1,068 research outputs found

    A robust ultra-low voltage CPU utilizing timing-error prevention

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    To minimize energy consumption of a digital circuit, logic can be operated at sub- or near-threshold voltage. Operation at this region is challenging due to device and environment variations, and resulting performance may not be adequate to all applications. This article presents two variants of a 32-bit RISC CPU targeted for near-threshold voltage. Both CPUs are placed on the same die and manufactured in 28 nm CMOS process. They employ timing-error prevention with clock stretching to enable operation with minimal safety margins while maximizing performance and energy efficiency at a given operating point. Measurements show minimum energy of 3.15 pJ/cyc at 400 mV, which corresponds to 39% energy saving compared to operation based on static signoff timing.</p

    Power and area efficient clock stretching and critical path reshaping for error resilience

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    Process, voltage and temperature variations are on the rise with technology scaling. Nano-scale technology requires huge design margins to ensure reliable operation. Worst case design margining consumes significant amount of circuits and systems resources. In-situ error detection or correction is an alternative method for cost effective variation tolerance. However, existing in-situ error detection and correction circuits are power and area hungry since they use speculative error management, which gives less power savings at higher error rates. This paper proposes an error resilience technique utilizing available slack in the design. The proposed method uses a clock stretching circuit to relax timing margins on selected critical paths that has sufficient consecutive stage slack. We also propose a power optimization method which reshapes the critical path logic proportionate to the consecutive stage slack. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the power and area savings of 40% and 8% respectively compared to the worst case design approach. When compared to the TIMBER error resilience approach, the proposed method saves power more than 74% and area more than 13% at design time. Document type: Articl

    inSense: A Variation and Fault Tolerant Architecture for Nanoscale Devices

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    Transistor technology scaling has been the driving force in improving the size, speed, and power consumption of digital systems. As devices approach atomic size, however, their reliability and performance are increasingly compromised due to reduced noise margins, difficulties in fabrication, and emergent nano-scale phenomena. Scaled CMOS devices, in particular, suffer from process variations such as random dopant fluctuation (RDF) and line edge roughness (LER), transistor degradation mechanisms such as negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot-carrier injection (HCI), and increased sensitivity to single event upsets (SEUs). Consequently, future devices may exhibit reduced performance, diminished lifetimes, and poor reliability. This research proposes a variation and fault tolerant architecture, the inSense architecture, as a circuit-level solution to the problems induced by the aforementioned phenomena. The inSense architecture entails augmenting circuits with introspective and sensory capabilities which are able to dynamically detect and compensate for process variations, transistor degradation, and soft errors. This approach creates ``smart\u27\u27 circuits able to function despite the use of unreliable devices and is applicable to current CMOS technology as well as next-generation devices using new materials and structures. Furthermore, this work presents an automated prototype implementation of the inSense architecture targeted to CMOS devices and is evaluated via implementation in ISCAS \u2785 benchmark circuits. The automated prototype implementation is functionally verified and characterized: it is found that error detection capability (with error windows from \approx30-400ps) can be added for less than 2\% area overhead for circuits of non-trivial complexity. Single event transient (SET) detection capability (configurable with target set-points) is found to be functional, although it generally tracks the standard DMR implementation with respect to overheads

    Application analyses of ultra-low-energy processor

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    Abstract. Low energy consumption has become a critical design feature in modern systems. Internet of Things, wearables and other portable devices create increasing demand for low power design where device size is dictated by battery and low energy means longer battery life and smaller physical size. These are crucial features for wearables and especially implantable medical devices. There are several low power and energy efficient techniques which are applied at different abstraction levels of the system design. A technique usually utilizing software control and hardware features is DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling), a dynamic power management technique which decreases processor clock frequency and supply voltage. Reduction in energy consumption is achieved with the cost of reduced performance. One of the questions with DVFS is how the execution frequencies are defined. This thesis presents a method for frequency optimization for applications executed on a single core processor. Execution trace data is used to profile the application. FreeRTOS operating system is used although tracing can be implemented with any real-time operating system executing tasks as separate threads. Based on profiling and user-defined data, task execution frequencies are defined assuming that execution time scales linearly with the frequency. A near-threshold ARM Cortex M3 with integrated power management and phase-locked loop is used for measurements. The measurements show that energy savings can be achieved without affecting correct application execution. However, the reduction in energy consumption depends highly on the system used and the application execution profile. Iterative testing and frequency optimization are required to ensure adequate performance. For energy efficiency optimization, energy consumption needs to be considered in every phase of the design.Matalan energiankulutuksen prosessorin sovellusanalyysi. Tiivistelmä. Matala energiankulutus on keskeinen ominaisuus nykyisten järjestelmien suunnittelussa. Esineiden Internet ja puettava tietotekniikka luovat tarpeen yhä pienemmälle energiankulutukselle. Laitteen koko määräytyy akun koon mukana. Matala tehonkulutus tarkoittaa pidempää akunkestoa ja pienempää fyysista kokoa. Nämä ovat ratkaisevia ominaisuuksia, erityisesti implantoitaville lääkinnällisille laitteille. Energiatehokkuuteen ja matalaan energiankulutukseen tähtääviä menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa eri abstraktiotasoilla järjestelmän suunnittelussa. Dynaaminen jännitteen ja taajuuden skaalaus on menetelmä, millä pyritään alentamaan dynaamista tehonkulutusta säätelemällä käyttöjännitettä ja kellotaajuutta. Suorituskyvyn kustannuksella on mahdollista saavuttaa matalampi energiankulutus. Keskeinen kysymys on, miten käytettävät kellotaajuudet tulee määritellä. Tässä diplomityössä kehitetään menetelmä, jota voidaan käyttää optimaalisten kellotaajuuksien määrittämiseen. Suorituksen aikana kerättävää dataa käytetään ohjelman profilointiin ja optimointimallin luomiseen. Suoritusdatan kerääminen on kehitetty FreeRTOS-käyttöjärjestelmälle, mutta periaate on sovellettavissa käyttöjärjestelmille, joissa tehtävät suoritetaan erillisissä prosesseissa. Profilointidata hyödynnetään yhdessä käyttäjän syöttämän data kanssa kellotaajuuksien määrittämiseen olettaen, että suoritusaika skaalautuu lineaarisesti kellotaajuden kanssa. Suositustaajuudet määritetään jokaiselle prosessille erikseen. Mittauksissa käytettiin ARM Cortex M3 prosessoria integroidulla tehonhallinnalla ja vaihelukolla. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että energiankulutusta voidaan pienentää vaikuttamatta sovelluksen virheettömään suoritukseen. Saavutettava hyöty tehonkulutuksessa on riippuvainen käytettävästä järjestelmästä ja sovelluksen suoritusprofiilista. Riittävä suorituskyky täytyy varmistaa iteratiivisella testaamisella ja kellotaajuuksien optimoinnilla. Tehonkulutus ja energiatehokkuus täytyy huomioida suunnitteluprosessin jokaisella osa-alueella, jotta parhaat tulokset saavutetaan

    Power efficient and power attacks resistant system design and analysis using aggressive scaling with timing speculation

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    Growing usage of smart and portable electronic devices demands embedded system designers to provide solutions with better performance and reduced power consumption. Due to the new development of IoT and embedded systems usage, not only power and performance of these devices but also security of them is becoming an important design constraint. In this work, a novel aggressive scaling based on timing speculation is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of traditional DVFS and provide security from power analysis attacks at the same time. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is proven to be the most suitable technique for power efficiency in processor designs. Due to its promising benefits, the technique is still getting researchers attention to trade off power and performance of modern processor designs. The issues of traditional DVFS are: 1) Due to its pre-calculated operating points, the system is not able to suit to modern process variations. 2) Since Process Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations are not considered, large timing margins are added to guarantee a safe operation in the presence of variations. The research work presented here addresses these issues by employing aggressive scaling mechanisms to achieve more power savings with increased performance. This approach uses in-situ timing error monitoring and recovering mechanisms to reduce extra timing margins and to account for process variations. A novel timing error detection and correction mechanism, to achieve more power savings or high performance, is presented. This novel technique has also been shown to improve security of processors against differential power analysis attacks technique. Differential power analysis attacks can extract secret information from embedded systems without knowing much details about the internal architecture of the device. Simulated and experimental data show that the novel technique can provide a performance improvement of 24% or power savings of 44% while occupying less area and power overhead. Overall, the proposed aggressive scaling technique provides an improvement in power consumption and performance while increasing the security of processors from power analysis attacks.N/

    Architecture Independent Timing Speculation Techniques in VLSI Circuits.

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    Conventional digital circuits must ensure correct operation throughout a wide range of operating conditions including process, voltage, and temperature variation. These conditions have an effect on circuit delays, and safety margins must be put in place which come at a power and performance cost. The Razor system proposed eliminating these timing margins by running a circuit with occasional timing errors and correcting the errors when they occur. Several existing Razor style designs have been proposed, however prior to this work, Razor could not be applied blindly or automatically to designs, as the various error correction schemes modified the architecture of the target design. Because of the architectural invasiveness and design complexities of these techniques, no published Razor style system had been applied to a complete existing commercial processor. Additionally, in all prior Razor-style systems, there is a fundamental tradeoff between speculation window and short path, or minimum delay, constraints, limiting the technique’s effectiveness. This thesis introduces the concept of Razor using two-phase latch based timing. By identifying and utilizing time borrowing as an error correction mechanism, it allows for Razor to be applied without the need to reload data or replay instructions. This allows for Razor to be blindly and automatically applied to existing designs without detailed knowledge of internal architecture. Additionally, latch based Razor allows for large speculation windows, up to 100% of nominal circuit delay, because it breaks the connection between minimum delay constraints and speculation window. By demonstrating how to transform conventional flip-flop based designs, including those which make use of clock gating, to two-phase latch based timing, Razor can be automatically added to a large set of existing digital designs. Two forms of latch based Razor are proposed. First, Bubble Razor involves rippling stall cycles throughout a circuit in response to timing errors and is applied to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the first ever application of a Razor technique to a complete, existing processor design. Additional work applies Bubble Razor to the ARM Cortex-R4 processor. The second latch based Razor technique, Voltage Razor, uses voltage boosting to correct for timing errors.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102461/1/mfojtik_1.pd

    Characterization of Interconnection Delays in FPGAS Due to Single Event Upsets and Mitigation

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    RÉSUMÉ L’utilisation incessante de composants électroniques à géométrie toujours plus faible a engendré de nouveaux défis au fil des ans. Par exemple, des semi-conducteurs à mémoire et à microprocesseur plus avancés sont utilisés dans les systèmes avioniques qui présentent une susceptibilité importante aux phénomènes de rayonnement cosmique. L'une des principales implications des rayons cosmiques, observée principalement dans les satellites en orbite, est l'effet d'événements singuliers (SEE). Le rayonnement atmosphérique suscite plusieurs préoccupations concernant la sécurité et la fiabilité de l'équipement avionique, en particulier pour les systèmes qui impliquent des réseaux de portes programmables (FPGA). Les FPGA à base de cellules de mémoire statique (SRAM) présentent une solution attrayante pour mettre en oeuvre des systèmes complexes dans le domaine de l’avionique. Les expériences de rayonnement réalisées sur les FPGA ont dévoilé la vulnérabilité de ces dispositifs contre un type particulier de SEE, à savoir, les événements singuliers de changement d’état (SEU). Un SEU est considérée comme le changement de l'état d'un élément bistable (c'est-à-dire, un bit-flip) dû à l'effet d'un ion, d'un proton ou d’un neutron énergétique. Cet effet est non destructif et peut être corrigé en réécrivant la partie de la SRAM affectée. Les changements de délai (DC) potentiels dus aux SEU affectant la mémoire de configuration de routage ont été récemment confirmés. Un des objectifs de cette thèse consiste à caractériser plus précisément les DC dans les FPGA causés par les SEU. Les DC observés expérimentalement sont présentés et la modélisation au niveau circuit de ces DC est proposée. Les circuits impliqués dans la propagation du délai sont validés en effectuant une modélisation précise des blocs internes à l'intérieur du FPGA et en exécutant des simulations. Les résultats montrent l’origine des DC qui sont en accord avec les mesures expérimentales de délais. Les modèles proposés au niveau circuit sont, aux meilleures de notre connaissance, le premier travail qui confirme et explique les délais combinatoires dans les FPGA. La conception d'un circuit moniteur de délai pour la détection des DC a été faite dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse. Ce moniteur permet de détecter un changement de délai sur les sections critiques du circuit et de prévenir les pannes de synchronisation engendrées par les SEU sans utiliser la redondance modulaire triple (TMR).----------ABSTRACT The unrelenting demand for electronic components with ever diminishing feature size have emerged new challenges over the years. Among them, more advanced memory and microprocessor semiconductors are being used in avionic systems that exhibit a substantial susceptibility to cosmic radiation phenomena. One of the main implications of cosmic rays, which was primarily observed in orbiting satellites, is single-event effect (SEE). Atmospheric radiation causes several concerns regarding the safety and reliability of avionics equipment, particularly for systems that involve field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). SRAM-based FPGAs, as an attractive solution to implement systems in aeronautic sector, are very susceptible to SEEs in particular Single Event Upset (SEU). An SEU is considered as the change of the state of a bistable element (i.e., bit-flip) due to the effect of an energetic ion or proton. This effect is non-destructive and may be fixed by rewriting the affected part. Sensitivity evaluation of SRAM-based FPGAs to a physical impact such as potential delay changes (DC) has not been addressed thus far in the literature. DCs induced by SEU can affect the functionality of the logic circuits by disturbing the race condition on critical paths. The objective of this thesis is toward the characterization of DCs in SRAM-based FPGAs due to transient ionizing radiation. The DCs observed experimentally are presented and the circuit-level modeling of those DCs is proposed. Circuits involved in delay propagation are reverse-engineered by performing precise modeling of internal blocks inside the FPGA and executing simulations. The results show the root cause of DCs that are in good agreement with experimental delay measurements. The proposed circuit level models are, to the best of our knowledge, the first work on modeling of combinational delays in FPGAs.In addition, the design of a delay monitor circuit for DC detection is investigated in the second part of this thesis. This monitor allowed to show experimentally cumulative DCs on interconnects in FPGA. To this end, by avoiding the use of triple modular redundancy (TMR), a mitigation technique for DCs is proposed and the system downtime is minimized. A method is also proposed to decrease the clock frequency after DC detection without interrupting the process

    Low Power Circuits for Smart Flexible ECG Sensors

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the world leading cause of death. In-home heart condition monitoring effectively reduced the CVD patient hospitalization rate. Flexible electrocardiogram (ECG) sensor provides an affordable, convenient and comfortable in-home monitoring solution. The three critical building blocks of the ECG sensor i.e., analog frontend (AFE), QRS detector, and cardiac arrhythmia classifier (CAC), are studied in this research. A fully differential difference amplifier (FDDA) based AFE that employs DC-coupled input stage increases the input impedance and improves CMRR. A parasitic capacitor reuse technique is proposed to improve the noise/area efficiency and CMRR. An on-body DC bias scheme is introduced to deal with the input DC offset. Implemented in 0.35m CMOS process with an area of 0.405mm2, the proposed AFE consumes 0.9W at 1.8V and shows excellent noise effective factor of 2.55, and CMRR of 76dB. Experiment shows the proposed AFE not only picks up clean ECG signal with electrodes placed as close as 2cm under both resting and walking conditions, but also obtains the distinct -wave after eye blink from EEG recording. A personalized QRS detection algorithm is proposed to achieve an average positive prediction rate of 99.39% and sensitivity rate of 99.21%. The user-specific template avoids the complicate models and parameters used in existing algorithms while covers most situations for practical applications. The detection is based on the comparison of the correlation coefficient of the user-specific template with the ECG segment under detection. The proposed one-target clustering reduced the required loops. A continuous-in-time discrete-in-amplitude (CTDA) artificial neural network (ANN) based CAC is proposed for the smart ECG sensor. The proposed CAC achieves over 98% classification accuracy for 4 types of beats defined by AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation). The CTDA scheme significantly reduces the input sample numbers and simplifies the sample representation to one bit. Thus, the number of arithmetic operations and the ANN structure are greatly simplified. The proposed CAC is verified by FPGA and implemented in 0.18m CMOS process. Simulation results show it can operate at clock frequencies from 10KHz to 50MHz. Average power for the patient with 75bpm heart rate is 13.34W

    Hardware / Software Architectural and Technological Exploration for Energy-Efficient and Reliable Biomedical Devices

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    Nowadays, the ubiquity of smart appliances in our everyday lives is increasingly strengthening the links between humans and machines. Beyond making our lives easier and more convenient, smart devices are now playing an important role in personalized healthcare delivery. This technological breakthrough is particularly relevant in a world where population aging and unhealthy habits have made non-communicable diseases the first leading cause of death worldwide according to international public health organizations. In this context, smart health monitoring systems termed Wireless Body Sensor Nodes (WBSNs), represent a paradigm shift in the healthcare landscape by greatly lowering the cost of long-term monitoring of chronic diseases, as well as improving patients' lifestyles. WBSNs are able to autonomously acquire biological signals and embed on-node Digital Signal Processing (DSP) capabilities to deliver clinically-accurate health diagnoses in real-time, even outside of a hospital environment. Energy efficiency and reliability are fundamental requirements for WBSNs, since they must operate for extended periods of time, while relying on compact batteries. These constraints, in turn, impose carefully designed hardware and software architectures for hosting the execution of complex biomedical applications. In this thesis, I develop and explore novel solutions at the architectural and technological level of the integrated circuit design domain, to enhance the energy efficiency and reliability of current WBSNs. Firstly, following a top-down approach driven by the characteristics of biomedical algorithms, I perform an architectural exploration of a heterogeneous and reconfigurable computing platform devoted to bio-signal analysis. By interfacing a shared Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) accelerator, this domain-specific platform can achieve higher performance and energy savings, beyond the capabilities offered by a baseline multi-processor system. More precisely, I propose three CGRA architectures, each contributing differently to the maximization of the application parallelization. The proposed Single, Multi and Interleaved-Datapath CGRA designs allow the developed platform to achieve substantial energy savings of up to 37%, when executing complex biomedical applications, with respect to a multi-core-only platform. Secondly, I investigate how the modeling of technology reliability issues in logic and memory components can be exploited to adequately adjust the frequency and supply voltage of a circuit, with the aim of optimizing its computing performance and energy efficiency. To this end, I propose a novel framework for workload-dependent Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) impact analysis on biomedical application results quality. Remarkably, the framework is able to determine the range of safe circuit operating frequencies without introducing worst-case guard bands. Experiments highlight the possibility to safely raise the frequency up to 101% above the maximum obtained with the classical static timing analysis. Finally, through the study of several well-known biomedical algorithms, I propose an approach allowing energy savings by dynamically and unequally protecting an under-powered data memory in a new way compared to regular error protection schemes. This solution relies on the Dynamic eRror compEnsation And Masking (DREAM) technique that reduces by approximately 21% the energy consumed by traditional error correction codes