6,250 research outputs found

    Functional overview of financial crises development and propagation

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    The U.S. sub-prime crise developed in the last few months as a dangerous syncope for the entire international financial system, recall for the rethinking of market functionality, revealing the international institutional weakness in financial system supervision on global scale. The mortgage volatility induced by the international dereglementation and derivates contemporary burst, correlated with a relaxed supervision framework, transformed progressively the credit market into a system “bubble”, making possible the distortion of real estates values toward those levels forced by creditors. Throughout a weakness chain, many financial institutions, determined by a savage competition on this sector, left away the prudence and borrowed money from different investors, guarantying the long terms transactions, with short time derivates from speculative short-term market, supplying the bubble. In this context, the paperwork is meant to recall for reinventing the risks models, so that the crises to be anticipated earlier than its development moment.globalization, financial crise, global economy, monetary system, international management


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    A successful projection of a decision assisting system supposes a good formulation and understanding of the problem, emphasizing the organization�s informational needs. This understanding can lead to a clear differentiation between the system analysis (�what has to be done?�) and system projection (�how it must be done?�). The paper makes a complex study over the activities and informational fluxes usually run by the management activity in order to establish the general requests which shall be provided by means of an information system for decision assistance for the management portfolio.decisional model, model of objects, classes of objects, association of relations

    A modeling of the carbon-nitrogen cycle transport at Igap\'o I Lake - Londrina, Paran\'a, Brazil

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    This work is a contribution to better understand the effect that domestic sewage discharges may cause in a water body, specifically Igap\'o I Lake, in Londrina, Paran\'a, Brazil. The simulation of the dynamics of pollutant concentrations all over the water body is conducted by means of structured discretization of the geometry of Igap\'o I Lake, together with the finite differences and the finite elements methods. Firstly, the hydrodynamic flow (without the pollutants), modeled by Navier-Stokes and pressure equations, is numerically resolved by the finite differences method, and associated with the fourth order Runge-Kutta procedure. After that, by using the hydrodynamic field velocity, the flow of the reactive species (pollutants) is described through a transport model, which considers advective and diffusive processes, as well as through a reactions model, restricted to the carbon-nitrogen cycle. The transport and reactions model is numerically resolved by the stabilized finite elements method, by means of a semidiscrete formulation. A qualitative analysis of the numerical simulations conducted in function of the diffusion coefficient provided better understanding of the dynamics of the processes involved in the flow of the reactive species, such as the dynamics of the nitrification process, of the biochemical requirement of oxygen and of the level of oxygen dissolved in the water body at Igap\'o I Lake

    How much Mathematics does Economy Need? ...Or... Some Brief Epistemological Excursions into the Mathematics located on the border with Social Sciences

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    In our paper we try to answer to the epistemological question how much mathematics does economy need.economics, economy, mathematics, epistemology

    Shin, Cin, and Jinn in far east Asian, central east Asian, and middle eastern cultures : case studies in transethnic communication by exchange of terminology for elementary spiritual concepts of ethic groups

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    Methodology and Objects: Methodologically, from a diachronic linguistics perspective regarding the concept of the shin, spirits in folk belief in China and neighbouring cultures, we compare texts that comprise meanings a) historically in the local language and b) compared to the meanings of equivalent terms in languages of other cultures. Comparing sources of this belief, we examine if and how the shin belief can serve as an example of communication across cultural borders including practical forms of worshipping. Argumentation: We argue that the concept of the shin is across cultural and national borders a result from folk culture transcending political or cultural borders transmitted via migration of ethnic groups. Although similar, mind concepts of different cultures and groups never melted; evidence for this independence gives the Islamic distinctive separation between shin and jinn in this area in the Chinese Quran and other spiritual Chinese writings. On the other hand, the practice of worshipping is similar. Conclusions: A spiritual concept like shin varies in practice in different areas. Central Asia as the melting pot of Chinese and Middle East culture shows the cultural practice of Shamanism with shin belief, complex mind concepts like in Daoism, and religions incorporating shin belief (Islam). Observed changes in the particular local languages show the continuity of the local set of meanings. Multilingual and multicultural areas such as Central Asia rather integrate new words to increase their thesaurus with new meanings than to change the set of previous existing meanings in the languages. Arabic as a language of conquerors in Central Asia is a typical example for such a language that serves as a tool to set up new meanings

    A time-fractional mean field game

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    We consider a Mean Field Games model where the dynamics of the agents is subdiffusive. According to the optimal control interpretation of the problem, we get a system involving fractional time-derivatives for the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and the Fokker-Planck equations. We discuss separately the well-posedness for each of the two equations and then we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution to the Mean Field Games syste

    Complexity-based Ordering of Suffixes in Norwegian

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    Denne studien undersøker bruken av 18 avledningssuffikser i norsk bokmål, og har som mål å replikere studien gjort av Hay and Plag (2004). Studien deres forsøkte å forklare hvordan restriksjoner på affikskombinasjoner bestemmes av såkalt kompleksitetsbasert sortering. Den viser at et suffiks har større sannsynlighet for å plasseres etter et annet suffiks hvis det er mer produktivt (i stand til å produsere nye ord) og mer parserbart (lettere for en språkbruker å separere fra baseordet sitt). På samme måte har jeg brukt korpusmateriale til å finne ut hvilke kombinasjoner av to suffikser som finnes i norsk. Deretter har jeg brukt korpus til å samle informasjon om suffiksenes produktivitet og parserbarhet. Produktivitet måles ved å sammenligne proporsjonen av hapaxer (ord som kun dukker opp én gang i et korpus) med det totale antallet ting som inneholder nevnt suffiks. Parserbarhet måles ved å sammenligne frekvensen av avledninger med frekvensen av baseord (f.eks. ærlighet og ærlig), som viser hvor sannsynlig det er at en språkbruker oppfatter dem som enkelte ord istedenfor et baseord med et suffiks. Suffikskombinasjoner ble organisert i et hierarki basert på hvilke suffikser som kan opptre etter andre. Resultatene viser at i motsetning til i engelsk kan noen kombinasjoner også opptre i motsatt rekkefølge, og affikser kan derfor ikke organiseres i et like strengt hierarki som i engelsk. Resultatene viser også en korrelasjon mellom produktivitet og parserbarhet, dvs. at et produktivt suffiks også har lettere for å separeres fra baseordet sitt. Vi ser også en viss sammenheng mellom disse to faktorene og suffikshierarkiet. Selv om det er vanskelig å si hvor mye dette henger sammen, er det tydelig at mange av de fleksible suffiksene som kan plasseres etter andre også er mer produktive og parserbare.Lingvistikk mastergradsoppgaveLING350MAHF-LIN

    Loan affixes in Hungarian word formation: Regularity, productivity, rivalry

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    This paper explores the (degree of) productivity of some loan affixes deriving nouns on the basis of a relatively large amount of corpus data, starting from the Natural Morphology approach to productivity. The two criteria originally proposed in that framework with respect to loan affixes do not seem to be sufficient for establishing the productivity of a given affix, whereas the more sophisticated productivity criteria applicable to native affixes are incapable of properly indicating the degrees of productivity in the case of loan affixes. In the paper, we propose a system of criteria for the productivity scale of loan affixes in Hungarian on the basis of the data considered, and evaluate the loan affixes studied in terms of their productivity and its degree. On the other hand, with the affixes discussed here as well as the material of other productivity studies and other functional considerations in mind, we conclude, departing from the usual approach within Natural Morphology, that the size of the domain of rule application and type frequency also play a role in the emergence and maintenance of productive rules and in the fate of the degree of productivity of the individual affixes

    Translation and linguistic innovation : the rise and fall of Russian loanwords in literary translation into Dutch

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    This paper examines the use of Russian loanwords in Dutch translations of Russian literary texts from the period 1970-2009. In an increasingly globalized world, as more information is exchanged across cultural borders worldwide, one might expect a growth in the number and use of loanwords, even between cultures that are relatively distant from each other such as Dutch and Russian. In the case study conducted, which was based on a representative corpus of 20 Dutch translations of Russian novels, we found that while there was a relative growth in the number of loanwords used in the 1970's and 1980's, the trend since the 1990's has been downwards. In the earlier period the public's interest in dissident Russian literature and in the cultural developments of the Glasnost period was intense, which in turn stimulated literary translators to use foreignizing translation strategies, bringing the (Russian) source text closer to the (Dutch) target public. With the rise of new genres (postmodernism and crime novels) in Russian literature and the changes in publishing policies this tendency diminished and the number of loanwords in translation decreased, which indicates a rise of domesticating translation strategies in Dutch culture in recent decades

    Quantum Fields on the Groenewold-Moyal Plane: C, P, T and CPT

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    We show that despite the inherent non-locality of quantum field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal (GM) plane, one can find a class of C{\bf C}, P{\bf P}, T{\bf T} and CPT{\bf CPT} invariant theories. In particular, these are theories without gauge fields or with just gauge fields and no matter fields. We also show that in the presence of gauge fields, one can have a field theory where the Hamiltonian is C{\bf C} and T{\bf T} invariant while the SS-matrix violates P{\bf P} and CPT{\bf CPT}. In non-abelian gauge theories with matter fields such as the electro-weak and QCDQCD sectors of the standard model of particle physics, C{\bf C}, P{\bf P}, T{\bf T} and the product of any pair of them are broken while CPT{\bf CPT} remains intact for the case θ0i=0\theta^{0i} =0. (Here xμxνxνxμ=iθμνx^{\mu} \star x^{\nu} - x^{\nu} \star x^{\mu} = i \theta^{\mu \nu}, xμx^{\mu}: coordinate functions, θμν=θνμ=\theta^{\mu \nu} = -\theta^{\nu \mu}= constant.) When θ0i0\theta^{0i} \neq 0, it contributes to breaking also P{\bf P} and CPT{\bf CPT}. It is known that the SS-matrix in a non-abelian theory depends on θμν\theta^{\mu \nu} only through θ0i\theta^{0i}. The SS-matrix is frame dependent. It breaks (the identity component of the) Lorentz group. All the noncommutative effects vanish if the scattering takes place in the center-of-mass frame, or any frame where θ0iPiin=0\theta^{0i}P^{\textrm{in}}_{i} = 0, but not otherwise. P{\bf P} and CPT{\bf CPT} are good symmetries of the theory in this special case.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, revised, 2 references adde