1,645 research outputs found

    Synergetic modelling of the Russian Federation’s energy system parameters

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    The energy system in any country is the basis of the whole economy. The level of its development largely determines the quantity and quality of economic entities, periods of economic growth, fall and stagnation. A high percentage of the power-deficient municipalities in the Russian Federation shows the substantive issues in this sphere that carries a threat to the energy security of the state. One of the promising trends for enhancing the energy security is the renewable energy sources (RES). Their use has the obvious benefits: it provides electricity to power-deficient and inaccessible areas, contributes to the introduction and spread of new technologies, thus solving the important social and economic problem. At that, it is important to determine the optimum ratio using of the recovery of renewable and conventional energy sources (CES). One of the main challenges in this regard is to build a model that adequately reflects the ratio of renewable and conventional energy sources in the Russian energy system. The paper presents the results of a synergistic approach to the construction of such a model. The Lotka- Volterra model was the main instrument used, which allowed to study a behavior pattern of the considered systems on the basis of the simplified regularities. It was found that the best possible qualitative “jump” in the Russian energy sector was in 2008. The calculations allowed to investigate the behavior of the Russian energy system with the variation of the initial conditions and to assess the validity of the targets for the share of electricity produced through the use of renewable energy in the total electric power of the country

    Technology Learning Curves for Energy Policy Support

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    The European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) organised an expert workshop on 'Learning Curves for Policy Support' in Amsterdam on 8 March 2012. It aimed to assess the challenges in the application of the two-factor learning curve, or alternative solutions in supporting policy decision making in the framework of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan, and explored options for improvement. The workshop gathered distinguished experts in the field of scientific research on learning curves and policy researchers from the European Commission and ECN to assess the challenges in the application of the two-factor-learning curve, or alternative solutions in supporting policy decision making, and to provide options for improvement. This paper forms the summary of outcomes from the workshop. Due to the very different nature of the One-Factor-Learning concept and the Two-Factor-Learning concept, these are discussed in separate parts. In each of these parts the context and the methodology are introduced, methodological and data challenges are described and the problems associated with the application of the concept in models is discussed.JRC.F.6-Energy systems evaluatio

    Energy Technology Learning - Key to Transform into a Low - Carbon Society

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    In quest of code

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    Architects who apply their generative modelling and scripting skills for creating virtual and prototypical spaces through the usage of algorithms and bespoke coding are increasingly confronted with an application in the real material world. The article suggests computational design strategies and two different architectural and urban prototypes for an era in which intelligent material, robotic assistants, smart geometries, changing human habitat converge with demographic, cultural and natural earth data to govern a global rethinking of socio-architectural ecologies. Since the beginning of humankind our ecosystem planet earth has served as feeding ground and shelter. Civilisation and industrialisation have triggered a verification of territory, ownership, economic wealth and power. Henceforth ethical rules, societal regulation and intuitive values were partly overridden and replaced. Long-distant transport vehicles such as cargo ships and trains allowed for accelerating the mixing up of goods and technologies. Architects solved industrial and infrastructural problems with new ideas and emerging building types; shaping urban and peripheral environments. A great idea manifested through extensive exchange of cultures and knowledge - however, strangely enough climaxed in an ultimate exploitation of our natural resources. A situation we can hardly understand or handle. As a result we are facing a situation of re-scripting our human, urban and architectural ecological system. Thus the article touches upon this very shift starting in the 18th century traversing through the implementation of the Internet, to regulate our physical world and data-autobahns filled with informing bits and bytes. The question is, which questions to ask for the best solution we can offer.Architekten, die ihre generativen Modellierungs- und Skripting-Fähigkeiten zur Erstellung virtueller und prototypischer Räume durch den Einsatz von Algorithmen und maßgeschneiderter Codierung anwenden, werden zunehmend mit einer Anwendung in der realen materiellen Welt konfrontiert. Die Autorin präsentiert computergestützte Entwurfsstrategien an zwei architektonische und urbane Prototypen für eine Ära vor, in der intelligentes Material, Roboterassistenten und sich ändernder menschlicher Lebensraum mit demographischen, kulturellen und natürlichen Geodaten konvergieren, um ein globales Umdenken sozialarchitektonischer Ökologien zu steuern. Seit dem Beginn der Menschheit dient unser Ökosystem Planet Erde als Nahrungsgrund und Zufluchtsort. Zivilisation und Industrialisierung haben Decetten von Territorium, Eigentum, wirtschaftlichem Reichtum und Macht ausgelöst. Fortan wurden ethische Regeln, gesellschaftliche Regulierung und intuitive Werte teilweise außer Kraft gesetzt und ersetzt. Fernverkehrsfahrzeuge wie Frachtschiffe und Züge ermöglichten eine beschleunigte Vermischung von Gütern und Technologien. Architekten lösen industrielle und infrastrukturelle Probleme mit neuen Ideen und neuen Gebäudetypen; Gestaltung städtischer und peripherer Umgebungen. Eine großartige Idee, die sich in einem ausgedehnten Austausch von Kulturen und Wissen manifestierte, endete seltsamerweise in einer ultimativen Ausbeutung unserer natürlichen Ressourcen. Eine Situation, die wir kaum verstehen oder handhaben können. Als Ergebnis stehen wir vor der Frage, wie wir unser menschliches, urbanes und architektonisches Ökosystem umgestalten. Der Artikel greift diese Verschiebung auf

    On the cybernetic arrangement of feedback in serious games: A systems-theoretical perspective

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    This paper explores the cybernetic regulation of complex human learning and teaching. It provides a theoretical description of the arrangement of adaptive, machine- generated learner feedback which relies on cybernetic principles. Cybernetics — today often referred to as control theory, or feedback control theory — involves the incorporation of self-establishing feedback mechanisms for optimal control in complex systems. Although feedback is considered a key element of any learning process, the arrangement of feedback by teachers and educators is under pressure because of the ever-growing complexity of learning environments which is being reinforced by open, online learning technologies and topical models of learning (competence learning, experiential learning, situated cognition, serious gaming). This paper explores how cybernetic principles could be implemented in complex learning environments, e.g. serious games, for the arrange- ment of self-regulating feedback loops for learners. The approach is based on a quanti- tative description of learning activities and learning performances. For the presentation of the feedback, a feedback decision procedure is suggested which is to be linked with pedagogical theories and assessment models. The proposed cybernetic approach is elucidated with a theoretical example. The paper provides a proof of principle and gives suggestions for further development

    Distance Learning: Modern Approaches to Engineering Education

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    Globalistics and Globalization Studies: Big History & Global History. Yearbook

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    This yearbook is the fourth in the series with the title Globalistics and Globalization Studies. The subtitle of the present volume is Global History & Big History. The point is that today our global world really demands global knowledge. Thus, there are a few actively developingmultidisciplinary approaches and integral disciplines among which one can name Global Studies,Global History and Big History. They all provide a connection between the past, present, andfuture. Big History with its vast and extremely heterogeneous field of research encompasses allthe forms of existence and all timescales and brings together constantly updated information fromthe scientific disciplines and the humanities. Global History is transnational or world historywhich examines history from a global perspective, making a wide use of comparative history andof the history of multiple cultures and nations. Global Studies express the view of systemicand epistemological unity of global processes. Thus, one may argue that Global Studies and Globalistics can well be combined with Global History and Big History and such a multidisciplinary approach can open wide horizons for the modern university education as it helps to form a global view of various processes

    Globalistics and globalization studies big history and global history

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    This yearbook is the fourth in the series with the title Globalistics and Globalization Studies. The subtitle of the present volume is Global History & Big History. The point is that today our global world really demands global knowledge. Thus, there are a few actively developing multidisciplinary approaches and integral disciplines among which one can name Global Studies, Global History and Big History. They all provide a connection between the past, present, and future. Big History with its vast and extremely heterogeneous field of research encompasses all the forms of existence and all timescales and brings together constantly updated information from the scientific disciplines and the humanities. Global History is transnational or world history which examines history from a global perspective, making a wide use of comparative history and of the history of multiple cultures and nations. Global Studies express the view of systemic and epistemological unity of global processes. Thus, one may argue that Global Studies and Globalistics can well be combined with Global History and Big History and such a multidisciplinary approach can open wide horizons for the modern university education as it helps to form a global view of various processes