35 research outputs found

    A holistic approach to manage environmental quality by using the Kano model and social cognitive theory

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    Funding Information: This study has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement 798365. Publisher Copyright: © 2019 The Authors. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Since its first proposition in 1984, the Kano model has been used extensively in a variety of contexts within industries and academic research demonstrating its wide applicability. The Kano model allows for describing the relationship between an objective aspect and a subjective aspect. Yet is this relevant for environmental quality as well? In this study, we explore the cases where the Kano model is used for assessing environmental quality and its perception by consumers and identify the potential influencing factors for its application with this respect. We find that the Kano model can serve as an effective tool for converging towards environmental quality and sustainability by indicating the direction from a social and behavioral choice perspective. We propose an integration of the Kano model with Bandura's triangle (a concept of the social cognitive theory) to create an instrument for driving change of customer attitude and behavior via changing the perception of environmental quality.Peer reviewe

    Research on Logistics Service Quality Improvement Based on A-KANO Model: An Application of Express Industry in China

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    Literatures indicate that service management has become a strategic issue for companies in the new millennium. By improving logistics service quality (LSQ), logistics companies can increase customer satisfaction (CS) and gain market shares. This study aims to establish a logistics service attributes analysis model to extract customer knowledge for logistics service quality improvement based on analytical Kano (A-Kano) model. By the building of Kano quantitative satisfaction index and importance index, an objective classification method and the decision-making rule to improve LSQ are proposed. It can be seen from the results that different value propositions should be given to LSQ attributes among the same Kano classification according to the decision index. At last, the method has been demonstrated by means of a real case application, which refers to a Chinese express company

    Pengembangan Model Integrasi Kano-QFD Untuk Mengoptimalkan Kepuasan Konsumen Dengan Mempertimbangkan Keterbatasan Dana Pengembangan

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    . This study develops a model of integration between the application of the concept of Kano in QFD framework and considering the use of product development costs. Kano concept would classify the product attributes into 5 categories: reverse, indifference, one-dimensional, must-be, dan attractive. These attributes are given different weights based on the influence of these attributes on the level of consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, the allocation process of product development by taking into account the contribution of the cost of each technical response. The result of the integration is allocate development funds for must-be attributes and do not allocate to the reverse and indifference attributes. Thus, companies avoid the development of product attributes indifference and reverse that does not give effect to increasing customer satisfaction so that it saves development costs. The results of this model are all the technical response both in the category of must-be, one-dimensional and attractive product development funds be allocated with total costs of 348,30andthevalueofcustomersatisfactionof89,61,whereasthemodelBodeandFung(1998)makethedecisiontorealizealltechnicalresponseincludingtechnicalresponsethatdoesnotaffectsatisfaction(indifference)sothetotalproductdevelopmentcostsbecome 348,30 and the value of customer satisfaction of 89,61, whereas the model Bode and Fung (1998) make the decision to realize all technical response including technical response that does not affect satisfaction (indifference) so the total product development costs become 353,30

    Integrating fuzzy theory into Kano model for classification of service quality elements: a case study of machinery industry in China

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    Purpose: The purpose of study is to propose and verify a method of service quality elements classification through integrating fuzzy theory into Kano model. The method has the merit of being more effective in processing customers’ psychology of vagueness and uncertainties than traditional Kano model. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, considering the disadvantages of traditional Kano model in service quality elements classification without taking into account customers’ complex consuming psychology, and combining with fuzzy theory which is effective to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity, a new framework of integrating fuzzy theory into Kano model in quality elements classification is proposed. In view of the strong subjectivity of traditional Kano questionnaires, a fuzzy Kano questionnaire considering the evaluators’ multi-feelings is proposed. Furthermore, this study will also develop a mathematical calculation performance according to the classification of fuzzy Kano model. With this method, the accurate mentality can be fully reasonable reflected in some unknown circumstances. Finally, an empirical study in Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Ltd, the largest manufacturing industry in China, is showed to testify its feasibility and validity. Findings: The calculation results and the application effect show that the proposed model has good performance in classifying customer requirements. With this method, the accurate mentality can be fully reasonable reflected in unknown circumstances and it is more objective than traditional Kano model to classify the service quality elements. Originality/value: This study provides a method to integrate fuzzy theory and Kano model, and develops a framework to classify service quality elements.Peer Reviewe

    A product design framework for one-of-a-kind production using integrated quality function deployment and operational research techniques

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    The process of product design as an early stage of new product development provides systematic approaches that can lead to the success of a company’s competitive strategy in the current turbulent market. By launching an efficient product design procedure can result in the reduction of engineering modifications, cost and production time. One-of-a-Kind Product (OKP) is known as a particular manufacturing system of new product design and development with emphasis on the special order concept. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a comprehensive design framework with cross-functional team members that leads to the development of new or improved products. QFD starts with the House of Quality (HOQ) as an organizing matrix to identify the customers’ requirements (CRs) and translate them into the technical attributes (TAs) of the product and followed by determining the target values for the sets of technical attributes. An evaluation approach to determine the relative importance of CRs and TAs should be considered. In previous researches, the traditional methods such as simple scoring method and application of operational research techniques such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) were reported to weigh the requirements and attributes. Despite the obvious inner-relationships among the elements, considering the HOQ as a hierarchical system may be inefficient. In addition, the contradictory effects of a TA on two or more CRs, is the problem that has been neglected. Here, a mathematical model was developed for calculating the TAs target values. A case study (dry gas filter, Namdaran Petro-Gas Industries (NPI™)) is presented to exhibit and verify the procedure of OKP product design. Initially, the framework was developed by integrating QFD-operational research (Analytic Network Process (ANP)) as a systematic method for improvement of dry gas filter design. Interview and study of documents were used to identify the CRs. A robust evaluation on customers’ priority and attributes’ importance with respect to inner-relationships among criteria/sub-criteria was performed. Furthermore, the effects of TAs on CRs with regard to their direction (positive/negative) were considered as the fundamental for developing a Multi-Objective Decision Model (MODM) to be used for determining the TAs target values. For this purpose, the fuzzy conversion scaling technique followed by formulating the partial satisfaction separately was applied. Modified TOPSIS was used to select the basic design among the available designs for further modification. Later, the process continues with the second phase, translating the TAs into the key parts. The available options (retailers) to supply the key parts were identified. As the normal procedure of QFD the relative importance’s of key parts and the options were determined. Finally, a zero-one goal programming was presented to select the optimum options for each key part subject to the budget constraint. Overall, the developed QFD-ANP framework provides a systematic approach that has the potential to be used for designing OKP product

    How to Measure and Identify the Ultimate Improvement Required for Customer Satisfaction

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    In current hypercompetitive markets, customer satisfaction is one of major requirements that enable the company to generate some benefits to their business. This is also including the relationship with the customers as a good foundation for the creation of loyalty and repeat purchase of customers. However, the customer requirements are much more technically complex than in consumer market, especially in service sector. On the other hand, the analysis of importance and performance assumed on Kano method to measure customer satisfaction also lead to misleading the implications of customer satisfaction since some scholars use this technique into symmetric and linear relationships between attribute level performances. In this study, we poposes the approach on how to find the priority improvement or the most significant element required for improvement based on Kano method as a measurement basis ; using Kano manipulating graph, ranking level, and then a simplification approach toward the graphs to enable the priorities / significant element required for improvement determined and justified. To justify the approach proposed, some trials carried out in service companies as the case of study


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    In current hypercompetitive markets, customer satisfaction is one of major requirements that enable the company to generate some benefits to their business. This is also including the relationship with the customers as a good foundation for the creation of loyalty and repeat purchase of customers. However, the customer requirements are much more technically complex than in consumer market, especially in service sector. On the other hand, the analysis of importance and performance assumed on Kano method to measure customer satisfaction also lead to misleading the implications of customer satisfaction since some scholars use this technique into symmetric and linear relationships between attribute level performances. In this study, we poposes the approach on how to find the priority improvement or the most significant element required for improvement based on Kano method as a measurement basis ; using Kano manipulating graph, ranking level, and then a simplification approach toward the graphs to enable the priorities / significant element required for improvement determined and justified. To justify the approach proposed, some trials carried out in service companies as the case of study

    Forecasting Service Quality Dynamics Based on Integrated Method with GM(1,1) Model and Markov Chain

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    Dynamics of quality attributes derived from Kano model has been recognized as one of the most interesting and fruitful developments of attractive quality theory. The purpose of this study is to propose an integrated method with GM(1,1) model and Markov chain to forecast the dynamics of service quality attributes with limited data and explore the existence of the alternative life cycles. Further, an empirical study of the express delivery industry in China is conducted at four points of time (the year of 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013) to verify the feasibility of the method. This study not only provides a quantitative method for forecasting the dynamics of service quality attributes with limited information, but also gives evidence for the existence of alternative life cycles of service quality attributes

    Pengembangan Model Integrasi Kano-QFD Untuk Mengoptimalkan Kepuasan Konsumen dengan Mempertimbangkan Keterbatasan Dana Pengembangan

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model integrasi dengan mempertimbangkan keterbatasan biaya dan pengaruh yang berbeda tiap atribut produk melalui penerapan konsep Kano dalam framework QFD. Atribut produk dikelompokkan dalam 5 kategori Kano yaitu reverse, indifference, one-dimensional, must-be dan attractive dengan bobot yang berbeda berdasarkan pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Proses alokasi dana dilakukan dengan memperhatikan nilai kontribusi biaya pada masing-masing respon teknis. Dengan demikian, dihasilkan alokasi dana pengembangan produk yang lebih baik. Dana pengembangan produk akan selalu dialokasikan untuk atribut must-be yang memiliki pengaruh positif paling tinggi terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Sebaliknya, perusahaan tidak mengembangkan atribut produk indifference dan reverse yang tidak memberikan pengaruh apapun pada peningkatan kepuasan konsumen. Adanya model integrasi ini menjadikan QFD sebagai metode penghematan biaya yang mampu menjembatani kebutuhan konsumen dengan kemampuan perusahaan. Hasil pengembangan model ini, semua technical response baik pada kategori must-be, one-dimensional dan attractive dapat dialokasikan dana pengembangan produk dengan biaya total sebesar 348,30dannilaikepuasankonsumensebesar89,61,sedangkanmodelBodedanFung(1998)menghasilkankeputusanuntukmewujudkansemuatechnicalresponsetermasuktechnicalresponseyangtidakmempengaruhikepuasan(indifference)sehinggaakanterjadipemborosanterutamapadapemborosanbiayapengembanganproduksehinggatotalbiayamenjadi348,30 dan nilai kepuasan konsumen sebesar 89,61, sedangkan model Bode dan Fung (1998) menghasilkan keputusan untuk mewujudkan semua technical response termasuk technical response yang tidak mempengaruhi kepuasan (indifference) sehingga akan terjadi pemborosan terutama pada pemborosan biaya pengembangan produk sehingga total biaya menjadi 353,30Kata kunci: Kano, QFD, anggaran pengembangan produk, optimasi kepuasan konsumen.Abstract. This study develops a model of integration between the application of the concept of Kano in QFD framework and considering the use of product development costs. Kano concept would classify the product attributes into 5 categories: reverse, indifference, one-dimensional, must-be, dan attractive. These attributes are given different weights based on the influence of these attributes on the level of consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, the allocation process of product development by taking into account the contribution of the cost of each technical response. The result of the integration is allocate development funds for must-be attributes and do not allocate to the reverse and indifference attributes. Thus, companies avoid the development of product attributes indifference and reverse that does not give effect to increasing customer satisfaction so that it saves development costs. The results of this model are all the technical response both in the category of must-be, one-dimensional and attractive product development funds be allocated with total costs of 348,30andthevalueofcustomersatisfactionof89,61,whereasthemodelBodeandFung(1998)makethedecisiontorealizealltechnicalresponseincludingtechnicalresponsethatdoesnotaffectsatisfaction(indifference)sothetotalproductdevelopmentcostsbecome 348,30 and the value of customer satisfaction of 89,61, whereas the model Bode and Fung (1998) make the decision to realize all technical response including technical response that does not affect satisfaction (indifference) so the total product development costs become 353,30.Keywords: Kano, QFD, budget for product development, optimization of customer satisfactio