27 research outputs found

    Discourse-level features for statistical machine translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) has progressed tremendously in the past two decades. The rule-based and interlingua approaches have been superseded by statistical models, which learn the most likely translations from large parallel corpora. System design does not amount anymore to crafting syntactical transfer rules, nor does it rely on a semantic representation of the text. Instead, a statistical MT system learns the most likely correspondences and re-ordering of chunks of source words and target words from parallel corpora that have been word-aligned. With this procedure and millions of parallel source and target language sentences, systems can generate translations that are intelligible and require minimal post-editing efforts from the human user. Nevertheless, it has been recognized that the statistical MT paradigm may fall short of modeling a number of linguistic phenomena that are established beyond the phrase level. Research in statistical MT has addressed discourse phenomena explicitly only in the past four years. When it comes to textual coherence structure, cohesive ties relate sentences and entire paragraphs argumentatively to each other. This text structure has to be rendered appropriately in the target text so that it conveys the same meaning as the source text. The lexical and syntactical means through which these cohesive markers are expressed may diverge considerably between languages. Frequently, these markers include discourse connectives, which are function words such as however, instead, since, while, which relate spans of text to each other, e.g. for temporal ordering, contrast or causality. Moreover, to establish the same temporal ordering of events described in a text, the conjugation of verbs has to be coherently translated. The present thesis proposes methods for integrating discourse features into statistical MT. We pre-process the source text prior to automatic translation, focusing on two specific discourse phenomena: discourse connectives and verb tenses. Hand-crafted rules are not required in our proposal; instead, machine learning classifiers are implemented that learn to recognize discourse relations and predict translations of verb tenses. Firstly, we have designed new sets of semantically-oriented features and classifiers to advance the state of the art in automatic disambiguation of discourse connectives. We hereby profited from our multilingual setting and incorporated features that are based on MT and on the insights we gained from contrastive linguistic analysis of parallel corpora. In their best configurations, our classifiers reach high performances (0.7 to 1.0 F1 score) and can therefore reliably be used to automatically annotate the large corpora needed to train SMT systems. Issues of manual annotation and evaluation are discussed as well, and solutions are provided within new annotation and evaluation procedures. As a second contribution, we implemented entire SMT systems that can make use of the (automatically) annotated discourse information. Overall, the thesis confirms that these techniques are a practical solution that leads to global improvements in translation in ranges of 0.2 to 0.5 BLEU score. Further evaluation reveals that in terms of connectives and verb tenses, our statistical MT systems improve the translation of these phenomena in ranges of up to 25%, depending on the performance of the automatic classifiers and on the data sets used

    FrameNet annotation for multimodal corpora: devising a methodology for the semantic representation of text-image interactions in audiovisual productions

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    Multimodal analyses have been growing in importance within several approaches to Cognitive Linguistics and applied fields such as Natural Language Understanding. Nonetheless fine-grained semantic representations of multimodal objects are still lacking, especially in terms of integrating areas such as Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, which are key for the implementation of multimodality in Computational Linguistics. In this dissertation, we propose a methodology for extending FrameNet annotation to the multimodal domain, since FrameNet can provide fine-grained semantic representations, particularly with a database enriched by Qualia and other interframal and intraframal relations, as it is the case of FrameNet Brasil. To make FrameNet Brasil able to conduct multimodal analysis, we outlined the hypothesis that similarly to the way in which words in a sentence evoke frames and organize their elements in the syntactic locality accompanying them, visual elements in video shots may, also, evoke frames and organize their elements on the screen or work complementarily with the frame evocation patterns of the sentences narrated simultaneously to their appearance on screen, providing different profiling and perspective options for meaning construction. The corpus annotated for testing the hypothesis is composed of episodes of a Brazilian TV Travel Series critically acclaimed as an exemplar of good practices in audiovisual composition. The TV genre chosen also configures a novel experimental setting for research on integrated image and text comprehension, since, in this corpus, text is not a direct description of the image sequence but correlates with it indirectly in a myriad of ways. The dissertation also reports on an eye-tracker experiment conducted to validate the approach proposed to a text-oriented annotation. The experiment demonstrated that it is not possible to determine that text impacts gaze directly and was taken as a reinforcement to the approach of valorizing modes combination. Last, we present the Frame2 dataset, the product of the annotation task carried out for the corpus following both the methodology and guidelines proposed. The results achieved demonstrate that, at least for this TV genre but possibly also for others, a fine-grained semantic annotation tackling the diverse correlations that take place in a multimodal setting provides new perspective in multimodal comprehension modeling. Moreover, multimodal annotation also enriches the development of FrameNets, to the extent that correlations found between modalities can attest the modeling choices made by those building frame-based resources.Análises multimodais vêm crescendo em importância em várias abordagens da Linguística Cognitiva e em diversas áreas de aplicação, como o da Compreensão de Linguagem Natural. No entanto, há significativa carência de representações semânticas refinadas de objetos multimodais, especialmente em termos de integração de áreas como Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Visão Computacional, que são fundamentais para a implementação de multimodalidade no campo da Linguística Computacional. Nesta tese, propomos uma metodologia para estender o método de anotação da FrameNet ao domínio multimodal, uma vez que a FrameNet pode fornecer representações semânticas refinadas, particularmente com um banco de dados enriquecido por Qualia e outras relações interframe e intraframe, como é o caso do FrameNet Brasil. Para tornar a FrameNet Brasil capaz de realizar análises multimodais, delineamos a hipótese de que, assim como as palavras em uma frase evocam frames e organizam seus elementos na localidade sintática que os acompanha, os elementos visuais nos planos de vídeo também podem evocar frames e organizar seus elementos na tela ou trabalhar de forma complementar aos padrões de evocação de frames das sentenças narradas simultaneamente ao seu aparecimento na tela, proporcionando diferentes perfis e opções de perspectiva para a construção de sentido. O corpus anotado para testar a hipótese é composto por episódios de um programa televisivo de viagens brasileiro aclamado pela crítica como um exemplo de boas práticas em composição audiovisual. O gênero televisivo escolhido também configura um novo conjunto experimental para a pesquisa em imagem integrada e compreensão textual, uma vez que, neste corpus, o texto não é uma descrição direta da sequência de imagens, mas se correlaciona com ela indiretamente em uma miríade de formas diversa. A Tese também relata um experimento de rastreamento ocular realizado para validar a abordagem proposta para uma anotação orientada por texto. O experimento demonstrou que não é possível determinar que o texto impacta diretamente o direcionamento do olhar e foi tomado como um reforço para a abordagem de valorização da combinação de modos. Por fim, apresentamos o conjunto de dados Frame2, produto da tarefa de anotação realizada para o corpus seguindo a metodologia e as diretrizes propostas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, pelo menos para esse gênero de TV, mas possivelmente também para outros, uma anotação semântica refinada que aborde as diversas correlações que ocorrem em um ambiente multimodal oferece uma nova perspectiva na modelagem da compreensão multimodal. Além disso, a anotação multimodal também enriquece o desenvolvimento de FrameNets, na medida em que as correlações encontradas entre as modalidades podem atestar as escolhas de modelagem feitas por aqueles que criam recursos baseados em frames.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Temporal processing of news : annotation of temporal expressions, verbal events and temporal relations

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    The ability to capture the temporal dimension of a natural language text is essential to many natural language processing applications, such as Question Answering, Automatic Summarisation, and Information Retrieval. Temporal processing is a ¯eld of Computational Linguistics which aims to access this dimension and derive a precise temporal representation of a natural language text by extracting time expressions, events and temporal relations, and then representing them according to a chosen knowledge framework. This thesis focuses on the investigation and understanding of the di®erent ways time is expressed in natural language, on the implementation of a temporal processing system in accordance with the results of this investigation, on the evaluation of the system, and on the extensive analysis of the errors and challenges that appear during system development. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop the ability to automatically annotate temporal expressions, verbal events and temporal relations in a natural language text. Temporal expression annotation involves two stages: temporal expression identi¯cation concerned with determining the textual extent of a temporal expression, and temporal expression normalisation which ¯nds the value that the temporal expression designates and represents it using an annotation standard. The research presented in this thesis approaches these tasks with a knowledge-based methodology that tackles temporal expressions according to their semantic classi¯cation. Several knowledge sources and normalisation models are experimented with to allow an analysis of their impact on system performance. The annotation of events expressed using either ¯nite or non-¯nite verbs is addressed with a method that overcomes the drawback of existing methods v which associate an event with the class that is most frequently assigned to it in a corpus and are limited in coverage by the small number of events present in the corpus. This limitation is overcome in this research by annotating each WordNet verb with an event class that best characterises that verb. This thesis also describes an original methodology for the identi¯cation of temporal relations that hold among events and temporal expressions. The method relies on sentence-level syntactic trees and a propagation of temporal relations between syntactic constituents, by analysing syntactic and lexical properties of the constituents and of the relations between them. The detailed evaluation and error analysis of the methods proposed for solving di®erent temporal processing tasks form an important part of this research. Various corpora widely used by researchers studying di®erent temporal phenomena are employed in the evaluation, thus enabling comparison with state of the art in the ¯eld. The detailed error analysis targeting each temporal processing task helps identify not only problems of the implemented methods, but also reliability problems of the annotated resources, and encourages potential reexaminations of some temporal processing tasks.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Extracting Information from Spoken User Input:A Machine Learning Approach

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    We propose a module that performs automatic analysis of user input in spoken dialogue systems using machine learning algorithms. The input to the module is material received from the speech recogniser and the dialogue manager of the spoken dialogue system, the output is a four-level pragmatic-semantic representation of the user utterance. Our investigation shows that when the four interpretation levels are combined in a complex machine learning task, the performance of the module is significantly better than the score of an informed baseline strategy. However, via a systematic, automatised search for the optimal subtask combinations we can gain substantial improvement produced by both classifiers for all four interpretation subtasks. A case study is conducted on dialogues between an automatised, experimental system that gives information on the phone about train connections in the Netherlands, and its users who speak in Dutch. We find that drawing on unsophisticated, potentially noisy features that characterise the dialogue situation, and by performing automatic optimisation of the formulated machine learning task it is possible to extract sophisticated information of practical pragmatic-semantic value from spoken user input with robust performance. This means that our module can with a good score interpret whether the user of the system is giving slot-filling information, and for which query slots (e.g., departure station, departure time, etc.), whether the user gave a positive or a negative answer to the system, or whether the user signals that there are problems in the interaction.