77 research outputs found

    Articulatory feature recognition using dynamic Bayesian networks.

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    We describe a dynamic Bayesian network for articulatory feature recognition. The model is intended to be a component of a speech recognizer that avoids the problems of conventional ``beads-on-a-string'' phoneme-based models. We demonstrate that the model gives superior recognition of articulatory features from the speech signal compared with a state of- the art neural network system. We also introduce a training algorithm that offers two major advances: it does not require time-aligned feature labels and it allows the model to learn a set of asynchronous feature changes in a data-driven manner

    Statistical identification of articulatory roles in speech production.

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    The human speech apparatus is a rich source of information and offers many cues in the speech signal due to its biomechanical constraints and physiological interdependencies. Coarticulation, a direct consequence of these speech production factors, is one of the main problems affecting the performance of speech systems. Incorporation of production knowledge could potentially benefit speech recognisers and synthesisers. Hand coded rules and scores derived from the phonological knowledge used by production oriented models of speech are simple and incomplete representations of the complex speech production process. Statistical models built from measurements of speech articulation fail to identify the cause of constraints. There is a need for building explanatory yet descriptive models of articulation for understanding and modelling the effects of coarticulation. This thesis aims at providing compact descriptive models of realistic speech articulation by identifying and capturing the essential characteristics of human articulators using measurements from electro-magnetic articulography. The constraints on articulators during speech production are identified in the form of critical, dependent and redundant roles using entirely statistical and data-driven methods. The critical role captures the maximally constrained target driven behaviour of an articulator. The dependent role models the partial constraints due to physiological interdependencies. The redundant role reflects the unconstrained behaviour of an articulator which is maximally prone to coarticulation. Statistical target models are also obtained as the by-product of the identified roles. The algorithm for identification of articulatory roles (and estimation of respective model distributions) for each phone is presented and the results are critically evaluated. The identified data-driven constraints obtained are compared with the well known and commonly used constraints derived from the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). The identified critical roles were not only in agreement with the place and manner descriptions of each phone but also provided a phoneme to phone transformation by capturing language and speaker specific behaviour of articulators. The models trained from the identified constraints fitted better to the phone distributions (40% improvement) . The evaluation of the proposed search procedure with respect to an exhaustive search for identification of roles demonstrated that the proposed approach performs equally well for much less computational load. Articulation models built in the planning stage using sparse yet efficient articulatory representations using standard trajectory generation techniques showed some potential in modelling articulatory behaviour. Plenty of scope exists for further developing models of articulation from the proposed framework

    Discriminative connectionist approaches for automatic speech recognition in cars

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    The first part of this thesis is devoted to the evaluation of approaches which exploit the inherent redundancy of the speech signal to improve the noise robustness. On the basis of this evaluation on the AURORA 2000 database, we further study in detail two of the evaluated approaches. The first of these approaches is the hybrid RBF/HMM approach, which is an attempt to combine the superior classification performance of radial basis functions (RBFs) with the ability of HMMs to model time variation. The second approach is using neural networks to non-linearly reduce the dimensionality of large feature vectors including context frames. We propose the use of different MLP topologies for that purpose. Experiments on the AURORA 2000 database reveal that the performance of the first approach is similar to the performance of systems based on SCHMMs. The second approach cannot outperform the performance of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on a database recorded in real car environments, but it is on average significantly better than LDA on the AURORA 2000 database.Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden bestehende Verfahren zur Erhöhung der Robustheit von Spracherkennungssystemen in lauten Umgebungen evaluiert, die auf der Ausnutzung der Redundanz im Sprachsignal basieren. Auf der Grundlage dieser Evaluation auf der AURORA 2000 Datenbank werden zwei spezielle AnsĂ€tze weiter ausgearbeitet und detalliert analysiert. Der erste dieser AnsĂ€tze verbindet die herausragende Klassifikationsleistung von neuronalen Netzen mit radialen Basisfunktionen (RBF) mit der FĂ€higkeit von Hidden-Markov-Modellen (HMM), ZeitverĂ€nderlichkeiten zu modellieren. In einem zweiten Ansatz werden NN zur nichtlinearen Dimensionsreduktion hochdimensionaler Kontextvektoren in unterschiedlichen Netzwerk-Topologien untersucht. In Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass der erste dieser AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die AURORA-Datenbank eine Ă€hnliche LeistungsfĂ€higkeit wie semikontinuierliche HMM (SCHMM) aufweist. Der zweite Ansatz erzielt auf einer im Kraftfahrzeug aufgenommenen Datenbank keine Verbesserung gegenĂŒber den klassischen linearen AnsĂ€tzen zu Dimensionsreduktion (LDA), erweist sich aber auf der AURORA-Datenbank als signifikan
