101 research outputs found

    TRPINav: A System for Terrain, Route, Points of Interest, and Navigation

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    Maps are as fundamental to society as language and the written word. Maps are an abstraction of reality that help people to better understand the world around them. Route maps, specifically, depict a path from one place to another. Many route maps generated today contain excessive information making it difficult for people to process visually. Previous work has been done in generating routes, searching for nearby points of interest, and path generalization. This thesis proposes a system, TRPINav, that will integrate terrain data, route data, points of interest, and navigation in a cartographic visualization. This prototype navigation application includes a system designed to unify data from various sources, such as Yelp, Google Maps, and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) into a single coordinate frame for useful navigation and reference. This system presents a model to handle data acquisition and unification of these data sources and render them in a simplified and pleasing representation to the user. The prototype includes simple rendering techniques and a user study to validate which features are appealing and useful to the user. Analysis shows that users are generally pleased with features of the system, and that the system can help answer some geographic questions. The results of this analysis are used to determine future iterations of the system

    Rush Hour Traffic Optimization

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    This project develops a route-planning web application that is specifically designed to work well for recurring rush hour conditions. Users can specify their trip\u27s start and end points, the desired time of arrival (or departure), and obtain driving directions and a time estimate based on the system\u27s knowledge of average traffic patterns in that area. Users may also provide typical traffic data for areas with which they are familiar. With each piece of user-submitted data, the system\u27s knowledge base grows to improve accuracy for future users

    Evaluating and Mapping Internet Connectivity in the United States

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    We evaluated Internet connectivity in the United States, drawn from different definitions of connectivity and different methods of analysis. Using DNS cache manipulation, traceroutes, and a crowdsourced “site ping” method we identify patterns in connectivity that correspond to higher population or coastal regions of the US. We analyze the data for quality strengths and shortcomings, establish connectivity heatmaps, state rankings, and statistical measures of the data. We give comparative analyses of the three methods and present suggestions for future work building off this report

    Developing a traffic control device maintenance management system interfacing with Gis

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    Roadway systems contain a wide variety of spatially distributed physical features which require installation, maintenance and replacement. These features include traffic control devices such as signs, signals, pavement markings and streetlights. Several technologies exist that can be utilized by the transportation sector to improve program management of a number of these features. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology provides a powerful environment for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial (locationally defined) data. A need exists to provide an inventory of the transportation physical plant to interface with a work management system. Information pertaining to the number and condition of such features is required for planning, operating, maintaining, managing and budgeting needs. This thesis summarizes the development of a user-friendly, computerized process to establish a graphical interface between a roadway inventory database and GIS; Evaluation of existing technologies and a survey of current literature will provide a basis for the design of a Traffic Control Device Maintenance Management System. This system will provide a consistent form of technology transfer on a common platform. This system will manage resources by integrating work-orders and the database. The system will utilize GIS technology to integrate a work-order system and a database reporting system for resource management. The work order interface capabilities will include maintenance work-order management, project cost and progress tracking, and program planning and policy analysis; The key is to develop a user-friendly system useful to both the field-level installation crews and planning-level management. A case study in Clark County, Nevada, will be used to evaluate alternative methods of collecting and data on traffic control devices and to illustrate the development of a GIS-based management system. This system is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operational practices as well as serve as a vital decision support tool for planning and management

    Digital traces and urban research : Barcelona through social media data

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    Most of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, and it is expected that almost all of the planet’s growth will be concentrated in them for the next 30 years, making the improvement of the quality of life in the cities one of the big challenges of this century. To that end, it is crucial to have information on how people use the spaces in the city, and allows urban planning to successfully respond to their needs. This dissertation proposes using data shared voluntarily by the millions of users that make up social network’s communities as a valuable tool for the study of the complexity of the city, because of its capacity of providing an unprecedented volume of urban information, with geographic, temporal, semantic and multimedia components. However, the volume and variety of data raises important challenges regarding its retrieval, manipulation, analysis and representation, requiring the adoption of the best practices in data science, using a multi-faceted approach in the field of urban studies with a strong emphasis in the reproducibility of the developed methodologies. This research focuses in the case of study of the city of Barcelona, using the public data collected from Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter and Instagram. After a literature review, the methods to access the different services are discussed, along with their available data and limitations. Next, the retrieved data is analyzed at different spatial and temporal scales. The first approximation to data focuses on the origins of users who took geotagged pictures of Barcelona, geocoding the hometowns that appear in their Flickr public profiles, allowing the identification of the regions, countries and cities with the largest influx of visitors, and relating the results with multiple indicators at a global scale. The next scale of analysis discusses the city as a whole, developing methodologies for the representation of the spatial distribution of the collected locations, avoiding the artifacts produced by overplotting. To this end, locations are aggregated in regular tessellations, whose size is determined empirically from their spatial distribution. Two spatial statistics techniques (Moran’s I and Getis-Ord’s G*) are used to visualize the local spatial autocorrelation of the areas with exceptionally high or low densities, under a statistical significance framework. Finally, the kernel density estimation is introduced as a non-parametric alternative. The third level of detail follows the official administrative division of Barcelona in 73 neighborhoods and 12 districts, which obeys to historical, morphological and functional criteria. Micromaps are introduced as a representation technique capable of providing a geographical context to commonly used statistical graphics, along with a methodology to produce these micromaps automatically. This technique is compared to annotated scatterplots to relate picture intensity with different urban indicators at a neighborhood scale. The hypothesis of spatial homogeneity is abandoned at the most detailed scale, focusing the analysis on the street network. Two techniques to assign events to road segments in the street graph are presented (direct by shortest distance or by proxy through the postal addresses), as well as the generalization of the kernel density estimation from the Euclidean space to a network topology. Beyond the spatial domain, the interactions of three temporal cycles are further analyzed using the timestamps available in the picture metadata: daytime/nighttime (daily cycle), work/leisure (weekly cycle) and seasonal (yearly cycle).La major part de la població mundial resideix actualment en àrees urbanes, i es preveu que pràcticament tot el creixement del planeta es concentri en elles en els propers 30 anys, convertint la millora de la qualitat de vida a les ciutats en un dels grans reptes del present segle. És per tant imprescindible disposar d'informació sobre les activitats que les persones desenvolupen en elles, que permetin al planejament donar resposta a les seves necessitats. Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús de dades compartides de manera voluntària pels milions d'usuaris que conformen les comunitats de les xarxes socials com una valuosa eina per a l'estudi de la complexitat de la ciutat, per la seva capacitat de proporcionar un volum d'informació urbana sense precedents, reunint components tant geogràfics, temporals, semàntics i multimèdia. No obstant això, aquest volum i varietat de les dades planteja grans reptes pel que fa a la seva obtenció, tractament, anàlisi i representació, requerint adoptar les millors pràctiques de la ciència de dades, aplicades des de múltiples punts de vista al camp dels estudis urbans, posant sempre l'èmfasi en la reproductibilitat de les metodologies desenvolupades. Aquesta investigació se centra en el cas d'estudi de la ciutat de Barcelona, a partir de les dades públiques obtingudes de Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter i Instagram. Després d'una revisió de l'estat de l'art, es desenvolupa l'operativa d'accés als diferents serveis, revisant les dades disponibles i les seves limitacions. A continuació, s'analitzen les dades obtingudes en diferents escales espacials i temporals. La primera aproximació a les dades es desenvolupa a partir de l'origen dels usuaris que han pres fotografies geolocalitzades de Barcelona, a través de la geocodificació de les ubicacions que apareixen en els seus perfils públics de Flickr, permetent identificar les regions, països i ciutats amb major afluència de visitants i relacionar els resultats amb diferents indicadors a escala global. La següent escala d'anàlisi es centra en la ciutat en el seu conjunt, desenvolupant metodologies per a la representació de la distribució espacial de les localitzacions obtingudes, evitant els artefactes produïts per la superposició de mostres. Per a això s'agreguen les localitzacions en tesselacions regulars, la mida de les quals es determina empíricament a partir de la seva distribució espacial. S'utilitzen dues tècniques d'estadística espacial (I de Moran i G* de Getis-Ord) per a visualitzar l'autocorrelació espacial local dels àmbits amb densitats excepcionalment altes o baixes, seguint un criteri de significança estadística. Finalment s'introdueix com a alternativa no paramètrica l'estimació de la densitat. El tercer nivell de detall coincideix amb la delimitació administrativa oficial de Barcelona en 73 barris i 12 districtes, realitzada a partir de criteris històrics, morfològics i funcionals. S'introdueixen els micromapes com a tècnica de representació capaç d'aportar un context geogràfic a gràfics estadístics d'ús comú, juntament amb una metodologia per produir aquests micromapes de manera automàtica. Es compara aquesta tècnica amb diagrames de dispersió anotats per a relacionar la intensitat de fotografies amb diferents indicadors urbans a escala de barri. En l'escala més detallada s'abandona la hipòtesi d'homogeneïtat espacial i es trasllada l'anàlisi al sistema viari. Es presenten dues tècniques d'atribució de localitzacions a trams de carrer del graf vial (directa per distància o indirecta a través de les adreces postals), així com la generalització de l'estimació de la densitat d'un espai euclidià a una topologia de xarxa. Fora del context espacial, s'analitzen les interaccions de tres cicles temporals a partir de les metadades del moment en què van ser preses les fotografies: diürn/nocturn (cicle diari), treball/oci (cicle setmanal) i estacional (cicle anual).Postprint (published version

    Digital traces and urban research : Barcelona through social media data

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    Most of the world’s population now resides in urban areas, and it is expected that almost all of the planet’s growth will be concentrated in them for the next 30 years, making the improvement of the quality of life in the cities one of the big challenges of this century. To that end, it is crucial to have information on how people use the spaces in the city, and allows urban planning to successfully respond to their needs. This dissertation proposes using data shared voluntarily by the millions of users that make up social network’s communities as a valuable tool for the study of the complexity of the city, because of its capacity of providing an unprecedented volume of urban information, with geographic, temporal, semantic and multimedia components. However, the volume and variety of data raises important challenges regarding its retrieval, manipulation, analysis and representation, requiring the adoption of the best practices in data science, using a multi-faceted approach in the field of urban studies with a strong emphasis in the reproducibility of the developed methodologies. This research focuses in the case of study of the city of Barcelona, using the public data collected from Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter and Instagram. After a literature review, the methods to access the different services are discussed, along with their available data and limitations. Next, the retrieved data is analyzed at different spatial and temporal scales. The first approximation to data focuses on the origins of users who took geotagged pictures of Barcelona, geocoding the hometowns that appear in their Flickr public profiles, allowing the identification of the regions, countries and cities with the largest influx of visitors, and relating the results with multiple indicators at a global scale. The next scale of analysis discusses the city as a whole, developing methodologies for the representation of the spatial distribution of the collected locations, avoiding the artifacts produced by overplotting. To this end, locations are aggregated in regular tessellations, whose size is determined empirically from their spatial distribution. Two spatial statistics techniques (Moran’s I and Getis-Ord’s G*) are used to visualize the local spatial autocorrelation of the areas with exceptionally high or low densities, under a statistical significance framework. Finally, the kernel density estimation is introduced as a non-parametric alternative. The third level of detail follows the official administrative division of Barcelona in 73 neighborhoods and 12 districts, which obeys to historical, morphological and functional criteria. Micromaps are introduced as a representation technique capable of providing a geographical context to commonly used statistical graphics, along with a methodology to produce these micromaps automatically. This technique is compared to annotated scatterplots to relate picture intensity with different urban indicators at a neighborhood scale. The hypothesis of spatial homogeneity is abandoned at the most detailed scale, focusing the analysis on the street network. Two techniques to assign events to road segments in the street graph are presented (direct by shortest distance or by proxy through the postal addresses), as well as the generalization of the kernel density estimation from the Euclidean space to a network topology. Beyond the spatial domain, the interactions of three temporal cycles are further analyzed using the timestamps available in the picture metadata: daytime/nighttime (daily cycle), work/leisure (weekly cycle) and seasonal (yearly cycle).La major part de la població mundial resideix actualment en àrees urbanes, i es preveu que pràcticament tot el creixement del planeta es concentri en elles en els propers 30 anys, convertint la millora de la qualitat de vida a les ciutats en un dels grans reptes del present segle. És per tant imprescindible disposar d'informació sobre les activitats que les persones desenvolupen en elles, que permetin al planejament donar resposta a les seves necessitats. Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús de dades compartides de manera voluntària pels milions d'usuaris que conformen les comunitats de les xarxes socials com una valuosa eina per a l'estudi de la complexitat de la ciutat, per la seva capacitat de proporcionar un volum d'informació urbana sense precedents, reunint components tant geogràfics, temporals, semàntics i multimèdia. No obstant això, aquest volum i varietat de les dades planteja grans reptes pel que fa a la seva obtenció, tractament, anàlisi i representació, requerint adoptar les millors pràctiques de la ciència de dades, aplicades des de múltiples punts de vista al camp dels estudis urbans, posant sempre l'èmfasi en la reproductibilitat de les metodologies desenvolupades. Aquesta investigació se centra en el cas d'estudi de la ciutat de Barcelona, a partir de les dades públiques obtingudes de Panoramio, Flickr, Twitter i Instagram. Després d'una revisió de l'estat de l'art, es desenvolupa l'operativa d'accés als diferents serveis, revisant les dades disponibles i les seves limitacions. A continuació, s'analitzen les dades obtingudes en diferents escales espacials i temporals. La primera aproximació a les dades es desenvolupa a partir de l'origen dels usuaris que han pres fotografies geolocalitzades de Barcelona, a través de la geocodificació de les ubicacions que apareixen en els seus perfils públics de Flickr, permetent identificar les regions, països i ciutats amb major afluència de visitants i relacionar els resultats amb diferents indicadors a escala global. La següent escala d'anàlisi es centra en la ciutat en el seu conjunt, desenvolupant metodologies per a la representació de la distribució espacial de les localitzacions obtingudes, evitant els artefactes produïts per la superposició de mostres. Per a això s'agreguen les localitzacions en tesselacions regulars, la mida de les quals es determina empíricament a partir de la seva distribució espacial. S'utilitzen dues tècniques d'estadística espacial (I de Moran i G* de Getis-Ord) per a visualitzar l'autocorrelació espacial local dels àmbits amb densitats excepcionalment altes o baixes, seguint un criteri de significança estadística. Finalment s'introdueix com a alternativa no paramètrica l'estimació de la densitat. El tercer nivell de detall coincideix amb la delimitació administrativa oficial de Barcelona en 73 barris i 12 districtes, realitzada a partir de criteris històrics, morfològics i funcionals. S'introdueixen els micromapes com a tècnica de representació capaç d'aportar un context geogràfic a gràfics estadístics d'ús comú, juntament amb una metodologia per produir aquests micromapes de manera automàtica. Es compara aquesta tècnica amb diagrames de dispersió anotats per a relacionar la intensitat de fotografies amb diferents indicadors urbans a escala de barri. En l'escala més detallada s'abandona la hipòtesi d'homogeneïtat espacial i es trasllada l'anàlisi al sistema viari. Es presenten dues tècniques d'atribució de localitzacions a trams de carrer del graf vial (directa per distància o indirecta a través de les adreces postals), així com la generalització de l'estimació de la densitat d'un espai euclidià a una topologia de xarxa. Fora del context espacial, s'analitzen les interaccions de tres cicles temporals a partir de les metadades del moment en què van ser preses les fotografies: diürn/nocturn (cicle diari), treball/oci (cicle setmanal) i estacional (cicle anual)

    3D Spatial Data Infrastructures for web-based Visualization

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    In this thesis, concepts for developing Spatial Data Infrastructures with an emphasis on visualizing 3D landscape and city models in distributed environments are discussed. Spatial Data Infrastructures are important for public authorities in order to perform tasks on a daily basis, and serve as research topic in geo-informatics. Joint initiatives at national and international level exist for harmonizing procedures and technologies. Interoperability is an important aspect in this context - as enabling technology for sharing, distributing, and connecting geospatial data and services. The Open Geospatial Consortium is the main driver for developing international standards in this sector and includes government agencies, universities and private companies in a consensus process. 3D city models are becoming increasingly popular not only in desktop Virtual Reality applications but also for being used in professional purposes by public authorities. Spatial Data Infrastructures focus so far on the storage and exchange of 3D building and elevation data. For efficient streaming and visualization of spatial 3D data in distributed network environments such as the internet, concepts from the area of real time 3D Computer Graphics must be applied and combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For example, scene graph data structures are commonly used for creating complex and dynamic 3D environments for computer games and Virtual Reality applications, but have not been introduced in GIS so far. In this thesis, several aspects of how to create interoperable and service-based environments for 3D spatial data are addressed. These aspects are covered by publications in journals and conference proceedings. The introductory chapter provides a logic succession from geometrical operations for processing raw data, to data integration patterns, to system designs of single components, to service interface descriptions and workflows, and finally to an architecture of a complete distributed service network. Digital Elevation Models are very important in 3D geo-visualization systems. Data structures, methods and processes are described for making them available in service based infrastructures. A specific mesh reduction method is used for generating lower levels of detail from very large point data sets. An integration technique is presented that allows the combination with 2D GIS data such as roads and land use areas. This approach allows using another optimization technique that greatly improves the usability for immersive 3D applications such as pedestrian navigation: flattening road and water surfaces. It is a geometric operation, which uses data structures and algorithms found in numerical simulation software implementing Finite Element Methods. 3D Routing is presented as a typical application scenario for detailed 3D city models. Specific problems such as bridges, overpasses and multilevel networks are addressed and possible solutions described. The integration of routing capabilities in service infrastructures can be accomplished with standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium. An additional service is described for creating 3D networks and for generating 3D routes on the fly. Visualization of indoor routes requires different representation techniques. As server interface for providing access to all 3D data, the Web 3D Service has been used and further developed. Integrating and handling scene graph data is described in order to create rich virtual environments. Coordinate transformations of scene graphs are described in detail, which is an important aspect for ensuring interoperability between systems using different spatial reference systems. The Web 3D Service plays a central part in nearly all experiments that have been carried out. It does not only provide the means for interactive web-visualizations, but also for performing further analyses, accessing detailed feature information, and for automatic content discovery. OpenStreetMap and other worldwide available datasets are used for developing a complete architecture demonstrating the scalability of 3D Spatial Data Infrastructures. Its suitability for creating 3D city models is analyzed, according to requirements set by international standards. A full virtual globe system has been developed based on OpenStreetMap including data processing, database storage, web streaming and a visualization client. Results are discussed and compared to similar approaches within geo-informatics research, clarifying in which application scenarios and under which requirements the approaches in this thesis can be applied

    Online Moving Object Visualization with Geo-Referenced Data

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    As a result of the rapid evolution of smart mobile devices and the wide application of satellite-based positioning devices, the moving object database (MOD) has become a hot research topic in recent years. The moving objects generate a large amount of geo-referenced data in different types, such as videos, audios, images and sensor logs. In order to better analyze and utilize the data, it is useful and necessary to visualize the data on a map. With the rise of web mapping, visualizing the moving object and geo-referenced data has never been so easy. While displaying the trajectory of a moving object is a mature technology, there is little research on visualizing both the location and data of the moving objects in a synchronized manner. This dissertation proposes a general moving object visualization model to address the above problem. This model divides the spatial data visualization systems into four categories. Another contribution of this dissertation is to provide a framework, which deals with all these visualization tasks with synchronization control in mind. This platform relies on the TerraFly web mapping system. To evaluate the universality and effectiveness of the proposed framework, this dissertation presents four visualization systems to deal with a variety of situations and different data types

    Mining and Managing User-Generated Content and Preferences

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    Ιn this thesis, we present techniques to manage the results of expressive queries, such as skyline, and mine online content that has been generated by users. Given the numerous scenarios and applications where content mining can be applied, we focus, in particular, to two cases: review mining and social media analysis. More specifically, we focus on preference queries, where users can query a set of items, each associated with an attribute set. For each of the attributes, users can specify their preference on whether to minimize or maximize it, e.g., "minimize price", "maximize performance", etc. Such queries are also know as "pareto optimal", or "skyline queries". A drawback of this query type is that the result may become too large for the user to inspect manually. We propose an approach that addresses this issue, by selecting a set of diverse skyline results. We provide a formal definition of skyline diversification and present efficient techniques to return such a set of points. The result can then be ranked according to established quality criteria. We also propose an alternative scheme for ranking skyline results, following an information retrieval approach

    Location-based web search and mobile applications

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