8 research outputs found

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities

    Molecular methods for the detection of infectious diseases: bringing diagnostics to the point-of-care

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    Human infectious diseases represent a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, caused by human-infective pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi. Point-of-care (POC) diagnostics allow accessible, simple, and rapid identification of the organism causing the infection which is crucial for successful prognostic outcomes, clinical management, surveillance and isolation. The research conducted in this thesis aims to investigate novel methods for molecular-based diagnostics. This multidisciplinary project is divided into three main sections: (i) molecular methods for enhanced nucleic acid amplification, (ii) POC technologies, and (iii) sample preparation. The application, design and optimisation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is investigated from a molecular perspective for the diagnostics of emerging infectious pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. LAMP assays were designed to target pathogens responsible for parasitic (malaria), bacterial and viral (COVID-19) infections, as well as antimicrobial resistance. A novel LAMP-based method for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms was developed and applied for diagnostics of antimicrobial resistance, emerging variants and genetic disorders. The method was validated for the detection of artemisinin-resistant malaria. Furthermore, this thesis reports the optimisation of LAMP from a biochemical perspective through the evaluation of its core reagents and the incorporation of enhancing agents to improve its specificity and sensitivity. In order to remove cold-chain storage from the diagnostic workflow, the optimised LAMP protocol was designed to be compatible with lyophilisation. Translation of LAMP to the POC demands the development of detection technologies that are compatible with the advantages offered by isothermal amplification. The use of simple, accessible and portable technologies is investigated in this thesis through the development of: (i) a novel colorimetricLAMP detection method for end-point and low cost detection, and (ii) the combination of LAMP with an electrochemical biosensing platform based on ion-sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs) fabricated in unmodified complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology for real-time detection. Lastly, current nucleic acid extraction methods are not transferable to be used outside the laboratory. Research of novel methods for low-cost and electricity-free sample preparation was carried out using cellulose matrices. A novel, rapid (under 10 min) and efficient nucleic acid extraction method from dried blood spots was developed. A sample-to-result POC test requires the implementation and integration of molecular biology, cutting-edge technology and data-driven approaches. The work presented in this thesis aims to set new benchmarks for the detection of infectious diseases at the POC by leveraging on developments in molecular biology and digital technologies.Open Acces


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    In this book some recent advances in development of photodetectors and photodetection systems for specific applications are included. In the first section of the book nine different types of photodetectors and their characteristics are presented. Next, some theoretical aspects and simulations are discussed. The last eight chapters are devoted to the development of photodetection systems for imaging, particle size analysis, transfers of time, measurement of vibrations, magnetic field, polarization of light, and particle energy. The book is addressed to students, engineers, and researchers working in the field of photonics and advanced technologies

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID

    GSI Scientific Report 2012 [GSI Report 2013-1]

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    Anuário Científico – 2009 & 2010 Resumos de Artigos, Comunicações, Teses, Patentes, Livros e Monografias de Mestrado

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    O Conselho Técnico-Científico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), na senda da consolidação da divulgação do conhecimento e da ciência desenvolvidos pelo nosso corpo docente, propõe-se publicar mais uma edição do Anuário Científico, relativa à produção científica de 2009 e 2010. A investigação, enquanto vertente estratégica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), tem concorrido para o seu reconhecimento nacional e internacional como instituição de referência e de qualidade na área do ensino das engenharias. É também nesta vertente que o ISEL consubstancia a sua ligação à sociedade portuguesa e internacional através da transferência de tecnologia e de conhecimento, resultantes da sua atividade científica e pedagógica, contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento e crescimento de forma sustentada. São parte integrante do Anuário Científico todos os conteúdos com afiliação ISEL resultantes de resumos de artigos publicados em livros, revistas e atas de congressos que os docentes do ISEL apresentaram em fóruns e congressos nacionais e internacionais, bem como teses e patentes. Desde 2002, ano da publicação da primeira edição, temos assistido a uma evolução crescente do número de publicações de conteúdos científicos, fruto do trabalho desenvolvido pelos docentes que se têm empenhado com afinco e perseverança. Contudo, nestes dois anos (2009 e 2010) constatou-se um decréscimo no número de publicações, principalmente em 2010. Uma das causas poderá estar diretamente relacionada com a redução do financiamento ao ensino superior uma vez que limita toda a investigação no âmbito da atividade de I&D e da produção científica. Na sequência da implementação do Processo de Bolonha em 2006, o ISEL promoveu a criação de cursos de Mestrado disponibilizando uma oferta educativa mais completa e diversificada aos seus alunos, mas também de outras instituições, dotando-os de competências inovadoras apropriadas ao mercado de trabalho que hoje se carateriza mais competitivo e dinâmico. Terminados os períodos escolar e de execução das monografias dos alunos, os resumos destas são igualmente parte integrante deste Anuário, no que concerne à conclusão dos Mestrados em 2009 e 2010.A fim de permitir uma maior acessibilidade à comunidade científica e à sociedade civil, o Anuário Científico será editado de ora avante em formato eletrónico. Excecionalmente esta edição contempla publicações referentes a dois anos – 2009 e 2010