101 research outputs found

    TIRAMISU European Project: Design and Implementation of Tools for Humanitarian Demining

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    This paper presents the most relevant results of the work done within the framework of TIRAMISU European project (Toolbox Implementation for Removal of Anti-personnel Mines, Submunitions and UXO), by the Centre for Automation and Robotics CAR (CSIC-UPM). This project has been funded by European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme of R&D. In general, the works carried out during this project, currently in effect, have been the design and development of tools for training in search of landmines and other for locating anti-personnel landmines, such as: design and validation of e-tutors for land impact and non-Technical Survey tools, and landmines identification for training of trainee, who will collaborate in humanitarian demining tasks; design and implementation of a training tool to be used with compact metal detectors; design, implementation and evaluation of an intelligent prodder training tool for close-in detection of buried landmines; development of a semi-autonomous and teleoperated system for search and detection of anti-personnel mines, which consists of a hexapod robot and a scanning manipulator arm, that carries a metal detector at its end-effector.This project has been funded by European Union within the Seventh Framework Programme of R&D.Peer reviewe

    Service Robots and Humanitarian Demining

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    Feasibility Study on an Excavation-Type Demining Robot PEACE

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    PEACE: An Excavation-Type Demining Robot for Anti-Personnel Mines

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    Roboti za razminiranje – zahtjevi i ograničenja

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    One of the most urgently needed applications for mobile robots is demining. Using robots in a minefield is accomplished with severe demands for mobility in an environment covered with dense vegetation and containing various obstacles. Furthermore, it is required that robot should cover the whole area with the detector, avoiding previously detected mines. Different configurations of demining robots are analyzed regarding control and navigation, size and locomotion.Razminiranje je jedno od najvažnijih potencijalnih područja primjene mobilnih robota. Korištenje robota u minskom polju povezano je sa strogim zahtjevima na pokretljivost u okolišu prekrivenom gustom vegetacijom koji sadrži različite prepreke. Povrh toga, robot mora omogućiti pregled cijelog područja detektorom, izbjegavajući prethodno otkrivene mine. U radu su analizirane različite strukture robota za razminiranje s obzirom na upravljanje, navigaciju, veličinu i način kretanja

    Some Robotic Approaches and Technologies for Humanitarian Demining

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