446 research outputs found

    IoT@run-time: a model-based approach to support deployment and self-adaptations in IoT systems

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    Today, most Internet of Things (IoT) systems leverage edge and fog computing to meet increasingly restrictive requirements and improve quality of service (QoS). Although these multi-layer architectures can improve system performance, their design is challenging because the dynamic and changing IoT environment can impact the QoS and system operation. In this thesis, we propose a modeling-based approach that addresses the limitations of existing studies to support the design, deployment, and management of self-adaptive IoT systems. We have designed a domain specific language (DSL) to specify the self-adaptive IoT system, a code generator that generates YAML manifests for the deployment of the IoT system, and a framework based on the MAPE-K loop to monitor and adapt the IoT system at runtime. Finally, we have conducted several experimental studies to validate the expressiveness and usability of the DSL and to evaluate the ability and performance of our framework to address the growth of concurrent adaptations on an IoT system.Hoy en día, la mayoría de los sistemas de internet de las cosas (IoT, por su sigla en inglés) aprovechan la computación en el borde (edge computing) y la computación en la niebla (fog computing) para cumplir requisitos cada vez más restrictivos y mejorar la calidad del servicio. Aunque estas arquitecturas multicapa pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema, diseñarlas supone un reto debido a que el entorno de IoT dinámico y cambiante puede afectar a la calidad del servicio y al funcionamiento del sistema. En esta tesis proponemos un enfoque basado en el modelado que aborda las limitaciones de los estudios existentes para dar soporte en el diseño, el despliegue y la gestión de sistemas de IoT autoadaptables. Hemos diseñado un lenguaje de dominio específico (DSL) para modelar el sistema de IoT autoadaptable, un generador de código que produce manifiestos YAML para el despliegue del sistema de IoT y un marco basado en el bucle MAPE-K para monitorizar y adaptar el sistema de IoT en tiempo de ejecución. Por último, hemos llevado a cabo varios estudios experimentales para validar la expresividad y usabilidad del DSL y evaluar la capacidad y el rendimiento de nuestro marco para abordar el crecimiento de las adaptaciones concurrentes en un sistema de IoT.Avui dia, la majoria dels sistemes d'internet de les coses (IoT, per la sigla en anglès) aprofiten la informàtica a la perifèria (edge computing) i la informàtica a la boira (fog computing) per complir requisits cada cop més restrictius i millorar la qualitat del servei. Tot i que aquestes arquitectures multicapa poden millorar el rendiment del sistema, dissenyar-les suposa un repte perquè l'entorn d'IoT dinàmic i canviant pot afectar la qualitat del servei i el funcionament del sistema. En aquesta tesi proposem un enfocament basat en el modelatge que aborda les limitacions dels estudis existents per donar suport al disseny, el desplegament i la gestió de sistemes d'IoT autoadaptatius. Hem dissenyat un llenguatge de domini específic (DSL) per modelar el sistema d'IoT autoadaptatiu, un generador de codi que produeix manifestos YAML per al desplegament del sistema d'IoT i un marc basat en el bucle MAPE-K per monitorar i adaptar el sistema d'IoT en temps d'execució. Finalment, hem dut a terme diversos estudis experimentals per validar l'expressivitat i la usabilitat del DSL i avaluar la capacitat i el rendiment del nostre marc per abordar el creixement de les adaptacions concurrents en un sistema d'IoT.Tecnologies de la informació i de xarxe

    Remote health monitoring systems for elderly people: a survey

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    This paper addresses the growing demand for healthcare systems, particularly among the elderly population. The need for these systems arises from the desire to enable patients and seniors to live independently in their homes without relying heavily on their families or caretakers. To achieve substantial improvements in healthcare, it is essential to ensure the continuous development and availability of information technologies tailored explicitly for patients and elderly individuals. The primary objective of this study is to comprehensively review the latest remote health monitoring systems, with a specific focus on those designed for older adults. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding, we categorize these remote monitoring systems and provide an overview of their general architectures. Additionally, we emphasize the standards utilized in their development and highlight the challenges encountered throughout the developmental processes. Moreover, this paper identifies several potential areas for future research, which promise further advancements in remote health monitoring systems. Addressing these research gaps can drive progress and innovation, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare services available to elderly individuals. This, in turn, empowers them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives while enjoying the comforts and familiarity of their own homes. By acknowledging the importance of healthcare systems for the elderly and recognizing the role of information technologies, we can address the evolving needs of this population. Through ongoing research and development, we can continue to enhance remote health monitoring systems, ensuring they remain effective, efficient, and responsive to the unique requirements of elderly individuals

    Safe Intelligent Driver Assistance System in V2X Communication Environments based on IoT

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    In the modern world, power and speed of cars have increased steadily, as traffic continued to increase. At the same time highway-related fatalities and injuries due to road incidents are constantly growing and safety problems come first. Therefore, the development of Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) has become a major issue. Numerous innovations, systems and technologies have been developed in order to improve road transportation and safety. Modern computer vision algorithms enable cars to understand the road environment with low miss rates. A number of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs), Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have been applied in the different cities over the world. Recently, a new global paradigm, known as the Internet of Things (IoT) brings new idea to update the existing solutions. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication based on IoT technologies would be a next step in intelligent transportation for the future Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV). The overall purpose of this research was to come up with a scalable IoT solution for driver assistance, which allows to combine safety relevant information for a driver from different types of in-vehicle sensors, in-vehicle DAS, vehicle networks and driver`s gadgets. This study brushed up on the evolution and state-of-the-art of Vehicle Systems. Existing ITSs, VANETs and DASs were evaluated in the research. The study proposed a design approach for the future development of transport systems applying IoT paradigm to the transport safety applications in order to enable driver assistance become part of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The research proposed the architecture of the Safe Intelligent DAS (SiDAS) based on IoT V2X communications in order to combine different types of data from different available devices and vehicle systems. The research proposed IoT ARM structure for SiDAS, data flow diagrams, protocols. The study proposes several IoT system structures for the vehicle-pedestrian and vehicle-vehicle collision prediction as case studies for the flexible SiDAS framework architecture. The research has demonstrated the significant increase in driver situation awareness by using IoT SiDAS, especially in NLOS conditions. Moreover, the time analysis, taking into account IoT, Cloud, LTE and DSRS latency, has been provided for different collision scenarios, in order to evaluate the overall system latency and ensure applicability for real-time driver emergency notification. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SiDAS improves traffic safety

    Ransomware detection using the dynamic analysis and machine learning: A survey and research directions

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    Ransomware is an ill-famed malware that has received recognition because of its lethal and irrevocable effects on its victims. The irreparable loss caused due to ransomware requires the timely detection of these attacks. Several studies including surveys and reviews are conducted on the evolution, taxonomy, trends, threats, and countermeasures of ransomware. Some of these studies were specifically dedicated to IoT and android platforms. However, there is not a single study in the available literature that addresses the significance of dynamic analysis for the ransomware detection studies for all the targeted platforms. This study also provides the information about the datasets collection from its sources, which were utilized in the ransomware detection studies of the diverse platforms. This study is also distinct in terms of providing a survey about the ransomware detection studies utilizing machine learning, deep learning, and blend of both techniques while capitalizing on the advantages of dynamic analysis for the ransomware detection. The presented work considers the ransomware detection studies conducted from 2019 to 2021. This study provides an ample list of future directions which will pave the way for future research

    Smart territories

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    The concept of smart cities is relatively new in research. Thanks to the colossal advances in Artificial Intelligence that took place over the last decade we are able to do all that that we once thought impossible; we build cities driven by information and technologies. In this keynote, we are going to look at the success stories of smart city-related projects and analyse the factors that led them to success. The development of interactive, reliable and secure systems, both connectionist and symbolic, is often a time-consuming process in which numerous experts are involved. However, intuitive and automated tools like “Deep Intelligence” developed by DCSc and BISITE, facilitate this process. Furthermore, in this talk we will analyse the importance of complementary technologies such as IoT and Blockchain in the development of intelligent systems, as well as the use of edge platforms or fog computing

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities for MIS Academics

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    The availability of massive amounts of data, fast computers, and superior machine learning (ML) algorithms has spurred interest in artificial intelligence (AI). It is no surprise, then, that we observe an increase in the application of AI in cybersecurity. Our survey of AI applications in cybersecurity shows most of the present applications are in the areas of malware identification and classification, intrusion detection, and cybercrime prevention. We should, however, be aware that AI-enabled cybersecurity is not without its drawbacks. Challenges to AI solutions include a shortage of good quality data to train machine learning models, the potential for exploits via adversarial AI/ML, and limited human expertise in AI. However, the rewards in terms of increased accuracy of cyberattack predictions, faster response to cyberattacks, and improved cybersecurity make it worthwhile to overcome these challenges. We present a summary of the current research on the application of AI and ML to improve cybersecurity, challenges that need to be overcome, and research opportunities for academics in management information systems

    Managing smart cities with deepint.net

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    In this keynote, the evolution of intelligent computer systems will be examined. The need for human capital will be emphasised, as well as the need to follow one’s “gut instinct” in problem-solving. We will look at the benefits of combining information and knowledge to solve complex problems and will examine how knowledge engineering facilitates the integration of different algorithms. Furthermore, we will analyse the importance of complementary technologies such as IoT and Blockchain in the development of intelligent systems. It will be shown how tools like "Deep Intelligence" make it possible to create computer systems efficiently and effectively. "Smart" infrastructures need to incorporate all added-value resources so they can offer useful services to the society, while reducing costs, ensuring reliability and improving the quality of life of the citizens. The combination of AI with IoT and with blockchain offers a world of possibilities and opportunities

    Intelligent Models in Complex Problem Solving

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    Artificial Intelligence revived in the last decade. The need for progress, the growing processing capacity and the low cost of the Cloud have facilitated the development of new, powerful algorithms. The efficiency of these algorithms in Big Data processing, Deep Learning and Convolutional Networks is transforming the way we work and is opening new horizons