97 research outputs found


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    The use of mobile technology, especially MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) grows popularly in pandemic era. Most of teacher use it to help students while they are learning at home. This study is aimed at interpreting students' perceptions towards the use of English Pronunciation application on students’ self-regulated learning and investigating the use of English Pronunciation application in optimizing their self-regulated learning in learning pronunciation. Researchers applied a qualitative case study as the research design of this study. The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. This research involved 25 students of the freshman of English Education Program in a private university in Ciamis. The result shows that the students respond positively on the use of English Pronunciation application in learning pronunciation since it helped them in overcoming their problems in learning pronunciation, especially in pandemic era where they situated to learn at home. The results also indicate that the use of English Pronunciation application in learning pronunciation is effective to optimize students’ self-regulated learning.

    The Effect of Picture Media on Mastery of Vocabulary At Grade VII Student

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    Picture Series is one of the media images that can be used to support and help vocabulary learning. Vocabulary is very important for everyone to learn especially a students, because if someone has mastery of vocabulary in English then when he/she uses English, he/she will have no difficulties. The aims of this study was to find out whether picture series had a good impact on improving and developing students' mastery of vocabulary or not. In this study, researchers used a quantitative experimental method. Based on the results of the research conducted by the researcher, it was found that picture series had a significant impact on students' mastery of vocabulary

    Virtual Reality-Integrated Immersion-Based Teaching to English Language Learning Outcome.

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    Globalization and informatization are reshaping human life and social behaviors. The purpose is to explore the worldwide strategies to cultivate international talents with a global vision. As a global language with the largest population, English, and especially its learning effect, have always been the major concerns of scholars and educators. This work innovatively studies the combination of immersion-based English teaching with virtual reality (VR) technology. Then, based on the experimental design mode, 106 students from a Chinese school were selected for a quasi-experimental study for 16 weeks (3 h a week, and 48 h in total). The collected data were analyzed by computer statistical software, and hypotheses are verified. The results showed that there is a significantly positive correlation between VR and immersion-based language teaching (0.851, p < 0.01). There is a significantly positive correlation between immersion-based language teaching and academic achievement (0.824, p < 0.01), and VR is positively correlated with learning outcome (LO) (0.836, p < 0.01). Compared with other state-of-art research methods, this work modifies the students' oral test through the analysis and comparison with the system database, and the students' learning effect is greatly improved. Finally, some suggestions are put forward according to the research results to provide an experimental reference for English teachers and future linguistics teaching

    The influence of Quizziz-online gamification on learning engagement and outcomes in online English language teaching

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    Game-based English learning was considered as one of the effective techniques to develop student learning motivation and engagement. It is popular due to today's more advanced gadget technology and the COVID-19 pandemic requiring students to study from home. Much research on the gamification of English learning in various countries involving different age levels was conducted. However, very few research focused on Quizziz-online gamification for English learning purposes in the context of junior high students. This research investigated the level of students' engagement and learning outcomes of Quizziz-online gamification on English learning development in junior high school. This case study involved a secondary school English teacher and 62 students in the 9th grade at a private junior high school in Batu City, East Java Province, Indonesia. The data collection methods were observation, interview, and students' test results. Based on the descriptive and thematic analysis, it was found that gamification affected students' engagement, better active participation, and discipline. However, their English learning outcomes were dynamic. Thus, integrating an internet-based game, Quizziz, in English instruction with more cognitively driven approaches is worth implementing for better English outcomes

    Enfoques y métodos de evaluación de la usabilidad en aplicaciones móviles: Una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo describir los diversos enfoques y métodos de evaluación de la usabilidad con sus principales características a considerar para la realización de aplicaciones móviles. Para lo cual se realiza una revisión bibliográfica teniendo en cuenta las posturas de diferentes autores. El contenido del artículo se encuentra distribuido de la siguiente manera: la sección I de Introducción presenta el marco conceptual y objetivos del trabajo de investigación; en la sección II se presenta la Revisión de la literatura, en donde se incluyen los conceptos generales, así como los diferentes enfoques y métodos de evaluación de la usabilidad, asimismo se presentan los criterios de inclusión, exclusión y calidad, la sección III corresponde a los Resultados de la investigación y la sección IV presenta las Conclusiones.LIMAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería de SistemasIngeniería de software - Calidad de softwar

    Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням: соціологія

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    Курс забезпечує студентів текстовим матеріалом за професійною тематикою та різноманітними видами діяльності, які є націленими на розвиток таких навичок професійної комунікації, що знадобляться майбутнім спеціалістам на робочому місці. Призначено для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів 2-го курсу, що навчаються за спеціальністю "Соціологія".The course provides students with specialist texts and various activities aimed at developing professional communication skills that the future specialists will need in the workplace. The book is designed for both classroom and self-study and is addressed to 2nd-year students of ESP majoring in Sociology

    1999-2001 Course Catalog

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    1999-2001 Course Catalo