526 research outputs found

    Mapping the geography of choirs in Sweden

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    The geography of choirs has seldom received attention in human geography and even less so in a Swedish context. This article analyses the geography of choirs in Sweden by focusing on choir members in the Church of Sweden. Sweden offers an interesting case of choral geography because of (1) the Church of Sweden’s geographical presence, (2) the number of choir members, and (3) the role of religion in contemporary Swedish society. An intimation of the contemporary significance is that the Church of Sweden has 78,170 choir members in 2020 and is active in every municipality. The data consist of the Church of Sweden membership and choir members visualized in turn on maps. The qualitative analyses of the quantitative data reveal that there seem to be few youth-choir members in Sweden. There seem to be many children choir members in the larger cities but fewer in rural areas. The northern part of Sweden seems to have generally lower levels of choir members but higher membership in the Church of Sweden. Another finding is that high membership in the church does not necessarily mean a high number of choir memberships. For further studies, quantitative engagement with more datasets together with an engagement with post-secular theories is suggested

    A population density grid for Spain

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    This is an author's accepted manuscript of an article published in "International Journal of Geographical Information Science"; Volume 27, Issue 12, 2013; copyright Taylor & Francis; available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13658816.2013.799283This article describes a high-resolution land cover data set for Spain and its application to dasymetric population mapping (at census tract level). Eventually, this vector layer is transformed into a grid format. The work parallels the effort of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, in collaboration with Eurostat and the European Environment Agency (EEA), in building a population density grid for the whole of Europe, combining CORINE Land Cover with population data per commune. We solve many of the problems due to the low resolution of CORINE Land Cover, which are especially visible with Spanish data. An accuracy assessment is carried out from a simple aggregation of georeferenced point population data for the region of Madrid. The bottom-up grid constructed in this way is compared to our top-down grid. We show a great improvement over what has been reported from commune data and CORINE Land Cover, but the improvements seem to come entirely from the higher resolution data sets and not from the statistical modeling in the downscaling exercise. This highlights the importance of providing the research community with more detailed land cover data sets, as well as more detailed population data. The dasymetric grid is available free of charge from the authors upon request.The authors acknowledge financial support from the BBVA Foundation-Ivie research programme and the first author also acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, ECO2011-23248 project. Results mentioned, but not shown, are available from the authors upon request. The grid numbers are also available from the authors.Goerlich Sanchis, FJ.; Cantarino Martí, I. (2013). A population density grid for Spain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 27(12):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2013.799283S117271

    Exposing the 'Second Text' of Maps of the Net

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    Maps have long been recognized as important and powerful modes of visual communication. In this paper we examine critically maps which are being produced to represent and promote information and communication technologies and the use of cyberspace. Drawing on the approach of map deconstruction we attempt to read and expose the 'second text' of maps of the Net. As such, we examine in detail a number of maps that display, with varying degrees of subtlety, the ideological agendas of cyberboosterism and techno-utopianism of their creators. A critical reading of these maps is important because they are widely reproduced and consumed on the Internet, in business and governmental reports, and in the popular press, all too often without a detailed consideration of the deliberate and intended messages being communicated. As we illustrate, many of these maps not only promote certain ideological messages but are often also poor in terms of cartographic design, with many containing serious ecological fallacies. We restrict our analyses to maps at the global scale

    Cartography, Discourse, and Disease: How Maps Shape Scientific Thought about Disease

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    This research examines public health mapping over two time periods, 1944-1954 and 2000-2004 and explores how mapping disease shaped scientific knowledge about disease. During World War II, the Atlas of Diseases was produced by cartographers and geographers well versed in the subjectivity of maps. Today professionals in a variety of disciplines use digital mapping software to produce maps of disease. This research takes a look at how public health maps and mapping of disease have changed over time and discusses the political implications of public health mapping as an aspect of geographic governance

    A brief visual primer for the mapping of mortality trend data

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    Maps are increasingly used to visualize and analyze data, yet the spatial ramifications of data structure are rarely considered. Data are subject to transformations made throughout the research process and then used to map, visualize and conduct spatial analysis. We used mortality data to answer three research questions: Are there spatial patterns to mortality, are these patterns statistically significant, and are they persistent across time? This paper provides differential spatial patterns by implementing six data transformations: standardization, cut-points, class size, color scheme, spatial significance and temporal mapping. We use numerous maps and graphics to illustrate the iterative nature of mortality mapping, and exploit the visual nature of the International Journal of Health Geographics journal on the World Wide Web to present researchers with a series of maps

    Detection, Modelling and Visualisation of Georeferenced Emotions from User-Generated Content

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    In recent years emotion-related applications like smartphone apps that document and analyse the emotions of the user, have become very popular. But research also can deal with human emotions in a very technology-driven approach. Thus space-related emotions are of interest as well which can be visualised cartographically and can be captured in different ways. The research project of this dissertation deals with the extraction of georeferenced emotions from the written language in the metadata of Flickr and Panoramio photos, thus from user-generated content, as well as with their modelling and visualisation. Motivation is the integration of an emotional component into location-based services for tourism since only factual information is considered thus far although places have an emotional impact. The metadata of those user-generated photos contain descriptions of the place that is depicted within the respective picture. The words used have affective connotations which are determined with the help of emotional word lists. The emotion that is associated with the particular word in the word list is described on the basis of the two dimensions ‘valence’ and ‘arousal’. Together with the coordinates of the respective photo, the extracted emotion forms a georeferenced emotion. The algorithm that was developed for the extraction of these emotions applies different approaches from the field of computer linguistics and considers grammatical special cases like the amplification or negation of words. The algorithm was applied to a dataset of Flickr and Panoramio photos of Dresden (Germany). The results are an emotional characterisation of space which makes it possible to assess and investigate specific features of georeferenced emotions. These features are especially related to the temporal dependence and the temporal reference of emotions on one hand; on the other hand collectively and individually perceived emotions have to be distinguished. As a consequence, a place does not necessarily have to be connected with merely one emotion but possibly also with several. The analysis was carried out with the help of different cartographic visualisations. The temporal occurrence of georeferenced emotions was examined detailed. Hence the dissertation focuses on fundamental research into the extraction of space-related emotions from georeferenced user-generated content as well as their visualisation. However as an outlook, further research questions and core themes are identified which arose during the investigations. This shows that this subject is far from being exhausted.:Statement of Authorship I Acknowledgements II Abstract III Zusammenfassung V Table of Contents VII List of Figures XI List of Tables XIV List of Abbreviations XV 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Questions 3 1.3 Thesis Structure 4 1.4 Underlying Publications 4 2 State of the Art 6 2.1 Emotions 6 2.1.1 Definitions and Terms 6 2.1.2 Emotion Theories 7 James-Lange Theory 9 Two-Factor Theory 9 2.1.3 Structuring Emotions 9 Dimensional Approaches 10 Basic Emotions 11 Empirical Similarity Categories 12 2.1.4 Acquisition of Emotions 14 Verbal Procedures 14 Non-Verbal Procedures 14 2.1.5 Relation between Emotions and Places 15 2.1.6 Emotions in Language 17 2.1.7 Affect Analysis and Sentiment Analysis 20 2.2 User-Generated Content 22 2.2.1 Definition and Characterisation 22 2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 23 2.2.3 Tagging 24 2.2.4 Inaccuracies 28 2.2.5 Flickr and Panoramio 29 Flickr 30 Panoramio 31 2.3 Related Work on Georeferenced Emotions 32 2.3.1 Emotional Data Resulting from Biometric Measurements 33 Bio Mapping 33 EmBaGIS 34 Ein emotionales Kiezportrait 35 2.3.2 Emotional Data Resulting from Empirical Surveys 35 EmoMap 35 WiMo 36 ECDESUP 37 Map of World Happiness 38 Emotional Study of Yeongsan River Basin 39 2.3.3 Emotional Data Resulting from User-Generated Content 40 Emography 40 Twittermood 40 Tweetbeat 42 Beautiful picture of an ugly place 42 2.3.4 Visualisation in the Related Work 43 3 Methods 45 3.1 Approach for Extracting Georeferenced Emotions from the Metadata of Flickr and Panoramio Photos 45 3.2 Implemented Algorithm 45 3.3 Grammatical Special Cases 47 3.3.1 Degree Words 48 3.3.2 Negation 52 Syntactic Negation in English Language 55 Syntactic Negation in German Language 57 3.3.3 Modification of Words Affected by Grammatical Special Cases 60 4 Visualisation and Analysis of Extracted Georeferenced Emotions 62 4.1 Data Basis 62 4.2 Density Maps 67 4.3 Inverse Distance Weight 71 4.4 3D Visualisation 73 4.5 Choropleth Mapping 74 4.6 Point Symbols 78 4.7 Impact of Considering Grammatical Special Cases 80 5 Investigation in Temporal Aspects 85 5.1 Annually Occurrence of Emotions 85 5.2 Periodic Events 87 5.3 Single Events 91 5.4 Dependence of Georeferenced Emotions on Different Periods of Time 93 5.4.1 Seasons 95 5.4.2 Months 96 5.4.3 Weekdays 98 5.4.4 Times of Day 99 5.5 Potentials and Limits of Temporal Analyses 99 6 Discussion 100 6.1 Evaluation 100 6.2 Weaknesses and Problems 102 7 Conclusions and Outlook 105 7.1 Answers to the Research Questions 105 7.2 Outlook and Future Work 107 8 Bibliography 112 Appendices XVIIn den letzten Jahren sind emotionsbezogene Anwendungen, wie Apps, die die Emotionen des Nutzers dokumentieren und analysieren, sehr populär geworden. Ebenfalls in der Forschung sind Emotionen in einem sehr technologiegetriebenen Ansatz ein Thema. So auch ortsbezogene Emotionen, die sich somit kartographisch darstellen lassen und auf verschiedene Art und Weisen gewonnen werden können. Das Forschungsvorhaben der Dissertation befasst sich mit der Extraktion von georeferenzierten Emotionen aus geschriebener Sprache unter Verwendung von Metadaten verorteter Flickr- und Panoramio-Fotos, d.h. aus nutzergenerierten Inhalten, sowie deren Modellierung und Visualisierung. Motivation hierfür ist die Einbindung einer emotionalen Komponente in ortsbasierte touristische Dienste, da diese bisher nur faktische Informationen berücksichtigen, obwohl Orte durchaus eine emotionale Wirkung haben. Die Metadaten dieser nutzergenerierten Inhalte stellen Beschreibungen des auf dem Foto festgehaltenen Ortes dar. Die dafür verwendeten Wörter besitzen affektive Konnotationen, welche mit Hilfe emotionaler Wortlisten ermittelt werden. Die Emotion, die mit dem jeweiligen Wort in der Wortliste assoziiert wird, wird anhand der zwei Dimensionen Valenz und Erregung beschrieben. Die extrahierten Emotionen bilden zusammen mit der geographischen Koordinate des jeweiligen Fotos eine georeferenzierte Emotion. Der zur Extraktion dieser Emotionen entwickelte Algorithmus bringt verschiedene Ansätze aus dem Bereich der Computerlinguistik zum Einsatz und berücksichtigt ebenso grammatikalische Sonderfälle, wie Intensivierung oder Negation von Wörtern. Der Algorithmus wurde auf einen Datensatz von Flickr- und Panoramio-Fotos von Dresden angewendet. Die Ergebnisse stellen eine emotionale Raumcharakterisierung dar und ermöglichen es, spezifische Eigenschaften verorteter Emotionen festzustellen und zu untersuchen. Diese Eigenschaften beziehen sich sowohl auf die zeitliche Abhängigkeit und den zeitlichen Bezug von Emotionen, als auch darauf, dass zwischen kollektiv und individuell wahrgenommenen Emotionen unterschieden werden muss. Das bedeutet, dass ein Ort nicht nur mit einer Emotion verbunden sein muss, sondern möglicherweise auch mit mehreren. Die Auswertung erfolgte mithilfe verschiedener kartographischer Visualisierungen. Eingehender wurde das zeitliche Auftreten der ortsbezogenen Emotionen untersucht. Der Fokus der Dissertation liegt somit auf der Grundlagenforschung zur Extraktion verorteter Emotionen aus georeferenzierten nutzergenerierten Inhalten sowie deren Visualisierung. Im Ausblick werden jedoch weitere Fragestellungen und Schwerpunkte genannt, die sich im Laufe der Untersuchungen ergeben haben, womit gezeigt wird, dass dieses Forschungsgebiet bei Weitem noch nicht ausgeschöpft ist.:Statement of Authorship I Acknowledgements II Abstract III Zusammenfassung V Table of Contents VII List of Figures XI List of Tables XIV List of Abbreviations XV 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Questions 3 1.3 Thesis Structure 4 1.4 Underlying Publications 4 2 State of the Art 6 2.1 Emotions 6 2.1.1 Definitions and Terms 6 2.1.2 Emotion Theories 7 James-Lange Theory 9 Two-Factor Theory 9 2.1.3 Structuring Emotions 9 Dimensional Approaches 10 Basic Emotions 11 Empirical Similarity Categories 12 2.1.4 Acquisition of Emotions 14 Verbal Procedures 14 Non-Verbal Procedures 14 2.1.5 Relation between Emotions and Places 15 2.1.6 Emotions in Language 17 2.1.7 Affect Analysis and Sentiment Analysis 20 2.2 User-Generated Content 22 2.2.1 Definition and Characterisation 22 2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 23 2.2.3 Tagging 24 2.2.4 Inaccuracies 28 2.2.5 Flickr and Panoramio 29 Flickr 30 Panoramio 31 2.3 Related Work on Georeferenced Emotions 32 2.3.1 Emotional Data Resulting from Biometric Measurements 33 Bio Mapping 33 EmBaGIS 34 Ein emotionales Kiezportrait 35 2.3.2 Emotional Data Resulting from Empirical Surveys 35 EmoMap 35 WiMo 36 ECDESUP 37 Map of World Happiness 38 Emotional Study of Yeongsan River Basin 39 2.3.3 Emotional Data Resulting from User-Generated Content 40 Emography 40 Twittermood 40 Tweetbeat 42 Beautiful picture of an ugly place 42 2.3.4 Visualisation in the Related Work 43 3 Methods 45 3.1 Approach for Extracting Georeferenced Emotions from the Metadata of Flickr and Panoramio Photos 45 3.2 Implemented Algorithm 45 3.3 Grammatical Special Cases 47 3.3.1 Degree Words 48 3.3.2 Negation 52 Syntactic Negation in English Language 55 Syntactic Negation in German Language 57 3.3.3 Modification of Words Affected by Grammatical Special Cases 60 4 Visualisation and Analysis of Extracted Georeferenced Emotions 62 4.1 Data Basis 62 4.2 Density Maps 67 4.3 Inverse Distance Weight 71 4.4 3D Visualisation 73 4.5 Choropleth Mapping 74 4.6 Point Symbols 78 4.7 Impact of Considering Grammatical Special Cases 80 5 Investigation in Temporal Aspects 85 5.1 Annually Occurrence of Emotions 85 5.2 Periodic Events 87 5.3 Single Events 91 5.4 Dependence of Georeferenced Emotions on Different Periods of Time 93 5.4.1 Seasons 95 5.4.2 Months 96 5.4.3 Weekdays 98 5.4.4 Times of Day 99 5.5 Potentials and Limits of Temporal Analyses 99 6 Discussion 100 6.1 Evaluation 100 6.2 Weaknesses and Problems 102 7 Conclusions and Outlook 105 7.1 Answers to the Research Questions 105 7.2 Outlook and Future Work 107 8 Bibliography 112 Appendices XV
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