530 research outputs found

    Knowledge-based Biomedical Data Science 2019

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    Knowledge-based biomedical data science (KBDS) involves the design and implementation of computer systems that act as if they knew about biomedicine. Such systems depend on formally represented knowledge in computer systems, often in the form of knowledge graphs. Here we survey the progress in the last year in systems that use formally represented knowledge to address data science problems in both clinical and biological domains, as well as on approaches for creating knowledge graphs. Major themes include the relationships between knowledge graphs and machine learning, the use of natural language processing, and the expansion of knowledge-based approaches to novel domains, such as Chinese Traditional Medicine and biodiversity.Comment: Manuscript 43 pages with 3 tables; Supplemental material 43 pages with 3 table

    Enhance Representation Learning of Clinical Narrative with Neural Networks for Clinical Predictive Modeling

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    Medicine is undergoing a technological revolution. Understanding human health from clinical data has major challenges from technical and practical perspectives, thus prompting methods that understand large, complex, and noisy data. These methods are particularly necessary for natural language data from clinical narratives/notes, which contain some of the richest information on a patient. Meanwhile, deep neural networks have achieved superior performance in a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks because of their capacity to encode meaningful but abstract representations and learn the entire task end-to-end. In this thesis, I investigate representation learning of clinical narratives with deep neural networks through a number of tasks ranging from clinical concept extraction, clinical note modeling, and patient-level language representation. I present methods utilizing representation learning with neural networks to support understanding of clinical text documents. I first introduce the notion of representation learning from natural language processing and patient data modeling. Then, I investigate word-level representation learning to improve clinical concept extraction from clinical notes. I present two works on learning word representations and evaluate them to extract important concepts from clinical notes. The first study focuses on cancer-related information, and the second study evaluates shared-task data. The aims of these two studies are to automatically extract important entities from clinical notes. Next, I present a series of deep neural networks to encode hierarchical, longitudinal, and contextual information for modeling a series of clinical notes. I also evaluate the models by predicting clinical outcomes of interest, including mortality, length of stay, and phenotype predictions. Finally, I propose a novel representation learning architecture to develop a generalized and transferable language representation at the patient level. I also identify pre-training tasks appropriate for constructing a generalizable language representation. The main focus is to improve predictive performance of phenotypes with limited data, a challenging task due to a lack of data. Overall, this dissertation addresses issues in natural language processing for medicine, including clinical text classification and modeling. These studies show major barriers to understanding large-scale clinical notes. It is believed that developing deep representation learning methods for distilling enormous amounts of heterogeneous data into patient-level language representations will improve evidence-based clinical understanding. The approach to solving these issues by learning representations could be used across clinical applications despite noisy data. I conclude that considering different linguistic components in natural language and sequential information between clinical events is important. Such results have implications beyond the immediate context of predictions and further suggest future directions for clinical machine learning research to improve clinical outcomes. This could be a starting point for future phenotyping methods based on natural language processing that construct patient-level language representations to improve clinical predictions. While significant progress has been made, many open questions remain, so I will highlight a few works to demonstrate promising directions

    Measuring Short Text Semantic Similarity with Deep Learning Models

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    Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken, which is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI). The development of NLP applications is challenging because computers traditionally require humans to speak" to them in a programming language that is precise, unambiguous and highly structured, or through a limited number of clearly enunciated voice commands. We study the use of deep learning models, the state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) method, for the problem of measuring short text semantic similarity in NLP area. In particular, we propose a novel deep neural network architecture to identify semantic similarity for pairs of question sentence. In the proposed network, multiple channels of knowledge for pairs of question text can be utilized to improve the representation of text. Then a dense layer is used to learn a classifier for classifying duplicated question pairs. Through extensive experiments on the Quora test collection, our proposed approach has shown remarkable and significant improvement over strong baselines, which verifies the effectiveness of the deep models as well as the proposed deep multi-channel framework

    Extreme multi-label deep neural classification of Spanish health records according to the International Classification of Diseases

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    111 p.Este trabajo trata sobre la minería de textos clínicos, un campo del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural aplicado al dominio biomédico. El objetivo es automatizar la tarea de codificación médica. Los registros electrónicos de salud (EHR) son documentos que contienen información clínica sobre la salud de unpaciente. Los diagnósticos y procedimientos médicos plasmados en la Historia Clínica Electrónica están codificados con respecto a la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE). De hecho, la CIE es la base para identificar estadísticas de salud internacionales y el estándar para informar enfermedades y condiciones de salud. Desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje automático, el objetivo es resolver un problema extremo de clasificación de texto de múltiples etiquetas, ya que a cada registro de salud se le asignan múltiples códigos ICD de un conjunto de más de 70 000 términos de diagnóstico. Una cantidad importante de recursos se dedican a la codificación médica, una laboriosa tarea que actualmente se realiza de forma manual. Los EHR son narraciones extensas, y los codificadores médicos revisan los registros escritos por los médicos y asignan los códigos ICD correspondientes. Los textos son técnicos ya que los médicos emplean una jerga médica especializada, aunque rica en abreviaturas, acrónimos y errores ortográficos, ya que los médicos documentan los registros mientras realizan la práctica clínica real. Paraabordar la clasificación automática de registros de salud, investigamos y desarrollamos un conjunto de técnicas de clasificación de texto de aprendizaje profundo

    Global disease monitoring and forecasting with Wikipedia

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    Infectious disease is a leading threat to public health, economic stability, and other key social structures. Efforts to mitigate these impacts depend on accurate and timely monitoring to measure the risk and progress of disease. Traditional, biologically-focused monitoring techniques are accurate but costly and slow; in response, new techniques based on social internet data such as social media and search queries are emerging. These efforts are promising, but important challenges in the areas of scientific peer review, breadth of diseases and countries, and forecasting hamper their operational usefulness. We examine a freely available, open data source for this use: access logs from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Using linear models, language as a proxy for location, and a systematic yet simple article selection procedure, we tested 14 location-disease combinations and demonstrate that these data feasibly support an approach that overcomes these challenges. Specifically, our proof-of-concept yields models with r2r^2 up to 0.92, forecasting value up to the 28 days tested, and several pairs of models similar enough to suggest that transferring models from one location to another without re-training is feasible. Based on these preliminary results, we close with a research agenda designed to overcome these challenges and produce a disease monitoring and forecasting system that is significantly more effective, robust, and globally comprehensive than the current state of the art.Comment: 27 pages; 4 figures; 4 tables. Version 2: Cite McIver & Brownstein and adjust novelty claims accordingly; revise title; various revisions for clarit

    Structured representation learning from complex data

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    This thesis advances several theoretical and practical aspects of the recently introduced restricted Boltzmann machine - a powerful probabilistic and generative framework for modelling data and learning representations. The contributions of this study represent a systematic and common theme in learning structured representations from complex data

    Knowledge representation and text mining in biomedical, healthcare, and political domains

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    Knowledge representation and text mining can be employed to discover new knowledge and develop services by using the massive amounts of text gathered by modern information systems. The applied methods should take into account the domain-specific nature of knowledge. This thesis explores knowledge representation and text mining in three application domains. Biomolecular events can be described very precisely and concisely with appropriate representation schemes. Protein–protein interactions are commonly modelled in biological databases as binary relationships, whereas the complex relationships used in text mining are rich in information. The experimental results of this thesis show that complex relationships can be reduced to binary relationships and that it is possible to reconstruct complex relationships from mixtures of linguistically similar relationships. This encourages the extraction of complex relationships from the scientific literature even if binary relationships are required by the application at hand. The experimental results on cross-validation schemes for pair-input data help to understand how existing knowledge regarding dependent instances (such those concerning protein–protein pairs) can be leveraged to improve the generalisation performance estimates of learned models. Healthcare documents and news articles contain knowledge that is more difficult to model than biomolecular events and tend to have larger vocabularies than biomedical scientific articles. This thesis describes an ontology that models patient education documents and their content in order to improve the availability and quality of such documents. The experimental results of this thesis also show that the Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation measures are a viable option for the automatic evaluation of textual patient record summarisation methods and that the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve can be used in a large-scale sentiment analysis. The sentiment analysis of Reuters news corpora suggests that the Western mainstream media portrays China negatively in politics-related articles but not in general, which provides new evidence to consider in the debate over the image of China in the Western media
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