454 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Courses as a Context for Nurturing Intrinsic Values

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    Intrinsic values and motivations are important foundations for career satisfaction and professionalism. The research of Lawrence Krieger and Kennon Sheldon highlights factors critical to the development of intrinsic values and motivations. Our aspiration was to create courses that could stimulate such development in our law students. This article discusses the foundation and goals for our courses, describes our courses, reviews our successes and failures, and poses questions for further study. Throughout our discussion we provide anecdotal data from comments by students and the professionals with whom they worked, indicating the degree to which students seem to be incorporating the goals we set forth. Finally, we provide suggestions for professors who may wish to implement aspects of these courses to further nurture students\u27 intrinsic values, self-confidence, and professionalism

    Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education : Proceedings from Lund University's Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

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    This is the proceedings volume from the 7th biannual Teaching and Learning Conference at Lund University. The conference theme, Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education, is very timely as we see a steady increase, not only in interdisciplinary research and full teaching programmes, but also in new interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses and components in more traditional disciplinary education at Lund University. The conference highlighted some of the many challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary education where educators meet students with different disciplinary, cultural and geographical profiles. In this volume, the authors share the thoughts, experiences and learning they presented at the conference

    Holistic Business Learning Environment: Bringing practice and integration to business education

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    Vuosikymmenten ajan liiketoiminnan opetusta on kritisoitu liiasta teoreettisuudesta. Opetussuunnitelmat eivät tuota työelämässä menestymiseen tarvittavaa osaamista ja tietoa. Oppiaineisiin liittyvän tiedon ja pehmeiden taitojen lisäksi tarvitaan kykyä yhdistellä ja käyttää niitä käytännön toiminnassa. Liiketoiminnan opintoihin on tuotu käytännön näkökulmaa kokemuksellisen oppimisen avulla. Tietotekniikka hyödynnetään monipuolisesti kokemuksellisissa oppimisympäristöissä, jotka perustuvat simulaatioihin, peleihin, liiketoimintajärjestelmiin, virtuaalimaailmaan ja sosiaaliseen mediaan. Kokemuksellisen oppimisen ratkaisut ovat kuitenkin kohdistuneet yksittäisten liiketoiminnan osa-alueiden opetukseen ja teknologisiin ratkaisuihin ennemmin kuin kokonaisvaltaisin pedagogisiin malleihin. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii sitä, miten kokemuksellinen oppimisympäristö pitäisi rakentaa, jotta se antaa kokonaisvaltaisen liiketoimintanäkökulman ja käytännön harjoituspaikan tulevaisuuden liiketoimintataitojen hankkimiseksi. Väitöskirjassa rakennetaan suunnittelututkimuksen keinoin liiketoiminnan oppimisympäristö, joka muodostuu toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä, liiketoimintasimulaatiosta ja oppimisyhteisöistä. Oppimisympäristö yhdistetään opetussuunnitelmaan dynaamisten kyvykkyyksien mallin avulla. Näin muodostuu kokonaisvaltainen liiketoiminnan oppimisen malli. Oppimisympäristön ja mallin toimivuutta tutkitaan Bloomin taksonomian viitekehyksessä ja osoituksia lisääntyneestä oppimisesta havaitaan taksonomian kaikilla osa-alueilla. Erityisesti oppimisympäristö vaikuttaa parantavan heikkojen ja keskiverto-opiskelijoiden pitkäkestoista, kognitiivista osaamista. Parannusten havaitaan johtuvan siitä, että oppimisympäristö toimii yhdistävänä elementtinä eli rajakohteena (boundary object), jota eri opiskeluyhteisöt voivat hyödyntää omasta näkökulmastaan: opettajat tuottavat sinne käytännön esimerkkejä ja opiskelijatiimit harjoittelevat liiketoimintaa vuorovaikutuksessa toistensa kanssa. Se tarjoaa yhteisen maaperän jossa voidaan liittää teoreettinen näkökulma käytännön prosesseihin ja liiketoiminta-aktiviteetteihin.For decades, business education has been criticized for being too theoretical and distant from the realities of actual business. The business school curricula are poorly aligned with the competencies and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s business world. In addition to disciplinary knowledge and soft skills, graduates need the capabilities to be able to integrate these skills and implement them in practical settings. Learning practical, integrative skills in an environment that emphasizes theoretical orientation and academic research is challenging. Experiential learning has been widely used to bring the practical element into business studies. In particular, technology-driven learning environments such as simulations, games, business information systems, virtual worlds, and social media have offered great possibilities for experiential exercises.And yet the criticism continues. Despite the technological developments, education still continues to be theoretical and academic. Experiential business education has not become mainstream. Different types of experiential learning solutions have been presented but they tend to solve specific areas of business management. They often focus on the technology rather than on a holistic, pedagogical model. Business education research is yet to present an experiential learning environment that combines people and information technology in a holistic way. This dissertation investigates how an experiential business learning environment should be constructed to provide a holistic business perspective and a practical training ground to enhance the competencies required of future business graduates. First, the theoretical foundations of learning and learning environments are examined. Second, the relevant research on business learning environments and curricula is presented. These lead on to the refined research questions. A design science approach is chosen as a method to construct and study a business learning environment artifact consisting of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, a business simulation, and learning communities of students and teachers. It is structured around a supply chain network, and the business transactions utilize automated information flows in an information system structure that is based on the principles of ERP II. The artifact alone does not solve the challenge of integrated business learning. It needs to be attached to the whole learning process. This dissertation presents an integrated business learning model that combines the artifact with a business curriculum based on the dynamic capabilities’ framework. This brings the intellectual coherence that indicates how disciplines, courses, and the business learning environment influence each other. It is the concrete combining factor between the people and the disciplinary topics on the curriculum plans and documents. There are positive indications of learning on all of Bloom’s domains. In particular, the artifact appears to improve the poor and average students’ long-term lower-level cognitive learning. The dissertation offers an explanation for such improvement: The artifact acts as a boundary infrastructure where different stakeholders carry out their own roles and tasks and interrelate with each other. It provides a common ground to join the theoretical perspective to the practical processes and tasks of business management. It is flexible and can be used from many different perspectives and for many different purposes at the same time

    Western Oregon University 2019-2020 Course Catalog

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    Proceedings of the GPEA Polytechnic Summit 2022: Session Papers

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    Welcome to GPEA PS 2022 Each year the Polytechnic Summit assembles leaders, influencers and contributors who shape the future of polytechnic education. The Polytechnic Summit provides a forum to enable opportunities for collaboration and partnerships and for participants to focus on innovation in curriculum and pedagogy, to share best practices in active and applied learning, and discuss practice-based research to enhance student learning. This year a view on the aspects of applied research will be added. How to conduct research in a teaching first environment and make use of this. Which characteristics of applied research are important to be used in teaching and vice versa?The Summit will – once again - also provide an opportunity to examine the challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19 and will offer us all an opportunity to explore the ways in which we can collaborate more effectively using our new-found virtual engagement skills and prepare for a hybrid future. PS2022 Themes: Design (Programmes, Curriculum, Organisation);Practice-Based Learning;Applied Research; Employability and Graduate Skills; Internationalisation, Global Teaching & Collaboration and Sustainability Theme