113 research outputs found

    Impact of the Shodan Computer Search Engine on Internet-facing Industrial Control System Devices

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    The Shodan computer search engine crawls the Internet attempting to identify any connected device. Using Shodan, researchers identified thousands of Internet-facing devices associated with industrial controls systems (ICS). This research examines the impact of Shodan on ICS security, evaluating Shodan\u27s ability to identify Internet-connected ICS devices and assess if targeted attacks occur as a result of Shodan identification. In addition, this research evaluates the ability to limit device exposure to Shodan through service banner manipulation. Shodan\u27s impact was evaluated by deploying four high-interaction, unsolicited honeypots over a 55 day period, each configured to represent Allen-Bradley programmable logic controllers (PLC). All four honeypots were successfully indexed and identifiable via the Shodan web interface in less than 19 days. Despite being indexed, there was no increased network activity or targeted ICS attacks. Although results indicate Shodan is an effective reconnaissance tool, results contrast claims of its use to broadly identify and target Internet-facing ICS devices. Additionally, the service banner for two PLCs were modified to evaluate the impact on Shodan indexing capabilities. Findings demonstrated service banner manipulation successfully limited device exposure from Shodan queries

    SCADA Honeynets: The attractiveness of honeypots as critical infrastructure security tools for the detection and analysis of advanced threats

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    Since the Stuxnet worm was discovered by a Belarusian security company, there has been a growing awareness of and a renewed interest in control system security. There is concern from some security researchers that the attention Stuxnet has received will have a proliferating effect. Will control systems now attract more attention from hackers, organized crime, terrorists, and foreign intelligence services? Will these attacks evolve beyond the typical virus or malware driven attacks commonly seen? Using a honeynet designed for control systems, insight into these questions will be sought by comparing the number and types of attacks received by a simulated control system with the number and types of attacks received by an IT network. Also, the usefulness of using honeynets on control systems to track adversary\u27s means and methods as well as serve as an early warning system will be explored

    A Framework for the Design of IoT/IIoT/CPS Honeypots

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    HoneyProxy Implementation in Cloud Environment with Docker HoneyFarm

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    Pilveteenustel põhinev infotehnoloogia süsteemide taristu on saamas tavapäraseks nii idufirmades, keskmise suurusega ettevõtetes kui ka suurtes korporatsioonides, toetades agiilsemat tarkvara arendust ning lihtsustades andmekeskuste haldamist, kontrollimist ja administreerimist. See kiirelt arenev tehnoloogiavaldkond tõstatas palju turvalisusega seotud küsimusi seoses pilves hoitavate teenuste ligipääsetavuse kontrollimisega ning sellega, kas pakutud lahenduste jõudlus ning viiteaeg (latentsus) jäävad aktsepteeritavatesse piiridesse. Käesolev teadustöö tutvustab honeypot peibutusmehhanismi pilves revolutsioonilisel viisil, mis rakendab HoneyProxy lahendust honeynet lüüsina pöördproksile, mis kontrollib sissetulevaid ja väljaminevaid päringuid back-end teenustesse. Vastav HoneyProxy on ühendatud HoneyFarm lahendusega, mida käitatakse samal masinal (pilveserveril). Iga honeypot jookseb eraldi Docker’i konteineris ning omab unikaalset IP-d, mistõttu on võimalik igat ründesessiooni isoleerida ühte konteinerisse võimalusega vahetada erinevate konteineritüüpide vahel, ajades ründaja segadusse honeypot’i kasutust paljastamata. See kaitsemehhanism suudab tuvastada ja logida ründaja tegevusi, mis võivad omakorda paljastada uusi ründetehnikaid ning isegi “nullpäeva” (zero-day) haavatavusi. Käesoleva töö fookus on tutvustada raamistikku HoneyProxy implementeerimiseks pilveteenustel Docker’i konteinereid kasutades.Cloud hosting services is a common trend nowadays for small startups, medium sized business and even for large big cooperations, that is helping the agility and scaling of resources and spare the overhead of controlling, managing and administrating the data-centers. The fast growing technology raised security questions of how to control the access to the services hosted on the cloud, and whether the performance and the latency of the solutions offered to address these questions are within the bearable limits. This research is introducing the honeypots to the cloud in a revolutionary way that exposes and applies what is called a HoneyProxy to work as a honeynet gateway for a reverse proxy that is controlling the incoming and outgoing flow to the back-end services. This HoneyProxy is connected to a HoneyFarm that is hosted on the same machine (cloud server) each honeypot is serviced in a docker container dedicated for every unique IP, so that each attack session can be isolated within one container with the ability to switch between different types of containers that can fool the attacker without suspecting the existence of a honeypot. This defending mechanism can detect and log attackers behavior which can reveal new attack techniques and even zero day exploits. The contribution of this work is introducing the framework to implement the HoneyProxy on the cloud services using Docker containers

    Dynamic Honeypot Configuration for Programmable Logic Controller Emulation

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    Attacks on industrial control systems and critical infrastructure are on the rise. Important systems and devices like programmable logic controllers are at risk due to outdated technology and ad hoc security measures. To mitigate the threat, honeypots are deployed to gather data on malicious intrusions and exploitation techniques. While virtual honeypots mitigate the unreasonable cost of hardware-replicated honeypots, these systems often suffer from a lack of authenticity due to proprietary hardware and network protocols. In addition, virtual honeynets utilizing a proxy to a live device suffer from performance bottlenecks and limited scalability. This research develops an enhanced, application layer emulator capable of alleviating honeynet scalability and honeypot inauthenticity limitations. The proposed emulator combines protocol-agnostic replay with dynamic updating via a proxy. The result is a software tool which can be readily integrated into existing honeypot frameworks for improved performance. The proposed emulator is evaluated on traffic reduction on the back-end proxy device, application layer task accuracy, and byte-level traffic accuracy. Experiments show the emulator is able to successfully reduce the load on the proxy device by up to 98% for some protocols. The emulator also provides equal or greater accuracy over a design which does not use a proxy. At the byte level, traffic variation is statistically equivalent while task success rates increase by 14% to 90% depending on the protocol. Finally, of the proposed proxy synchronization algorithms, templock and its minimal variant are found to provide the best overall performance

    Assessing and augmenting SCADA cyber security: a survey of techniques

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    SCADA systems monitor and control critical infrastructures of national importance such as power generation and distribution, water supply, transportation networks, and manufacturing facilities. The pervasiveness, miniaturisations and declining costs of internet connectivity have transformed these systems from strictly isolated to highly interconnected networks. The connectivity provides immense benefits such as reliability, scalability and remote connectivity, but at the same time exposes an otherwise isolated and secure system, to global cyber security threats. This inevitable transformation to highly connected systems thus necessitates effective security safeguards to be in place as any compromise or downtime of SCADA systems can have severe economic, safety and security ramifications. One way to ensure vital asset protection is to adopt a viewpoint similar to an attacker to determine weaknesses and loopholes in defences. Such mind sets help to identify and fix potential breaches before their exploitation. This paper surveys tools and techniques to uncover SCADA system vulnerabilities. A comprehensive review of the selected approaches is provided along with their applicability

    Toward Automating Web Protocol Configuration for a Programmable Logic Controller Emulator

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    Industrial Control Systems (ICS) remain vulnerable through attack vectors that exist within programmable logic controllers (PLC). PLC emulators used as honeypots can provide insight into these vulnerabilities. Honeypots can sometimes deter attackers from real devices and log activity. A variety of PLC emulators exist, but require manual figuration to change their PLC pro le. This limits their flexibility for deployment. An automated process for configuring PLC emulators can open the door for emulation of many types of PLCs. This study investigates the feasibility of creating such a process. The research creates an automated process for figuring the web protocols of a Koyo DirectLogic PLC. The figuration process is a software program that collects information about the PLC and creates a behavior pro le. A generic web server then references that pro le in order to respond properly to requests. To measure the ability of the process, the resulting emulator is evaluated based on response accuracy and timing accuracy. In addition, the figuration time of the process itself is measured. For the accuracy measurements a workload of 1000 GET requests are sent to the index.html page of the PLC, and then to the emulator. These requests are sent at two rates: Slow and PLC Break. The emulator responses are then compared to those of the PLC baseline. Results show that the process completes in 9.8 seconds, on average. The resulting emulator responds with 97.79% accuracy across all trials. It responds 1.3 times faster than the real PLC at the Slow response rate, and 1.4 times faster at the PLC Break rate. Results indicate that the automated process is able to create an emulator with an accuracy that is comparable to a manually figured emulator. This supports the hypothesis that creating an automated process for figuring a PLC emulator with a high level of accuracy is feasible