926 research outputs found

    Automatic treebank-based acquisition of Arabic LFG dependency structures

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    A number of papers have reported on methods for the automatic acquisition of large-scale, probabilistic LFG-based grammatical resources from treebanks for English (Cahill and al., 2002), (Cahill and al., 2004), German (Cahill and al., 2003), Chinese (Burke, 2004), (Guo and al., 2007), Spanish (O’Donovan, 2004), (Chrupala and van Genabith, 2006) and French (Schluter and van Genabith, 2008). Here, we extend the LFG grammar acquisition approach to Arabic and the Penn Arabic Treebank (ATB) (Maamouri and Bies, 2004), adapting and extending the methodology of (Cahill and al., 2004) originally developed for English. Arabic is challenging because of its morphological richness and syntactic complexity. Currently 98% of ATB trees (without FRAG and X) produce a covering and connected f-structure. We conduct a qualitative evaluation of our annotation against a gold standard and achieve an f-score of 95%

    What linguists always wanted to know about german and did not know how to estimate

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    This paper profiles significant differences in syntactic distribution and differences in word class frequencies for two treebanks of spoken and written German: the TüBa-D/S, a treebank of transliterated spontaneous dialogues, and the TüBa-D/Z treebank of newspaper articles published in the German daily newspaper die tageszeitung´(taz). The approach can be used more generally as a means of distinguishing and classifying language corpora of different genres

    IceParser: An Incremental Finite-State Parser for Icelandic

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 128-135

    Towards case-based parsing : are chunks reliable indicators for syntax trees?

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    This paper presents an approach to the question whether it is possible to construct a parser based on ideas from case-based reasoning. Such a parser would employ a partial analysis of the input sentence to select a (nearly) complete syntax tree and then adapt this tree to the input sentence. The experiments performed on German data from the Tüba-D/Z treebank and the KaRoPars partial parser show that a wide range of levels of generality can be reached, depending on which types of information are used to determine the similarity between input sentence and training sentences. The results are such that it is possible to construct a case-based parser. The optimal setting out of those presented here need to be determined empirically

    Tagging and parsing with cascaded Markov models : automation of corpus annotation

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    This thesis presents new techniques for parsing natural language. They are based on Markov Models, which are commonly used in part-of-speech tagging for sequential processing on the world level. We show that Markov Models can be successfully applied to other levels of syntactic processing. first two classification task are handled: the assignment of grammatical functions and the labeling of non-terminal nodes. Then, Markov Models are used to recognize hierarchical syntactic structures. Each layer of a structure is represented by a separate Markov Model. The output of a lower layer is passed as input to a higher layer, hence the name: Cascaded Markov Models. Instead of simple symbols, the states emit partial context-free structures. The new techniques are applied to corpus annotation and partial parsing and are evaluated using corpora of different languages and domains.Ausgehend von Markov-Modellen, die für das Part-of-Speech-Tagging eingesetzt werden, stellt diese Arbeit Verfahren vor, die Markov-Modelle auch auf weiteren Ebenen der syntaktischen Verarbeitung erfolgreich nutzen. Dies betrifft zum einen Klassifikationen wie die Zuweisung grammatischer Funktionen und die Bestimmung von Kategorien nichtterminaler Knoten, zum anderen die Zuweisung hierarchischer, syntaktischer Strukturen durch Markov-Modelle. Letzteres geschieht durch die Repräsentation jeder Ebene einer syntaktischen Struktur durch ein eigenes Markov-Modell, was den Namen des Verfahrens prägt: Kaskadierte Markov-Modelle. Deren Zustände geben anstelle atomarer Symbole partielle kontextfreie Strukturen aus. Diese Verfahren kommen in der Korpusannotation und dem partiellen Parsing zum Einsatz und werden anhand mehrerer Korpora evaluiert

    Treebank-based grammar acquisition for German

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    Manual development of deep linguistic resources is time-consuming and costly and therefore often described as a bottleneck for traditional rule-based NLP. In my PhD thesis I present a treebank-based method for the automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German. The method automatically creates deep and rich linguistic presentations from labelled data (treebanks) and can be applied to large data sets. My research is based on and substantially extends previous work on automatically acquiring wide-coverage, deep, constraint-based grammatical resources from the English Penn-II treebank (Cahill et al.,2002; Burke et al., 2004; Cahill, 2004). Best results for English show a dependency f-score of 82.73% (Cahill et al., 2008) against the PARC 700 dependency bank, outperforming the best hand-crafted grammar of Kaplan et al. (2004). Preliminary work has been carried out to test the approach on languages other than English, providing proof of concept for the applicability of the method (Cahill et al., 2003; Cahill, 2004; Cahill et al., 2005). While first results have been promising, a number of important research questions have been raised. The original approach presented first in Cahill et al. (2002) is strongly tailored to English and the datastructures provided by the Penn-II treebank (Marcus et al., 1993). English is configurational and rather poor in inflectional forms. German, by contrast, features semi-free word order and a much richer morphology. Furthermore, treebanks for German differ considerably from the Penn-II treebank as regards data structures and encoding schemes underlying the grammar acquisition task. In my thesis I examine the impact of language-specific properties of German as well as linguistically motivated treebank design decisions on PCFG parsing and LFG grammar acquisition. I present experiments investigating the influence of treebank design on PCFG parsing and show which type of representations are useful for the PCFG and LFG grammar acquisition tasks. Furthermore, I present a novel approach to cross-treebank comparison, measuring the effect of controlled error insertion on treebank trees and parser output from different treebanks. I complement the cross-treebank comparison by providing a human evaluation using TePaCoC, a new testsuite for testing parser performance on complex grammatical constructions. Manual evaluation on TePaCoC data provides new insights on the impact of flat vs. hierarchical annotation schemes on data-driven parsing. I present treebank-based LFG acquisition methodologies for two German treebanks. An extensive evaluation along different dimensions complements the investigation and provides valuable insights for the future development of treebanks

    A one-pass valency-oriented chunker for German

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    International audienceNon-finite state parsers provide fine-grained information. However, they are computationally demanding. Therefore, it is interesting to see how far a shallow parsing approach is able to go. In a pattern-based matching operation, the transducer described here consists of POS-tags using regular expressions that take advantage of the characteristics of German grammar. The process aims at finding linguistically relevant phrases with a good precision, which enables in turn an estimation of the actual valency of a given verb. The chunker reads its input exactly once instead of using cascades, which greatly benefits computational efficiency. This finite-state chunking approach does not return a tree structure, but rather yields various kinds of linguistic information useful to the language researcher. Possible applications include simulation of text comprehension on the syntactical level, creation of selective benchmarks and failure analysis

    Recovering non-local dependencies for Chinese

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    To date, work on Non-Local Dependencies (NLDs) has focused almost exclusively on English and it is an open research question how well these approaches migrate to other languages. This paper surveys non-local dependency constructions in Chinese as represented in the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) and provides an approach for generating proper predicate-argument-modifier structures including NLDs from surface contextfree phrase structure trees. Our approach recovers non-local dependencies at the level of Lexical-Functional Grammar f-structures, using automatically acquired subcategorisation frames and f-structure paths linking antecedents and traces in NLDs. Currently our algorithm achieves 92.2% f-score for trace insertion and 84.3% for antecedent recovery evaluating on gold-standard CTB trees, and 64.7% and 54.7%, respectively, on CTBtrained state-of-the-art parser output trees