88 research outputs found

    Reflexive constructions in the world's languages

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    Synopsis: This landmark publication brings together 28 papers on reflexive constructions in languages from all continents, representing very diverse language types. While reflexive constructions have been discussed in the past from a variety of angles, this is the first edited volume of its kind. All the chapters are based on original data, and they are broadly comparable through a common terminological framework. The volume opens with two introductory chapters by the editors that set the stage and lay out the main comparative concepts, and it concludes with a chapter presenting generalizations on the basis of the studies of individual languages

    A survey of statistical network models

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    Networks are ubiquitous in science and have become a focal point for discussion in everyday life. Formal statistical models for the analysis of network data have emerged as a major topic of interest in diverse areas of study, and most of these involve a form of graphical representation. Probability models on graphs date back to 1959. Along with empirical studies in social psychology and sociology from the 1960s, these early works generated an active network community and a substantial literature in the 1970s. This effort moved into the statistical literature in the late 1970s and 1980s, and the past decade has seen a burgeoning network literature in statistical physics and computer science. The growth of the World Wide Web and the emergence of online networking communities such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, and a host of more specialized professional network communities has intensified interest in the study of networks and network data. Our goal in this review is to provide the reader with an entry point to this burgeoning literature. We begin with an overview of the historical development of statistical network modeling and then we introduce a number of examples that have been studied in the network literature. Our subsequent discussion focuses on a number of prominent static and dynamic network models and their interconnections. We emphasize formal model descriptions, and pay special attention to the interpretation of parameters and their estimation. We end with a description of some open problems and challenges for machine learning and statistics.Comment: 96 pages, 14 figures, 333 reference

    Strukturní ikonicita a posesivní konstrukce: Výzkum v osvojování umělého jazyka

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývala projevy strukturní ikonicity v posesivní klasifikaci. Hypotéza o ikonicitě vzdálenosti předpokládá, že lingvistická vzdálenost mezi posesorem a posesem odráží konceptuální vzdálenost, a je tak menší u nezcizitelného vlastnictví. Role ikonicity vzdálenosti ve zpracování jazyka byla otestována s využitím experimentální metody osvojování umělého jazyka. Navržený experiment sledoval, zda se čeští mluvčí dokážou lépe naučit gramatiku strukturovanou ikonicky. Experiment provedený se 40 účastníky sice neukázal statisticky významné rozdíly ve výkonnosti obou skupin, ovšem výsledky jsou nejednoznačné a získaná data naznačují, že strukturní ikonicita by mohla mít vliv na zpracování jazyka. Výsledky experimentu zároveň naznačují, že mluvčí češtiny dokáží používat zcizitelnost jako jazykovou kategorii.This thesis is concerned with structural iconicity and its effects on possessive classification. The Iconicity-of-distance hypothesis argues that the linguistic distance between a possessor and a possessum reflects the conceptual distance, and is therefore smaller in inalienable possession. The role of distance iconicity in language processing was tested using the artificial language learning paradigm. An experiment was designed to investigate whether speakers of Czech will learn an iconically structured grammar better. The experiment conducted with 40 participants did not show significant differences between the two experimental groups. However, the evidence is inconlusive and the data suggest that structural iconicity could influence processing. The results also suggest that speaker of Czech are able to use alienability as a category of language.Institute of Czech Language and Theory of CommunicationÚstav českého jazyka a teorie komunikaceFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Complex climate and network effects on internal migration in South Africa revealed by a network model

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    AbstractClimate variability and climate change influence human migration both directly and indirectly through a variety of channels that are controlled by individual and household socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological processes as well as public policies and network effects. Characterizing and predicting migration flows are thus extremely complex and challenging. Among the quantitative methods available for predicting such flows is the widely used gravity model that ignores the network autocorrelation among flows and thus may lead to biased estimation of the climate effects of interest. In this study, we use a network model, the additive and multiplicative effects model for network (AMEN), to investigate the effects of climate variability, migrant networks, and their interactions on South African internal migration. Our results indicate that prior migrant networks have a significant influence on migration and can modify the association between climate variability and migration flows. We also reveal an otherwise obscure difference in responses to these effects between migrants moving to urban and non-urban destinations. With different metrics, we discover diverse drought effects on these migrants; for example, the negative standardized precipitation index (SPI) with a timescale of 12 months affects the non-urban-oriented migrants' destination choices more than the rainy season rainfall deficit or soil moisture do. Moreover, we find that socioeconomic factors such as the unemployment rate are more significant to urban-oriented migrants, while some unobserved factors, possibly including the abolition of apartheid policies, appear to be more important to non-urban-oriented migrants

    The Fuzziness in Molecular, Supramolecular, and Systems Chemistry

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    Fuzzy Logic is a good model for the human ability to compute words. It is based on the theory of fuzzy set. A fuzzy set is different from a classical set because it breaks the Law of the Excluded Middle. In fact, an item may belong to a fuzzy set and its complement at the same time and with the same or different degree of membership. The degree of membership of an item in a fuzzy set can be any real number included between 0 and 1. This property enables us to deal with all those statements of which truths are a matter of degree. Fuzzy logic plays a relevant role in the field of Artificial Intelligence because it enables decision-making in complex situations, where there are many intertwined variables involved. Traditionally, fuzzy logic is implemented through software on a computer or, even better, through analog electronic circuits. Recently, the idea of using molecules and chemical reactions to process fuzzy logic has been promoted. In fact, the molecular word is fuzzy in its essence. The overlapping of quantum states, on the one hand, and the conformational heterogeneity of large molecules, on the other, enable context-specific functions to emerge in response to changing environmental conditions. Moreover, analog input–output relationships, involving not only electrical but also other physical and chemical variables can be exploited to build fuzzy logic systems. The development of “fuzzy chemical systems” is tracing a new path in the field of artificial intelligence. This new path shows that artificially intelligent systems can be implemented not only through software and electronic circuits but also through solutions of properly chosen chemical compounds. The design of chemical artificial intelligent systems and chemical robots promises to have a significant impact on science, medicine, economy, security, and wellbeing. Therefore, it is my great pleasure to announce a Special Issue of Molecules entitled “The Fuzziness in Molecular, Supramolecular, and Systems Chemistry.” All researchers who experience the Fuzziness of the molecular world or use Fuzzy logic to understand Chemical Complex Systems will be interested in this book

    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics

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    The most fundamental questions of economics are often philosophical in nature, and philosophers have, since the very beginning of Western philosophy, asked many questions that current observers would identify as economic. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics is an outstanding reference source for the key topics, problems, and debates at the intersection of philosophical and economic inquiry. It captures this field of countless exciting interconnections, affinities, and opportunities for cross-fertilization. Comprising 35 chapters by a diverse team of contributors from all over the globe, the Handbook is divided into eight sections: I. Rationality II. Cooperation and Interaction III. Methodology IV. Values V. Causality and Explanation VI. Experimentation and Simulation VII. Evidence VIII. Policy The volume is essential reading for students and researchers in economics and philosophy who are interested in exploring the interconnections between the two disciplines. It is also a valuable resource for those in related fields like political science, sociology, and the humanities.</p