225 research outputs found

    DPSK regeneration: phase and amplitude noise suppression based on Kerr medium

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    The scope of this thesis is to identify and propose new schemes for Deferential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) regeneration. DPSK modulation format presents increased robustness against ASE noise, which makes it strong candidate for use in long haul transmission systems. To achieve reasonable DPSK regeneration suppression of both the amplitude and phase noise is required. Three types of all-optical regenerators that make use of a Kerr medium, which can be a highly nonlinear fiber are analyzed. The first scheme is based on a modified nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM), with a subsequent addition of a bidirectional attenuator (DANOLM). The bidirectional attenuator allows to counterbalance the generation of the phase noise generated by the Gordon Mollenauer effect inside the Kerr medium. The second type of optical regenerator is based on the Self Phase Modulation (SPM) effect and offset filtering. Finally a novel scheme derived from the concepts of two former setups is presented and compared to the previous proposed. The operational conditions for optimum noise rejection are identified for each one of them. Through numerical simulations and detailed benchmarink we identify that our proposal outperforms all the schemes that have been presented previously in literature

    System Modeling and Optimization in Phase-Modulated Optical Fiber Communication Systems

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    In this two-part study, the conclusions drawn from optimization of interferometer incoherent detection carried out by examining the effect of pre-emphasis within the electrical signal-driving path are examined first. This is an expansion upon a widespread industry standard as realized by the Oclaro group. System performance in tight optical filtering conditions can be improved with concurrent adjustments to the level of pre- emphasis and breadth of the delay-line interferometer free-spectral range. In the second study, we implement a dual-polarization quadrature phase-shift keyed modulation format with a digital signal processing block based upon the constant modulus algorithm realized via a feed-forward equalizer with and without the moving average method. Ultimately, the purpose of both studies is to study the efficacy of new modulation formats to enhance gains in spectral efficiency and improve robustness against chromatic dispersion within the optical fiber

    All-optical Regeneration For Phase-shift Keyed Optical Communication Systems

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    All-optical signal processing techniques for phase-shift keyed (PSK) systems were developed theoretically and demonstrated experimentally. Nonlinear optical effects in fibers, in particular four-wave mixing (FWM) that occurs via the ultra-fast Kerr nonlinearity, offer a flexible framework within which numerous signal processing functions can be accomplished. This research has focused on the regenerative capabilities of various FWM configurations in the context of processing PSK signals. Phase-preserving amplitude regeneration, phase regeneration, and phase-regenerative wavelength conversion are analyzed and demonstrated experimentally. The single-pump phase-conjugation process was used to regenerate RZ-DPSK pulse amplitudes with different input noise distributions, and the impact on output phase characteristics was studied. Experiments revealed a limited range over which amplitude noise could effectively be suppressed without introduction of phase noise, particularly for signals with intensity pattern effects. Phase regeneration requires use of phase-sensitive amplification (PSA), which occurs in nonlinear interferometers when the pump and signal frequencies are degenerate (NI-PSA), or in fiber directly through single-stage (degenerate) or cascaded (non-degenerate) FWM processes. A PSA based on a Sagnac interferometer provided the first experimental demonstration of DPSK phase and amplitude regeneration. The phase-regenerative capabilities of the NI-PSA are limited in practice by intrinsic noise conversion (amplitude to phase noise) and to a lesser extent by the requirement to modulate the pump wave to suppress stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). These limitations are relaxed in novel materials with higher SBS thresholds and nonlinearities. Degenerate FWM provides PSA in a traveling-wave configuration that intrinsically suppresses the noise conversion affecting the NI-PSA, while providing stronger phase-matched gain. Experiments confirmed superior phase-regenerative behavior to the NI-PSA with simultaneous reduction of amplitude noise for NRZ-DPSK signals. Phase-regenerative wavelength conversion (PR-WC) provides the regenerative properties of PSA at a new wavelength, and was proposed and demonstrated for the first time in this research. The parallel implementation of two FWM processes, phase-conjugation and frequency conversion, provides two idlers which exhibit interesting and useful regenerative properties. These were investigated theoretically and experimentally. Ideal phase-regenerative behavior is predicted when the contributing FWM processes are equally phase-matched, which can be maintained over any interaction length or wavelength shift provided the pump powers are properly adjusted. Depleted-pump regime PR-WC provides simultaneous phase and amplitude regeneration. Experiments confirmed regenerative behavior for wavelength shifts of the idlers up to 5 nm. Two techniques for phase regeneration of 4-level PSK signals were developed and evaluated. The first is based on parallel operation of PSAs suitable for processing 2-level PSK signals, where phase projection and regeneration are combined to recover the input data. Analysis of this scheme outlined the conditions required for effective phase regeneration and for practical implementation using known PSAs. A novel process based on FWM (parallel phase-conjugation followed by PSA) was developed and analyzed, and demonstrated using numerical simulations. These studies provide a basis for further work in this area


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    This research explores the design of a secure electromagnetic building, focusing on buildings such as hospitals, embassies, cinemas and prisons. The novelty in this research was the investigation of a surface, which can be embedded into a wall or a window of a room/building, which is “smart”. In this case “smart” relates to the surfaces ability to reconfigure itself depending on the environment required for wireless signals that are present in the local surrounding area. For the purpose of designing a “smart” surface, classical passive Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) designs attenuating more than 60dB being very difficult, due to this poor filtering obtained by current passive FSS designs with limited options to reconfigure it practically. By introducing tuning elements, such as varactor diodes which are embedded into the FSS structure, vast improvements can be seen which can impair mobile phone signal without the need of greater attenuation levels. The outcome of this is a reconfigurable FSS, where the power transmitted through the FSS is a function of the bias voltage across the diodes. The reconfigurable nature of the FSS allows us to rapidly switch the complex transmission response such that the mobile phone signal passing through the FSS is corrupted. This is the first time that such a system has been tested against the GSM protocol. Simulations and measurements of the system verified that this concept can achieve the required performance. To test the performance of the new FSS, state of the art signal generators and receivers were employed to evaluate the Bit Error Rate (BER), which is a measure of the quality of a communications signal. BER of greater than 35% were achieved, which is significantly higher than that needed to successfully receive a signal. Original work has also been carried out investigating the diffraction effects of FSS for secure building applications in order to understand the practical implications of this technology. In summary all aspects of the design of a secure building have been investigated, from the FSS design and the scattering from the room/building which it is intended to be used in

    All-optical logic circuits based on the polarization properties of non-degenerate four-wave mixing

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    This thesis investigates a new class of all-optical logic circuits that are based on the polarization properties of non-degenerate Four-Wave Mixing. Such circuits would be used in conjunction with a data modulation format where the information is coded on the states of polarization of the electric field. Schemes to perform multiple triple-product logic functions are discussed and it is shown that higher-level Boolean operations involving several bits can be implemented without resorting to the standard 2-input gates that are based on some form of switching. Instead, an entire hierarchy of more complex Boolean functions can be derived based on the selection rules of multi-photon scattering processes that can form a new class of primitive building blocks for digital circuits. Possible applications of these circuits could involve some front-end signal processing to be performed all-optically in shared computer back-planes. As a simple illustration of this idea, a circuit performing error correction on a (3,1) Hamming Code is demonstrated. Error-free performance (Bit Error Rate of < 10^-9) at 2.5 Gbit/s is achieved after single-error correction on the Hamming word with 50 percent errors. The bit-rate is only limited by the bandwidth of available resources. Since Four-Wave Mixing is an ultrafast nonlinearity, these circuits offer the potential of computing at several terabits per second. Furthermore, it is shown that several Boolean functions can be performed in parallel in the same set of devices using different multi-photon scattering processes. The main objective of this thesis is to motivate a new paradigm of thought in digital circuit design. Challenges pertaining to the feasibility of these ideas are discusse

    Electroabsorption modulators used for all-optical signal processing and labelling

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    Phase And Amplitude Modulated Ofdm For Dispersion Managed Wdm Systems

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    Amplitude and phase modulated optical OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) are analyzed in a 50GBit/s single channel and 40GBit/s 5 channel 512 subcarrier non-ideal dispersion-compensated fiber optic communication systems. PM-OFDM is investigated as an alternative to AM-OFDM to alleviate the problem associated with amplitude-modulated signals in a nonlinear medium. The inherent dispersion compensation capability in OFDM (using a cyclic prefix) allows transmission over a link whose dispersion map is not exactly known. OFDM also mitigates the effects of dispersion slope in wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) systems. Moreover, the overall dispersion throughout the transmission link may vary due to environmental effects and aging. OFDM is inherently tolerant to over- or under-compensation and dispersion slope mismatch. OFDM transmission over dispersive, non-dispersion managed fiber links using OFDM requires an overhead in excess of the maximum accumulated dispersion. Existing WDM systems usually employ periodic dispersion management. OFDM in these systems requires a smaller overhead. It is, however, more susceptible to nonlinearity due to the coherent beating of subcarriers after each dispersion-compensated span. The large variation in intensity associated with amplitude-modulated OFDM makes this modulation format more susceptible to nonlinear effects in fiber compared to phase-modulated signals. This holds true unless dispersion and EDFA noise lead to amplitude variations strong enough for PM-OFDM to be degraded by nonlinear effects as well. In conclusion OFDM is beneficial for non-ideal dispersion managed systems. PM-OFDM can further improve the performance

    Development of an integrated silicon photonic transceiver for access networks

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    Debido a la imparable aparición de dispositivos móviles multifunción junto con aplicaciones que requieren cada vez más un mayor ancho de banda en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, las futuras redes de acceso deberán ser capaces de proporcionar servicios tanto inalámbricos como cableados. Es por ello que una solución a seguir es el uso de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas como medio de transporte de señales inalámbricas en enlaces de radio sobre fibra. Con ello, se converge a un dominio óptico reduciendo y aliviando el cuello de botella entre los estándares de acceso inalámbrico y cableado. En esta tesis, como parte de los objetivos establecidos en el proyecto europeo HELIOS en el que está enmarcada, se han investigado y desarrollado los bloques funcionales básicos necesarios para realizar un transceptor fotónico integrado trabajando en el rango de longitudes de onda milimétricas, y haciendo uso de los formatos de modulación más robustos y que mejor se adaptan al ámbito de aplicación considerado. El trabajo que se presenta en esta tesis se puede dividir básicamente en tres partes. La primera de ellas ofrece una descripción general de los beneficios del uso de la fotónica en silicio para el desarrollo de enlaces inalámbricos a velocidades de Gbps, así como el estado del arte de los transceptores desarrollados por los grupos de investigación más activos y punteros para satisfacer las necesidades de mercado, cada vez más exigentes. La segunda parte se centra en el estudio y desarrollo del transmisor integrado de onda milimétrica. Primero realizamos una breve introducción teórica tanto del funcionamiento de los dispositivos que forman parte del transmisor, como a los formatos de modulación existentes, centrando la atención en la modulación por desplazamiento de fase (PSK) que es la que se va a utilizar en el desarrollo de los dispositivos implicados, y más concretamente en la modulación (diferencial) de fase en cuadratura ((D)QPSK). También se presentan los bloques básicos que integran nuestro transmisor y se fijan las especificaciones que deben cumplir dichos bloques para conseguir una transmisión libre de errores. El transmisor está compuesto por un filtro/demultiplexor encargado de separar dos portadoras ópticas separadas una frecuencia de 60 GHz. Una de estas portadoras es modulada al pasar por un modulador DQPSK basado en una estructura de dos MachZehnders (MZs) anidados, para ser nuevamente combinada con la otra portadora óptica que se ha mantenido intacta. Una vez combinadas, éstas son fotodetectadas para ser transmitidas inalámbricamente. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, se investiga el uso de un esquema de diversidad en polarización junto a un receptor DQPSK integrado para la demodulación de la señal recibida. El esquema de diversidad en polarización está formado básicamente por dos bloques: un separador de polarización con el objetivo de separar la luz a la entrada del chip en sus dos componentes ortogonales; y un rotador de polarización. En lo que se refiere al receptor DQPSK propiamente dicho, se ha investigado y optimizado cada uno de los bloques funcionales que lo componen. Éstos son básicamente un divisor de potencia termo-ópticamente sintonizable basado en un interferómetro MZ, en serie con un interferómetro MZ que introduce un retardo de duración de un bit en uno de sus brazos, para obtener una correcta demodulación diferencial. El siguiente bloque que forma parte de nuestro receptor DQPSK es un 2x4 acoplador de interferencia multimodal actuando como un híbrido de 90 grados, cuyas salidas van a parar a dos fotodetectores balanceados de germanio. Las contribuciones principales de esta tesis han sido: ¿ Demostración de un filtro/demultiplexor con tres grados de sintonización con una relación de extinción superior a 25dB. ¿ Demostración de un rotador con una longitud de tan sólo 25µm y CMOS compatible. ¿ Demostración de un modulador DPSK a una velocidad máxima de 20 Gbit/s. ¿ Demostración de un demodulador DQPSK a una velocidad máxima de 20 Gbit/s.Due to the relentless emergence of multifunction mobile devices with applications that require increasingly greater bandwidth at anytime and anywhere, future access networks must be capable of providing both wireless and wired services. The use of optical communications systems as transport medium of wireless signals over fiber radio links is a steady solution to be taken into account. This will make possible a convergence to an optical domain reducing and alleviating the bottleneck between wireless access standards and current wired access. In this thesis, as part of the objectives of the European project HELIOS in which it is framed, we have investigated and developed the basic functional blocks needed to achieve an integrated photonic transceiver working in the range of millimetre wavelengths, and using robust modulation formats that best fit the scope considered. The work presented in this thesis can be basically divided into three parts. The first one provides an overview of the benefits of using silicon photonics for the development of wireless links at rates of Gbps, and the state of the art of the transceivers reported by the most important research groups in order to meet the increasingly demanding needs¿ market. The second part focuses on the study and development of millimetre-wave integrated transmitter. First we provide a brief theoretical introduction of the operation principles of the devices involved in the transmitter such as a modulation formats, focusing on the phase shift keying (PSK) which is the one that will be used, particularly the (differential) quadrature phase shift keying ((D) QPSK). We also present the building blocks involved in our transmitter and we set the specifications that must be met by these devices in order to achieve an error-free transmission. The transmitter includes a filter/demultiplexer which must separate two optical carriers 60 GHz separated. One of these optical carriers is modulated by passing through a DQPSK Mach-Zehnder-based modulator (MZM) by arranging two MZMs in a nested configuration. Using a combiner, the modulated optical signal and the un-modulated carrier are combined and photodetected to be transmitted wirelessly. In the third part of this thesis, we investigate the use of a polarization diversity scheme with an integrated DQPSK receiver for demodulating of the wireless signal. The polarization diversity scheme basically consists of two blocks: a polarization splitter in order to separate the random polarization state of the incoming light into its two orthogonal components, and a polarization rotator. Regarding the DQPSK receiver itself, all the functional blocks that comprise it have been investigated and optimized. It basically includes a thermo-optically tunable MZ interferometer power splitter, in series with a MZ interferometer that introduces, in one of its arms, a delay of one bit length in order to obtain a correct differential demodulation. The next building block of our DQPSK receiver is a 2x4 multimode interference coupler acting as a 90 degree hybrid, whose outputs are connected to two balanced germanium photodetectors. The main contributions of this thesis are: ¿ Demonstration of a filter/demultiplexer with three degrees of tuning and an extinction ratio greater than 25dB. ¿ Demonstration of a polarization rotator with a length of only 25¿m and CMOS compatible. ¿ Demonstration of a DPSK modulator at a maximum rate of 20 Gbit/s. ¿ Demonstration of a DQPSK demodulator to a maximum rate of 20 Gbit/s.Aamer, M. (2013). Development of an integrated silicon photonic transceiver for access networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31649TESI

    Quasi-lossless data transmission with ultra-long Raman fibre laser based amplification

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    The project consists of an experimental and numerical modelling study of the applications of ultra-long Raman fibre laser (URFL) based amplification techniques for high-speed multi-wavelength optical communications systems. The research is focused in telecommunications C-band 40 Gb/s transmission data rates with direct and coherent detection. The optical transmission performance of URFL based systems in terms of optical noise, gain bandwidth and gain flatness for different system configurations is evaluated. Systems with different overall span lengths, transmission fibre types and data modulation formats are investigated. Performance is compared with conventional Erbium doped fibre amplifier based system to evaluate system configurations where URFL based amplification provide performance or commercial advantages