538 research outputs found

    A moving control volume approach to computing hydrodynamic forces and torques on immersed bodies

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    We present a moving control volume (CV) approach to computing hydrodynamic forces and torques on complex geometries. The method requires surface and volumetric integrals over a simple and regular Cartesian box that moves with an arbitrary velocity to enclose the body at all times. The moving box is aligned with Cartesian grid faces, which makes the integral evaluation straightforward in an immersed boundary (IB) framework. Discontinuous and noisy derivatives of velocity and pressure at the fluid-structure interface are avoided and far-field (smooth) velocity and pressure information is used. We re-visit the approach to compute hydrodynamic forces and torques through force/torque balance equation in a Lagrangian frame that some of us took in a prior work (Bhalla et al., J Comp Phys, 2013). We prove the equivalence of the two approaches for IB methods, thanks to the use of Peskin's delta functions. Both approaches are able to suppress spurious force oscillations and are in excellent agreement, as expected theoretically. Test cases ranging from Stokes to high Reynolds number regimes are considered. We discuss regridding issues for the moving CV method in an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) context. The proposed moving CV method is not limited to a specific IB method and can also be used, for example, with embedded boundary methods

    Physical mechanisms governing drag reduction in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow with finite-size deformable bubbles

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    The phenomenon of drag reduction induced by injection of bubbles into a turbulent carrier fluid has been known for a long time; the governing control parameters and underlying physics is however not well understood. In this paper, we use three dimensional numerical simulations to uncover the effect of deformability of bubbles injected in a turbulent Taylor-Couette flow on the overall drag experienced by the system. We consider two different Reynolds numbers for the carrier flow, i.e. Rei=5×103Re_i=5\times 10^3 and Rei=2×104Re_i=2\times 10^4; the deformability of the bubbles is controlled through the Weber number which is varied in the range We=0.012.0We=0.01 - 2.0. Our numerical simulations show that increasing the deformability of bubbles i.e., WeWe leads to an increase in drag reduction. We look at the different physical effects contributing to drag reduction and analyse their individual contributions with increasing bubble deformability. Profiles of local angular velocity flux show that in the presence of bubbles, turbulence is enhanced near the inner cylinder while attenuated in the bulk and near the outer cylinder. We connect the increase in drag reduction to the decrease in dissipation in the wake of highly deformed bubbles near the inner cylinder


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    Crack propagation in thin shell structures due to cutting is conveniently simulated using explicit finite element approaches, in view of the high nonlinearity of the problem. Solidshell elements are usually preferred for the discretization in the presence of complex material behavior and degradation phenomena such as delamination, since they allow for a correct representation of the thickness geometry. However, in solid-shell elements the small thickness leads to a very high maximum eigenfrequency, which imply very small stable time-steps. A new selective mass scaling technique is proposed to increase the time-step size without affecting accuracy. New ”directional” cohesive interface elements are used in conjunction with selective mass scaling to account for the interaction with a sharp blade in cutting processes of thin ductile shells

    An immersed boundary method for particles and bubbles in magnetohydrodynamic flows

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    This thesis presents a numerical method for the phase-resolving simulation of rigid particles and deformable bubbles in viscous, magnetohydrodynamic flows. The presented approach features solid robustness and high numerical efficiency. The implementation is three-dimensional and fully parallel suiting the needs of modern high-performance computing. In addition to the steps towards magnetohydrodynamics, the thesis covers method development with respect to the immersed boundary method which can be summarized in simple words by From rigid spherical particles to deformable bubbles. The development comprises the extension of an existing immersed boundary method to non-spherical particles and very low particle-to-fluid density ratios. A detailed study is dedicated to the complex interaction of particle shape, wake and particle dynamics. Furthermore, the representation of deformable bubble shapes, i.e. the coupling of the bubble shape to the fluid loads, is accounted for. The topic of bubble interaction is surveyed including bubble collision and coalescence and a new coalescence model is introduced. The thesis contains applications of the method to simulations of the rise of a single bubble and a bubble chain in liquid metal with and without magnetic field highlighting the major effects of the field on the bubble dynamics and the flow field. The effect of bubble coalescence is quantified for two closely adjacent bubble chains. A framework for large-scale simulations with many bubbles is provided to study complex multiphase phenomena like bubble-turbulence interaction in an efficient manner

    Large-scale tree-based unfitted finite elements for metal additive manufacturing

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    This thesis addresses large-scale numerical simulations of partial differential equations posed on evolving geometries. Our target application is the simulation of metal additive manufacturing (or 3D printing) with powder-bed fusion methods, such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) or Electron-Beam Melting (EBM). The simulation of metal additive manufacturing processes is a remarkable computational challenge, because processes are characterised by multiple scales in space and time and multiple complex physics that occur in intricate three-dimensional growing-in-time geometries. Only the synergy of advanced numerical algorithms and high-performance scientific computing tools can fully resolve, in the short run, the simulation needs in the area. The main goal of this Thesis is to design a a novel highly-scalable numerical framework with multi-resolution capability in arbitrarily complex evolving geometries. To this end, the framework is built by combining three computational tools: (1) parallel mesh generation and adaptation with forest-of-trees meshes, (2) robust unfitted finite element methods and (3) parallel finite element modelling of the geometry evolution in time. Our numerical research is driven by several limitations and open questions in the state-of-the-art of the three aforementioned areas, which are vital to achieve our main objective. All our developments are deployed with high-end distributed-memory implementations in the large-scale open-source software project FEMPAR. In considering our target application, (4) temporal and spatial model reduction strategies for thermal finite element models are investigated. They are coupled to our new large-scale computational framework to simplify optimisation of the manufacturing process. The contributions of this Thesis span the four ingredients above. Current understanding of (1) is substantially improved with rigorous proofs of the computational benefits of the 2:1 k-balance (ease of parallel implementation and high-scalability) and the minimum requirements a parallel tree-based mesh must fulfil to yield correct parallel finite element solvers atop them. Concerning (2), a robust, optimal and scalable formulation of the aggregated unfitted finite element method is proposed on parallel tree-based meshes for elliptic problems with unfitted external contour or unfitted interfaces. To the author’s best knowledge, this marks the first time techniques (1) and (2) are brought together. After enhancing (1)+(2) with a novel parallel approach for (3), the resulting framework is able to mitigate a major performance bottleneck in large-scale simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes by powder-bed fusion: scalable adaptive (re)meshing in arbitrarily complex geometries that grow in time. Along the development of this Thesis, our application problem (4) is investigated in two joint collaborations with the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing and Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The first contribution is an experimentally-supported thorough numerical assessment of time-lumping methods, the second one is a novel experimentally-validated formulation of a new physics-based thermal contact model, accounting for thermal inertia and suitable for model localisation, the so-called virtual domain approximation. By efficiently exploiting high-performance computing resources, our new computational framework enables large-scale finite element analysis of metal additive manufacturing processes, with increased fidelity of predictions and dramatical reductions of computing times. It can also be combined with the proposed model reductions for fast thermal optimisation of the manufacturing process. These tools open the path to accelerate the understanding of the process-to-performance link and digital product design and certification in metal additive manufacturing, two milestones that are vital to exploit the technology for mass-production.Aquesta tesi tracta la simulació a gran escala d'equacions en derivades parcials sobre geometries variables. L'aplicació principal és la simulació de procesos de fabricació additiva (o impressió 3D) amb metalls i per mètodes de fusió de llit de pols, com ara Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) o Electron-Beam Melting (EBM). La simulació d'aquests processos és un repte computacional excepcional, perquè els processos estan caracteritzats per múltiples escales espaitemporals i múltiples físiques que tenen lloc sobre geometries tridimensionals complicades que creixen en el temps. La sinèrgia entre algorismes numèrics avançats i eines de computació científica d'alt rendiment és la única via per resoldre completament i a curt termini les necessitats en simulació d'aquesta àrea. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi és dissenyar un nou marc numèric escalable de simulació amb capacitat de multiresolució en geometries complexes i variables. El nou marc es construeix unint tres eines computacionals: (1) mallat paral·lel i adaptatiu amb malles de boscs d'arbre, (2) mètodes d'elements finits immersos robustos i (3) modelització en paral·lel amb elements finits de geometries que creixen en el temps. Algunes limitacions i problemes oberts en l'estat de l'art, que són claus per aconseguir el nostre objectiu, guien la nostra recerca. Tots els desenvolupaments s'implementen en arquitectures de memòria distribuïda amb el programari d'accés obert FEMPAR. Quant al problema d'aplicació, (4) s'investiguen models reduïts en espai i temps per models tèrmics del procés. Aquests models reduïts s'acoplen al nostre marc computacional per simplificar l'optimització del procés. Les contribucions d'aquesta tesi abasten els quatre punts de dalt. L'estat de l'art de (1) es millora substancialment amb proves riguroses dels beneficis computacionals del 2:1 balancejat (fàcil paral·lelització i alta escalabilitat), així com dels requisits mínims que aquest tipus de mallat han de complir per garantir que els espais d'elements finits que s'hi defineixin estiguin ben posats. Quant a (2), s'ha formulat un mètode robust, òptim i escalable per agregació per problemes el·líptics amb contorn o interface immerses. Després d'augmentar (1)+(2) amb un nova estratègia paral·lela per (3), el marc de simulació resultant mitiga de manera efectiva el principal coll d'ampolla en la simulació de processos de fabricació additiva en llits de pols de metall: adaptivitat i remallat escalable en geometries complexes que creixen en el temps. Durant el desenvolupament de la tesi, es col·labora amb el Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing i la Universitat de Monash de Melbourne, Austràlia, per investigar el problema d'aplicació. En primer lloc, es fa una anàlisi experimental i numèrica exhaustiva dels mètodes d'aggregació temporal. En segon lloc, es proposa i valida experimental una nova formulació de contacte tèrmic que té en compte la inèrcia tèrmica i és adequat per a localitzar el model, l'anomenada aproximació per dominis virtuals. Mitjançant l'ús eficient de recursos computacionals d'alt rendiment, el nostre nou marc computacional fa possible l'anàlisi d'elements finits a gran escala dels processos de fabricació additiva amb metalls, amb augment de la fidelitat de les prediccions i reduccions significatives de temps de computació. Així mateix, es pot combinar amb els models reduïts que es proposen per l'optimització tèrmica del procés de fabricació. Aquestes eines contribueixen a accelerar la comprensió del lligam procés-rendiment i la digitalització del disseny i certificació de productes en fabricació additiva per metalls, dues fites crucials per explotar la tecnologia en producció en massa.Postprint (published version

    Numerical Advances for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Entangled Polymer Solutions with Applications to Active Microbead Rheology

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    Active microbead rheology is an important counterpart to passive microbead rheology. Both techniques have proven essential for exploring the viscoelastic properties of soft materials that yield at extremely low stress and strain thresholds. Many soft materials, especially arising in biology, are furthermore only available in small volumes that are not amenable to classical rheometers. In passive microbead rheology, thermal fluctuations of microbeads reveal the linear, equilibrium viscous and elastic moduli of the material across the frequency range that can be resolved by the microscope. In active microbead rheology, viscoelastic fluids can be driven out of equilibrium by controlled forces applied to magnetic microbeads, and the materials then exhibit a range of responses: the so-called linear response regime, where responses are proportional to the magnetic force at sufficiently low levels, and then a transition to a variety of nonlinear responses that are unique to different types of viscoelastic fluids. Understanding this rheological phenomenon is important in the study of dynamics of many biological systems involving flexible structures, such as ciliary transport of mucus in the human lung. Despite ongoing developments in modeling such systems, there is still a lack of accurate and efficient numerical methods and software packages that can describe such nonlinear phenomena quantitatively. Modeling viscoelastic fluids usually requires high spatial resolution and time-consuming simulations, and the interactions between fluids and flexible structures introduce additional numerical and computational challenges. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop and analyze robust numerical methods for viscoelastic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with applications to active microbead rheology, and in particular, the transition of a linear to nonlinear response exhibited by a specific class of viscoelastic fluids, entangled polymer solutions. We employ the immersed boundary (IB) method to model fluid-structure interaction and use the open-source software IBAMR to implement the simulations. The simulations are guided and validated by experimental data. Motivated by numerical issues we encountered in the microbead simulations, we propose and implement a novel implicit solver for the constrained IB formulation provided by IBAMR, and we investigate its accuracy and efficiency with extensive numerical tests. Lastly, we develop adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) capabilities for solving the Stokes problem to enable more efficient simulations of high-resolution FSI problems at low Reynolds numbers.Doctor of Philosoph