2,283 research outputs found

    Cognitive Task Planning for Smart Industrial Robots

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    This research work presents a novel Cognitive Task Planning framework for Smart Industrial Robots. The framework makes an industrial mobile manipulator robot Cognitive by applying Semantic Web Technologies. It also introduces a novel Navigation Among Movable Obstacles algorithm for robots navigating and manipulating inside a firm. The objective of Industrie 4.0 is the creation of Smart Factories: modular firms provided with cyber-physical systems able to strong customize products under the condition of highly flexible mass-production. Such systems should real-time communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans via the Internet of Things. They should intelligently adapt to the changing surroundings and autonomously navigate inside a firm while moving obstacles that occlude free paths, even if seen for the first time. At the end, in order to accomplish all these tasks while being efficient, they should learn from their actions and from that of other agents. Most of existing industrial mobile robots navigate along pre-generated trajectories. They follow ectrified wires embedded in the ground or lines painted on th efloor. When there is no expectation of environment changes and cycle times are critical, this planning is functional. When workspaces and tasks change frequently, it is better to plan dynamically: robots should autonomously navigate without relying on modifications of their environments. Consider the human behavior: humans reason about the environment and consider the possibility of moving obstacles if a certain goal cannot be reached or if moving objects may significantly shorten the path to it. This problem is named Navigation Among Movable Obstacles and is mostly known in rescue robotics. This work transposes the problem on an industrial scenario and tries to deal with its two challenges: the high dimensionality of the state space and the treatment of uncertainty. The proposed NAMO algorithm aims to focus exploration on less explored areas. For this reason it extends the Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration algorithm. The extension does not impose obstacles avoidance: it assigns an importance to each cell by combining the efforts necessary to reach it and that needed to free it from obstacles. The obtained algorithm is scalable because of its independence from the size of the map and from the number, shape, and pose of obstacles. It does not impose restrictions on actions to be performed: the robot can both push and grasp every object. Currently, the algorithm assumes full world knowledge but the environment is reconfigurable and the algorithm can be easily extended in order to solve NAMO problems in unknown environments. The algorithm handles sensor feedbacks and corrects uncertainties. Usually Robotics separates Motion Planning and Manipulation problems. NAMO forces their combined processing by introducing the need of manipulating multiple objects, often unknown, while navigating. Adopting standard precomputed grasps is not sufficient to deal with the big amount of existing different objects. A Semantic Knowledge Framework is proposed in support of the proposed algorithm by giving robots the ability to learn to manipulate objects and disseminate the information gained during the fulfillment of tasks. The Framework is composed by an Ontology and an Engine. The Ontology extends the IEEE Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation and contains descriptions of learned manipulation tasks and detected objects. It is accessible from any robot connected to the Cloud. It can be considered a data store for the efficient and reliable execution of repetitive tasks; and a Web-based repository for the exchange of information between robots and for the speed up of the learning phase. No other manipulation ontology exists respecting the IEEE Standard and, regardless the standard, the proposed ontology differs from the existing ones because of the type of features saved and the efficient way in which they can be accessed: through a super fast Cascade Hashing algorithm. The Engine lets compute and store the manipulation actions when not present in the Ontology. It is based on Reinforcement Learning techniques that avoid massive trainings on large-scale databases and favors human-robot interactions. The overall system is flexible and easily adaptable to different robots operating in different industrial environments. It is characterized by a modular structure where each software block is completely reusable. Every block is based on the open-source Robot Operating System. Not all industrial robot controllers are designed to be ROS-compliant. This thesis presents the method adopted during this research in order to Open Industrial Robot Controllers and create a ROS-Industrial interface for them

    Parallel H.264/AVC Fast Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Estimation using Graphics Processing Unit and Dedicated Hardware

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    Heterogeneous systems on a single chip composed of CPU, Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are expected to emerge in near future. In this context, the System on Chip (SoC) can be dynamically adapted to employ different architectures for execution of data-intensive applications. Motion estimation is one such task that can be accelerated using FPGA and GPU for high performance H.264/AVC encoder implementation. In most of works on parallel implementation of motion estimation, the bit rate cost of motion vectors is generally ignored. On the contrary, this paper presents a fast rate-distortion optimized parallel motion estimation algorithm implemented on GPU using OpenCL and FPGA/ASIC using VHDL. The predicted motion vectors are estimated from temporally preceding motion vectors and used for evaluating the bit rate cost of the motion vectors simultaneously. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves significant speedup on GPU and FPGA, and has comparable ratedistortion performance with respect to sequential fast motion estimation algorithm

    Novel VLSI Architecture for Quantization and Variable Length Coding for H-264/AVC Video Compression Standard

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    Integrated multimedia systems process text, graphics, and other discrete media such as digital audio and video streams. In an uncompressed state, graphics, audio and video data, especially moving pictures, require large transmission and storage capacities which can be very expensive. Hence video compression has become a key component of any multimedia system or application. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) have combined efforts to put together the next generation of video compression standard, the H.264/MPEG-4 PartlO/AVC, which was finalized in 2003. The H.264/AVC uses significantly improved and computationally intensive compression techniques to maximize performance. H.264/AVC compliant encoders achieve the same reproduction quality as encoders that are compliant with the previous standards while requiring 60% or less of the bit rate [2]. This thesis aims at designing two basic blocks of an ASIC capable of performing the H.264 video compression. These two blocks, the Quantizer, and Entropy Encoder implement the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The architecture is implemented in Register Transfer Level HDL and synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler using TSMC 0.25(xm technology, giving us an estimate of the hardware requirements in real-time implementation. The quantizer block is capable of running at 309MHz and has a total area of 785K gates with a power requirement of 88.59mW. The entropy encoder unit is capable of running at 250 MHz and has a total area of 49K gates with a power requirement of 2.68mW. The high speed that is achieved in this thesis simply indicates that the two blocks Quantizer and Entropy Encoder can be used as IP embedded in the HDTV systems

    Behavior Flexibility for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems

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    Autonomous unmanned aerial systems (UAS) could supplement and eventually subsume a substantial portion of the mission set currently executed by remote pilots, making UAS more robust, responsive, and numerous than permitted by teleoperation alone. Unfortunately, the development of robust autonomous systems is difficult, costly, and time-consuming. Furthermore, the resulting systems often make little reuse of proven software components and offer limited adaptability for new tasks. This work presents a development platform for UAS which promotes behavioral flexibility. The platform incorporates the Unified Behavior Framework (a modular, extensible autonomy framework), the Robotic Operating System (a RSF), and PX4 (an open- source flight controller). Simulation of UBF agents identify a combination of reactive robotic control strategies effective for small-scale navigation tasks by a UAS in the presence of obstacles. Finally, flight tests provide a partial validation of the simulated results. The development platform presented in this work offers robust and responsive behavioral flexibility for UAS agents in simulation and reality. This work lays the foundation for further development of a unified autonomous UAS platform supporting advanced planning algorithms and inter-agent communication by providing a behavior-flexible framework in which to implement, execute, extend, and reuse behaviors

    Mobiles Robots - Past Present and Future

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    2008 Exhibitors

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    Listings and Descriptions of 2008 Small Satellite Conference Exhibitor

    Performance and area evaluations of processor-based benchmarks on FPGA devices

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    The computing system on SoCs is being long-term research since the FPGA technology has emerged due to its personality of re-programmable fabric, reconfigurable computing, and fast development time to market. During the last decade, uni-processor in a SoC is no longer to deal with the high growing market for complex applications such as Mobile Phones audio and video encoding, image and network processing. Due to the number of transistors on a silicon wafer is increasing, the recent FPGAs or embedded systems are advancing toward multi-processor-based design to meet tremendous performance and benefit this kind of systems are possible. Therefore, is an upcoming age of the MPSoC. In addition, most of the embedded processors are soft-cores, because they are flexible and reconfigurable for specific software functions and easy to build homogenous multi-processor systems for parallel programming. Moreover, behavioural synthesis tools are becoming a lot more powerful and enable to create datapath of logic units from high-level algorithms such as C to HDL and available for partitioning a HW/SW concurrent methodology. A range of embedded processors is able to implement on a FPGA-based prototyping to integrate the CPUs on a programmable device. This research is, firstly represent different types of computer architectures in modern embedded processors that are followed in different type of software applications (eg. Multi-threading Operations or Complex Functions) on FPGA-based SoCs; and secondly investigate their capability by executing a wide-range of multimedia software codes (Integer-algometric only) in different models of the processor-systems (uni-processor or multi-processor or Co-design), and finally compare those results in terms of the benchmarks and resource utilizations within FPGAs. All the examined programs were written in standard C and executed in a variety numbers of soft-core processors or hardware units to obtain the execution times. However, the number of processors and their customizable configuration or hardware datapath being generated are limited by a target FPGA resource, and designers need to understand the FPGA-based tradeoffs that have been considered - Speed versus Area. For this experimental purpose, I defined benchmarks into DLP / HLS catalogues, which are "data" and "function" intensive respectively. The programs of DLP will be executed in LEON3 MP and LE1 CMP multi-processor systems and the programs of HLS in the LegUp Co-design system on target FPGAs. In preliminary, the performance of the soft-core processors will be examined by executing all the benchmarks. The whole story of this thesis work centres on the issue of the execute times or the speed-up and area breakdown on FPGA devices in terms of different programs

    Armstrong Flight Research Center Research Technology and Engineering 2017

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    I am delighted to present this report of accomplishments at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center. Our dedicated innovators possess a wealth of performance, safety, and technical capabilities spanning a wide variety of research areas involving aircraft, electronic sensors, instrumentation, environmental and earth science, celestial observations, and much more. They not only perform tasks necessary to safely and successfully accomplish Armstrong's flight research and test missions but also support NASA missions across the entire Agency. Armstrong's project teams have successfully accomplished many of the nation's most complex flight research projects by crafting creative solutions that advance emerging technologies from concept development and experimental formulation to final testing. We are developing and refining technologies for ultra-efficient aircraft, electric propulsion vehicles, a low boom flight demonstrator, air launch systems, and experimental x-planes, to name a few. Additionally, with our unique location and airborne research laboratories, we are testing and validating new research concepts. Summaries of each project highlighting key results and benefits of the effort are provided in the following pages. Technology areas for the projects include electric propulsion, vehicle efficiency, supersonics, space and hypersonics, autonomous systems, flight and ground experimental test technologies, and much more. Additional technical information is available in the appendix, as well as contact information for the Principal Investigator of each project. I am proud of the work we do here at Armstrong and am pleased to share these details with you. We welcome opportunities for partnership and collaboration, so please contact us to learn more about these cutting-edge innovations and how they might align with your needs

    Kontextsensitive Körperregulierung für redundante Roboter

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    In the past few decades the classical 6 degrees of freedom manipulators' dominance has been challenged by the rise of 7 degrees of freedom redundant robots. Similarly, with increased availability of humanoid robots in academic research, roboticists suddenly have access to highly dexterous platforms with multiple kinematic chains capable of undertaking multiple tasks simultaneously. The execution of lower-priority tasks, however, are often done in task/scenario specific fashion. Consequently, these systems are not scalable and slight changes in the application often implies re-engineering the entire control system and deployment which impedes the development process over time. This thesis introduces an alternative systematic method of addressing the secondary tasks and redundancy resolution called, context aware body regulation. Contexts consist of one or multiple tasks, however, unlike the conventional definitions, the tasks within a context are not rigidly defined and maintain some level of abstraction. For instance, following a particular trajectory constitutes a concrete task while performing a Cartesian motion with the end-effector represents an abstraction of the same task and is more appropriate for context formulation. Furthermore, contexts are often made up of multiple abstract tasks that collectively describe a reoccurring situation. Body regulation is an umbrella term for a collection of schemes for addressing the robots' redundancy when a particular context occurs. Context aware body regulation offers several advantages over traditional methods. Most notably among them are reusability, scalability and composability of contexts and body regulation schemes. These three fundamental concerns are realized theoretically by in-depth study and through mathematical analysis of contexts and regulation strategies; and are practically implemented by a component based software architecture that complements the theoretical aspects. The findings of the thesis are applicable to any redundant manipulator and humanoids, and allow them to be used in real world applications. Proposed methodology presents an alternative approach for the control of robots and offers a new perspective for future deployment of robotic solutions.Im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzehnte wich der Einfluss klassischer Roboterarme mit 6 Freiheitsgraden zunehmend denen neuer und vielfältigerer Manipulatoren mit 7 Gelenken. Ebenso stehen der Forschung mit den neuartigen Humanoiden inzwischen auch hoch-redundante Roboterplattformen mit mehreren kinematischen Ketten zur Verfügung. Diese überaus flexiblen und komplexen Roboter-Kinematiken ermöglichen generell das gleichzeitige Verfolgen mehrerer priorisierter Bewegungsaufgaben. Die Steuerung der weniger wichtigen Aufgaben erfolgt jedoch oft in anwendungsspezifischer Art und Weise, welche die Skalierung der Regelung zu generellen Kontexten verhindert. Selbst kleine Änderungen in der Anwendung bewirken oft schon, dass große Teile der Robotersteuerung überarbeitet werden müssen, was wiederum den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess behindert. Diese Dissertation stellt eine alternative, systematische Methode vor um die Redundanz neuer komplexer Robotersysteme zu bewältigen und vielfältige, priorisierte Bewegungsaufgaben parallel zu steuern: Die so genannte kontextsensitive Körperregulierung. Darin bestehen Kontexte aus einer oder mehreren Bewegungsaufgaben. Anders als in konventionellen Anwendungen sind die Aufgaben nicht fest definiert und beinhalten eine gewisse Abstraktion. Beispielsweise stellt das Folgen einer bestimmten Trajektorie eine sehr konkrete Bewegungsaufgabe dar, während die Ausführung einer Kartesischen Bewegung mit dem Endeffektor eine Abstraktion darstellt, die für die Kontextformulierung besser geeignet ist. Kontexte setzen sich oft aus mehreren solcher abstrakten Aufgaben zusammen und beschreiben kollektiv eine sich wiederholende Situation. Durch die Verwendung der kontextsensitiven Körperregulierung ergeben sich vielfältige Vorteile gegenüber traditionellen Methoden: Wiederverwendbarkeit, Skalierbarkeit, sowie Komponierbarkeit von Konzepten. Diese drei fundamentalen Eigenschaften werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit theoretisch mittels gründlicher mathematischer Analyse aufgezeigt und praktisch mittels einer auf Komponenten basierenden Softwarearchitektur realisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation lassen sich auf beliebige redundante Manipulatoren oder humanoide Roboter anwenden und befähigen diese damit zur realen Anwendung außerhalb des Labors. Die hier vorgestellte Methode zur Regelung von Robotern stellt damit eine neue Perspektive für die zukünftige Entwicklung von robotischen Lösungen dar