137 research outputs found

    Natural Language Processing in-and-for Design Research

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    We review the scholarly contributions that utilise Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to support the design process. Using a heuristic approach, we collected 223 articles published in 32 journals and within the period 1991-present. We present state-of-the-art NLP in-and-for design research by reviewing these articles according to the type of natural language text sources: internal reports, design concepts, discourse transcripts, technical publications, consumer opinions, and others. Upon summarizing and identifying the gaps in these contributions, we utilise an existing design innovation framework to identify the applications that are currently being supported by NLP. We then propose a few methodological and theoretical directions for future NLP in-and-for design research

    About the nature of Kansei information, from abstract to concrete

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    Designer’s expertise refers to the scientific fields of emotional design and kansei information. This paper aims to answer to a scientific major issue which is, how to formalize designer’s knowledge, rules, skills into kansei information systems. Kansei can be considered as a psycho-physiologic, perceptive, cognitive and affective process through a particular experience. Kansei oriented methods include various approaches which deal with semantics and emotions, and show the correlation with some design properties. Kansei words may include semantic, sensory, emotional descriptors, and also objects names and product attributes. Kansei levels of information can be seen on an axis going from abstract to concrete dimensions. Sociological value is the most abstract information positioned on this axis. Previous studies demonstrate the values the people aspire to drive their emotional reactions in front of particular semantics. This means that the value dimension should be considered in kansei studies. Through a chain of value-function-product attributes it is possible to enrich design generation and design evaluation processes. This paper describes some knowledge structures and formalisms we established according to this chain, which can be further used for implementing computer aided design tools dedicated to early design. These structures open to new formalisms which enable to integrate design information in a non-hierarchical way. The foreseen algorithmic implementation may be based on the association of ontologies and bag-of-words.AN

    Case-based reasoning for product style construction and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process evaluation modeling using consumers linguistic variables

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    Key form features are relative to the style of a product and the expression style features depict the product description and are a measurement of attribute knowledge. The uncertainty definition leads to an improved and effective product style retrieval when combined with fuzzy sets. Firstly, a style knowledge and features database are constructed using fuzzy case based reasoning technology (FCBR). A similarity measurement method based on case-based reasoning and fuzzy model of the fuzzy proximity method may be defined by the Fuzzy Nearest-Neighbor (FNN) algorithm obtaining the style knowledge extraction. Secondly, the Linguistic Variables (LV) are used to assess the product characteristics to establish the product style evaluation database for simplifying the style presentation and decreasing the computational complexity. Thirdly, the model of product style feature set, extracted by FAHP and the final style related form features set, are acquired using LV. This research involves a case study for extracting the key form features of the style of high heel shoes. The proposed algorithms are generated by calculating the weights of each component of high heel shoes using FAHP with LV. The case study and results established that the proposed method is feasible and effective for extracting the style of the product

    Kansei for the Digital Era

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    For over 40 years, Kansei-based research and development have been conducted in Japan and other East Asian countries and these decades of research have influenced Kansei interpretation. New methods and applications, including virtual reality and artificial intelligence, have emerged since the millennium, as the Kansei concept has spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world. This paper reviews past literature and industrial experience, offering a comprehensive understanding of Kansei, the underlying philosophy, and the methodology of Kansei Engineering from the approach of psychology and physiology, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The breadth of Kansei is described by examples, emerging from both industry and academia. Additionally, thematic mapping of the state-of-the-art as well as an outlook are derived from feedback obtained from structured interview of thirty-five of the most distinguished researchers in Kansei. The mapping provides insights into current trends and future directions. Kansei is unique because it includes the consideration of emotion in the design of products and services. The paper aims at becoming a reference for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders across borders and cultures, looking for holistic perspectives on Kansei, Kansei Engineering, and implementation methods. The novelty of the paper resides in the unification of authors amongst pioneers from different parts of the world, spanning across diversified academic backgrounds, knowledge areas and industries


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    Affective design using machine learning : a survey and its prospect of conjoining big data

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    Customer satisfaction in purchasing new products is an important issue that needs to be addressed in today’s competitive markets. Consumers not only need to be solely satisfied with the functional requirements of a product, and they are also concerned with the affective needs and aesthetic appreciation of the product. A product with good affective design excites consumer emotional feelings so as to buy the product. However, affective design often involves complex and multi-dimensional problems for modelling and maximising affective satisfaction of customers. Machine learning is commonly used to model and maximise the affective satisfaction, since it is effective in modelling nonlinear patterns when numerical data relevant to the patterns is available. This article presents a survey of commonly used machine learning approaches for affective design when two data streams namely traditional survey data and modern big data are used. A classification of machine learning technologies is first provided which is developed using traditional survey data for affective design. The limitations and advantages of each machine learning technology are also discussed and we summarize the uses of machine learning technologies for affective design. This review article is useful for those who use machine learning technologies for affective design. The limitations of using traditional survey data are then discussed which is time consuming to collect and cannot fully cover all the affective domains for product development. Nowadays, big data related to affective design can be captured from social media. The prospects and challenges in using big data are discussed so as to enhance affective design, in which very limited research has so far been attempted. This article provides guidelines for researchers who are interested in exploring big data and machine learning technologies for affective design

    CBCRS: An open case-based color recommendation system

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    In this paper, a case-based color recommendation system (CBCRS) is proposed for online color ranges (CRs) recommendation. This system can help designers and consumers to obtain the most appropriate CR of consumer-products (e.g., garments, cars, architecture, furniture …) based on the color image perceptual data of each specific user. The proposed system is an open system, permitting to dynamically integrate new CRs by progressively learning from users’ and designers’ perceptual data. For this purpose, a Color Image Space (CIS) is initially established by using Basic Color Sensory Attributes (BCSAs) to obtain the color image perceptual data of both designers and consumers. Emotional Color Image Words (CIWs) representing CRs are measured in the proposed CIS through a knowledge-based Kansei evaluation process performed by designers using fuzzy aggregation operators and fuzzy similarity measurement tools. Using this method, new CIWs and related CRs from open resources (such as new color trends) can be integrated into the system. In a new recommendation, user's color image perceptual data measured in the proposed CIS regarding different BCSAs will be compared with those of CIWs previously defined in the system in order to recommend new CRs. CBCRS is an adaptive system, i.e. satisfied CRs will be further retained in a Successful Cases Database (SCD) so as to adapt recommended CRs to new consumers, who have similar user profiles. The general working process of the proposed system is based on case-based learning. Through repeated interactions with the proposed system by performing the cycle of Recommendation – Display - Evaluation – SCD adjustment, users (consumer or designer) will obtain satisfied CRs. Meanwhile, the quality of the SCD can be improved by integrating new recommendation cases. The proposed recommendation system is capable of dynamically generating new CIWs, CRs and new cases based on open resources.SMDTex Project funded by the European Erasmus Mundus Progra


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    Educational marketing has become an increasingly important area within Higher Education as the competition for students has intensified. Being able to measure and understand the quality of educational services – a key factor in the decision making process for a prospective student – is an incredibly challenging problem as it involves the quantitative measurement of factors such as emotions and affections towards an Institution or programme, which themselves tend to be intangible. The application of total quality management philosophy and methodology in the context of higher education today is fully acknowledged and widely used. These conditions have defined the main task of this research: to develop a methodology for quantitative measurement of the affective quality of educational services for marketing management analysis. In other words offered research investigates how to measure things that have often been considered immeasurable. It was hypothesized that availability of a methodology for quantitative estimation of the affective quality of educational services provides additional important information that ensures an effective decision-making process in the marketing department in higher education institutions. Kansei engineering formalizes such concepts as affections and emotions and highlights their role in the purchase decision-making process. Our KanMar (short for Kansei Marketing) approach is aimed on the implementation of the main Kansei engineering ideas in the context of educational marketing and provides the framework for the quantitative measurement of educational services’ affective quality. KanMar enables the formalization of the affective quality of educational services for its marketing analysis: comparison, prediction, control, etc. The results of such an analysis help to position own services in today’s competitive market more effectively. Data obtained using KanMar methodology enables to find out the stakeholders’ implicit motivations or attitudes. So, for example, data obtained during the conducted survey has indirectly confirmed the students’ orientation to the practical activity. This orientation is typical for the Universities of Applied Sciences and the respondents for this survey have all been students at one of them. KanMar approach also addresses major gaps of existing instruments based on SERVQUAL methodology aimed to measure service quality in education. The hypothesis was tested and partly confirmed using case study that illustrates the application of the KanMar approach

    Statistical methods in Kansei engineering studies

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral tracta sobre Enginyeria Kansei (EK), una tècnica per traslladar emocions transmeses per productes en paràmetres tècnics, i sobre mètodes estadístics que poden beneficiar la disciplina. El propòsit bàsic de l'EK és descobrir de quina manera algunes propietats d'un producte transmeten certes emocions als seus usuaris. És un mètode quantitatiu, i les dades es recullen típicament fent servir qüestionaris. S'extreuen conclusions en analitzar les dades recollides, normalment usant algun tipus d'anàlisi de regressió. L'EK es pot situar en l'àrea de recerca del disseny emocional. La tesi comença justificant la importància del disseny emocional. Com que el rang de tècniques usades sota el nom d'EK és extens i no massa clar, la tesi proposa una definició d'EK que serveix per delimitar el seu abast. A continuació, es suggereix un model per desenvolupar estudis d'EK. El model inclou el desenvolupament de l'espai semàntic – el rang d'emocions que el producte pot transmetre – i l'espai de propietats – les variables tècniques que es poden modificar en la fase de disseny. Després de la recollida de dades, l'etapa de síntesi enllaça ambdós espais (descobreix com diferents propietats del producte transmeten certes emocions). Cada pas del model s'explica detalladament usant un estudi d'EK realitzat per aquesta tesi: l'experiment dels sucs de fruites. El model inicial es va millorant progressivament durant la tesi i les dades de l'experiment es van reanalitzant usant noves propostes.Moltes inquietuds pràctiques apareixen quan s'estudia el model per a estudis d'EK esmentat anteriorment (entre d'altres, quants participants són necessaris i com es desenvolupa la sessió de recollida de dades). S'ha realitzat una extensa revisió bibliogràfica amb l'objectiu de respondre aquestes i altres preguntes. Es descriuen també les aplicacions d'EK més habituals, juntament amb comentaris sobre idees particularment interessants de diferents articles. La revisió bibliogràfica serveix també per llistar quines són les eines més comunament utilitzades en la fase de síntesi.La part central de la tesi se centra precisament en les eines per a la fase de síntesi. Eines estadístiques com la teoria de quantificació tipus I o la regressió logística ordinal s'estudien amb detall, i es proposen diverses millores. En particular, es proposa una nova forma gràfica de representar els resultats d'una regressió logística ordinal. S'introdueix una tècnica d'aprenentatge automàtic, els conjunts difusos (rough sets), i s'inclou una discussió sobre la seva idoneïtat per a estudis d'EK. S'usen conjunts de dades simulades per avaluar el comportament de les eines estadístiques suggerides, la qual cosa dóna peu a proposar algunes recomanacions.Independentment de les eines d'anàlisi utilitzades en la fase de síntesi, les conclusions seran probablement errònies quan la matriu del disseny no és adequada. Es proposa un mètode per avaluar la idoneïtat de matrius de disseny basat en l'ús de dos nous indicadors: un índex d'ortogonalitat i un índex de confusió. S'estudia l'habitualment oblidat rol de les interaccions en els estudis d'EK i es proposa un mètode per incloure una interacció, juntament amb una forma gràfica de representar-la. Finalment, l'última part de la tesi es dedica a l'escassament tractat tema de la variabilitat en els estudis d'EK. Es proposen un mètode (basat en l'anàlisi clúster) per segmentar els participants segons les seves respostes emocionals i una forma d'ordenar els participants segons la seva coherència en valorar els productes (usant un coeficient de correlació intraclasse). Com que molts usuaris d'EK no són especialistes en la interpretació de sortides numèriques, s'inclouen representacions visuals per a aquests dos nous mètodes que faciliten el processament de les conclusions.Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre Ingeniería Kansei (IK), una técnica para trasladar emociones transmitidas por productos en parámetros técnicos, y sobre métodos estadísticos que pueden beneficiar la disciplina. El propósito básico de la IK es descubrir de qué manera algunas propiedades de un producto transmiten ciertas emociones a sus usuarios. Es un método cuantitativo, y los datos se recogen típicamente usando cuestionarios. Se extraen conclusiones al analizar los datos recogidos, normalmente usando algún tipo de análisis de regresión.La IK se puede situar en el área de investigación del diseño emocional. La tesis empieza justificando la importancia del diseño emocional. Como que el rango de técnicas usadas bajo el nombre de IK es extenso y no demasiado claro, la tesis propone una definición de IK que sirve para delimitar su alcance. A continuación, se sugiere un modelo para desarrollar estudios de IK. El modelo incluye el desarrollo del espacio semántico – el rango de emociones que el producto puede transmitir – y el espacio de propiedades – las variables técnicas que se pueden modificar en la fase de diseño. Después de la recogida de datos, la etapa de síntesis enlaza ambos espacios (descubre cómo distintas propiedades del producto transmiten ciertas emociones). Cada paso del modelo se explica detalladamente usando un estudio de IK realizado para esta tesis: el experimento de los zumos de frutas. El modelo inicial se va mejorando progresivamente durante la tesis y los datos del experimento se reanalizan usando nuevas propuestas. Muchas inquietudes prácticas aparecen cuando se estudia el modelo para estudios de IK mencionado anteriormente (entre otras, cuántos participantes son necesarios y cómo se desarrolla la sesión de recogida de datos). Se ha realizado una extensa revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de responder éstas y otras preguntas. Se describen también las aplicaciones de IK más habituales, junto con comentarios sobre ideas particularmente interesantes de distintos artículos. La revisión bibliográfica sirve también para listar cuáles son las herramientas más comúnmente utilizadas en la fase de síntesis. La parte central de la tesis se centra precisamente en las herramientas para la fase de síntesis. Herramientas estadísticas como la teoría de cuantificación tipo I o la regresión logística ordinal se estudian con detalle, y se proponen varias mejoras. En particular, se propone una nueva forma gráfica de representar los resultados de una regresión logística ordinal. Se introduce una técnica de aprendizaje automático, los conjuntos difusos (rough sets), y se incluye una discusión sobre su idoneidad para estudios de IK. Se usan conjuntos de datos simulados para evaluar el comportamiento de las herramientas estadísticas sugeridas, lo que da pie a proponer algunas recomendaciones. Independientemente de las herramientas de análisis utilizadas en la fase de síntesis, las conclusiones serán probablemente erróneas cuando la matriz del diseño no es adecuada. Se propone un método para evaluar la idoneidad de matrices de diseño basado en el uso de dos nuevos indicadores: un índice de ortogonalidad y un índice de confusión. Se estudia el habitualmente olvidado rol de las interacciones en los estudios de IK y se propone un método para incluir una interacción, juntamente con una forma gráfica de representarla. Finalmente, la última parte de la tesis se dedica al escasamente tratado tema de la variabilidad en los estudios de IK. Se proponen un método (basado en el análisis clúster) para segmentar los participantes según sus respuestas emocionales y una forma de ordenar los participantes según su coherencia al valorar los productos (usando un coeficiente de correlación intraclase). Puesto que muchos usuarios de IK no son especialistas en la interpretación de salidas numéricas, se incluyen representaciones visuales para estos dos nuevos métodos que facilitan el procesamiento de las conclusiones.This PhD thesis deals with Kansei Engineering (KE), a technique for translating emotions elicited by products into technical parameters, and statistical methods that can benefit the discipline. The basic purpose of KE is discovering in which way some properties of a product convey certain emotions in its users. It is a quantitative method, and data are typically collected using questionnaires. Conclusions are reached when analyzing the collected data, normally using some kind of regression analysis. Kansei Engineering can be placed under the more general area of research of emotional design. The thesis starts justifying the importance of emotional design. As the range of techniques used under the name of Kansei Engineering is rather vast and not very clear, the thesis develops a detailed definition of KE that serves the purpose of delimiting its scope. A model for conducting KE studies is then suggested. The model includes spanning the semantic space – the whole range of emotions the product can elicit – and the space of properties – the technical variables that can be modified in the design phase. After the data collection, the synthesis phase links both spaces; that is, discovers how several properties of the product elicit certain emotions. Each step of the model is explained in detail using a KE study specially performed for this thesis: the fruit juice experiment. The initial model is progressively improved during the thesis and data from the experiment are reanalyzed using the new proposals. Many practical concerns arise when looking at the above mentioned model for KE studies (among many others, how many participants are used and how the data collection session is conducted). An extensive literature review is done with the aim of answering these and other questions. The most common applications of KE are also depicted, together with comments on particular interesting ideas from several papers. The literature review also serves to list which are the most common tools used in the synthesis phase. The central part of the thesis focuses precisely in tools for the synthesis phase. Statistical tools such as quantification theory type I and ordinal logistic regression are studied in detail, and several improvements are suggested. In particular, a new graphical way to represent results from an ordinal logistic regression is proposed. An automatic learning technique, rough sets, is introduced and a discussion is included on its adequacy for KE studies. Several sets of simulated data are used to assess the behavior of the suggested statistical techniques, leading to some useful recommendations. No matter the analysis tools used in the synthesis phase, conclusions are likely to be flawed when the design matrix is not appropriate. A method to evaluate the suitability of design matrices used in KE studies is proposed, based on the use of two new indicators: an orthogonality index and a confusion index. The commonly forgotten role of interactions in KE studies is studied and a method to include an interaction in KE studies is suggested, together with a way to represent it graphically. Finally, the untreated topic of variability in KE studies is tackled in the last part of the thesis. A method (based in cluster analysis) for finding segments among subjects according to their emotional responses and a way to rank subjects based on their coherence when rating products (using an intraclass correlation coefficient) are proposed. As many users of Kansei Engineering are not specialists in the interpretation of the numerical output from statistical techniques, visual representations for these two new proposals are included to aid understanding

    Statistical methods in Kansei engineering studies

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral tracta sobre Enginyeria Kansei (EK), una tècnica per traslladar emocions transmeses per productes en paràmetres tècnics, i sobre mètodes estadístics que poden beneficiar la disciplina. El propòsit bàsic de l'EK és descobrir de quina manera algunes propietats d'un producte transmeten certes emocions als seus usuaris. És un mètode quantitatiu, i les dades es recullen típicament fent servir qüestionaris. S'extreuen conclusions en analitzar les dades recollides, normalment usant algun tipus d'anàlisi de regressió. L'EK es pot situar en l'àrea de recerca del disseny emocional. La tesi comença justificant la importància del disseny emocional. Com que el rang de tècniques usades sota el nom d'EK és extens i no massa clar, la tesi proposa una definició d'EK que serveix per delimitar el seu abast. A continuació, es suggereix un model per desenvolupar estudis d'EK. El model inclou el desenvolupament de l'espai semàntic – el rang d'emocions que el producte pot transmetre – i l'espai de propietats – les variables tècniques que es poden modificar en la fase de disseny. Després de la recollida de dades, l'etapa de síntesi enllaça ambdós espais (descobreix com diferents propietats del producte transmeten certes emocions). Cada pas del model s'explica detalladament usant un estudi d'EK realitzat per aquesta tesi: l'experiment dels sucs de fruites. El model inicial es va millorant progressivament durant la tesi i les dades de l'experiment es van reanalitzant usant noves propostes.Moltes inquietuds pràctiques apareixen quan s'estudia el model per a estudis d'EK esmentat anteriorment (entre d'altres, quants participants són necessaris i com es desenvolupa la sessió de recollida de dades). S'ha realitzat una extensa revisió bibliogràfica amb l'objectiu de respondre aquestes i altres preguntes. Es descriuen també les aplicacions d'EK més habituals, juntament amb comentaris sobre idees particularment interessants de diferents articles. La revisió bibliogràfica serveix també per llistar quines són les eines més comunament utilitzades en la fase de síntesi.La part central de la tesi se centra precisament en les eines per a la fase de síntesi. Eines estadístiques com la teoria de quantificació tipus I o la regressió logística ordinal s'estudien amb detall, i es proposen diverses millores. En particular, es proposa una nova forma gràfica de representar els resultats d'una regressió logística ordinal. S'introdueix una tècnica d'aprenentatge automàtic, els conjunts difusos (rough sets), i s'inclou una discussió sobre la seva idoneïtat per a estudis d'EK. S'usen conjunts de dades simulades per avaluar el comportament de les eines estadístiques suggerides, la qual cosa dóna peu a proposar algunes recomanacions.Independentment de les eines d'anàlisi utilitzades en la fase de síntesi, les conclusions seran probablement errònies quan la matriu del disseny no és adequada. Es proposa un mètode per avaluar la idoneïtat de matrius de disseny basat en l'ús de dos nous indicadors: un índex d'ortogonalitat i un índex de confusió. S'estudia l'habitualment oblidat rol de les interaccions en els estudis d'EK i es proposa un mètode per incloure una interacció, juntament amb una forma gràfica de representar-la. Finalment, l'última part de la tesi es dedica a l'escassament tractat tema de la variabilitat en els estudis d'EK. Es proposen un mètode (basat en l'anàlisi clúster) per segmentar els participants segons les seves respostes emocionals i una forma d'ordenar els participants segons la seva coherència en valorar els productes (usant un coeficient de correlació intraclasse). Com que molts usuaris d'EK no són especialistes en la interpretació de sortides numèriques, s'inclouen representacions visuals per a aquests dos nous mètodes que faciliten el processament de les conclusions.Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre Ingeniería Kansei (IK), una técnica para trasladar emociones transmitidas por productos en parámetros técnicos, y sobre métodos estadísticos que pueden beneficiar la disciplina. El propósito básico de la IK es descubrir de qué manera algunas propiedades de un producto transmiten ciertas emociones a sus usuarios. Es un método cuantitativo, y los datos se recogen típicamente usando cuestionarios. Se extraen conclusiones al analizar los datos recogidos, normalmente usando algún tipo de análisis de regresión.La IK se puede situar en el área de investigación del diseño emocional. La tesis empieza justificando la importancia del diseño emocional. Como que el rango de técnicas usadas bajo el nombre de IK es extenso y no demasiado claro, la tesis propone una definición de IK que sirve para delimitar su alcance. A continuación, se sugiere un modelo para desarrollar estudios de IK. El modelo incluye el desarrollo del espacio semántico – el rango de emociones que el producto puede transmitir – y el espacio de propiedades – las variables técnicas que se pueden modificar en la fase de diseño. Después de la recogida de datos, la etapa de síntesis enlaza ambos espacios (descubre cómo distintas propiedades del producto transmiten ciertas emociones). Cada paso del modelo se explica detalladamente usando un estudio de IK realizado para esta tesis: el experimento de los zumos de frutas. El modelo inicial se va mejorando progresivamente durante la tesis y los datos del experimento se reanalizan usando nuevas propuestas. Muchas inquietudes prácticas aparecen cuando se estudia el modelo para estudios de IK mencionado anteriormente (entre otras, cuántos participantes son necesarios y cómo se desarrolla la sesión de recogida de datos). Se ha realizado una extensa revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de responder éstas y otras preguntas. Se describen también las aplicaciones de IK más habituales, junto con comentarios sobre ideas particularmente interesantes de distintos artículos. La revisión bibliográfica sirve también para listar cuáles son las herramientas más comúnmente utilizadas en la fase de síntesis. La parte central de la tesis se centra precisamente en las herramientas para la fase de síntesis. Herramientas estadísticas como la teoría de cuantificación tipo I o la regresión logística ordinal se estudian con detalle, y se proponen varias mejoras. En particular, se propone una nueva forma gráfica de representar los resultados de una regresión logística ordinal. Se introduce una técnica de aprendizaje automático, los conjuntos difusos (rough sets), y se incluye una discusión sobre su idoneidad para estudios de IK. Se usan conjuntos de datos simulados para evaluar el comportamiento de las herramientas estadísticas sugeridas, lo que da pie a proponer algunas recomendaciones. Independientemente de las herramientas de análisis utilizadas en la fase de síntesis, las conclusiones serán probablemente erróneas cuando la matriz del diseño no es adecuada. Se propone un método para evaluar la idoneidad de matrices de diseño basado en el uso de dos nuevos indicadores: un índice de ortogonalidad y un índice de confusión. Se estudia el habitualmente olvidado rol de las interacciones en los estudios de IK y se propone un método para incluir una interacción, juntamente con una forma gráfica de representarla. Finalmente, la última parte de la tesis se dedica al escasamente tratado tema de la variabilidad en los estudios de IK. Se proponen un método (basado en el análisis clúster) para segmentar los participantes según sus respuestas emocionales y una forma de ordenar los participantes según su coherencia al valorar los productos (usando un coeficiente de correlación intraclase). Puesto que muchos usuarios de IK no son especialistas en la interpretación de salidas numéricas, se incluyen representaciones visuales para estos dos nuevos métodos que facilitan el procesamiento de las conclusiones.This PhD thesis deals with Kansei Engineering (KE), a technique for translating emotions elicited by products into technical parameters, and statistical methods that can benefit the discipline. The basic purpose of KE is discovering in which way some properties of a product convey certain emotions in its users. It is a quantitative method, and data are typically collected using questionnaires. Conclusions are reached when analyzing the collected data, normally using some kind of regression analysis. Kansei Engineering can be placed under the more general area of research of emotional design. The thesis starts justifying the importance of emotional design. As the range of techniques used under the name of Kansei Engineering is rather vast and not very clear, the thesis develops a detailed definition of KE that serves the purpose of delimiting its scope. A model for conducting KE studies is then suggested. The model includes spanning the semantic space – the whole range of emotions the product can elicit – and the space of properties – the technical variables that can be modified in the design phase. After the data collection, the synthesis phase links both spaces; that is, discovers how several properties of the product elicit certain emotions. Each step of the model is explained in detail using a KE study specially performed for this thesis: the fruit juice experiment. The initial model is progressively improved during the thesis and data from the experiment are reanalyzed using the new proposals. Many practical concerns arise when looking at the above mentioned model for KE studies (among many others, how many participants are used and how the data collection session is conducted). An extensive literature review is done with the aim of answering these and other questions. The most common applications of KE are also depicted, together with comments on particular interesting ideas from several papers. The literature review also serves to list which are the most common tools used in the synthesis phase. The central part of the thesis focuses precisely in tools for the synthesis phase. Statistical tools such as quantification theory type I and ordinal logistic regression are studied in detail, and several improvements are suggested. In particular, a new graphical way to represent results from an ordinal logistic regression is proposed. An automatic learning technique, rough sets, is introduced and a discussion is included on its adequacy for KE studies. Several sets of simulated data are used to assess the behavior of the suggested statistical techniques, leading to some useful recommendations. No matter the analysis tools used in the synthesis phase, conclusions are likely to be flawed when the design matrix is not appropriate. A method to evaluate the suitability of design matrices used in KE studies is proposed, based on the use of two new indicators: an orthogonality index and a confusion index. The commonly forgotten role of interactions in KE studies is studied and a method to include an interaction in KE studies is suggested, together with a way to represent it graphically. Finally, the untreated topic of variability in KE studies is tackled in the last part of the thesis. A method (based in cluster analysis) for finding segments among subjects according to their emotional responses and a way to rank subjects based on their coherence when rating products (using an intraclass correlation coefficient) are proposed. As many users of Kansei Engineering are not specialists in the interpretation of the numerical output from statistical techniques, visual representations for these two new proposals are included to aid understanding.Postprint (published version