3,954 research outputs found

    Resilience Assignment Framework using System Dynamics and Fuzzy Logic.

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    This paper is concerned with the development of a conceptual framework that measures the resilience of the transport network under climate change related events. However, the conceptual framework could be adapted and quantified to suit each disruption’s unique impacts. The proposed resilience framework evaluates the changes in transport network performance in multi-stage processes; pre, during and after the disruption. The framework will be of use to decision makers in understanding the dynamic nature of resilience under various events. Furthermore, it could be used as an evaluation tool to gauge transport network performance and highlight weaknesses in the network. In this paper, the system dynamics approach and fuzzy logic theory are integrated and employed to study three characteristics of network resilience. The proposed methodology has been selected to overcome two dominant problems in transport modelling, namely complexity and uncertainty. The system dynamics approach is intended to overcome the double counting effect of extreme events on various resilience characteristics because of its ability to model the feedback process and time delay. On the other hand, fuzzy logic is used to model the relationships among different variables that are difficult to express in numerical form such as redundancy and mobility

    Fuzzy set approach to calibrating distributed flood inundation models using remote sensing observations

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    The paper presents a methodology for the estimation of uncertainty of inundation extent, which takes account of the uncertainty in the observed spatially distributed information and implements a fuzzy evaluation methodology. The Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) technique and the 2-D LISFLOOD-FP model were applied to derive the set of uncertain inundation realisations and resulting flood inundation maps. Conditioning of the inundation maps on fuzzified Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images results in much more realistic inundation risk maps which can better depict the variable pattern of inundation extent than previously used methods. It has been shown that the evaluation methodology compares well to traditional approaches and can produce flood hazard maps that reflect the uncertainties in model evaluation

    Proposed Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Fuzzy c Mean Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment

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    في الوقت الحاضر الحوسبة السحابية اصبحت جزء مكمل في صناعة تكنولجيا المعلومات، الحوسبة السحابية توفر بيئة عمل تسمح للمستخدم بمشاركة البيانات والموارد عبر الانترنت .حيث الحوسبة السحابية عبارة عن تجمع افتراضي من الموارد عبر الانترنت،هذا يؤدي الى مسائل اخرى تتعلق بالامن والخصوصية في بيئة الحوسبة السحابية .لذلك من المهم جدا خلق نظام كشف تطفل لكشف المتسللين في خارج وداخل بيئة الحوسبة السحابية بدقة عالية ومعدل  انذار كاذب منخفضة .هذا العمل يقترح نظام كشف تطفل قائم على خوارزمية العنقدة المضببة . اجريت التجارب على بيانات KDD99. العمل المقترح يمتاز بمعدل كشف تطفل عالي مع نسبة انذار كاذب منخفضة .Nowadays cloud computing had become is an integral part of IT industry, cloud computing provides Working environment allow a user of environmental to share data and resources over the internet. Where cloud computing its virtual grouping of resources offered over the internet, this lead to different matters related to the security and privacy in cloud computing. And therefore, create intrusion detection very important to detect outsider and insider intruders of cloud computing with high detection rate and low false positive alarm in the cloud environment. This work proposed network intrusion detection module using fuzzy c mean algorithm. The kdd99 dataset used for experiments .the proposed system characterized by a high detection rate with low false positive alarm

    Web-Based Flood Hazard Monitoring

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    Flood is a natural disaster. It occurs in several cities in Indonesia. Floods caused by rivers that overflowed and then flooded residential areas. It comes mostly unexpectedly without early warning. It causes many losses, especially the loss of material, and health threats to surrounding communities. The advance of network technology can reduce the adverse effects of flooding by providing warning alarms and water level monitoring system in real-time that can be accessed via the web. Based on the problem, a monitoring system was designed to monitor water levels via a web that work in real time for 24 hours, and store water level data into the database. The use of this website requires an internet connection, so that internet services must be available

    Intrusion detection using clustering

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    In increasing trends of network environment every one gets connected to the system. So there is need of securing information, because there are lots of security threats are present in network environment. A number of techniques are available for intrusion detection. Data mining is the one of the efficient techniques available for intrusion detection. Data mining techniques may be supervised or unsuprevised.Various Author have applied various clustering algorithm for intrusion detection, but all of these are suffers form class dominance, force assignment and No Class problem. This paper proposes a hybrid model to overcome these problems. The performance of proposed model is evaluated over KDD Cup 1999 data set