614 research outputs found

    Efficient public-key cryptography with bounded leakage and tamper resilience

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    We revisit the question of constructing public-key encryption and signature schemes with security in the presence of bounded leakage and tampering memory attacks. For signatures we obtain the first construction in the standard model; for public-key encryption we obtain the first construction free of pairing (avoiding non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs). Our constructions are based on generic building blocks, and, as we show, also admit efficient instantiations under fairly standard number-theoretic assumptions. The model of bounded tamper resistance was recently put forward by Damgård et al. (Asiacrypt 2013) as an attractive path to achieve security against arbitrary memory tampering attacks without making hardware assumptions (such as the existence of a protected self-destruct or key-update mechanism), the only restriction being on the number of allowed tampering attempts (which is a parameter of the scheme). This allows to circumvent known impossibility results for unrestricted tampering (Gennaro et al., TCC 2010), while still being able to capture realistic tampering attack

    Using Fully Homomorphic Hybrid Encryption to Minimize Non-interative Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    A non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof can be used to demonstrate the truth of a statement without revealing anything else. It has been shown under standard cryptographic assumptions that NIZK proofs of membership exist for all languages in NP. While there is evidence that such proofs cannot be much shorter than the corresponding membership witnesses, all known NIZK proofs for NP languages are considerably longer than the witnesses. Soon after Gentry’s construction of fully homomorphic encryption, several groups independently contemplated the use of hybrid encryption to optimize the size of NIZK proofs and discussed this idea within the cryptographic community. This article formally explores this idea of using fully homomorphic hybrid encryption to optimize NIZK proofs and other related cryptographic primitives. We investigate the question of minimizing the communication overhead of NIZK proofs for NP and show that if fully homomorphic encryption exists then it is possible to get proofs that are roughly of the same size as the witnesses. Our technique consists in constructing a fully homomorphic hybrid encryption scheme with ciphertext size |m|+poly(k), where m is the plaintext and k is the security parameter. Encrypting the witness for an NP-statement allows us to evaluate the NP-relation in a communication-efficient manner. We apply this technique to both standard non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs and to universally composable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. The technique can also be applied outside the realm of non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, for instance to get witness-size interactive zero-knowledge proofs in the plain model without any setup or to minimize the communication in secure computation protocols

    Structure-Preserving Smooth Projective Hashing

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    International audienceSmooth projective hashing has proven to be an extremely useful primitive, in particular when used in conjunction with commitments to provide implicit decommitment. This has lead to applications proven secure in the UC framework, even in presence of an adversary which can do adaptive corruptions, like for example Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE), and 1-out-of-m Oblivious Transfer (OT). However such solutions still lack in efficiency, since they heavily scale on the underlying message length. Structure-preserving cryptography aims at providing elegant and efficient schemes based on classical assumptions and standard group operations on group elements. Recent trend focuses on constructions of structure- preserving signatures, which require message, signature and verification keys to lie in the base group, while the verification equations only consist of pairing-product equations. Classical constructions of Smooth Projective Hash Function suffer from the same limitation as classical signatures: at least one part of the computation (messages for signature, witnesses for SPHF) is a scalar. In this work, we introduce and instantiate the concept of Structure- Preserving Smooth Projective Hash Function, and give as applications more efficient instantiations for one-round PAKE and three-round OT, and information retrieval thanks to Anonymous Credentials, all UC- secure against adaptive adversaries

    ADSNARK: Nearly practical and privacy-preserving proofs on authenticated data

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    We study the problem of privacy-preserving proofs on authenticated data, where a party receives data from a trusted source and is requested to prove computations over the data to third parties in a correct and private way, i.e., the third party learns no information on the data but is still assured that the claimed proof is valid. Our work particularly focuses on the challenging requirement that the third party should be able to verify the validity with respect to the specific data authenticated by the source — even without having access to that source. This problem is motivated by various scenarios emerging from several application areas such as wearable computing, smart metering, or general business-to-business interactions. Furthermore, these applications also demand any meaningful solution to satisfy additional properties related to usability and scalability. In this paper, we formalize the above three-party model, discuss concrete application scenarios, and then we design, build, and evaluate ADSNARK, a nearly practical system for proving arbitrary computations over authenticated data in a privacy-preserving manner. ADSNARK improves significantly over state-of-the-art solutions for this model. For instance, compared to corresponding solutions based on Pinocchio (Oakland’13), ADSNARK achieves up to 25× improvement in proof-computation time and a 20× reduction in prover storage space