324 research outputs found

    Path Planning for Cooperative Routing of Air-Ground Vehicles

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    We consider a cooperative vehicle routing problem for surveillance and reconnaissance missions with communication constraints between the vehicles. We propose a framework which involves a ground vehicle and an aerial vehicle; the vehicles travel cooperatively satisfying the communication limits, and visit a set of targets. We present a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation and develop a branch-and-cut algorithm to solve the path planning problem for the ground and air vehicles. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is corroborated through extensive computational experiments on several randomly generated instances

    Kiertovaihtoalgoritmi ja muunnoksia yleistetylle ajoneuvoreititysongelmalle

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    Vehicle routing problems have numerous applications in fields such as transportation, supply logistics and network design. The optimal design of these routes fall in the category of NP-hard optimization problems, meaning that the computational complexity increases extremely fast with increasing problem size. The Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP) is a general problem type that includes a broad variety of other problems as special cases. The main special feature of the GVRP is that the customers are grouped in clusters. For each cluster, only one customer is visited. In this thesis, we implement a heuristic algorithm to solve GVRP instances in reasonable time. Especially, we include a cyclic exchange method that considers a very large search neighborhood. In addition, we study the related Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (CmRSP). We present the Distance-Constrained Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (DCmRSP) and show that it contains the Multivehicle Covering Tour Problem (MCTP) as a special case. We show that DCmRSP instances can be transformed to (distance-constrained) GVRP with minor adaptations and solved with the same heuristic algorithm. Our algorithm is able to find best known solutions to all GVRP test instances; for two of them, our method shows strict improvement. The transformed CmRSP and MCTP instances are solved successfully by the same algorithm with adequate performance.Ajoneuvoreititysongelmilla on lukuisia sovelluksia muun muassa logistiikan ja verkostosuunnittelun aloilla. Tällaisten reittien optimaalinen ratkaiseminen kuuluu NP-vaikeiden optimointiongelmien kategoriaan, eli ratkaisuun vaadittava laskentateho kasvaa erittäin nopeasti ongelman koon suhteen. Yleistetty ajoneuvoreititysongelma (Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem, GVRP) on ongelmatyyppi, joka kattaa joukon muita reititysongelmia erikoistapauksina. GVRP:n selkein erityispiirre on asiakkaiden jako ryppäisiin: kussakin ryppäässä on käytävä tasan yhden asiakkaan luona. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään ja toteutetaan heuristinen algoritmi, joka etsii kohtalaisessa ajassa ratkaisuja GVRP-ongelmiin. Menetelmä sisältää kiertovaihtoalgoritmin, joka kykenee etsimään ratkaisuja hyvin laajasta ympäristöstä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on lisäksi m-rengastähtiongelma (Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem, CmRSP). Esittelemme ongelman etäisyysrajoitetun version (DCmRSP), ja näytämme, että kyseiseen ongelmaan sisältyy usean ajoneuvon peittävän reitin ongelma (Multivehicle Covering Tour Problem). Näytämme, että DCmRSP-ongelman pystyy pienin muutoksin muuntamaan GVRP-ongelmaksi ja ratkaisemaan samalla heuristisella algoritmilla. Algoritmi löytää parhaat tunnetut ratkaisut kaikkiin GVRP-testitehtäviin. Kahdessa tapauksessa ratkaisu on parempi aiemmin löydettyihin nähden. Algoritmi kykenee ratkaisemaan muunnetut CmRSP- ja MCTP-testitehtävät kohtalaisella ratkaisulaadulla

    Topological Design of Survivable Networks

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    In the field of telecommunications there are several ways of establishing links between different physical places that must be connected according to the characteristics and the type of service they should provide. Two main considerations to be taken into account and which require the attention of the network planners are, in one hand the economic effort necessary to build the network, and in the other hand the resilience of the network to remain operative in the event of failure of any of its components. A third consideration, which is very important when quality of services required, such as video streaming or communications between real-time systems, is the diameter constrained reliability. In this thesis we study a set of problems that involve such considerations. Firstly, we model a new combinatorial optimization problem called Capacitated m-Two Node Survivable Star Problem (CmTNSSP). In such problem we optimize the costs of constructing a network composed of 2-node-connected components that converge in a central node and whose terminals can belong to these connected 2-node structures or be connected to them by simple edges. The CmTNSSP is a relaxation of the Capacitated Ring Star Problem (CmRSP), where the cycles of the latter can be replaced by arbitrary 2-node-connected graphs. According to previous studies, some of the structural properties of 2-node-connected graphs can be used to show a potential improvement in construction costs, over solutions that exclusively use cycles. Considering that the CmTNSSP belongs to the class of NP-Hard computational problems, a GRASP-VND metaheuristic was proposed and implemented for its approximate resolution, and a comparison of results was made between both problems (CmRSP and CmTNSSP) for a series of instances. Some local searches are based on exact Integer Linear Programming formulations. The results obtained show that the proposed metaheuristic reaches satisfactory levels of accuracy, attaining the global optimum in several instances. Next, we introduce the Capacitated m Ring Star Problem under Diameter Constrained Reliability (CmRSP-DCR) wherein DCR is considered as an additional restriction, limiting the number of hops between nodes of the CmRSP problem and establishing a minimum level of network reliability. This is especially useful in networks that should guarantee minimum delays and quality of service. The solutions found in this problem can be improved by applying some of the results obtained in the study of the CmTNSSP. Finally, we introduce a variant of the CmTNSSP named Capacitated Two-Node Survivable Tree Problem, motivated by another combinatorial optimization problem most recently treated in the literature, called Capacitated Ring Tree Problem (CRTP). In the CRTP, an additional restriction is added with respect to CmRSP, where the terminal nodes are of two different types and tree structures are also allowed. Each node in the CRTP may be connected exclusively in one cycle, or may be part of a cycle or a tree indistinctly, depending on the type of node. In the variant we introduced, the cycles are replaced by 2-node-connected structures. This study proposes and implements a GRASP-VND metaheuristic with specific local searches for this type of structures and adapts some of the exact local searches used in the resolution CmTNSSP. A comparison of the results between the optimal solutions obtained for the CRTP and the CTNSTP is made. The results achieved show the robustness and efficiency of the metaheuristi

    The capacitated m two node survivable star problem

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    The problem addressed in this paper attempts to efficiently solve a network design with redundant connections, often used by telephone operators and internet services. This network connects customers with one master node and sets some rules that shape its construction, such as number of customers, number of components and types of links, in order to meet operational needs and technical constraints. We propose a combinatorial optimization problem called CmTNSSP (Capacitated m Two- Node-Survivable Star Problem), a relaxation of CmRSP (Capacitated m Ring Star Problem). In this variant of CmRSP the rings are not constrained to be cycles; instead, they can be two node connected components. The contributions of this paper are (a) introduction and definition of a new problem (b) the specification of a mathematical programming model of the problem to be treated, and (c) the approximate resolution thereof through a GRASP metaheuristic, which alternates local searches that obtain incrementally better solutions, and exact resolution local searches based on mathematical programming models, particularly Integer Linear Programming ones. Computational results obtained by developed algorithms show robustness and competitiveness when compared to results of the literature relative to benchmark instances. Likewise, the experiments show the relevance of considering the specific variant of the problem studied in this work

    El Problema del m-Anillo Estrella

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    El Problema del m-Anillo Estrella (en su versión en inglés, Capacitated m-Ring Star Problem, o CmRSP) consiste en diseñar un conjunto de ciclos o anillos, cada uno incluyendo un depósito central, un número limitado de clientes, y algunos posibles puntos llamados puntos de transición, que pueden ser usados para ahorrar costes de conexión. Es un problema de optimización dentro de la teoría de grafos, y tiene como objetivo encontrar el diseño óptimo de una red de telecomunicaciones, usando la topología del anillo por su capacidad de evitar la pérdida de conexión de un nodo de comunicaciones aunque haya una avería en alguna de las conexiones. En concreto, la red consistirá de m anillos (conjuntos de nodos conectados, formando un camino simple cerrado) incluyendo cada uno de ellos el nodo central o depósito, un conjunto de clientes o puntos de transición (puntos por los que puede pasar la conexión abaratando los costes de la red total) y las conexiones entre ellos. Al mismo tiempo, a estos nodos se podrán conectar otros clientes de forma directa, lo que explica el nombre de «m-anillo estrella». Esta memoria se divide en tres capítulos. El primero de ellos toma como referencia el artículo The Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem, de R. Baldacci et al., donde fue planteado por primera vez el problema. En el capítulo se da una introducción al problema y se presenta su planteamiento. El segundo capítulo toma como referencia el artículo A heuristic procedure for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem, de Z. Naji-Azimi et al., y en él se estudia un algoritmo heurístico propuesto por los autores, capaz de dar en tiempos mucho más razonables resultados muy cercanos, a veces superiores, a los mejores conocidos. En el tercer capítulo, se presenta el algoritmo basado en programación lineal entera (PLE) presentado por Z. Naji-Azimi et al. Este capítulo se divide en tres secciones. En la primera se introduce el algoritmo, en la segunda se describe de forma resumida, y en la tercera y última sección se describe de forma detallada cada uno de los procedimientos que forman el algoritmo. Por último, en el cuarto capítulo, se presenta la codificación, realizada por quien presenta esta memoria, del algoritmo heurístico del capítulo dos, en el lenguaje de programación C++. El programa es descrito en detalle, usando una sección propia para sus variables y otra para sus funciones o subrutinas, y termina con un cuadro de resultados de ejemplos conocidos del CmRSP

    Optimization in Telecommunication Networks

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    Network design and network synthesis have been the classical optimization problems intelecommunication for a long time. In the recent past, there have been many technologicaldevelopments such as digitization of information, optical networks, internet, and wirelessnetworks. These developments have led to a series of new optimization problems. Thismanuscript gives an overview of the developments in solving both classical and moderntelecom optimization problems.We start with a short historical overview of the technological developments. Then,the classical (still actual) network design and synthesis problems are described with anemphasis on the latest developments on modelling and solving them. Classical results suchas Menger’s disjoint paths theorem, and Ford-Fulkerson’s max-flow-min-cut theorem, butalso Gomory-Hu trees and the Okamura-Seymour cut-condition, will be related to themodels described. Finally, we describe recent optimization problems such as routing andwavelength assignment, and grooming in optical networks.operations research and management science;

    A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated Multiple Vehicle Traveling Purchaser Problem with Unitary Demand

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    The multiple vehicle traveling purchaser problem (MVTPP) consists of simultaneously selecting suppliers and routing a fleet of homogeneous vehicles to purchase different products at the selected suppliers so that all product demands are fulfilled and traveling and purchasing costs are minimized. We consider variants of the MVTPP in which the capacity of the vehicles can become binding and the demand for each product is one unit. Corresponding solution algorithms from the literature are either branch-and-cut or branch-and-price algorithms, where in the latter case the route-generation subproblem is solved on an expanded graph by applying standard dynamic-programming techniques. Our branch-price-and-cut algorithm employs a novel labeling algorithm that works directly on the original network and postpones the purchasing decisions until the route has been completely defined. Moreover, we define a new branching rule generally applicable in case of unitary product demands, introduce a new family of valid inequalities to apply when suppliers can be visited at most once, and show how product incompatibilities can be handled without considering additional resources in the pricing problem. In comprehensive computational experiments with standard benchmark sets we prove that the new branch-price-and-cut approach is highly competitive