7 research outputs found

    Towards a Scalable Dynamic Spatial Database System

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    With the rise of GPS-enabled smartphones and other similar mobile devices, massive amounts of location data are available. However, no scalable solutions for soft real-time spatial queries on large sets of moving objects have yet emerged. In this paper we explore and measure the limits of actual algorithms and implementations regarding different application scenarios. And finally we propose a novel distributed architecture to solve the scalability issues.Comment: (2012

    Cheating Prevention in Peer-to-Peer-based Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments

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    Massively multiuser virtual environments (MMVEs) have become an increasingly popular Internet application in recent years. Until now, they are all based on client/server technology. Due to its inherent lack of scalability, realizing MMVEs based on peer-to-peer technology has received a lot of interest. From the perspective of the operator, using peer-to-peer technology raises additional challenges: the lack of trust in peers and their unreliability. The simulation of the virtual environment is governed by certain rules specified by the operator. These rules state what actions can be taken by users in the virtual environment and how the state of the environment changes based on these actions. Since MMVEs are very often competitive environments, some people will cheat and try to break the rules to get an unfair advantage over others. Using a central server performing the simulation of the virtual environment, the operator can ensure only allowed actions can be performed and the state of the environment evolves according to the rules. In a peer-to-peer setting, the operator has no control over the peers so they might not behave as implemented by the operator. Furthermore, a central server is inherently more reliable than a peer which could fail at any time so data might be lost. This thesis presents the design of a storage performing a distributed simulation of a virtual environment. It uses a deterministic event-based simulation to calculate the state of the virtual environment only based on the actions of its users. There are multiple replicated simulations using a voting mechanism to overcome the influence of malicious peers trying to tamper with the state of the environment as long as the number of malicious peers does not reach a critical threshold. Replication of data also ensures data is not lost when peers fail. The storage is based on a peer-to-peer overlay allowing peers to exchange messages to store and retrieve data. It creates a Delaunay graph structure matching the way the data in the virtual environment is distributed among the peers. A self-stabilizing algorithm keeps the structure intact as peers join and leave the network. Additional routing tables allow peers to retrieve stored replicas independently on short, disjoint paths reducing the influence of malicious peers on the retrieval of data. A redundant filling algorithm prevents malicious peers from tampering with these routing tables to get more messages routed their way

    A Location Aware P2P Voice Communication Protocol for Networked Virtual Environments

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    Multiparty voice communication, where multiple people can communicate in a group, is an important component of networked virtual environments (NVEs), especially in many types of online games. While most research has been conducted on one-to-one communication, we focus on group communication. In this dissertation, we present the first measurement study on the characteristics of multiparty voice communications and develop a model of the talking and silence periods observed during multiparty communication. Over a total of 5 months, we measured over 11,000 sessions on an active multi-party voice communication server to quantify the characteristics of communication generated by game players, including group sizes, packet distributions, user and session frequencies, and speaking (and silence) durations. Further, we develop a model for multiparty voice communication that can be used for future research, simulation, network engineering, and game development work. Next, we propose a peer-to-peer protocol that uses Gabriel graphs, a subgraph of Delaunay-triangulations, to provide scalable multiparty voice communication. In addition, our protocol uses positional information so that voice data can be accurately modeled to listeners to increase the immersiveness of their experience. Our simulations show that the algorithms scale well even in densely populated areas, while prioritizing the sending of voice packets to the closest listeners of a speaker rst, thus behaving as users expect. We also develop a security framework that prevents common attacks. Finally, we implement our protocol and put it through exhaustive validation, where we use the model that we generated using our multiparty voice communication model

    Passage à l'échelle pour les mondes virtuels

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    Virtual worlds attract millions of users and these popular applications --supported by gigantic data centers with myriads of processors-- are routinely accessed. However, surprisingly, virtual worlds are still unable to host simultaneously more than a few hundred users in the same contiguous space.The main contribution of the thesis is Kiwano, a distributed system enabling an unlimited number of avatars to simultaneously evolve and interact in a contiguous virtual space. In Kiwano we employ the Delaunay triangulation to provide each avatar with a constant number of neighbors independently of their density or distribution. The avatar-to-avatar interactions and related computations are then bounded, allowing the system to scale. The load is constantly balanced among Kiwano's nodes which adapt and take in charge sets of avatars according to their geographic proximity. The optimal number of avatars per CPU and the performances of our system have been evaluated simulating tens of thousands of avatars connecting to a Kiwano instance running across several data centers, with results well beyond the current state-of-the-art.We also propose Kwery, a distributed spatial index capable to scale dynamic objects of virtual worlds. Kwery performs efficient reverse geolocation queries on large numbers of moving objects updating their position at arbitrary high frequencies. We use a distributed spatial index on top of a self-adaptive tree structure. Each node of the system hosts and answers queries on a group of objects in a zone, which is the minimal axis-aligned rectangle. They are chosen based on their proximity and the load of the node. Spatial queries are then answered only by the nodes with meaningful zones, that is, where the node's zone intersects the query zone.Kiwano has been successfully implemented for HybridEarth, a mixed reality world, Manycraft, our scalable multiplayer Minecraft map, and discussed for OneSim, a distributed Second Life architecture. By handling avatars separately, we show interoperability between these virtual worlds.With Kiwano and Kwery we provide the first massively distributed and self-adaptive solutions for virtual worlds suitable to run in the cloud. The results, in terms of number of avatars per CPU, exceed by orders of magnitude the performances of current state-of-the-art implementations. This indicates Kiwano to be a cost effective solution for the industry. The open API for our first implementation is available at \url{http://kiwano.li}.La réalité mixe, les jeux en ligne massivement multijoueur (MMOGs), les mondes virtuels et le cyberespace sont des concepts extrêmement attractifs. Mais leur déploiement à large échelle reste difficile et il est en conséquence souvent évité.La contribution principale de la thèse réside dans le système distribué Kiwano, qui permet à un nombre illimité d'avatars de peupler et d'interagir simultanément dans un même monde contigu. Dans Kiwano nous utilisons la triangulation de Delaunay pour fournir à chaque avatar un nombre constant de voisins en moyenne, indépendamment de leur densité ou distribution géographique. Le nombre d'interactions entre les avatars et les calculs inhérents sont bornés, ce qui permet le passage à l'échelle du système.La charge est repartie sur plusieurs machines qui regroupent sur un même nœud les avatars voisins de façon contiguë dans le graphe de Delaunay. L'équilibrage de la charge se fait de manière contiguë et dynamique, en suivant la philosophie des réseaux pair-à-pair (peer-to-peer overlays). Cependant ce principe est adapté au contexte de l'informatique dématérialisée (cloud computing).Le nombre optimal d'avatars par CPU et les performances de notre système ont été évalués en simulant des dizaines de milliers d'avatars connectés à la même instance de Kiwano tournant à travers plusieurs centres de traitement de données.Nous proposons également trois applications concrètes qui utilisent Kiwano : Manycraft est une architecture distribuée capable de supporter un nombre arbitrairement grand d'utilisateurs cohabitant dans le même espace Minecraft, OneSim, qui permet à un nombre illimité d'usagers d'être ensemble dans la même région de Second Life et HybridEarth, un monde en réalité mixte où avatars et personnes physiques sont présents et interagissent dans un même espace: la Terre

    Analisi e valutazione di algoritmi distribuiti per la costruzione della Triangolazione di Delaunay

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    Delaunay triangulations are very useful because of their mathematical properties, expolited in several distributed applications, from peer-to-peer networks to sensor and geographical networks. For these reasons, several distributed algorithms for the construction of Delaunay based overlays have been recently proposed. This thesis presents a survey of the main distributed algorithms for the construction of the Delaunay Triangulation presented in the last years, and of their applications, with particular focus on the innovative techniques. The analysis has led to the definition of NewACE, a new distributed algorithm, which has been compared with two state of art approahes. The thesis presents a set of experimental results showing the pro and the cons of these algorithms

    NAT Traversal und verlässliche Datenverteilung in geschichteten Peer-to-Peer Systemen

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    Peer-to-Peer basierte Systeme haben in den letzten Jahren insbesondere im Bereich des Dateiaustasuches zunehmend an Verbreitung gewonnen. Peer-to-Peer Systeme sind dezentrale Netzwerke, in denen jeder Teilnehmer bzw. jeder Peer gleichberechtigt ist. Jeder Peer kann Dienste in Anspruch nehmen und stellt gelichzeitig anderen Teilnehmern Dienste zur Verfügung. Im Rahmen des Peers@play Projektes wird untersucht, ob auch komplexere Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise virtuelle Welten, auf Basis von Peer-to-Peer Systemen entwickelt werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Ansätze vorgestellt, die für die Entwicklung einer Peer-to-Peer-basierten virtuellen Welt verwendet werden können. Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet hierbei drei Aspekte aus unterschiedlichen Forschungsgebieten. Der erste Aspekt, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit betrachtet wird, betrifft die Kommunikation zwischen Peers. Diese Kommunikation wird durch die Verbreitung von Network Address Translation (NAT) Routern erschwert. NAT Router reduzieren die Konnektivität der Rechner, die sich hinter den NAT Routern befinden. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, den Nachrichtenaustausch zwischen Peers, die sich hinter NAT Routern befinden, zu gewährleisten. Verfahren, die dies ermöglichen, werden als NAT Traversal Verfahren bezeichnet. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neues NAT Traversal Verfahren für das Transportprotokoll TCP vorgestellt. Da die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit eines NAT Traversal Verfahrens stark von den verwendeten NAT Routern abhängig ist, wird in dieser Arbeit zusätzlich ein Protokoll vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht das NAT Traversal Verfahren auszuwählen, das in einer bestimmten Situation die höchste Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit bietet. Eine weitere Herausforderung betrifft die Umsetzung und konkrete Entwicklung einer Peer-to-Peer-basierten Anwendung. Hier existiert oft eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Ansätze für unterschiedliche Problemstellungen. Dabei ist es nicht immer im Vorfeld ersichtlich, welche Kombination von diesen Ansätzen die Beste in Bezug auf Performanz oder Stabilität ist. Um dies zu evaluieren, werden häufig Ansätze zuerst für existierende Simulationsumgebungen implementiert und anschließend für die eigentliche Anwendung. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird eine geschichtete Softwarearchitektur vorgestellt, die eine Peer-to-Peer-basierte Anwendung in Schichten und Komponenten unterteilt. Hierdurch können verschiedene Ansätze einfach ausgetauscht werden. Zusätzlich ermöglicht es die Architektur denselben Quelltext für die eigentliche Anwendung als auch für Simulationen zu verwenden. Der dritte Aspekt dieser Arbeit betrifft die Datenspeicherung. In einem Server-basierten System wird der Zustand einer virtuellen Welt auf einem zentralen Server gespeichert. In einem Peer-to-Peer System hingegen muss der Zustand der virtuellen Welt auf den Peers des Peer-to-Peer Netzwerks gespeichert werden. Hierbei müssen eine Reihe von Anforderungen bezüglich der Verlässlichkeit und Sicherheit der gespeicherten Daten erfüllt werden. Zusätzlich müssen Daten effizient abgefragt werden können. Daher werden im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit ein Peer-to-Peer Netzwerk sowie ein Replikationsverfahren vorgestellt, die die Grundlage für einen sicheren und verlässlichen Peer-to-Peer-basierten Datenspeicher bilden