299 research outputs found

    Detecting Malicious and Compromised URLs in E-Mails Using Association Rule

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    The rate of cybercrime is on the rise as more people embrace technology in their different spheres of live. Hackers are daily exploiting the anonymity and speed which the internet offers to lure unsuspecting victims into disclosing personal and confidential information through social engineering, phishing mails and sites and promises of great rewards which are never received. Thus resulting in great loss of property, finances, life, etc. and harm to their victims.  This research work seeks to evaluate ways of protecting users from malicious Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) embedded in the emails they receive. The aim is to evaluate ways of identifying malicious URLs in emails by classifying them based on their lexical and hostname features. This study is conducted by extracting features from URLs sourced from phishing tank and DMOZ and adopting Association Rule of classification in building a URL classifier that analyzed extracted features of  a URL and use it in predicting if it is malicious or not.  0.546 level of accuracy and an error rate of 0.484 was achieved as multiple URL features were employed in the classification process

    Phishing Websites Detection using Machine Learning

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    Tremendous resources are spent by organizations guarding against and recovering from cybersecurity attacks by online hackers who gain access to sensitive and valuable user data. Many cyber infiltrations are accomplished through phishing attacks where users are tricked into interacting with web pages that appear to be legitimate. In order to successfully fool a human user, these pages are designed to look like legitimate ones. Since humans are so susceptible to being tricked, automated methods of differentiating between phishing websites and their authentic counterparts are needed as an extra line of defense. The aim of this research is to develop these methods of defense utilizing various approaches to categorize websites. Specifically, we have developed a system that uses machine learning techniques to classify websites based on their URL. We used four classifiers: the decision tree, Naïve Bayesian classifier, support vector machine (SVM), and neural network. The classifiers were tested with a data set containing 1,353 real world URLs where each could be categorized as a legitimate site, suspicious site, or phishing site. The results of the experiments show that the classifiers were successful in distinguishing real websites from fake ones over 90% of the time

    Towards a Feature Rich Model for Predicting Spam Emails containing Malicious Attachments and URLs

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    Malicious content in spam emails is increasing in the form of attachments and URLs. Malicious attachments and URLs attempt to deliver software that can compromise the security of a computer. These malicious attachments also try to disguise their content to avoid virus scanners used by most email services to screen for such risks. Malicious URLs add another layer of disguise, where the email content tries to entice the recipient to click on a URL that links to a malicious Web site or downloads a malicious attachment. In this paper, based on two real world data sets we present our preliminary research on predicting the kind of spam email most likely to contain these highly dangerous spam emails. We propose a rich set of features for the content of emails to capture regularities in emails containing malicious content. We show these features can predict malicious attachments within an area under the precious recall curve (AUC-PR) up to 95.2%, and up to 68.1% for URLs. Our work can help reduce reliance on virus scanners and URL blacklists, which often do not update as quickly as the malicious content it attempts to identify. Such methods could reduce the many different resources now needed to identify malicious content
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