1,217 research outputs found

    Local feature weighting in nearest prototype classification

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    The distance metric is the corner stone of nearest neighbor (NN)-based methods, and therefore, of nearest prototype (NP) algorithms. That is because they classify depending on the similarity of the data. When the data is characterized by a set of features which may contribute to the classification task in different levels, feature weighting or selection is required, sometimes in a local sense. However, local weighting is typically restricted to NN approaches. In this paper, we introduce local feature weighting (LFW) in NP classification. LFW provides each prototype its own weight vector, opposite to typical global weighting methods found in the NP literature, where all the prototypes share the same one. Providing each prototype its own weight vector has a novel effect in the borders of the Voronoi regions generated: They become nonlinear. We have integrated LFW with a previously developed evolutionary nearest prototype classifier (ENPC). The experiments performed both in artificial and real data sets demonstrate that the resulting algorithm that we call LFW in nearest prototype classification (LFW-NPC) avoids overfitting on training data in domains where the features may have different contribution to the classification task in different areas of the feature space. This generalization capability is also reflected in automatically obtaining an accurate and reduced set of prototypes.Publicad

    A Review of Kernel Methods for Feature Extraction in Nonlinear Process Monitoring

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    Kernel methods are a class of learning machines for the fast recognition of nonlinear patterns in any data set. In this paper, the applications of kernel methods for feature extraction in industrial process monitoring are systematically reviewed. First, we describe the reasons for using kernel methods and contextualize them among other machine learning tools. Second, by reviewing a total of 230 papers, this work has identified 12 major issues surrounding the use of kernel methods for nonlinear feature extraction. Each issue was discussed as to why they are important and how they were addressed through the years by many researchers. We also present a breakdown of the commonly used kernel functions, parameter selection routes, and case studies. Lastly, this review provides an outlook into the future of kernel-based process monitoring, which can hopefully instigate more advanced yet practical solutions in the process industries

    Epileptic Seizure Detection And Prediction From Electroencephalogram Using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithms

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    This dissertation presents innovative approaches based on fuzzy logic in epileptic seizure detection and prediction from Electroencephalogram (EEG). The fuzzy rule-based algorithms were developed with the aim to improve quality of life of epilepsy patients by utilizing intelligent methods. An adaptive fuzzy logic system was developed to detect seizure onset in a patient specific way. Fuzzy if-then rules were developed to mimic the human reasoning and taking advantage of the combination in spatial-temporal domain. Fuzzy c-means clustering technique was utilized for optimizing the membership functions for varying patterns in the feature domain. In addition, application of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is presented for efficient classification of several commonly arising artifacts from EEG. Finally, we present a neuro-fuzzy approach of seizure prediction by applying the ANFIS. Patient specific ANFIS classifier was constructed to forecast a seizure followed by postprocessing methods. Three nonlinear seizure predictive features were used to characterize changes prior to seizure. The nonlinear features used in this study were similarity index, phase synchronization, and nonlinear interdependence. The ANFIS classifier was constructed based on these features as inputs. Fuzzy if-then rules were generated by the ANFIS classifier using the complex relationship of feature space provided during training. In this dissertation, the application of the neuro-fuzzy algorithms in epilepsy diagnosis and treatment was demonstrated by applying the methods on different datasets. Several performance measures such as detection delay, sensitivity and specificity were calculated and compared with results reported in literature. The proposed algorithms have potentials to be used in diagnostics and therapeutic applications as they can be implemented in an implantable medical device to detect a seizure, forecast a seizure, and initiate neurostimulation therapy for the purpose of seizure prevention or abortion

    Designing an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System for Handling Uncertainty Effects in Brain–Computer Interface Classification of Motor Imagery Induced EEG Patterns

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    One of the urgent challenges in the automated analysis and interpretation of electrical brain activity is the effective handling of uncertainties associated with the complexity and variability of brain dynamics, reflected in the nonstationary nature of brain signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG). This poses a severe problem for existing approaches to the classification task within brain–computer interface (BCI) systems. Recently emerged type-2 fuzzy logic (T2FL) methodology has shown a remarkable potential in dealing with uncertain information given limited insight into the nature of the data generating mechanism. The objective of this work is thus to examine the applicability of T2FL approach to the problem of EEG pattern recognition. In particular, the focus is two-fold: i) the design methodology for the interval T2FL system (IT2FLS) that can robustly deal with inter-session as well as within-session manifestations of nonstationary spectral EEG correlates of motor imagery (MI), and ii) the comprehensive examination of the proposed fuzzy classifier in both off-line and on-line EEG classification case studies. The on-line evaluation of the IT2FLS-controlled real-time neurofeedback over multiple recording sessions holds special importance for EEG-based BCI technology. In addition, a retrospective comparative analysis accounting for other popular BCI classifiers such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA), kernel Fisher discriminant (KFD) and support vector machines (SVMs) as well as a conventional type-1 FLS (T1FLS), simulated off-line on the recorded EEGs, has demonstrated the enhanced potential of the proposed IT2FLS approach to robustly handle uncertainty effects in BCI classification

    매개분포근사를 통한 공정시스템 공학에서의 확률기계학습 접근법

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 화학생물공학부, 2021.8. 이종민.With the rapid development of measurement technology, higher quality and vast amounts of process data become available. Nevertheless, process data are ‘scarce’ in many cases as they are sampled only at certain operating conditions while the dimensionality of the system is large. Furthermore, the process data are inherently stochastic due to the internal characteristics of the system or the measurement noises. For this reason, uncertainty is inevitable in process systems, and estimating it becomes a crucial part of engineering tasks as the prediction errors can lead to misguided decisions and cause severe casualties or economic losses. A popular approach to this is applying probabilistic inference techniques that can model the uncertainty in terms of probability. However, most of the existing probabilistic inference techniques are based on recursive sampling, which makes it difficult to use them for industrial applications that require processing a high-dimensional and massive amount of data. To address such an issue, this thesis proposes probabilistic machine learning approaches based on parametric distribution approximation, which can model the uncertainty of the system and circumvent the computational complexity as well. The proposed approach is applied for three major process engineering tasks: process monitoring, system modeling, and process design. First, a process monitoring framework is proposed that utilizes a probabilistic classifier for fault classification. To enhance the accuracy of the classifier and reduce the computational cost for its training, a feature extraction method called probabilistic manifold learning is developed and applied to the process data ahead of the fault classification. We demonstrate that this manifold approximation process not only reduces the dimensionality of the data but also casts the data into a clustered structure, making the classifier have a low dependency on the type and dimension of the data. By exploiting this property, non-metric information (e.g., fault labels) of the data is effectively incorporated and the diagnosis performance is drastically improved. Second, a probabilistic modeling approach based on Bayesian neural networks is proposed. The parameters of deep neural networks are transformed into Gaussian distributions and trained using variational inference. The redundancy of the parameter is autonomously inferred during the model training, and insignificant parameters are eliminated a posteriori. Through a verification study, we demonstrate that the proposed approach can not only produce high-fidelity models that describe the stochastic behaviors of the system but also produce the optimal model structure. Finally, a novel process design framework is proposed based on reinforcement learning. Unlike the conventional optimization methods that recursively evaluate the objective function to find an optimal value, the proposed method approximates the objective function surface by parametric probabilistic distributions. This allows learning the continuous action policy without introducing any cumbersome discretization process. Moreover, the probabilistic policy gives means for effective control of the exploration and exploitation rates according to the certainty information. We demonstrate that the proposed framework can learn process design heuristics during the solution process and use them to solve similar design problems.계측기술의 발달로 양질의, 그리고 방대한 양의 공정 데이터의 취득이 가능해졌다. 그러나 많은 경우 시스템 차원의 크기에 비해서 일부 운전조건의 공정 데이터만이 취득되기 때문에, 공정 데이터는 ‘희소’하게 된다. 뿐만 아니라, 공정 데이터는 시스템 거동 자체와 더불어 계측에서 발생하는 노이즈로 인한 본질적인 확률적 거동을 보인다. 따라서 시스템의 예측모델은 예측 값에 대한 불확실성을 정량적으로 기술하는 것이 요구되며, 이를 통해 오진을 예방하고 잠재적 인명 피해와 경제적 손실을 방지할 수 있다. 이에 대한 보편적인 접근법은 확률추정기법을 사용하여 이러한 불확실성을 정량화 하는 것이나, 현존하는 추정기법들은 재귀적 샘플링에 의존하는 특성상 고차원이면서도 다량인 공정데이터에 적용하기 어렵다는 근본적인 한계를 가진다. 본 학위논문에서는 매개분포근사에 기반한 확률기계학습을 적용하여 시스템에 내재된 불확실성을 모델링하면서도 동시에 계산 효율적인 접근 방법을 제안하였다. 먼저, 공정의 모니터링에 있어 가우시안 혼합 모델 (Gaussian mixture model)을 분류자로 사용하는 확률적 결함 분류 프레임워크가 제안되었다. 이때 분류자의 학습에서의 계산 복잡도를 줄이기 위하여 데이터를 저차원으로 투영시키는데, 이를 위한 확률적 다양체 학습 (probabilistic manifold learn-ing) 방법이 제안되었다. 제안하는 방법은 데이터의 다양체 (manifold)를 근사하여 데이터 포인트 사이의 쌍별 우도 (pairwise likelihood)를 보존하는 투영법이 사용된다. 이를 통하여 데이터의 종류와 차원에 의존도가 낮은 진단 결과를 얻음과 동시에 데이터 레이블과 같은 비거리적 (non-metric) 정보를 효율적으로 사용하여 결함 진단 능력을 향상시킬 수 있음을 보였다. 둘째로, 베이지안 심층 신경망(Bayesian deep neural networks)을 사용한 공정의 확률적 모델링 방법론이 제시되었다. 신경망의 각 매개변수는 가우스 분포로 치환되며, 변분추론 (variational inference)을 통하여 계산 효율적인 훈련이 진행된다. 훈련이 끝난 후 파라미터의 유효성을 측정하여 불필요한 매개변수를 소거하는 사후 모델 압축 방법이 사용되었다. 반도체 공정에 대한 사례 연구는 제안하는 방법이 공정의 복잡한 거동을 효과적으로 모델링 할 뿐만 아니라 모델의 최적 구조를 도출할 수 있음을 보여준다. 마지막으로, 분포형 심층 신경망을 사용한 강화학습을 기반으로 한 확률적 공정 설계 프레임워크가 제안되었다. 최적치를 찾기 위해 재귀적으로 목적 함수 값을 평가하는 기존의 최적화 방법론과 달리, 목적 함수 곡면 (objective function surface)을 매개화 된 확률분포로 근사하는 접근법이 제시되었다. 이를 기반으로 이산화 (discretization)를 사용하지 않고 연속적 행동 정책을 학습하며, 확실성 (certainty)에 기반한 탐색 (exploration) 및 활용 (exploi-tation) 비율의 제어가 효율적으로 이루어진다. 사례 연구 결과는 공정의 설계에 대한 경험지식 (heuristic)을 학습하고 유사한 설계 문제의 해를 구하는 데 이용할 수 있음을 보여준다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Motivation 1 1.2. Outline of the thesis 5 Chapter 2 Backgrounds and preliminaries 9 2.1. Bayesian inference 9 2.2. Monte Carlo 10 2.3. Kullback-Leibler divergence 11 2.4. Variational inference 12 2.5. Riemannian manifold 13 2.6. Finite extended-pseudo-metric space 16 2.7. Reinforcement learning 16 2.8. Directed graph 19 Chapter 3 Process monitoring and fault classification with probabilistic manifold learning 20 3.1. Introduction 20 3.2. Methods 25 3.2.1. Uniform manifold approximation 27 3.2.2. Clusterization 28 3.2.3. Projection 31 3.2.4. Mapping of unknown data query 32 3.2.5. Inference 33 3.3. Verification study 38 3.3.1. Dataset description 38 3.3.2. Experimental setup 40 3.3.3. Process monitoring 43 3.3.4. Projection characteristics 47 3.3.5. Fault diagnosis 50 3.3.6. Computational Aspects 56 Chapter 4 Process system modeling with Bayesian neural networks 59 4.1. Introduction 59 4.2. Methods 63 4.2.1. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 63 4.2.2. Bayesian LSTM (BLSTM) 66 4.3. Verification study 68 4.3.1. System description 68 4.3.2. Estimation of the plasma variables 71 4.3.3. Dataset description 72 4.3.4. Experimental setup 72 4.3.5. Weight regularization during training 78 4.3.6. Modeling complex behaviors of the system 80 4.3.7. Uncertainty quantification and model compression 85 Chapter 5 Process design based on reinforcement learning with distributional actor-critic networks 89 5.1. Introduction 89 5.2. Methods 93 5.2.1. Flowsheet hashing 93 5.2.2. Behavioral cloning 99 5.2.3. Neural Monte Carlo tree search (N-MCTS) 100 5.2.4. Distributional actor-critic networks (DACN) 105 5.2.5. Action masking 110 5.3. Verification study 110 5.3.1. System description 110 5.3.2. Experimental setup 111 5.3.3. Result and discussions 115 Chapter 6 Concluding remarks 120 6.1. Summary of the contributions 120 6.2. Future works 122 Appendix 125 A.1. Proof of Lemma 1 125 A.2. Performance indices for dimension reduction 127 A.3. Model equations for process units 130 Bibliography 132 초 록 149박

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Development of software sensors for on-line monitoring of bakers yeast fermentation process

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    Software sensors and bioprocess are well-established research areas which have much to offer each other. Under the perspective of the software sensors area, bioprocess can be considered as a broad application area with a growing number of complex and challenging tasks to be dealt with, whose solutions can contribute to achieving high productivity and high-quality products. Although throughout the past years in the field of software sensors and bioprocess, progress has been quick and with a high degree of success, there is still a lack of inexpensive and reliable sensors for on-line state and parameter estimation. Therefore, the primary objective of this research was to design an inexpensive measurement system for on-line monitoring of ethanol production during the backers yeast cultivation process. The measurement system is based on commercially available metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. From the bioreactor headspace, samples are pumped past the gas sensors array for 10 s every five minutes and the voltage changes of the sensors are measured. The signals from the gas sensor array showed a high correlation with ethanol concentration during cultivation process. In order to predict ethanol concentrations from the data of the gas sensor array, a principal component regression (PCR) model was developed. For the calibration procedure no off-line sampling was used. Instead, a theoretical model of the process is applied to simulate the ethanol production at any given time. The simulated ethanol concentrations were used as reference data for calibrating the response of the gas sensor array. The obtained results indicate that the model-based calibrated gas sensor array is able to predict ethanol concentrations during the cultivation process with a high accuracy (root mean square error of calibration as well as the percentage error for the validation sets were below 0.2 gL-1 and 7 %, respectively). However the predicted values are only available every five minutes. Therefore, the following plan of the research goal was to implement an estimation method for continues prediction of ethanol as well as glucose, biomass and the growth rates. For this reason, two nonlinear extensions of the Kalman filter namely the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) were implemented separately for state and parameter estimation. Both prediction methods were validated on three different cultivation with variability of the substrate concentrations. The obtained results showed that both estimation algorithms show satisfactory results with respect to estimation of concentrations of substrates 6 and biomass as well as the growth rate parameters during the cultivation. However, despite the easier implementation producer of the UKF, this method shows more accurate prediction results compared to the EKF prediction method. Another focus of this study was to design and implement an on-line monitoring and control system for the volume evaluation of dough pieces during the proofing process of bread making. For this reason, a software sensor based on image processing was designed and implemented for measuring the dough volume. The control system consists of a fuzzy logic controller which takes into account the estimated volume. The controller is designed to maintain the volume of the dough pieces similar to the volume expansion of a dough piece in standard conditions during the proofing process by manipulating the temperature of the proofing chamber. Dough pieces with different amounts of backers yeast added in the ingredients and in different temperature starting states were prepared and proofed with the supervision of the software sensor and the fuzzy controller. The controller was evaluated by means of performance criteria and the final volume of the dough samples. The obtained results indicate that the performance of the system is very satisfactory with respect to volume control and set point deviation of the dough pieces.Softwaresensoren und Bioprozese sind gut etablierte Forschungsgebiete, die sich gegenseitig viel befruchten können. Unter dem Blickwinkel der Softwaresensorik kann der Bioprozess als ein breites Anwendungsgebiet mit einer wachsenden Zahl komplexer und anspruchsvoller Aufgabenstellungen betrachtet werden, deren Lösung zur Erzielung hoher Produktivität und qualitativ hochwertiger Produkte beitragen kann. Obwohl in den letzten Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Softwaresensoren und des Bioprozesses rasch und mit großem Erfolg Untersuchung erzielt wurden, fehlt es immer noch an kostengünstigen und zuverlässigen Sensoren für die Online-Zustands- und Parameterschätzung. Daher war das primäre Ziel dieser Forschung die Entwicklung eines kostengünstigen Messsystems für die Online-Überwachung der Ethanolproduktion während des Kultivierungsprozesses von Backhefe. Das Messsystem basiert auf kommerziell erhältlichen Metalloxid-Halbleiter-Gassensoren. Die Headspace-Proben des Bioreaktors werden alle fünf Minuten für 10 s an der Gassensor-Anordnung vorbeigepumpt und die Spannungsänderungen der Sensoren werden gemessen. Die Signale des Gassensorarrays zeigten eine hohe Korrelation mit der Ethanolkonzentration während des Kultivierungsprozesses. Um die Ethanolkonzentrationen aus den Daten des Gassensorarrays vorherzusagen, wurde ein Hauptkomponenten-Regressionsmodell (PCR) verwendet. Für das Kalibrierungsverfahren ist keine Offline-Probenahme notwendig. Stattdessen wird ein theoretisches Modell des Prozesses genutzt, um die Ethanolproduktion zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt zu simulieren. Die kinetischen Parameter des Modells werden im Rahmen der Kalibration bestimmt. Die simulierten Ethanolkonzentrationen wurden als Referenzdaten für die Kalibrierung des Ansprechverhaltens des Gassensorarrays verwendet. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das modellbasierte kalibrierte Gassensorarray in der Lage ist, die Ethanolkonzentrationen während des Kultivierungsprozesses mit hoher Genauigkeit vorherzusagen (der mittlere quadratische Fehler der Kalibrierung sowie der prozentuale Fehler für die Validierungssätze lagen unter 0,2 gL-1 bzw. 7 %). Die vorhergesagten Werte sind jedoch nur alle fünf Minuten verfügbar. Daher war der folgende Plan der Untersuchung die Implementierung einer Schätzmethode zur kontinuierlichen Vorhersage von Ethanol sowie von Glukose, Biomasse und der Wachstumsrate. Aus diesem Grund wurden zwei nichtlineare Erweiterungen des Kalman Filters, nämlich der erweiterte Kalman Filter (EKF) und der unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), getrennt für die Zustands und Parameterschätzung implementiert. Beide 8 Vorhersagemethoden wurden an drei verschiedenen Kultivierungen mit Variabilität der Start substratkonzentrationen validiert. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass beide Schätzungsalgorithmen zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Schätzung der Konzentrationen von Substraten und Biomasse sowie der Parameter der Wachstumsrate während der Kultivierung ermitteln. Trotz der einfacheren Implementierung des UKF zeigt diese Methode jedoch genauere Vorhersageergebnisse im Vergleich zur EKF-Vorhersagemethode. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchung war der Entwurf und die Implementierung eines Online-Überwachungs- und Regelungssystems für die Volumenauswertung von Teigstücken während des Gärprozesses bei der Brotherstellung. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein auf Bildverarbeitung basierendes Überwachungssystem zur Messung der Teigvolumenauswertung entworfen und implementiert. Das Regelsystem besteht aus einem Fuzzy-Logic-Controller, der das gemessene Volumen für die Regelung nutzt. Die Regelung ist so ausgelegt, dass das Volumen der Teiglinge mit Werten des Volumens eines Teiglings unter Standardbedingungen während des Gärprozesses vergleicht und die Temperatur der Gärkammer entsprechend anpasst. Teiglinge mit unterschiedlichen Hefemengen in den Zutaten und verschiedenen Temperaturstartwerten wurden vorbereitet und unter Anwendung des Fuzzy-Reglers gegärt. Der Regler wurde anhand von Leistungskriterien und dem Endvolumen der Teigproben bewertet. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Leistung des Systems in Bezug auf die Volumenregelung und die Sollwertabweichung der Teigstücke sehr zufriedenstellend ist

    A review of model designs

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    The PAEQANN project aims to review current ecological theories which can help identify suited models that predict community structure in aquatic ecosystems, to select and discuss appropriate models, depending on the type of target community (i.e. empirical vs. simulation models) and to examine how results add to ecological water management objectives. To reach these goals a number of classical statistical models, artificial neural networks and dynamic models are presented. An even higher number of techniques within these groups will tested lateron in the project. This report introduces all of them. The techniques are shortly introduced, their algorithms explained, and the advantages and disadvantages discussed