and industrial projects are reviewed, and system aspects related to sensors, energy consumption, and human-machine interfaces are examined. Moreover, we highlight the differences between traditional and smartphone-based automotive navigation, and survey the state of the art in smartphone-based transportation mode classification, vehicular ad hoc networks, cloud computing, driver classification, and road condition monitoring. Future advances are expected to be driven by improvements in sensor technology, evidence of the societal benefits of current implementations, and the establishment of industry standards for sensor fusion and driver assessment

    Sensor Modalities and Fusion for Robust Indoor Localisation

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    Development of a mobile technology system to measure shoulder range of motion

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    In patients with shoulder movement impairment, assessing and monitoring shoulder range of motion is important for determining the severity of impairments due to disease or injury and evaluating the effects of interventions. Current clinical methods of goniometry and visual estimation require an experienced user and suffer from low inter-rater reliability. More sophisticated techniques such as optical or electromagnetic motion capture exist but are expensive and restricted to a specialised laboratory environment.;Inertial measurement units (IMU), such as those within smartphones and smartwatches, show promise as tools bridge the gap between laboratory and clinical techniques and accurately measure shoulder range of motion during both clinic assessments and in daily life.;This study aims to develop an Android mobile application for both a smartphone and a smartwatch to assess shoulder range of motion. Initial performance characterisation of the inertial sensing capabilities of both a smartwatch and smartphone running the application was conducted against an industrial inclinometer, free-swinging pendulum and custom-built servo-powered gimbal.;An initial validation study comparing the smartwatch application with a universal goniometer for shoulder ROM assessment was conducted with twenty healthy participants. An impaired condition was simulated by applying kinesiology tape across the participants shoulder girdle. Agreement, intra and inter-day reliability were assessed in both the healthy and impaired states.;Both the phone and watch performed with acceptable accuracy and repeatability during static (within ±1.1°) and dynamic conditions where it was strongly correlated to the pendulum and gimbal data (ICC > 0.9). Both devices could perform accurately within optimal responsiveness range of angular velocities compliant with humerus movement during activities of daily living (frequency response of 377°/s and 358°/s for the phone and watch respectively).;The concurrent agreement between the watch and the goniometer was high in both healthy and impaired states (ICC > 0.8) and between measurement days (ICC > 0.8). The mean absolute difference between the watch and the goniometer were within the accepted minimal clinically important difference for shoulder movement (5.11° to 10.58°).;The results show promise for the use of the developed Android application to be used as a goniometry tool for assessment of shoulder ROM. However, the limits of agreement across all the tests fell out with the acceptable margin and further investigation is required to determine validity. Evaluation of validity in clinical impairment patients is also required to assess the feasibility of the use of the application in clinical practice.In patients with shoulder movement impairment, assessing and monitoring shoulder range of motion is important for determining the severity of impairments due to disease or injury and evaluating the effects of interventions. Current clinical methods of goniometry and visual estimation require an experienced user and suffer from low inter-rater reliability. More sophisticated techniques such as optical or electromagnetic motion capture exist but are expensive and restricted to a specialised laboratory environment.;Inertial measurement units (IMU), such as those within smartphones and smartwatches, show promise as tools bridge the gap between laboratory and clinical techniques and accurately measure shoulder range of motion during both clinic assessments and in daily life.;This study aims to develop an Android mobile application for both a smartphone and a smartwatch to assess shoulder range of motion. Initial performance characterisation of the inertial sensing capabilities of both a smartwatch and smartphone running the application was conducted against an industrial inclinometer, free-swinging pendulum and custom-built servo-powered gimbal.;An initial validation study comparing the smartwatch application with a universal goniometer for shoulder ROM assessment was conducted with twenty healthy participants. An impaired condition was simulated by applying kinesiology tape across the participants shoulder girdle. Agreement, intra and inter-day reliability were assessed in both the healthy and impaired states.;Both the phone and watch performed with acceptable accuracy and repeatability during static (within ±1.1°) and dynamic conditions where it was strongly correlated to the pendulum and gimbal data (ICC > 0.9). Both devices could perform accurately within optimal responsiveness range of angular velocities compliant with humerus movement during activities of daily living (frequency response of 377°/s and 358°/s for the phone and watch respectively).;The concurrent agreement between the watch and the goniometer was high in both healthy and impaired states (ICC > 0.8) and between measurement days (ICC > 0.8). The mean absolute difference between the watch and the goniometer were within the accepted minimal clinically important difference for shoulder movement (5.11° to 10.58°).;The results show promise for the use of the developed Android application to be used as a goniometry tool for assessment of shoulder ROM. However, the limits of agreement across all the tests fell out with the acceptable margin and further investigation is required to determine validity. Evaluation of validity in clinical impairment patients is also required to assess the feasibility of the use of the application in clinical practice

    Hybrid wheelchair controller for handicapped and quadriplegic patients

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    In this dissertation, a hybrid wheelchair controller for handicapped and quadriplegic patient is proposed. The system has two sub-controllers which are the voice controller and the head tilt controller. The system aims to help quadriplegic, handicapped, elderly and paralyzed patients to control a robotic wheelchair using voice commands and head movements instead of a traditional joystick controller. The multi-input design makes the system more flexible to adapt to the available body signals. The low-cost design is taken into consideration as it allows more patients to use this system

    Issues and Challenges of Sensor Technologies in Microelectromechanical System (MEMS) in Smartphones for Motion Tracking Applications

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    Following the popularity of smartphone, the needs for accurate motion tracking have grown rapidly. Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) sensor has been commonly used in smartphones. Inertia Measurement Unit (IMU) usually functions in motion sensing. In this review, we explained the concept of MEMS accelerometer, gyroscopes and magnetometer. We discussed the issues and challenges of MEMS sensor in smartphones for motion tracking application and ways to improve it. noise-full and drifting are issues related to angle estimation in IMU. Many types of the filter were applied to improve the angle estimation. Challenges in navigation and motion tracking are stated. The combination of IMU, a global positioning system (GPS) and MEMS pressure sensor can increase the accuracy of motion tracking efficiently. The conclusion of issues and challenges of MEMS sensor and improvements were also presented

    Wearable technology: role in respiratory health and disease

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    In the future, diagnostic devices will be able to monitor a patient's physiological or biochemical parameters continuously, under natural physiological conditions and in any environment through wearable biomedical sensors. Together with apps that capture and interpret data, and integrated enterprise and cloud data repositories, the networks of wearable devices and body area networks will constitute the healthcare's Internet of Things. In this review, four main areas of interest for respiratory healthcare are described: pulse oximetry, pulmonary ventilation, activity tracking and air quality assessment. Although several issues still need to be solved, smart wearable technologies will provide unique opportunities for the future or personalised respiratory medicine

    High performance readout circuits and devices for Lorentz force resonant CMOS-MEMS magnetic sensors

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    In the last decades, sensing capabilities of martphones have greatly improved since the early mobile phones of the 90’s. Moreover, wearables and the automotive industry require increasing electronics and sensing sophistication. In such echnological advance, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have played an important role as accelerometers and gyroscopes were the first sensors based on MEMS technology massively introduced in the market. In contrast, it still does not exist a commercial MEMS-based compass, even though Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers were first proposed in the late 90’s. Currently, Lorentz force MEMS magnetometers have been under the spotlight as they can offer an integrated solution to nowadays sensing power. As a consequence, great advances have been achieved, but various bottlenecks limit the introduction of Lorentz force MEMS compasses in the market. First, current MEMS magnetometers require high current consumption and high biasing voltages to achieve good sensitivities. Moreover, even though devices with excellent performance and sophistication are found in the literature, there is still a lack of research on the readout electronic circuits, specially in the digital signal processing, and closed loop control. Second, most research outcomes rely on custom MEMS fabrication rocesses to manufacture the devices. This is the same approach followed in current commercial MEMS, but it requires different fabrication processes for the electronics and the MEMS. As a consequence, manufacturing cost is high and sensor performance is affected by the MEMS-electronics interface parasitics. This dissertation presents potential solutions to these issues in order to pave the road to the commercialization of Lorentz force MEMS compasses. First, a complete closed loop, digitally controlled readout system is proposed. The readout circuitry, implemented with off-the-shelf commercial components, and the digital control, on an FPGA, are proposed as a proof of concept of the feasibility, and potential benefits, of such architecture. The proposed system has a measured noise of 550 nT / vHz while the MEMS is biased with 300 µA rms and V = 1 V . Second, various CMOS-MEMS magnetometers have been designed using the BEOL part of the TSMC and SMIC 180 nm standard CMOS processes, and wet and vapor etched. The devices measurement and characterisation is used to analyse the benefits and drawbacks of each design as well as releasing process. Doing so, a high volume manufacturing viability can be performed. Yield values as high as 86% have been obtained for one device manufactured in a SMIC 180 nm full wafer run, having a sensitivity of 2.82 fA/µT · mA and quality factor Q = 7.29 at ambient pressure. While a device manufactured in TSMC 180 nm has Q = 634.5 and a sensitivity of 20.26 fA/µT ·mA at 1 mbar and V = 1 V. Finally, an integrated circuit has been designed that contains all the critical blocks to perform the MEMS signal readout. The MEMS and the electronics have been manufactured using the same die area and standard TSMC 180 nm process in order to reduce parasitics and improve noise and current consumption. Simulations show that a resolution of 8.23 µT /mA for V = 1 V and BW = 10 Hz can be achieved with the designed device.En les últimes dècades, tenint en compte els primers telèfons mòbils dels anys 90, les capacitats de sensat dels telèfons intel·ligents han millorat notablement. A més, la indústria automobilística i de wearables necessiten cada cop més sofisticació en el sensat. Els Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) han tingut un paper molt important en aquest avenç tecnològic, ja que acceleròmetres i giroscopis varen ser els primers sensors basats en la tecnologia MEMS en ser introduïts massivament al mercat. En canvi, encara no existeix en la indústria una brúixola electrònica basada en la tecnologia MEMS, tot i que els magnetòmetres MEMS varen ser proposats per primera vegada a finals dels anys 90. Actualment, els magnetòmetres MEMS basats en la força de Lorentz són el centre d'atenció donat que poden oferir una solució integrada a les capacitats de sensat actuals. Com a conseqüència, s'han aconseguit grans avenços encara que existeixen diversos colls d'ampolla que encara limiten la introducció al mercat de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. Per una banda, els agnetòmetres MEMS actuals necessiten un consum de corrent i un voltatge de polarització elevats per aconseguir una bona sensibilitat. A més, tot i que a la literatura hi podem trobar dispositius amb rendiments i sofisticació excel·lents, encara existeix una manca de recerca en el circuit de condicionament, especialment de processat digital i control del llaç. Per altra banda, moltes publicacions depenen de processos de fabricació de MEMS fets a mida per fabricar els dispositius. Aquesta és la mateixa aproximació que s'utilitza actualment en la indústria dels MEMS, però té l'inconvenient que requereix processos de fabricació diferents pels MEMS i l’electrònica. Per tant, el cost de fabricació és alt i el rendiment del sensor queda afectat pels paràsits en la interfície entre els MEMS i l'electrònica. Aquesta tesi presenta solucions potencials a aquests problemes amb l'objectiu d'aplanar el camí a la comercialització de brúixoles electròniques MEMS basades en la força de Lorentz. En primer lloc, es proposa un circuit de condicionament complet en llaç tancat controlat digitalment. Aquest s'ha implementat amb components comercials, mentre que el control digital del llaç s'ha implementat en una FPGA, tot com una prova de concepte de la viabilitat i beneficis potencials que representa l'arquitectura proposada. El sistema presenta un soroll de 550 nT / vHz quan el MEMS està polaritzat amb 300 µArms i V = 1 V . En segon lloc, s'han dissenyat varis magnetòmetres CMOS-MEMS utilitzant la part BEOL dels processos CMOS estàndard de TSMC i SMIC 180 nm, que després s'han alliberat amb líquid i gas. La mesura i caracterització dels dispositius s’ha utilitzat per analitzar els beneficis i inconvenients de cada disseny i procés d’alliberament. D'aquesta manera, s'ha pogut realitzar un anàlisi de la viabilitat de la seva fabricació en massa. S'han obtingut valors de yield de fins al 86% per un dispositiu fabricat amb SMIC 180 nm en una oblia completa, amb una sensibilitat de 2.82 fA/µT · mA i un factor de qualitat Q = 7.29 a pressió ambient. Per altra banda, el dispositiu fabricat amb TSMC 180 nm presenta una Q = 634.5 i una sensibilitat de 20.26 fA/µT · mA a 1 mbar amb V = 1 V. Finalment, s'ha dissenyat un circuit integrat que conté tots els blocs per a realitzar el condicionament de senyal del MEMS. El MEMS i l'electrònica s'han fabricat en el mateix dau amb el procés estàndard de TSMC 180 nm per tal de reduir paràsits i millorar el soroll i el consum de corrent. Les simulacions mostren una resolució de 8.23 µT /mA amb V = 1 V i BW = 10 Hz pel dispositiu dissenyat
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