227 research outputs found

    PDF-Malware Detection: A Survey and Taxonomy of Current Techniques

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    Portable Document Format, more commonly known as PDF, has become, in the last 20 years, a standard for document exchange and dissemination due its portable nature and widespread adoption. The flexibility and power of this format are not only leveraged by benign users, but from hackers as well who have been working to exploit various types of vulnerabilities, overcome security restrictions, and then transform the PDF format in one among the leading malicious code spread vectors. Analyzing the content of malicious PDF files to extract the main features that characterize the malware identity and behavior, is a fundamental task for modern threat intelligence platforms that need to learn how to automatically identify new attacks. This paper surveys existing state of the art about systems for the detection of malicious PDF files and organizes them in a taxonomy that separately considers the used approaches and the data analyzed to detect the presence of malicious code. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

    Malware Detection Using Dynamic Analysis

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    In this research, we explore the field of dynamic analysis which has shown promis- ing results in the field of malware detection. Here, we extract dynamic software birth- marks during malware execution and apply machine learning based detection tech- niques to the resulting feature set. Specifically, we consider Hidden Markov Models and Profile Hidden Markov Models. To determine the effectiveness of this dynamic analysis approach, we compare our detection results to the results obtained by using static analysis. We show that in some cases, significantly stronger results can be obtained using our dynamic approach

    Signature Base Method Dataset Feature Reduction of Opcode Using Pre-Processing Approach

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    Malware can be defined as any type of malicious code that has the potential to harm a computer or network. To detect unknown malware families, the frequency of the appearance of Opcode (Operation Code) sequences are used through dynamic analysis. Opcode n-gram analysis used to extract features from the inspected files. Opcode n-grams are used as features during the classification process with the aim of identifying unknown malicious code. A support vector machine (SVM) is used to create a reference model, which is used to evaluate two methods of feature reduction, which are area of intersect. The SVM is configured to traverse through the dataset searching for Opcodes that have a positive impact on the classification of benign and malicious software. The dataset is constructed by representing each executable file as a set of Opcode density histograms. Classification tasks involve separating dataset into training and test data. The training sets are classified into benign and malicious software. In area of interest the characteristics of benign and malicious Opcodes are plotted as normal distributions. They are grouped into density curves of a single Opcode. The key feature to note is the overlapping area of the two density curves. In Subspace analysis the importance of individual Opcodes, are investigated by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in subspace .PCA is used for data compression and mapping. The eigenvector filter Opcodes coincides with the SVM chose Opcodes

    Op2Vec: An Opcode Embedding Technique and Dataset Design for End-to-End Detection of Android Malware

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    Android is one of the leading operating systems for smart phones in terms of market share and usage. Unfortunately, it is also an appealing target for attackers to compromise its security through malicious applications. To tackle this issue, domain experts and researchers are trying different techniques to stop such attacks. All the attempts of securing Android platform are somewhat successful. However, existing detection techniques have severe shortcomings, including the cumbersome process of feature engineering. Designing representative features require expert domain knowledge. There is a need for minimizing human experts' intervention by circumventing handcrafted feature engineering. Deep learning could be exploited by extracting deep features automatically. Previous work has shown that operational codes (opcodes) of executables provide key information to be used with deep learning models for detection process of malicious applications. The only challenge is to feed opcodes information to deep learning models. Existing techniques use one-hot encoding to tackle the challenge. However, the one-hot encoding scheme has severe limitations. In this paper, we introduce; (1) a novel technique for opcodes embedding, which we name Op2Vec, (2) based on the learned Op2Vec we have developed a dataset for end-to-end detection of android malware. Introducing the end-to-end Android malware detection technique avoids expert-intensive handcrafted features extraction, and ensures automation. Some of the recent deep learning-based techniques showed significantly improved results when tested with the proposed approach and achieved an average detection accuracy of 97.47%, precision of 0.976 and F1 score of 0.979

    Malware Detection Approaches based on Operational Codes (OpCodes) of Executable Programs: A Review

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    A malicious software, or Malware for a short, poses a threat to computer systems, which need to be analyzed, detected, and eliminated. Generally, malware is analyzed in two ways: dynamic malware analysis and static malware analysis. The former collects features dataset during running of the malware, and involves malware APIs, registry activities, file activities, process activities, and network activities based features. The latter collects features dataset prior and without running the malware, and involves Operational Codes (OpCodes) and text based (Bytecodes) features. However, several previous researchers addressed and reviewed malware detection approaches based on various aspects, but none of them addressed and reviewed the approaches merely based on malware OpCodes. Therefore, this paper aims to review Malware Detection Approaches based on OpCodes. The review explores, demonstrates, and compares the existing approaches for detecting malware according to their OpCodes only, and finally presents a comprehensive comparable envisage about them

    Boosted Hidden Markov Models for Malware Detection

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    Digital security is an important issue today, and efficient malware detection is at the forefront of research into building secure digital systems. As with many other fields, malware detection research has seen a dramatic increase in the application of machine learning algorithms. One machine learning technique that has found widespread application in the field of pattern matching and malware detection is hidden Markov models (HMMs). Since HMM training is a hill climb technique, we can often significantly improve a model by training multiple times with different initial values. In this research, we compare boosted HMMs (using AdaBoost) to HMMs trained with multiple random restarts, in the context of malware detection. These techniques are applied to a variety of challenging malware datasets and we analyze the results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency
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