972 research outputs found

    Corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm for semi-automated semantic lexicon construction

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    Journal ArticleMany applications need a lexicon that represents semantic information but acquiring lexical information is time consuming. We present a corpus-based bootstrapping algorithm that assists users in creating domain-specifi c semantic lexicons quickly. Our algorithm uses a representative text corpus for the domain and a small set of 'seed words' that belong to a semantic class of interest. The algorithm hypothesizes new words that are also likely to belong to the semantic class because they occur in the same contexts as the seed words. The best hypotheses are added to the seed word list dynamically, and the process iterates in a bootstrapping fashion. When the bootstrapping process halts, a ranked list of hypothesized category words is presented to a user for review. We used this algorithm to generate a semantic lexicon for eleven semantic classes associated with the MUC-4 terrorism domain

    Learning dictionaries for information extraction by multi-level bootstrapping

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    Journal ArticleInformation extraction systems usually require two dictionaries: a semantic lexicon and a dictionary of extraction patterns for the domain. We present a multilevel bootstrapping algorithm that generates both the semantic lexicon and extraction patterns simultaneously. As input, our technique requires only unannotated training texts and a handful of seed words for a category. We use a mutual bootstrapping technique to alternately select the best extraction pattern for the category and bootstrap its extractions into the semantic lexicon, which is the basis for selecting the next extraction pattern. To make this approach more robust, we add a second level of bootstrapping (metabootstrapping) that retains only the most reliable lexicon entries produced by mutual bootstrapping and then restarts the process. We evaluated this multilevel bootstrapping technique on a collection of corporate web pages and a corpus of terrorism news articles. The algorithm produced high-quality dictionaries for several semantic categories

    Multilingual Twitter Sentiment Classification: The Role of Human Annotators

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    What are the limits of automated Twitter sentiment classification? We analyze a large set of manually labeled tweets in different languages, use them as training data, and construct automated classification models. It turns out that the quality of classification models depends much more on the quality and size of training data than on the type of the model trained. Experimental results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between the performance of the top classification models. We quantify the quality of training data by applying various annotator agreement measures, and identify the weakest points of different datasets. We show that the model performance approaches the inter-annotator agreement when the size of the training set is sufficiently large. However, it is crucial to regularly monitor the self- and inter-annotator agreements since this improves the training datasets and consequently the model performance. Finally, we show that there is strong evidence that humans perceive the sentiment classes (negative, neutral, and positive) as ordered

    A Semi-Supervised Approach to the Construction of Semantic Lexicons

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    A growing number of applications require dictionaries of words belonging to semantic classes present in specialized domains. Manually constructed knowledge bases often do not provide sufficient coverage of specialized vocabulary and require substantial effort to build and keep up-to-date. In this thesis, we propose a semi-supervised approach to the construction of domain-specific semantic lexicons based on the distributional similarity hypothesis. Our method starts with a small set of seed words representing the target class and an unannotated text corpus. It locates instances of seed words in the text and generates lexical patterns from their contexts; these patterns in turn extract more words/phrases that belong to the semantic category in an iterative manner. This bootstrapping process can be continued until the output lexicon reaches the desired size. We explore employing techniques such as learning lexicons for multiple semantic classes at the same time and using feedback from competing lexicons to increase the learning precision. Evaluated for extraction of dish names and subjective adjectives from a corpus of restaurant reviews, our approach demonstrates great flexibility in learning various word classes, and also performance improvements over state of the art bootstrapping and distributional similarity techniques for the extraction of semantically similar words. Its shallow lexical patterns also prove to perform superior to syntactic patterns in capturing the semantic class of words

    A Survey of Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment Methods

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    Paraphrasing methods recognize, generate, or extract phrases, sentences, or longer natural language expressions that convey almost the same information. Textual entailment methods, on the other hand, recognize, generate, or extract pairs of natural language expressions, such that a human who reads (and trusts) the first element of a pair would most likely infer that the other element is also true. Paraphrasing can be seen as bidirectional textual entailment and methods from the two areas are often similar. Both kinds of methods are useful, at least in principle, in a wide range of natural language processing applications, including question answering, summarization, text generation, and machine translation. We summarize key ideas from the two areas by considering in turn recognition, generation, and extraction methods, also pointing to prominent articles and resources.Comment: Technical Report, Natural Language Processing Group, Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, 201

    Acquiring Word-Meaning Mappings for Natural Language Interfaces

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    This paper focuses on a system, WOLFIE (WOrd Learning From Interpreted Examples), that acquires a semantic lexicon from a corpus of sentences paired with semantic representations. The lexicon learned consists of phrases paired with meaning representations. WOLFIE is part of an integrated system that learns to transform sentences into representations such as logical database queries. Experimental results are presented demonstrating WOLFIE's ability to learn useful lexicons for a database interface in four different natural languages. The usefulness of the lexicons learned by WOLFIE are compared to those acquired by a similar system, with results favorable to WOLFIE. A second set of experiments demonstrates WOLFIE's ability to scale to larger and more difficult, albeit artificially generated, corpora. In natural language acquisition, it is difficult to gather the annotated data needed for supervised learning; however, unannotated data is fairly plentiful. Active learning methods attempt to select for annotation and training only the most informative examples, and therefore are potentially very useful in natural language applications. However, most results to date for active learning have only considered standard classification tasks. To reduce annotation effort while maintaining accuracy, we apply active learning to semantic lexicons. We show that active learning can significantly reduce the number of annotated examples required to achieve a given level of performance
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