73 research outputs found

    Design And Implementation Of A Low-cost, Compact And Long Range Monostatic Uhf Rfid Reader With Read Point Extension

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014RFiD sistemlerinin çeşitli uygulama alanlarında artan popülerliği neticesinde, özelikle UHF bandında çalışacak olan RFiD okuyucu üretimine dair ihtiyaçlar gittikçe artan bir eğilim göstermektedir. Bahsedilen ihtiyaçlar göz önüne alınarak, bu tez kapsamında yeni bir okuyucu tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan okuyucu, endüstriyel RFiD uygulamaları için gerekli görülen birçok ilgi çekici özelliği bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. RFiD sistemleri, kısaca radyo frekanslı kimliklendirme diye tanımlanabilmektedir. Elektromanyetik dalgaları kullanarak (kablosuz iletişim), üzerlerine RFiD etiketleri iliştirilmiş olan nesne, hayvan ve insanlardan verilerin transfer edilmesini sağlarlar. Takip, gözlem, kontrol vb. amaçlı kullanılabilmektedir. Genel itibari ile barkod sistemi gibi otomatik tanımlama teknolojileri ailesinin bir üyesidir. Tez kapsamındaki ilk iki bölümde, RFiD sisteminin detaylarına ve temel standartlarına dair bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, donanım sistem tasarımına ait süreçler detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmış ve simülasyon ile ölçüm sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Tasarlanan okuyucu; okuma noktası artırılmış, düşük maliyetli, kompakt, uzun menzilli ve Gen2 uyumlu olacak şekilde UHF bandında geliştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda, birden fazla okuyucunun aynı anda çalıştığı yoğun ortamlarda çalışabilme özelliğine sahiptir. Okuyucu, anten çıkış gücü 30-dBm olan iki adet anten çıkış portu barındırmaktadır. Ayrıca, yenilikçi bir özellik olarak, geri yansıyan RF gücünü azaltmak için anten uydurma devresi tasarlanmıştır. Bu işlem, okuyucunun çıkış empedansının antenin empedansına uydurulması ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, okuyucu, işlem anında antenin empedansını olası çevresel faktörlere karşı kararlı bir yapıda tutabilme kabiliyetine de sahiptir. Bunların yanı sıra, bir güç algılayıcı devresi vasıtasıyla, okuyucu için var olan yasal koşulları sağlamak adına, çıkış gücünü sınırlandırma ve kontrol etme özellikleri de mevcuttur. Donanım tasarımı esnasında, yüksek frekansta PCB tasarım teknikleri, radyo frekansı ve fizik temelleri, dijital ve analog devre tasarım teknikleri gibi farklı disiplinlerden çeşitli teknik bilgiler ve kabiliyetler kullanılmıştır. Artırılmış okuma noktası özelliği, tasarlanan bir başka donanım, RF çoklayıcı devresi, vasıtası ile sağlanmaktadır. Bu ürün sayesinde, UHF RFiD okuyucunun anten çıkışları artırılarak sistem kurulum maliyeti azaltılmaktadır. Bu cihazın amacı, çoklu anten ihtiyacı olan uygulamalarda okuyucu sayısını sabit tutarak, anten çıkış sayısını artırmaktır. Bu sayede sistemin uygulanma maliyetinde avantaj sağlanmaktadır. Ürün dahilindeki anahtarlama entegrelerinin araya girme kayıplarının az olması ve entegrelerin kontrolünü sağlayan denetleyici yapısı, okuyucuların marka modelinden bağımsız tak-çalıştır sistem modeli ürüne ait katma değerli nitelikleridir. Bu tez dahilinde tasarımı gerçekleştirilen UHF RFiD okuyucu, aynı zamanda Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı’nın sağlamış olduğu Ar-Ge proje destekleri kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Bu proje ve tez neticesinde, imalat masraflarını düşürmek adına okuyucu tasarımı ve üretimi yerli olarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve yurt içinde milli bir cihaz geliştirilmiştir. Proje sonucunda, başlangıçta belirlenen tüm kıstaslar başarıyla sağlanmış ve birer adet RF çoklayıcı devresi ve UHF RFiD okuyucu devresi, kontrol ünitesi ve grafiksel arayüz yazılımı ile birlikte, istenen herhangi bir RFiD uygulamasında kullanılmak üzere prototip olarak üretilmiştir.RFiD systems have an increasing popularity in various kinds of applications. Necessities are rising for the manufacture of new RFiD readers in industry especially at UHF band. Based on this concept, a new UHF RFiD reader design with extended read point capability has been presented within the scope of this thesis. Designed reader has attractive features required by some industrial RFiD applications. Before the hardware design part of the study, first, the background of RFiD and its key standards have been introduced in the first two chapters. In the third chapter, the hardware design process has been covered in detail and simulation and measurement results have been presented. The designed hardware is a low-cost, compact and long-range Gen2 compliant UHF RFiD reader with extended read point capability. The reader has up to 30 dBm (1 Watt) output RF power at two selectable antenna ports. The reader has an antenna tuning circuit, a novel feature, to reduce reflected RF power from antennas. This is achieved by tuning output impedance of the reader to the impedance of antenna. The reader can also tune the antenna impedance during operation in case the environment of the antenna changes. A power detector is used to control and limit the output power to regulatory requirements. While designing the hardware, several technical skills within a wide spectrum of disciplines were used like PCB design in high frequency, radio frequency, physics of RF, digital and analog design. Extended read point capability is provided with another hardware design called RF multiplexer circuit. This product has been designed in order to increase the number of antenna output ports of UHF RFiD reader to reduce the system implementation cost in dense antenna applications. This hardware design is also a part of another Research & Development project funded by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Turkey. As a part of this project and this thesis, the UHF RFiD reader has been designed as a domestic product to lower the cost of manufacture. As a result of this project, all the objectives have been achieved and a prototype of UHF RFiD reader, which has a control unit and a graphical user interface, and an RF multiplexer have been manufactured to be used in any desired UHF RFiD application.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Smart RFID Tags

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    A self-powered single-chip wireless sensor platform

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    Internet of things” require a large array of low-cost sensor nodes, wireless connectivity, low power operation and system intelligence. On the other hand, wireless biomedical implants demand additional specifications including small form factor, a choice of wireless operating frequencies within the window for minimum tissue loss and bio-compatibility This thesis describes a low power and low-cost internet of things system suitable for implant applications that is implemented in its entirety on a single standard CMOS chip with an area smaller than 0.5 mm2. The chip includes integrated sensors, ultra-low-power transceivers, and additional interface and digital control electronics while it does not require a battery or complex packaging schemes. It is powered through electromagnetic (EM) radiation using its on-chip miniature antenna that also assists with transmit and receive functions. The chip can operate at a short distance (a few centimeters) from an EM source that also serves as its wireless link. Design methodology, system simulation and optimization and early measurement results are presented

    Google earth forensics on IOS 10’s location service

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    The easy access and common usage of GNSS systems has provided a wealth of evidential information that may be accessed by a digital forensic investigator. Google Earth is commonly used on all manner of devices for geolocation services and consequently has a wide range of tools that will relate real time and stored GNSS data to maps. As an aid to investigation Google Earth forensics is available for use. An investigator can use it by downloading geolocation data from devices and placing it on Google Earth maps, place geolocation data on historical archival maps, or by direct usage of the application in a device. In this paper we review the Google Earth forensics tool and use a simplistic scenario to demonstrate the power of the application for courtroom walk-throughs. The entry-level tool is free and can be used effectively to enhance the presentation of geolocation data


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    Tämä pro gradu tutkielma käsittelee RFID – teknologian soveltuvuutta ABB Oy Medium Voltage Productin toimitusketjussa. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena käyttäen sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen taustalla vaikutti yritysten tarve kehittää ja tehostaa tuotantoketjun toimintaa. Jotta yrityksen toiminta säilyisi kannattavana tulevaisuudessa kiristyvän kilpailun vallitessa, on nykyisillä resursseilla kyettävä toimimaan entistä tehokkaammin. Tutkielman viitekehyksen perustana oli alaan liittyvä kirjallisuus sekä tieteelliset elektronisessa muodossa olevat ajankohtaiset julkaisut. Osa teoksista oli julkaistu jo monia vuosia sitten, mutta perusajatukset RFID – teknologiasta ovat pysyneet muuttumattomina. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää RFID – teknologian toteutettavuutta ABB Medium Voltage Productsin toimitusketjun eri vaihessa. Lisäksi tuotiin esille erilaisia ehdotuksia siitä, miten RFID – teknologia voitaisiin käytännössä implementoida ABB:lle. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää ja vertailla eri investointimahdollisuuksien takaisinmaksuaikoja toimitusketjun eri osissa. RFID – teknologian osalta pääajatus oli kuvata teknologia ensin yleisesti ja sitten tarkemmin yrityksen toimitusketjujen ja eri prosessien näkökulmista. RFID – teknologian käytännön sovelluksia ja toteutuneita projekteja löydettiin myös ja niitä etsittiin siksi, jotta voitaisiin huomata miten toiminta käytännössä tehostui. Keskeisin havainto oli huomata, että RFID – teknologia ei ole välttämätä aina järkevä investointi. Vaikka teknologia vaikuttaisi ensialkuun tehokkaalta ja luotettavalta, löytyy siitä useita ongelmakohtia ja haasteita joihin on tulevaisuudessa löydettävä toimivia ja kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää tutkia miten RFID tunnisteet saataisiin inegroitua piirikortteihin sekä kuinka teknologian käyttöönotto tehostaisi ulkoisen varaston tarjoajan prosesseja.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    High Data-Rate, Battery-Free, Active Millimeter-Wave Identification Technologies for Future Integrated Sensing, Tracking, and Communication Systems-On-Chip

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    RÉSUMÉ Pour de nombreuses applications allant de la sécurité, le contrôle d'accès, la surveillance et la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement aux applications biomédicales et d'imagerie parmi tant d'autres, l'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) a énormément influencé notre quotidien. Jusqu'à présent, cette technologie émergente a été la plupart du temps conçue et développé dans les basses fréquences (en dessous de 3 GHz). D’une part, pour des applications où de courte distances (quelques centimètres) et à faible taux de communications de données sont suffisantes (même préférables dans certains cas), la technologie RFID à couplage inductif qui fonctionne à basse fréquences (LF) ou à haute fréquences (HF) fonctionne très bien et elle est largement utilisée dans de nombreuses applications commerciales. D'autre part, afin d’augmenter la distance de communication (quelques mètres), le débit de données de communication, et ainsi minimiser la taille du tag, la technologie RFID fonctionnant dans la bande d’ultra-haute fréquence (UHF) et aux fréquences micro-ondes (par exemple, 2.4 GHz) a récemment attiré beaucoup d'attention dans le milieu de la recherche et le développement. Cependant, dans ces bandes de fréquences, une bande passante disponible restreinte avec la taille du tag assez large (principalement dominée par la taille d'antenne et de la batterie dans le cas d'un tag actif) sont les principaux facteurs qui ont toujours limité l'évolution de la technologie RFID actuelle. En effet, propulser la technologie RFID dans la bande de fréquences à ondes millimétriques briserait les barrières actuelles de la technologie RFID. La technologie d’identification aux fréquences à ondes millimétriques (MMID) offre plus de bande passante, et permet également la miniaturisation de la taille du tag, car à ces bandes de fréquences, la longueur d’onde est de l’ordre de quelques millimètres, une taille comparable à la taille d’un circuit intégré. L'antenne peut donc être soit intégré sur la même puce (antenne sur puce) ou soit encapsulé dans le même boitier que le circuit intégré. En dotant le tag la capacité de récolter sans fil son énergie à partir d'un signal aux fréquences à ondes millimétriques provenant du lecteur, lui fournissant ainsi l'autonomie énergétique (ainsi éliminant la nécessité d'une batterie et en même temps permettant la miniaturisation du tag), il devient alors possible d'intégrer entièrement tout le tag MMID sur une seule puce y compris les antennes, ce qui aboutira à la mise au point d’une nouvelle technologie miniature (μRFID) fonctionnant à la bande de fréquences à ondes millimétriques.----------ABSTRACT For countless applications ranging from security, access control, monitoring, and supply chain management to biomedical and imaging applications among many others, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has tremendously impacted our daily life. So far, this ever-needed and emerging technology has been mostly designed and developed at low RF frequencies (below 3-GHz). For many practical applications where short-range (few centimeters) and low data-rate communications are sufficient and in some cases even preferable, inductively coupled RFID systems that operate over either low-frequency (LF) or high-frequency (HF) bands have performed quite well and have been widely used for practical and commercial applications. On the other hand, in the quest for a longer communication range (few meters), relatively high data-rate and smaller antenna size RFID systems operating over ultra-high frequency (UHF) and microwave frequency bands (e.g., 2.4-GHz) have recently attracted much attention in the research and development community. However, over these RF bands, a restricted available bandwidth together with an undesired tag size (mainly dominated by its off-chip antenna size and battery in the case of active tag) are the main factors that have been limiting the evolution of today’s RFID technology. Indeed, propelling RFID technology into millimeter-wave frequencies opens up new applications that cannot be made possible today.Millimeter-wave identification (MMID) technology is set out to exploit significantly larger bandwidth and smaller antenna size. Over these frequency bands, an effective wavelength is in the order of a few millimeters, hence close to a typical semiconductor (CMOS) die size. The antenna, therefore, may either be integrated on the same chip (antenna-on-chip – AoC) or embedded in the related package (antenna-in-package – AiP). In addition, by equipping the tag with the capability to wirelessly harvest its energy from an incoming millimeter-wave signal, thereby providing energy autonomy without the need of a battery and at the same time allowing miniaturization, it becomes possible to integrate the entire MMID tag circuitry on a single chip. Furthermore, the timely MMID concept is fully compatible with upcoming and future applications of millimeter-wave technology in wireless communications which are being discussed and developed worldwide in research and development communities, such as the internet of things (IoT), 5G, autonomous mobility, μSmart sensors, automotive RADAR technologies, etc

    Design And Implementation Of An X-Band Passive Rfid Tag

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    This research presents a novel fully integrated energy harvester, matching network, matching network,matching network, matching network,matching network, matching network, matching network, multi-stage RF-DC rectifier, mode selector, RC oscillator, LC oscillator, and X-band power amplifier implemented in IBM 0.18-µm RF CMOS technology. We investigated different matching schemes, antennas, and rectifiers with focus on the interaction between building blocks. Currently the power amplifier gives the maximum output power of 5.23 dBm at 9.1GHz. The entire RFID tag circuit was designed to operate in low power consumption. Voltage sensor circuit which generates the enable signal was designed to operate in very low current. All the test blocks of the RFID tag were tested. The smaller size and the cost of the RFID tag are critical for widespread adoption of the technology. The cost of the RFID tag can be lowered by implementing an on-chip antenna. We were able to develop, fabricate, and implement a fully integrated RFID tag in a smaller size (3 mm X 1.5 mm) than the existing tags. With further modifications, this could be used as a commercial low cost RFID tag

    RFID data reliability optimizer based on two dimensions bloom filter

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a flexible deployment technology that has been adopted in many applications especially in supply chain management. It provides several features such as to monitor, to identify and to track specific item hidden in a large group of objects in a short range of time. RFID system uses radio waves to perform wireless interaction to detect and read data from the tagged object. However, RFID data streams contain a lot of false positive and duplicate readings. Both types of readings need to be removed to ensure reliability of information produced from the data streams. A small occurrence of false positive can change the whole information, while duplicate readings unnecessarily occupied storage and processing resources. Many approaches have been proposed to remove false positive and duplicate readings, but they are done separately. These readings exist in the same data stream and must be removed using a single mechanism only. In this thesis, an efficient approach based on Bloom filters was proposed to remove both noisy and duplicate data from the RFID data streams. The noise and duplicate filter algorithm was constructed based on bloom filter. There are two bloom filters in one algorithm where each filter holds function either to remove noise data and to recognize data as correct reading from duplicate data reading. In order to test the algorithm, synthetic data was generated by using Poisson distribution. The simulation results show that our proposed approach outperformed other existing approaches in terms of data reliability