3,587 research outputs found

    Large-scale event extraction from literature with multi-level gene normalization

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    Text mining for the life sciences aims to aid database curation, knowledge summarization and information retrieval through the automated processing of biomedical texts. To provide comprehensive coverage and enable full integration with existing biomolecular database records, it is crucial that text mining tools scale up to millions of articles and that their analyses can be unambiguously linked to information recorded in resources such as UniProt, KEGG, BioGRID and NCBI databases. In this study, we investigate how fully automated text mining of complex biomolecular events can be augmented with a normalization strategy that identifies biological concepts in text, mapping them to identifiers at varying levels of granularity, ranging from canonicalized symbols to unique gene and proteins and broad gene families. To this end, we have combined two state-of-the-art text mining components, previously evaluated on two community-wide challenges, and have extended and improved upon these methods by exploiting their complementary nature. Using these systems, we perform normalization and event extraction to create a large-scale resource that is publicly available, unique in semantic scope, and covers all 21.9 million PubMed abstracts and 460 thousand PubMed Central open access full-text articles. This dataset contains 40 million biomolecular events involving 76 million gene/protein mentions, linked to 122 thousand distinct genes from 5032 species across the full taxonomic tree. Detailed evaluations and analyses reveal promising results for application of this data in database and pathway curation efforts. The main software components used in this study are released under an open-source license. Further, the resulting dataset is freely accessible through a novel API, providing programmatic and customized access (http://www.evexdb.org/api/v001/). Finally, to allow for large-scale bioinformatic analyses, the entire resource is available for bulk download from http://evexdb.org/download/, under the Creative Commons -Attribution - Share Alike (CC BY-SA) license

    Text Mining for Pathway Curation

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    Biolog:innen untersuchen häufig Pathways, Netzwerke von Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen und Genen mit einer spezifischen Funktion. Neue Erkenntnisse über Pathways werden in der Regel zunächst in Publikationen veröffentlicht und dann in strukturierter Form in Lehrbüchern, Datenbanken oder mathematischen Modellen weitergegeben. Deren Kuratierung kann jedoch aufgrund der hohen Anzahl von Publikationen sehr aufwendig sein. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir wie Text Mining Methoden die Kuratierung unterstützen können. Wir stellen PEDL vor, ein Machine-Learning-Modell zur Extraktion von Protein-Protein-Assoziationen (PPAs) aus biomedizinischen Texten. PEDL verwendet Distant Supervision und vortrainierte Sprachmodelle, um eine höhere Genauigkeit als vergleichbare Methoden zu erreichen. Eine Evaluation durch Expert:innen bestätigt die Nützlichkeit von PEDLs für Pathway-Kurator:innen. Außerdem stellen wir PEDL+ vor, ein Kommandozeilen-Tool, mit dem auch Nicht-Expert:innen PPAs effizient extrahieren können. Drei Kurator:innen bewerten 55,6 % bis 79,6 % der von PEDL+ gefundenen PPAs als nützlich für ihre Arbeit. Die große Anzahl von PPAs, die durch Text Mining identifiziert werden, kann für Forscher:innen überwältigend sein. Um hier Abhilfe zu schaffen, stellen wir PathComplete vor, ein Modell, das nützliche Erweiterungen eines Pathways vorschlägt. Es ist die erste Pathway-Extension-Methode, die auf überwachtem maschinellen Lernen basiert. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass PathComplete wesentlich genauer ist als existierende Methoden. Schließlich schlagen wir eine Methode vor, um Pathways mit komplexen Ereignisstrukturen zu erweitern. Hier übertrifft unsere neue Methode zur konditionalen Graphenmodifikation die derzeit beste Methode um 13-24% Genauigkeit in drei Benchmarks. Insgesamt zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass Deep Learning basierte Informationsextraktion eine vielversprechende Grundlage für die Unterstützung von Pathway-Kurator:innen ist.Biological knowledge often involves understanding the interactions between molecules, such as proteins and genes, that form functional networks called pathways. New knowledge about pathways is typically communicated through publications and later condensed into structured formats such as textbooks, pathway databases or mathematical models. However, curating updated pathway models can be labour-intensive due to the growing volume of publications. This thesis investigates text mining methods to support pathway curation. We present PEDL (Protein-Protein-Association Extraction with Deep Language Models), a machine learning model designed to extract protein-protein associations (PPAs) from biomedical text. PEDL uses distant supervision and pre-trained language models to achieve higher accuracy than the state of the art. An expert evaluation confirms its usefulness for pathway curators. We also present PEDL+, a command-line tool that allows non-expert users to efficiently extract PPAs. When applied to pathway curation tasks, 55.6% to 79.6% of PEDL+ extractions were found useful by curators. The large number of PPAs identified by text mining can be overwhelming for researchers. To help, we present PathComplete, a model that suggests potential extensions to a pathway. It is the first method based on supervised machine learning for this task, using transfer learning from pathway databases. Our evaluations show that PathComplete significantly outperforms existing methods. Finally, we generalise pathway extension from PPAs to more realistic complex events. Here, our novel method for conditional graph modification outperforms the current best by 13-24% accuracy on three benchmarks. We also present a new dataset for event-based pathway extension. Overall, our results show that deep learning-based information extraction is a promising basis for supporting pathway curators

    Network-based analysis of gene expression data

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    The methods of molecular biology for the quantitative measurement of gene expression have undergone a rapid development in the past two decades. High-throughput assays with the microarray and RNA-seq technology now enable whole-genome studies in which several thousands of genes can be measured at a time. However, this has also imposed serious challenges on data storage and analysis, which are subject of the young, but rapidly developing field of computational biology. To explain observations made on such a large scale requires suitable and accordingly scaled models of gene regulation. Detailed models, as available for single genes, need to be extended and assembled in larger networks of regulatory interactions between genes and gene products. Incorporation of such networks into methods for data analysis is crucial to identify molecular mechanisms that are drivers of the observed expression. As methods for this purpose emerge in parallel to each other and without knowing the standard of truth, results need to be critically checked in a competitive setup and in the context of the available rich literature corpus. This work is centered on and contributes to the following subjects, each of which represents important and distinct research topics in the field of computational biology: (i) construction of realistic gene regulatory network models; (ii) detection of subnetworks that are significantly altered in the data under investigation; and (iii) systematic biological interpretation of detected subnetworks. For the construction of regulatory networks, I review existing methods with a focus on curation and inference approaches. I first describe how literature curation can be used to construct a regulatory network for a specific process, using the well-studied diauxic shift in yeast as an example. In particular, I address the question how a detailed understanding, as available for the regulation of single genes, can be scaled-up to the level of larger systems. I subsequently inspect methods for large-scale network inference showing that they are significantly skewed towards master regulators. A recalibration strategy is introduced and applied, yielding an improved genome-wide regulatory network for yeast. To detect significantly altered subnetworks, I introduce GGEA as a method for network-based enrichment analysis. The key idea is to score regulatory interactions within functional gene sets for consistency with the observed expression. Compared to other recently published methods, GGEA yields results that consistently and coherently align expression changes with known regulation types and that are thus easier to explain. I also suggest and discuss several significant enhancements to the original method that are improving its applicability, outcome and runtime. For the systematic detection and interpretation of subnetworks, I have developed the EnrichmentBrowser software package. It implements several state-of-the-art methods besides GGEA, and allows to combine and explore results across methods. As part of the Bioconductor repository, the package provides a unified access to the different methods and, thus, greatly simplifies the usage for biologists. Extensions to this framework, that support automating of biological interpretation routines, are also presented. In conclusion, this work contributes substantially to the research field of network-based analysis of gene expression data with respect to regulatory network construction, subnetwork detection, and their biological interpretation. This also includes recent developments as well as areas of ongoing research, which are discussed in the context of current and future questions arising from the new generation of genomic data

    The CanOE Strategy: Integrating Genomic and Metabolic Contexts across Multiple Prokaryote Genomes to Find Candidate Genes for Orphan Enzymes

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    Of all biochemically characterized metabolic reactions formalized by the IUBMB, over one out of four have yet to be associated with a nucleic or protein sequence, i.e. are sequence-orphan enzymatic activities. Few bioinformatics annotation tools are able to propose candidate genes for such activities by exploiting context-dependent rather than sequence-dependent data, and none are readily accessible and propose result integration across multiple genomes. Here, we present CanOE (Candidate genes for Orphan Enzymes), a four-step bioinformatics strategy that proposes ranked candidate genes for sequence-orphan enzymatic activities (or orphan enzymes for short). The first step locates “genomic metabolons”, i.e. groups of co-localized genes coding proteins catalyzing reactions linked by shared metabolites, in one genome at a time. These metabolons can be particularly helpful for aiding bioanalysts to visualize relevant metabolic data. In the second step, they are used to generate candidate associations between un-annotated genes and gene-less reactions. The third step integrates these gene-reaction associations over several genomes using gene families, and summarizes the strength of family-reaction associations by several scores. In the final step, these scores are used to rank members of gene families which are proposed for metabolic reactions. These associations are of particular interest when the metabolic reaction is a sequence-orphan enzymatic activity. Our strategy found over 60,000 genomic metabolons in more than 1,000 prokaryote organisms from the MicroScope platform, generating candidate genes for many metabolic reactions, of which more than 70 distinct orphan reactions. A computational validation of the approach is discussed. Finally, we present a case study on the anaerobic allantoin degradation pathway in Escherichia coli K-12

    Applications of Data Mining in Healthcare

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)With increases in the quantity and quality of healthcare related data, data mining tools have the potential to improve people’s standard of living through personalized and predictive medicine. In this thesis we improve the state-of-the-art in data mining for several problems in the healthcare domain. In problems such as drug-drug interaction prediction and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) biomarkers discovery and prioritization, current methods either require tedious feature engineering or have unsatisfactory performance. New effective computational tools are needed that can tackle these complex problems. In this dissertation, we develop new algorithms for two healthcare problems: high-order drug-drug interaction prediction and amyloid imaging biomarker prioritization in Alzheimer’s Disease. Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and their associated adverse drug reactions (ADRs) represent a significant detriment to the public h ealth. Existing research on DDIs primarily focuses on pairwise DDI detection and prediction. Effective computational methods for high-order DDI prediction are desired. In this dissertation, I present a deep learning based model D 3 I for cardinality-invariant and order-invariant high-order DDI pre- diction. The proposed models achieve 0.740 F1 value and 0.847 AUC value on high-order DDI prediction, and outperform classical methods on order-2 DDI prediction. These results demonstrate the strong potential of D 3 I and deep learning based models in tackling the prediction problems of high-order DDIs and their induced ADRs. The second problem I consider in this thesis is amyloid imaging biomarkers discovery, for which I propose an innovative machine learning paradigm enabling precision medicine in this domain. The paradigm tailors the imaging biomarker discovery process to individual characteristics of a given patient. I implement this paradigm using a newly developed learning-to-rank method PLTR. The PLTR model seamlessly integrates two objectives for joint optimization: pushing up relevant biomarkers and ranking among relevant biomarkers. The empirical study of PLTR conducted on the ADNI data yields promising results to identify and prioritize individual-specific amyloid imaging biomarkers based on the individual’s structural MRI data. The resulting top ranked imaging biomarkers have the potential to aid personalized diagnosis and disease subtyping

    The lipidome in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Actionable targets

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become the most prevalent chronic liver disease. Recent technological advances, combined with OMICs experiments and explorations involving different biological samples, have uncovered vital aspects of NAFLD biology. In this review, we summarize recent work by our group and others that expands what is known about the role of lipidome in NAFLD pathogenesis. We discuss how pathway and enrichment analyses were performed by integrating a list of query metabolites derived from text-mining existing NAFLD-lipidomics studies, resulting in the identification of nine Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes dysregulated pathways, including biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, butanoate metabolism, synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies, sphingolipid, arachidonic acid and pyruvate metabolism, and numerous nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug pathways predicted from The Small Molecule Pathway Database. We also summarize an integrated pathway-level analysis of genes and lipid-related metabolites associated with NAFLD, which shows overrepresentation of signal transduction, selenium micronutrient network, Class A/1Rhodopsin-like receptors and G protein-coupled receptor ligand binding, and G protein-coupled receptor downstream signaling. Generated gene-metabolite-disease interaction networks indicate that NAFLD and arterial hypertension are interlinked by molecular signatures. Finally, we discuss how mining pathways and associations among metabolites, lipids, genes, and proteins can be exploited to infer networks and potential pharmacological targets and how lipidomic studies may provide insight into the interrelationships among metabolite clusters that modify NAFLD biology, genetic susceptibility, diet, and the gut microbiome.Fil: Pirola, Carlos Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Sookoian, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; Argentin

    Automatic Filtering and Substantiation of Drug Safety Signals

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    Drug safety issues pose serious health threats to the population and constitute a major cause of mortality worldwide. Due to the prominent implications to both public health and the pharmaceutical industry, it is of great importance to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which an adverse drug reaction can be potentially elicited. These mechanisms can be investigated by placing the pharmaco-epidemiologically detected adverse drug reaction in an information-rich context and by exploiting all currently available biomedical knowledge to substantiate it. We present a computational framework for the biological annotation of potential adverse drug reactions. First, the proposed framework investigates previous evidences on the drug-event association in the context of biomedical literature (signal filtering). Then, it seeks to provide a biological explanation (signal substantiation) by exploring mechanistic connections that might explain why a drug produces a specific adverse reaction. The mechanistic connections include the activity of the drug, related compounds and drug metabolites on protein targets, the association of protein targets to clinical events, and the annotation of proteins (both protein targets and proteins associated with clinical events) to biological pathways. Hence, the workflows for signal filtering and substantiation integrate modules for literature and database mining, in silico drug-target profiling, and analyses based on gene-disease networks and biological pathways. Application examples of these workflows carried out on selected cases of drug safety signals are discussed. The methodology and workflows presented offer a novel approach to explore the molecular mechanisms underlying adverse drug reactions